using namespace Pode <# .SYNOPSIS Set the maximum number of concurrent WebSocket connection threads. .DESCRIPTION Set the maximum number of concurrent WebSocket connection threads. .PARAMETER Maximum The Maximum number of threads available to process WebSocket connection messages received. .EXAMPLE Set-PodeWebSocketConcurrency -Maximum 5 #> function Set-PodeWebSocketConcurrency { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $Maximum ) # error if <=0 if ($Maximum -le 0) { throw "Maximum concurrent WebSocket threads must be >=1 but got: $($Maximum)" } # add 1, for the waiting script $Maximum++ # ensure max > min $_min = 1 if ($null -ne $PodeContext.RunspacePools.WebSockets) { $_min = $PodeContext.RunspacePools.WebSockets.Pool.GetMinRunspaces() } if ($_min -gt $Maximum) { throw "Maximum concurrent WebSocket threads cannot be less than the minimum of $($_min) but got: $($Maximum)" } # set the max tasks $PodeContext.Threads.WebSockets = $Maximum if ($null -ne $PodeContext.RunspacePools.WebSockets) { $PodeContext.RunspacePools.WebSockets.Pool.SetMaxRunspaces($Maximum) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Connect to an external WebSocket. .DESCRIPTION Connect to an external WebSocket. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the WebSocket connection. .PARAMETER Url The URL of the WebSocket. Should start with either ws:// or wss://. .PARAMETER ScriptBlock The ScriptBlock to invoke for processing received messages from the WebSocket. The ScriptBlock will have access to a $WsEvent variable with details of the received message. .PARAMETER FilePath A literal, or relative, path to a file containing a ScriptBlock for the WebSocket's logic. .PARAMETER ContentType An optional ContentType for parsing/converting received/sent messages. (default: application/json) .PARAMETER ArgumentList AN optional array of extra arguments, that will be passed to the ScriptBlock. .EXAMPLE Connect-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' -Url 'ws://' -ScriptBlock { ... } .EXAMPLE Connect-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' -Url 'ws://' -ScriptBlock { param($arg1, $arg2) ... } -ArgumentList 'arg1', 'arg2' .EXAMPLE Connect-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' -Url 'ws://' -FilePath './some/path/file.ps1' .EXAMPLE Connect-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' -Url 'ws://' -ScriptBlock { ... } -ContentType 'text/xml' #> function Connect-PodeWebSocket { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Script')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Url, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Script')] [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='File')] [string] $FilePath, [Parameter()] [string] $ContentType = 'application/json', [Parameter()] [object[]] $ArgumentList ) # ensure we have a receiver New-PodeWebSocketReceiver # fail if already exists if (Test-PodeWebSocket -Name $Name) { throw "Already connected to websocket with name '$($Name)'" } # if we have a file path supplied, load that path as a scriptblock if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'file') { $ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock -FilePath $FilePath } # check for scoped vars $ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState # connect try { $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Receiver.ConnectWebSocket($Name, $Url, $ContentType) } catch { throw "Failed to connect to websocket: $($_.Exception.Message)" } $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Connections[$Name] = @{ Name = $Name Url = $Url Logic = $ScriptBlock UsingVariables = $usingVars Arguments = $ArgumentList } } <# .SYNOPSIS Disconnect from a WebSocket connection. .DESCRIPTION Disconnect from a WebSocket connection. These connections can be reconnected later using Reset-PodeWebSocket .PARAMETER Name The Name of the WebSocket connection (optional if in the scope where $WsEvent is available). .EXAMPLE Disconnect-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' #> function Disconnect-PodeWebSocket { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $Name ) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name) -and ($null -ne $WsEvent)) { $Name = $WsEvent.Request.WebSocket.Name } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) { throw "No Name for a WebSocket to disconnect from supplied" } if (Test-PodeWebSocket -Name $Name) { $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Receiver.DisconnectWebSocket($Name) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a WebSocket connection. .DESCRIPTION Disconnects and then removes a WebSocket connection. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the WebSocket connection (optional if in the scope where $WsEvent is available). .EXAMPLE Remove-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' #> function Remove-PodeWebSocket { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $Name ) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name) -and ($null -ne $WsEvent)) { $Name = $WsEvent.Request.WebSocket.Name } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) { throw "No Name for a WebSocket to remove supplied" } $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Receiver.RemoveWebSocket($Name) $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Connections.Remove($Name) } <# .SYNOPSIS Send a message back to a WebSocket connection. .DESCRIPTION Send a message back to a WebSocket connection. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the WebSocket connection (optional if in the scope where $WsEvent is available). .PARAMETER Message The Message to send. Can either be a raw string, hashtable, or psobject. Non-strings will be parsed to JSON, or the WebSocket's ContentType. .PARAMETER Depth An optional Depth to parse any JSON or XML messages. (default: 10) .PARAMETER Type An optional message Type. (default: Text) .EXAMPLE Send-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' -Message @{ message = 'Hello, there' } #> function Send-PodeWebSocket { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] $Message, [Parameter()] [int] $Depth = 10, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Text', 'Binary')] [string] $Type = 'Text' ) # get ws name if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name) -and ($null -ne $WsEvent)) { $Name = $WsEvent.Request.WebSocket.Name } # do we have a name? if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) { throw "No Name for a WebSocket to send message to supplied" } # do the socket exist? if (!(Test-PodeWebSocket -Name $Name)) { return } # get the websocket $ws = $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Receiver.GetWebSocket($Name) # parse message $Message = ConvertTo-PodeResponseContent -InputObject $Message -ContentType $ws.ContentType -Depth $Depth # send message $ws.Send($Message, $Type) } <# .SYNOPSIS Reset an existing WebSocket connection. .DESCRIPTION Reset an existing WebSocket connection, either using it's current URL or a new one. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the WebSocket connection (optional if in the scope where $WsEvent is available). .PARAMETER Url An optional new URL to reset the connection to. If not supplied, the connection's original URL will be used. .EXAMPLE Reset-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' .EXAMPLE Reset-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' -Url 'ws://' #> function Reset-PodeWebSocket { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] [string] $Url ) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name) -and ($null -ne $WsEvent)) { $WsEvent.Request.WebSocket.Reconnect($Url) return } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) { throw "No Name for a WebSocket to reset supplied" } if (Test-PodeWebSocket -Name $Name) { $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Receiver.GetWebSocket($Name).Reconnect($Url) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Test whether an WebSocket connection exists. .DESCRIPTION Test whether an WebSocket connection exists for the given Name. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the WebSocket connection. .EXAMPLE Test-PodeWebSocket -Name 'Example' #> function Test-PodeWebSocket { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Name ) $found = ($null -ne $PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Receiver.GetWebSocket($Name)) if ($found) { return $true } if ($PodeContext.Server.WebSockets.Connections.ContainsKey($Name)) { Remove-PodeWebSocket -Name $Name } return $false } |