function Get-PodeAuthBasicType { return { param($options) # get the auth header $header = (Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Authorization') if ($null -eq $header) { return @{ Message = 'No Authorization header found' Code = 401 } } # ensure the first atom is basic (or opt override) $atoms = $header -isplit '\s+' if ($atoms.Length -lt 2) { return @{ Message = 'Invalid Authorization header' Code = 400 } } if ($atoms[0] -ine $options.HeaderTag) { return @{ Message = "Header is not for $($options.HeaderTag) Authorization" Code = 400 } } # decode the auth header try { $enc = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding($options.Encoding) } catch { return @{ Message = 'Invalid encoding specified for Authorization' Code = 400 } } try { $decoded = $enc.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($atoms[1])) } catch { return @{ Message = 'Invalid Base64 string found in Authorization header' Code = 400 } } # validate and return user/result $index = $decoded.IndexOf(':') $username = $decoded.Substring(0, $index) $password = $decoded.Substring($index + 1) # build the result $result = @($username, $password) # convert to credential? if ($options.AsCredential) { $passSecure = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force $creds = [pscredential]::new($username, $passSecure) $result = @($creds) } # return data for calling validator return $result } } function Get-PodeAuthOAuth2Type { return { param($options, $schemes) # set default scopes if (($null -eq $options.Scopes) -or ($options.Scopes.Length -eq 0)) { $options.Scopes = @('openid', 'profile', 'email') } $scopes = ($options.Scopes -join ' ') # if there's an error, fail if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WebEvent.Query['error'])) { return @{ Message = $WebEvent.Query['error'] Code = 401 IsErrored = $true } } # set grant type $hasInnerScheme = (($null -ne $schemes) -and ($schemes.Length -gt 0)) $grantType = 'authorization_code' if ($hasInnerScheme) { $grantType = 'password' } # if there's a code query param, or inner scheme, get access token if ($hasInnerScheme -or ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WebEvent.Query['code'])) { try { # ensure the state is valid if ((Test-PodeSessionsInUse) -and ($WebEvent.Query['state'] -ne $WebEvent.Session.Data['__pode_oauth_state__'])) { return @{ Message = "OAuth2 state returned is invalid" Code = 401 IsErrored = $true } } # build tokenUrl query with client info $body = "client_id=$($options.Client.ID)" $body += "&grant_type=$($grantType)" if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($options.Client.Secret)) { $body += "&client_secret=$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($options.Client.Secret))" } # add PKCE code verifier if ($options.PKCE.Enabled) { $body += "&code_verifier=$($WebEvent.Session.Data['__pode_oauth_code_verifier__'])" } # if there's an inner scheme, get the username/password, and set query if ($hasInnerScheme) { $body += "&username=$($schemes[-1][0])" $body += "&password=$($schemes[-1][1])" $body += "&scope=$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($scopes))" } # otherwise, set query for auth_code else { $redirectUrl = Get-PodeOAuth2RedirectHost -RedirectUrl $options.Urls.Redirect $body += "&code=$($WebEvent.Query['code'])" $body += "&redirect_uri=$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($redirectUrl))" } # POST the tokenUrl try { $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $options.Urls.Token -Body $body -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -ErrorAction Stop } catch [System.Net.WebException], [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException] { $response = Read-PodeWebExceptionDetails -ErrorRecord $_ $result = ($response.Body | ConvertFrom-Json) } # was there an error? if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.error)) { return @{ Message = "$($result.error): $($result.error_description)" Code = 401 IsErrored = $true } } # get user details - if url supplied if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($options.Urls.User.Url)) { try { $user = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $options.Urls.User.Method -Uri $options.Urls.User.Url -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($result.access_token)" } } catch [System.Net.WebException], [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException] { $response = Read-PodeWebExceptionDetails -ErrorRecord $_ $user = ($response.Body | ConvertFrom-Json) } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($user.error)) { return @{ Message = "$($user.error): $($user.error_description)" Code = 401 IsErrored = $true } } } elseif (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.id_token)) { try { $user = ConvertFrom-PodeJwt -Token $result.id_token -IgnoreSignature } catch { $user = @{ Provider = 'OAuth2' } } } else { $user = @{ Provider = 'OAuth2' } } # return the user for the validator return @($user, $result.access_token, $result.refresh_token, $result) } finally { if ($null -ne $WebEvent.Session.Data) { # clear state $WebEvent.Session.Data.Remove('__pode_oauth_state__') # clear PKCE if ($options.PKCE.Enabled) { $WebEvent.Session.Data.Remove('__pode_oauth_code_verifier__') } } } } # redirect to the authUrl - only if no inner scheme supplied if (!$hasInnerScheme) { # get the redirectUrl $redirectUrl = Get-PodeOAuth2RedirectHost -RedirectUrl $options.Urls.Redirect # add authUrl query params $query = "client_id=$($options.Client.ID)" $query += "&response_type=code" $query += "&redirect_uri=$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($redirectUrl))" $query += "&response_mode=query" $query += "&scope=$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($scopes))" # add csrf state if (Test-PodeSessionsInUse) { $guid = New-PodeGuid $WebEvent.Session.Data['__pode_oauth_state__'] = $guid $query += "&state=$($guid)" } # build a code verifier for PKCE, and add to query if ($options.PKCE.Enabled) { $guid = New-PodeGuid $codeVerifier = "$($guid)-$($guid)" $WebEvent.Session.Data['__pode_oauth_code_verifier__'] = $codeVerifier $codeChallenge = $codeVerifier if ($options.PKCE.CodeChallenge.Method -ieq 'S256') { $codeChallenge = ConvertTo-PodeBase64UrlValue -Value (Invoke-PodeSHA256Hash -Value $codeChallenge) -NoConvert } $query += "&code_challenge=$($codeChallenge)" $query += "&code_challenge_method=$($options.PKCE.CodeChallenge.Method)" } # are custom parameters already on the URL? $url = $options.Urls.Authorise if (!$url.Contains('?')) { $url += '?' } else { $url += '&' } # redirect to OAuth2 endpoint Move-PodeResponseUrl -Url "$($url)$($query)" return @{ IsRedirected = $true } } # hmm, this is unexpected return @{ Message = 'Well, this is awkward...' Code = 500 IsErrored = $true } } } function Get-PodeOAuth2RedirectHost { param( [Parameter()] [string] $RedirectUrl ) if ($RedirectUrl.StartsWith('/')) { if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS -or $PodeContext.Server.IsHeroku) { $protocol = Get-PodeHeader -Name 'X-Forwarded-Proto' if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($protocol)) { $protocol = 'https' } $domain = "$($protocol)://$($WebEvent.Request.Host)" } else { $domain = Get-PodeEndpointUrl } $RedirectUrl = "$($domain.TrimEnd('/'))$($RedirectUrl)" } return $RedirectUrl } function Get-PodeAuthClientCertificateType { return { param($options) $cert = $WebEvent.Request.ClientCertificate # ensure we have a client cert if ($null -eq $cert) { return @{ Message = 'No client certificate supplied' Code = 401 } } # ensure the cert has a thumbprint if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($cert.Thumbprint)) { return @{ Message = 'Invalid client certificate supplied' Code = 401 } } # ensure the cert hasn't expired, or has it even started $now = [datetime]::Now if (($cert.NotAfter -lt $now) -or ($cert.NotBefore -gt $now)) { return @{ Message = 'Invalid client certificate supplied' Code = 401 } } # return data for calling validator return @($cert, $WebEvent.Request.ClientCertificateErrors) } } function Get-PodeAuthApiKeyType { return { param($options) # get api key from appropriate location $apiKey = [string]::Empty switch ($options.Location.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'header' { $apiKey = Get-PodeHeader -Name $options.LocationName } 'query' { $apiKey = $WebEvent.Query[$options.LocationName] } 'cookie' { $apiKey = Get-PodeCookieValue -Name $options.LocationName } } # 400 if no key if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($apiKey)) { return @{ Message = "No $($options.LocationName) $($options.Location) found" Code = 400 } } # build the result $apiKey = $apiKey.Trim() $result = @($apiKey) # convert as jwt? if ($options.AsJWT) { try { $payload = ConvertFrom-PodeJwt -Token $apiKey -Secret $options.Secret Test-PodeJwt -Payload $payload } catch { if ($_.Exception.Message -ilike '*jwt*') { return @{ Message = $_.Exception.Message Code = 400 } } throw } $result = @($payload) } # return the result return $result } } function Get-PodeAuthBearerType { return { param($options) # get the auth header $header = (Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Authorization') if ($null -eq $header) { return @{ Message = 'No Authorization header found' Challenge = (New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge -Scopes $options.Scopes -ErrorType invalid_request) Code = 400 } } # ensure the first atom is bearer $atoms = $header -isplit '\s+' if ($atoms.Length -lt 2) { return @{ Message = 'Invalid Authorization header' Challenge = (New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge -Scopes $options.Scopes -ErrorType invalid_request) Code = 400 } } if ($atoms[0] -ine $options.HeaderTag) { return @{ Message = "Authorization header is not $($options.HeaderTag)" Challenge = (New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge -Scopes $options.Scopes -ErrorType invalid_request) Code = 400 } } # 400 if no token $token = $atoms[1] if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($token)) { return @{ Message = "No Bearer token found" Code = 400 } } # build the result $token = $token.Trim() $result = @($token) # convert as jwt? if ($options.AsJWT) { try { $payload = ConvertFrom-PodeJwt -Token $token -Secret $options.Secret Test-PodeJwt -Payload $payload } catch { if ($_.Exception.Message -ilike '*jwt*') { return @{ Message = $_.Exception.Message Code = 400 } } throw } $result = @($payload) } # return the result return $result } } function Get-PodeAuthBearerPostValidator { return { param($token, $result, $options) # if there's no user, fail with challenge if (($null -eq $result) -or ($null -eq $result.User)) { return @{ Message = 'User not found' Challenge = (New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge -Scopes $options.Scopes -ErrorType invalid_token) Code = 401 } } # check for an error and description if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.Error)) { return @{ Message = 'Authorization failed' Challenge = (New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge -Scopes $options.Scopes -ErrorType $result.Error -ErrorDescription $result.ErrorDescription) Code = 401 } } # check the scopes $hasAuthScopes = (($null -ne $options.Scopes) -and ($options.Scopes.Length -gt 0)) $hasTokenScope = ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.Scope) # 403 if we have auth scopes but no token scope if ($hasAuthScopes -and !$hasTokenScope) { return @{ Message = 'Invalid Scope' Challenge = (New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge -Scopes $options.Scopes -ErrorType insufficient_scope) Code = 403 } } # 403 if we have both, but token not in auth scope if ($hasAuthScopes -and $hasTokenScope -and ($options.Scopes -notcontains $result.Scope)) { return @{ Message = 'Invalid Scope' Challenge = (New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge -Scopes $options.Scopes -ErrorType insufficient_scope) Code = 403 } } # return result return $result } } function New-PodeAuthBearerChallenge { param( [Parameter()] [string[]] $Scopes, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('', 'invalid_request', 'invalid_token', 'insufficient_scope')] [string] $ErrorType, [Parameter()] [string] $ErrorDescription ) $items = @() if (($null -ne $Scopes) -and ($Scopes.Length -gt 0)) { $items += "scope=`"$($Scopes -join ' ')`"" } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ErrorType)) { $items += "error=`"$($ErrorType)`"" } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ErrorDescription)) { $items += "error_description=`"$($ErrorDescription)`"" } return ($items -join ', ') } function Get-PodeAuthDigestType { return { param($options) # get the auth header - send challenge if missing $header = (Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Authorization') if ($null -eq $header) { return @{ Message = 'No Authorization header found' Challenge = (New-PodeAuthDigestChallenge) Code = 401 } } # if auth header isn't digest send challenge $atoms = $header -isplit '\s+' if ($atoms.Length -lt 2) { return @{ Message = 'Invalid Authorization header' Code = 400 } } if ($atoms[0] -ine $options.HeaderTag) { return @{ Message = "Authorization header is not $($options.HeaderTag)" Challenge = (New-PodeAuthDigestChallenge) Code = 401 } } # parse the other atoms of the header (after the scheme), return 400 if none $params = ConvertFrom-PodeAuthDigestHeader -Parts ($atoms[1..$($atoms.Length - 1)]) if ($params.Count -eq 0) { return @{ Message = 'Invalid Authorization header' Code = 400 } } # if no username then 401 and challenge if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($params.username)) { return @{ Message = 'Authorization header is missing username' Challenge = (New-PodeAuthDigestChallenge) Code = 401 } } # return 400 if domain doesnt match request domain if ($WebEvent.Path -ine $params.uri) { return @{ Message = 'Invalid Authorization header' Code = 400 } } # return data for calling validator return @($params.username, $params) } } function Get-PodeAuthDigestPostValidator { return { param($username, $params, $result, $options) # if there's no user or password, fail with challenge if (($null -eq $result) -or ($null -eq $result.User) -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.Password)) { return @{ Message = 'User not found' Challenge = (New-PodeAuthDigestChallenge) Code = 401 } } # generate the first hash $hash1 = Invoke-PodeMD5Hash -Value "$($params.username):$($params.realm):$($result.Password)" # generate the second hash $hash2 = Invoke-PodeMD5Hash -Value "$($WebEvent.Method.ToUpperInvariant()):$($params.uri)" # generate final hash $final = Invoke-PodeMD5Hash -Value "$($hash1):$($params.nonce):$($$($params.cnonce):$($params.qop):$($hash2)" # compare final hash to client response if ($final -ne $params.response) { return @{ Message = 'Hashes failed to match' Challenge = (New-PodeAuthDigestChallenge) Code = 401 } } # hashes are valid, remove password and return result $null = $result.Remove('Password') return $result } } function ConvertFrom-PodeAuthDigestHeader { param( [Parameter()] [string[]] $Parts ) if (($null -eq $Parts) -or ($Parts.Length -eq 0)) { return @{} } $obj = @{} $value = ($Parts -join ' ') @($value -isplit ',(?=(?:[^"]|"[^"]*")*$)') | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -imatch '(?<name>\w+)=["]?(?<value>[^"]+)["]?$') { $obj[$Matches['name']] = $Matches['value'] } } return $obj } function New-PodeAuthDigestChallenge { $items = @('qop="auth"', 'algorithm="MD5"', "nonce=`"$(New-PodeGuid -Secure -NoDashes)`"") return ($items -join ', ') } function Get-PodeAuthFormType { return { param($options) # get user/pass keys to get from payload $userField = $options.Fields.Username $passField = $options.Fields.Password # get the user/pass $username = $WebEvent.Data.$userField $password = $WebEvent.Data.$passField # if either are empty, fail auth if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($username) -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($password)) { return @{ Message = 'Username or Password not supplied' Code = 401 } } # build the result $result = @($username, $password) # convert to credential? if ($options.AsCredential) { $passSecure = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force $creds = [pscredential]::new($username, $passSecure) $result = @($creds) } # return data for calling validator return $result } } function Get-PodeAuthUserFileMethod { return { param($username, $password, $options) # load the file $users = (Get-Content -Path $options.FilePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json) # find the user by username - only use the first one $user = @(foreach ($_user in $users) { if ($_user.Username -ieq $username) { $_user break } })[0] # fail if no user if ($null -eq $user) { return @{ Message = 'You are not authorised to access this website' } } # check the user's password if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($options.HmacSecret)) { $hash = Invoke-PodeHMACSHA256Hash -Value $password -Secret $options.HmacSecret } else { $hash = Invoke-PodeSHA256Hash -Value $password } if ($user.Password -ne $hash) { return @{ Message = 'You are not authorised to access this website' } } # convert the user to a hashtable $user = @{ Name = $user.Name Username = $user.Username Email = $user.Email Groups = $user.Groups Metadata = $user.Metadata } # is the user valid for any users/groups? if (!(Test-PodeAuthUserGroups -User $user -Users $options.Users -Groups $options.Groups)) { return @{ Message = 'You are not authorised to access this website' } } $result = @{ User = $user } # call additional scriptblock if supplied if ($null -ne $options.ScriptBlock.Script) { $result = Invoke-PodeAuthInbuiltScriptBlock -User $result.User -ScriptBlock $options.ScriptBlock.Script -UsingVariables $options.ScriptBlock.UsingVariables } # return final result, this could contain a user obj, or an error message from custom scriptblock return $result } } function Get-PodeAuthWindowsADMethod { return { param($username, $password, $options) # parse username to remove domains $username = (($username -split '@')[0] -split '\\')[-1] # validate and retrieve the AD user $noGroups = $options.NoGroups $directGroups = $options.DirectGroups $keepCredential = $options.KeepCredential $result = Get-PodeAuthADResult ` -Server $options.Server ` -Domain $options.Domain ` -SearchBase $options.SearchBase ` -Username $username ` -Password $password ` -Provider $options.Provider ` -NoGroups:$noGroups ` -DirectGroups:$directGroups ` -KeepCredential:$keepCredential # if there's a message, fail and return the message if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.Message)) { return $result } # if there's no user, then, err, oops if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $result.User) { return @{ Message = 'An unexpected error occured' } } # is the user valid for any users/groups - if not, error! if (!(Test-PodeAuthUserGroups -User $result.User -Users $options.Users -Groups $options.Groups)) { return @{ Message = 'You are not authorised to access this website' } } # call additional scriptblock if supplied if ($null -ne $options.ScriptBlock.Script) { $result = Invoke-PodeAuthInbuiltScriptBlock -User $result.User -ScriptBlock $options.ScriptBlock.Script -UsingVariables $options.ScriptBlock.UsingVariables } # return final result, this could contain a user obj, or an error message from custom scriptblock return $result } } function Invoke-PodeAuthInbuiltScriptBlock { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [hashtable] $User, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock, [Parameter()] $UsingVariables ) $_args = @(Get-PodeScriptblockArguments -ArgumentList $User -UsingVariables $UsingVariables) return (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Arguments $_args -Return -Splat) } function Get-PodeAuthWindowsLocalMethod { return { param($username, $password, $options) $user = @{ UserType = 'Local' AuthenticationType = 'WinNT' Username = $username Name = [string]::Empty Fqdn = $PodeContext.Server.ComputerName Domain = 'localhost' Groups = @() } Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement -ErrorAction Stop $context = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext]::new('Machine', $PodeContext.Server.ComputerName) $valid = $context.ValidateCredentials($username, $password) if (!$valid) { return @{ Message = 'Invalid credentials supplied' } } try { $tmpUsername = $username -replace '\\', '/' if ($username -inotlike "$($PodeContext.Server.ComputerName)*") { $tmpUsername = "$($PodeContext.Server.ComputerName)/$($username)" } $ad = [adsi]"WinNT://$($tmpUsername)" $user.Name = @($ad.FullName)[0] if (!$options.NoGroups) { $cmd = "`$ad = [adsi]'WinNT://$($tmpUsername)'; @(`$ad.Groups() | Foreach-Object { `$_.GetType().InvokeMember('Name', 'GetProperty', `$null, `$_, `$null) })" $user.Groups = [string[]](powershell -c $cmd) } } finally { Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $ad -Close } # is the user valid for any users/groups - if not, error! if (!(Test-PodeAuthUserGroups -User $user -Users $options.Users -Groups $options.Groups)) { return @{ Message = 'You are not authorised to access this website' } } $result = @{ User = $user } # call additional scriptblock if supplied if ($null -ne $options.ScriptBlock.Script) { $result = Invoke-PodeAuthInbuiltScriptBlock -User $result.User -ScriptBlock $options.ScriptBlock.Script -UsingVariables $options.ScriptBlock.UsingVariables } # return final result, this could contain a user obj, or an error message from custom scriptblock return $result } } function Get-PodeAuthWindowsADIISMethod { return { param($token, $options) # get the close handler $win32Handler = Add-Type -Name Win32CloseHandle -PassThru -MemberDefinition @' [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] public static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle); '@ try { # parse the auth token and get the user $winAuthToken = [System.IntPtr][Int]"0x$($token)" $winIdentity = New-Object System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity($winAuthToken, 'Windows') # get user and domain $username = ($winIdentity.Name -split '\\')[-1] $domain = ($winIdentity.Name -split '\\')[0] # create base user object $user = @{ UserType = 'Domain' Identity = @{ AccessToken = $winIdentity.AccessToken } AuthenticationType = $winIdentity.AuthenticationType DistinguishedName = [string]::Empty Username = $username Name = [string]::Empty Email = [string]::Empty Fqdn = [string]::Empty Domain = $domain Groups = @() } # if the domain isn't local, attempt AD user if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($domain) -and (@('.', $PodeContext.Server.ComputerName) -inotcontains $domain)) { # get the server's fdqn (and name/email) try { # Open ADSISearcher and change context to given domain $searcher = [adsisearcher]"" $searcher.SearchRoot = [adsi]"LDAP://$($domain)" $searcher.Filter = "ObjectSid=$($winIdentity.User.Value.ToString())" # Query the ADSISearcher for the above defined SID $ad = $searcher.FindOne() # Save it to our existing array for later usage $user.DistinguishedName = @($ad.Properties.distinguishedname)[0] $user.Name = @($[0] $user.Email = @($ad.Properties.mail)[0] $user.Fqdn = (Get-PodeADServerFromDistinguishedName -DistinguishedName $user.DistinguishedName) } finally { Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $searcher } try { if (!$options.NoGroups) { # open a new connection $result = (Open-PodeAuthADConnection -Server $user.Fqdn -Domain $domain -Provider $options.Provider) if (!$result.Success) { return @{ Message = "Failed to connect to Domain Server '$($user.Fqdn)' of $domain for $($user.DistinguishedName)." } } # get the connection $connection = $result.Connection # get the users groups $directGroups = $options.DirectGroups $user.Groups = (Get-PodeAuthADGroups -Connection $connection -DistinguishedName $user.DistinguishedName -Username $user.Username -Direct:$directGroups -Provider $options.Provider) } } finally { if ($null -ne $connection) { Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $connection.Searcher Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $connection.Entry -Close $connection.Credential = $null } } } # otherwise, get details of local user else { # get the user's name and groups try { $user.UserType = 'Local' if (!$options.NoLocalCheck) { $localUser = $winIdentity.Name -replace '\\', '/' $ad = [adsi]"WinNT://$($localUser)" $user.Name = @($ad.FullName)[0] # dirty, i know :/ - since IIS runs using pwsh, the InvokeMember part fails # we can safely call windows powershell here, as IIS is only on windows. if (!$options.NoGroups) { $cmd = "`$ad = [adsi]'WinNT://$($localUser)'; @(`$ad.Groups() | Foreach-Object { `$_.GetType().InvokeMember('Name', 'GetProperty', `$null, `$_, `$null) })" $user.Groups = [string[]](powershell -c $cmd) } } } finally { Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $ad -Close } } } catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog return @{ Message = 'Failed to retrieve user using Authentication Token' } } finally { $win32Handler::CloseHandle($winAuthToken) } # is the user valid for any users/groups - if not, error! if (!(Test-PodeAuthUserGroups -User $user -Users $options.Users -Groups $options.Groups)) { return @{ Message = 'You are not authorised to access this website' } } $result = @{ User = $user } # call additional scriptblock if supplied if ($null -ne $options.ScriptBlock.Script) { $result = Invoke-PodeAuthInbuiltScriptBlock -User $result.User -ScriptBlock $options.ScriptBlock.Script -UsingVariables $options.ScriptBlock.UsingVariables } # return final result, this could contain a user obj, or an error message from custom scriptblock return $result } } function Test-PodeAuthUserGroups { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [hashtable] $User, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Users, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Groups ) $haveUsers = (($null -ne $Users) -and ($Users.Length -gt 0)) $haveGroups = (($null -ne $Groups) -and ($Groups.Length -gt 0)) # if there are no groups/users supplied, return user is valid if (!$haveUsers -and !$haveGroups) { return $true } # before checking supplied groups, is the user in the supplied list of authorised users? if ($haveUsers -and (@($Users) -icontains $User.Username)) { return $true } # if there are groups supplied, check the user is a member of one if ($haveGroups) { foreach ($group in $Groups) { if (@($User.Groups) -icontains $group) { return $true } } } return $false } function Get-PodeAuthMiddlewareScript { return { param($opts) # get the auth method $auth = Find-PodeAuth -Name $opts.Name # route options for using sessions $sessionless = $auth.Sessionless $usingSessions = (Test-PodeSessionsInUse) $useHeaders = $PodeContext.Server.Sessions.Info.UseHeaders $loginRoute = $opts.Login # check for logout command if ($opts.Logout) { Remove-PodeAuthSession if ($useHeaders) { return (Set-PodeAuthStatus -StatusCode 401 -Sessionless:$sessionless -NoSuccessRedirect) } else { $auth.Failure.Url = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $auth.Failure.Url -Default $WebEvent.Request.Url.AbsolutePath) return (Set-PodeAuthStatus -StatusCode 302 -Failure $auth.Failure -Sessionless:$sessionless -NoSuccessRedirect) } } # if the session already has a user/isAuth'd, then skip auth - or allow anon if ($usingSessions) { # existing session auth'd if (Test-PodeAuthUser) { $WebEvent.Auth = $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth return (Set-PodeAuthStatus -Success $auth.Success -LoginRoute:$loginRoute -Sessionless:$sessionless -NoSuccessRedirect) } # if we're allowing anon access, and using sessions, then stop here - as a session will be created from a login route for auth'ing users if ($opts.Anon) { if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth)) { Revoke-PodeSession } return $true } } # check if the login flag is set, in which case just return and load a login get-page (allowing anon access) if ($loginRoute -and !$useHeaders -and ($WebEvent.Method -ieq 'get')) { if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth)) { Revoke-PodeSession } return $true } try { $result = $null # run pre-auth middleware if ($null -ne $auth.Scheme.Middleware) { if (!(Invoke-PodeMiddleware -Middleware $auth.Scheme.Middleware)) { return $false } } # run auth scheme script to parse request for data $_args = @(Get-PodeScriptblockArguments -ArgumentList $auth.Scheme.Arguments -UsingVariables $auth.Scheme.ScriptBlock.UsingVariables) # call inner schemes first if ($null -ne $auth.Scheme.InnerScheme) { $schemes = @() $_scheme = $auth.Scheme $_inner = @(while ($null -ne $_scheme.InnerScheme) { $_scheme = $_scheme.InnerScheme $_scheme }) for ($i = $_inner.Length - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--) { $_tmp_args = @(Get-PodeScriptblockArguments -ArgumentList $_inner[$i].Arguments -UsingVariables $_inner[$i].ScriptBlock.UsingVariables) $_tmp_args += ,$schemes $result = (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $_inner[$i].ScriptBlock.Script -Arguments $_tmp_args -Return -Splat) if ($result -is [hashtable]) { break } $schemes += ,$result $result = $null } $_args += ,$schemes } if ($null -eq $result) { $result = (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $auth.Scheme.ScriptBlock.Script -Arguments $_args -Return -Splat) } # if data is a hashtable, then don't call validator (parser either failed, or forced a success) if ($result -isnot [hashtable]) { $original = $result $_args = @($result) + @($auth.Arguments) $_args = @(Get-PodeScriptblockArguments -ArgumentList $_args -UsingVariables $auth.UsingVariables) $result = (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $auth.ScriptBlock -Arguments $_args -Return -Splat) # if we have user, then run post validator if present if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.Code) -and !(Test-PodeIsEmpty $auth.Scheme.PostValidator.Script)) { $_args = @($original) + @($result) + @($auth.Scheme.Arguments) $_args = @(Get-PodeScriptblockArguments -ArgumentList $_args -UsingVariables $auth.Scheme.PostValidator.UsingVariables) $result = (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $auth.Scheme.PostValidator.Script -Arguments $_args -Return -Splat) } } } catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog return (Set-PodeAuthStatus -StatusCode 500 -Description $_.Exception.Message -Failure $auth.Failure -Sessionless:$sessionless) } # did the auth force a redirect? if ($result.IsRedirected) { return $false } # if there is no result, return false (failed auth) - but skip if allow anon access if ((Test-PodeIsEmpty $result) -or (Test-PodeIsEmpty $result.User)) { if (!$opts.Anon) { $_code = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $result.Code -Default 401) # set the www-auth header $validCode = (($_code -eq 401) -or ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result.Challenge)) $validHeaders = (($null -eq $result.Headers) -or !$result.Headers.ContainsKey('WWW-Authenticate')) if ($validCode -and $validHeaders) { $_wwwHeader = Get-PodeAuthWwwHeaderValue -Name $auth.Scheme.Name -Realm $auth.Scheme.Realm -Challenge $result.Challenge if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_wwwHeader)) { Set-PodeHeader -Name 'WWW-Authenticate' -Value $_wwwHeader } } $isErrored = [bool]$result.IsErrored return (Set-PodeAuthStatus ` -StatusCode $_code ` -Description $result.Message ` -Headers $result.Headers ` -Failure $auth.Failure ` -Success $auth.Success ` -LoginRoute:$loginRoute ` -Sessionless:$sessionless ` -NoFailureRedirect:$isErrored) } else { return $true } } # assign the user to the session, and wire up a quick method $WebEvent.Auth = @{} $WebEvent.Auth.User = $result.User $WebEvent.Auth.IsAuthenticated = $true $WebEvent.Auth.Store = !$sessionless # continue return (Set-PodeAuthStatus -Headers $result.Headers -Success $auth.Success -LoginRoute:$loginRoute -Sessionless:$sessionless) } } function Get-PodeAuthWwwHeaderValue { param( [Parameter()] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] [string] $Realm, [Parameter()] [string] $Challenge ) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) { return [string]::Empty } $header = $Name if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Realm)) { $header += " realm=`"$($Realm)`"" } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Challenge)) { $header += ", $($Challenge)" } return $header } function Remove-PodeAuthSession { # blank out the auth $WebEvent.Auth = @{} # if a session auth is found, blank it if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth)) { $WebEvent.Session.Data.Remove('Auth') } # Delete the current session (remove from store, blank it, and remove from Response) Revoke-PodeSession } function Set-PodeAuthStatus { param ( [Parameter()] [int] $StatusCode = 0, [Parameter()] [string] $Description, [Parameter()] [hashtable] $Headers, [Parameter()] [hashtable] $Failure, [Parameter()] [hashtable] $Success, [switch] $LoginRoute, [switch] $Sessionless, [switch] $NoSuccessRedirect, [switch] $NoFailureRedirect ) # if we have any headers, set them if (($null -ne $Headers) -and ($Headers.Count -gt 0)) { foreach ($name in $Headers.Keys) { Set-PodeHeader -Name $name -Value $Headers[$name] } } # if a statuscode supplied, assume failure if ($StatusCode -gt 0) { # override description with the failureMessage if supplied $Description = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Failure.Message -Default $Description) # add error to flash if ($LoginRoute -and !$Sessionless -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Description)) { Add-PodeFlashMessage -Name 'auth-error' -Message $Description } # check if we have a failure url redirect if (!$NoFailureRedirect -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Failure.Url)) { if ($Success.UseOrigin -and ($WebEvent.Method -ieq 'get')) { $null = Set-PodeCookie -Name 'pode.redirecturl' -Value $WebEvent.Request.Url.PathAndQuery } Move-PodeResponseUrl -Url $Failure.Url } else { Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code $StatusCode -Description $Description } return $false } # if no statuscode, success, so check if we have a success url redirect (but only for auto-login routes) if ((!$NoSuccessRedirect -or $LoginRoute) -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Success.Url)) { $url = $Success.Url if ($Success.UseOrigin) { $tmpUrl = Get-PodeCookieValue -Name 'pode.redirecturl' Remove-PodeCookie -Name 'pode.redirecturl' if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($tmpUrl)) { $url = $tmpUrl } } Move-PodeResponseUrl -Url $url return $false } return $true } function Get-PodeADServerFromDistinguishedName { param( [Parameter()] [string] $DistinguishedName ) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DistinguishedName)) { return [string]::Empty } $parts = @($DistinguishedName -split ',') $name = @() foreach ($part in $parts) { if ($part -imatch '^DC=(?<name>.+)$') { $name += $Matches['name'] } } return ($name -join '.') } function Get-PodeAuthADResult { param( [Parameter()] [string] $Server, [Parameter()] [string] $Domain, [Parameter()] [string] $SearchBase, [Parameter()] [string] $Username, [Parameter()] [string] $Password, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('DirectoryServices', 'ActiveDirectory', 'OpenLDAP')] [string] $Provider, [switch] $NoGroups, [switch] $DirectGroups, [switch] $KeepCredential ) try { # validate the user's AD creds $result = (Open-PodeAuthADConnection -Server $Server -Domain $Domain -Username $Username -Password $Password -Provider $Provider) if (!$result.Success) { return @{ Message = 'Invalid credentials supplied' } } # get the connection $connection = $result.Connection # get the user $user = (Get-PodeAuthADUser -Connection $connection -Username $Username -Provider $Provider) if ($null -eq $user) { return @{ Message = 'User not found in Active Directory' } } # get the users groups $groups = @() if (!$NoGroups) { $groups = (Get-PodeAuthADGroups -Connection $connection -DistinguishedName $user.DistinguishedName -Username $Username -Direct:$DirectGroups -Provider $Provider) } # check if we want to keep the credentials in the User object if($KeepCredential){ $credential = [pscredential]::new($($Domain+'\'+$Username), (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Password -AsPlainText -Force)) } else{ $credential = $null } # return the user return @{ User = @{ UserType = 'Domain' AuthenticationType = 'LDAP' DistinguishedName = $user.DistinguishedName Username = ($Username -split '\\')[-1] Name = $user.Name Email = $user.Email Fqdn = $Server Domain = $Domain Groups = $groups Credential = $credential } } } finally { if ($null -ne $connection) { switch ($Provider.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'openldap' { $connection.Username = $null $connection.Password = $null } 'activedirectory' { $connection.Credential = $null } 'directoryservices' { Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $connection.Searcher Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $connection.Entry -Close } } } } } function Open-PodeAuthADConnection { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Server, [Parameter()] [string] $Domain, [Parameter()] [string] $SearchBase, [Parameter()] [string] $Username, [Parameter()] [string] $Password, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('LDAP', 'WinNT')] [string] $Protocol = 'LDAP', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('DirectoryServices', 'ActiveDirectory', 'OpenLDAP')] [string] $Provider ) $result = $true $connection = $null # validate the user's AD creds switch ($Provider.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'openldap' { if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SearchBase)) { $baseDn = $SearchBase } else { $baseDn = "DC=$(($Server -split '\.') -join ',DC=')" } $query = (Get-PodeAuthADQuery -Username $Username) $hostname = "$($Protocol)://$($Server)" $user = $Username if (!$Username.StartsWith($Domain)) { $user = "$($Domain)\$($Username)" } $null = (ldapsearch -x -LLL -H "$($hostname)" -D "$($user)" -w "$($Password)" -b "$($baseDn)" -o ldif-wrap=no "$($query)" dn) if (!$? -or ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)) { $result = $false } else { $connection = @{ Hostname = $hostname Username = $user BaseDN = $baseDn Password = $Password } } } 'activedirectory' { try { $creds = [pscredential]::new($Username, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Password -AsPlainText -Force)) $null = Get-ADUser -Identity $Username -Credential $creds -ErrorAction Stop $connection = @{ Credential = $creds } } catch { $result = $false } } 'directoryservices' { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Password)) { $ad = (New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry "$($Protocol)://$($Server)") } else { $ad = (New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry "$($Protocol)://$($Server)", "$($Username)", "$($Password)") } if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $ad.distinguishedName) { $result = $false } else { $connection = @{ Entry = $ad } } } } return @{ Success = $result Connection = $connection } } function Get-PodeAuthADQuery { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Username ) return "(&(objectCategory=person)(samaccountname=$($Username)))" } function Get-PodeAuthADUser { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Connection, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Username, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('DirectoryServices', 'ActiveDirectory', 'OpenLDAP')] [string] $Provider ) $query = (Get-PodeAuthADQuery -Username $Username) $user = $null # generate query to find user switch ($Provider.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'openldap' { $result = (ldapsearch -x -LLL -H "$($Connection.Hostname)" -D "$($Connection.Username)" -w "$($Connection.Password)" -b "$($Connection.BaseDN)" -o ldif-wrap=no "$($query)" name mail) if (!$? -or ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0)) { return $null } $user = @{ DistinguishedName = (Get-PodeOpenLdapValue -Lines $result -Property 'dn') Name = (Get-PodeOpenLdapValue -Lines $result -Property 'name') Email = (Get-PodeOpenLdapValue -Lines $result -Property 'mail') } } 'activedirectory' { $result = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter $query -Credential $Connection.Credential -Properties mail $user = @{ DistinguishedName = $result.DistinguishedName Name = $result.Name Email = $result.mail } } 'directoryservices' { $Connection.Searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher $Connection.Entry $Connection.Searcher.filter = $query $result = $Connection.Searcher.FindOne().Properties if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $result) { return $null } $user = @{ DistinguishedName = @($result.distinguishedname)[0] Name = @($[0] Email = @($result.mail)[0] } } } return $user } function Get-PodeOpenLdapValue { param( [Parameter()] [string[]] $Lines, [Parameter()] [string] $Property, [switch] $All ) foreach ($line in $Lines) { if ($line -imatch "^$($Property)\:\s+(?<$($Property)>.+)$") { # return the first found if (!$All) { return $Matches[$Property] } # return array of all $Matches[$Property] } } } function Get-PodeAuthADGroups { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Connection, [Parameter()] [string] $DistinguishedName, [Parameter()] [string] $Username, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('DirectoryServices', 'ActiveDirectory', 'OpenLDAP')] [string] $Provider, [switch] $Direct ) if ($Direct) { return (Get-PodeAuthADGroupsDirect -Connection $Connection -Username $Username -Provider $Provider) } return (Get-PodeAuthADGroupsAll -Connection $Connection -DistinguishedName $DistinguishedName -Provider $Provider) } function Get-PodeAuthADGroupsDirect { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Connection, [Parameter()] [string] $Username, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('DirectoryServices', 'ActiveDirectory', 'OpenLDAP')] [string] $Provider ) # create the query $query = "(&(objectCategory=person)(samaccountname=$($Username)))" $groups = @() # get the groups switch ($Provider.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'openldap' { $result = (ldapsearch -x -LLL -H "$($Connection.Hostname)" -D "$($Connection.Username)" -w "$($Connection.Password)" -b "$($Connection.BaseDN)" -o ldif-wrap=no "$($query)" memberof) $groups = (Get-PodeOpenLdapValue -Lines $result -Property 'memberof' -All) } 'activedirectory' { $groups = (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $Username -Credential $Connection.Credential).distinguishedName } 'directoryservices' { if ($null -eq $Connection.Searcher) { $Connection.Searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher $Connection.Entry } $Connection.Searcher.filter = $query $groups = @($Connection.Searcher.FindOne().Properties.memberof) } } $groups = @(foreach ($group in $groups) { if ($group -imatch '^CN=(?<group>.+?),') { $Matches['group'] } }) return $groups } function Get-PodeAuthADGroupsAll { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Connection, [Parameter()] [string] $DistinguishedName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('DirectoryServices', 'ActiveDirectory', 'OpenLDAP')] [string] $Provider ) # create the query $query = "(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=$($DistinguishedName))" $groups = @() # get the groups switch ($Provider.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'openldap' { $result = (ldapsearch -x -LLL -H "$($Connection.Hostname)" -D "$($Connection.Username)" -w "$($Connection.Password)" -b "$($Connection.BaseDN)" -o ldif-wrap=no "$($query)" samaccountname) $groups = (Get-PodeOpenLdapValue -Lines $result -Property 'sAMAccountName' -All) } 'activedirectory' { $groups = (Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter $query -Credential $Connection.Credential).Name } 'directoryservices' { if ($null -eq $Connection.Searcher) { $Connection.Searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher $Connection.Entry } $null = $Connection.Searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add('samaccountname') $Connection.Searcher.filter = $query $groups = @($Connection.Searcher.FindAll().Properties.samaccountname) } } return $groups } function Get-PodeAuthDomainName { if (Test-PodeIsUnix) { $dn = (dnsdomainname) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($dn)) { $dn = (/usr/sbin/realm list --name-only) } return $dn } else { $domain = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($domain)) { $domain = (Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -Verbose:$false).Domain } return $domain } } function Find-PodeAuth { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name ) return $PodeContext.Server.Authentications[$Name] } function Test-PodeAuth { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name ) return $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.ContainsKey($Name) } function Import-PodeAuthADModule { if (!(Test-PodeIsWindows)) { throw 'Active Directory module only available on Windows' } if (!(Test-PodeModuleInstalled -Name ActiveDirectory)) { throw 'Active Directory module is not installed' } Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory -Force -ErrorAction Stop Export-PodeModule -Name ActiveDirectory } function Get-PodeAuthADProvider { param( [switch] $OpenLDAP, [switch] $ADModule ) # openldap (literal, or not windows) if ($OpenLDAP -or !(Test-PodeIsWindows)) { return 'OpenLDAP' } # ad module if ($ADModule) { return 'ActiveDirectory' } # ds return 'DirectoryServices' } |