using namespace Pode function New-PodeContext { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock, [Parameter()] [string] $FilePath, [Parameter()] [int] $Threads = 1, [Parameter()] [int] $Interval = 0, [Parameter()] [string] $ServerRoot, [Parameter()] [string] $Name = $null, [Parameter()] [string] $ServerlessType, [Parameter()] [string] $StatusPageExceptions, [Parameter()] [string] $ListenerType, [Parameter()] [string[]] $EnablePool, [switch] $DisableTermination, [switch] $Quiet ) # set a random server name if one not supplied if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Name) { $Name = Get-PodeRandomName } # are we running in a serverless context $isServerless = ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ServerlessType) # ensure threads are always >0, for to 1 if we're serverless if (($Threads -le 0) -or $isServerless) { $Threads = 1 } # basic context object $ctx = New-Object -TypeName psobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Threads -Value @{} -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Timers -Value @{} -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Schedules -Value @{} -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Tasks -Value @{} -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RunspacePools -Value $null -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Runspaces -Value $null -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RunspaceState -Value $null -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Tokens -Value @{} -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LogsToProcess -Value $null -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Lockables -Value $null -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Server -Value @{} -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Metrics -Value @{} -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Listeners -Value @() -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Receivers -Value @() -PassThru # set the server name, logic and root, and other basic properties $ctx.Server.Name = $Name $ctx.Server.Logic = $ScriptBlock $ctx.Server.LogicPath = $FilePath $ctx.Server.Interval = $Interval $ctx.Server.PodeModulePath = (Get-PodeModulePath) $ctx.Server.DisableTermination = $DisableTermination.IsPresent $ctx.Server.Quiet = $Quiet.IsPresent $ctx.Server.ComputerName = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostName() # list of created listeners/receivers $ctx.Listeners = @() $ctx.Receivers = @() # list of timers/schedules/tasks $ctx.Timers = @{ Enabled = ($EnablePool -icontains 'timers') Items = @{} } $ctx.Schedules = @{ Enabled = ($EnablePool -icontains 'schedules') Items = @{} Processes = @{} } $ctx.Tasks = @{ Enabled = ($EnablePool -icontains 'tasks') Items = @{} Results = @{} } # auto importing (modules, funcs, snap-ins) $ctx.Server.AutoImport = @{ Modules = @{ Enabled = $true ExportList = @() ExportOnly = $false } Snapins = @{ Enabled = $true ExportList = @() ExportOnly = $false } Functions = @{ Enabled = $true ExportList = @() ExportOnly = $false } } # basic logging setup $ctx.Server.Logging = @{ Enabled = $true Types = @{} } # set thread counts $ctx.Threads = @{ General = $Threads Schedules = 10 Tasks = 2 WebSockets = 2 } # set socket details for pode server $ctx.Server.Sockets = @{ Ssl = @{ Protocols = Get-PodeDefaultSslProtocols } ReceiveTimeout = 100 } $ctx.Server.Signals = @{ Enabled = $false Listener = $null } $ctx.Server.WebSockets = @{ Enabled = ($EnablePool -icontains 'websockets') Receiver = $null Connections = @{} } # set default request config $ctx.Server.Request = @{ Timeout = 30 BodySize = 100MB } # check if there is any global configuration $ctx.Server.Configuration = Open-PodeConfiguration -ServerRoot $ServerRoot -Context $ctx # over status page exceptions if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $StatusPageExceptions)) { if ($null -eq $ctx.Server.Web) { $ctx.Server.Web = @{ ErrorPages = @{} } } $ctx.Server.Web.ErrorPages.ShowExceptions = ($StatusPageExceptions -eq 'show') } # configure the server's root path $ctx.Server.Root = $ServerRoot if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $ctx.Server.Configuration.Server.Root)) { $ctx.Server.Root = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $ctx.Server.Configuration.Server.Root -RootPath $ctx.Server.Root -JoinRoot -Resolve -TestPath } # set the server's listener type $ctx.Server.ListenerType = $ListenerType # set serverless info $ctx.Server.ServerlessType = $ServerlessType $ctx.Server.IsServerless = $isServerless if ($isServerless) { $ctx.Server.DisableTermination = $true } # set the server types $ctx.Server.IsService = ($Interval -gt 0) $ctx.Server.Types = @() # is the server running under IIS? (also, disable termination) $ctx.Server.IsIIS = (!$isServerless -and (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $env:ASPNETCORE_PORT)) -and (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $env:ASPNETCORE_TOKEN))) if ($ctx.Server.IsIIS) { $ctx.Server.DisableTermination = $true # if under IIS and Azure Web App, force quiet if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $env:WEBSITE_IIS_SITE_NAME)) { $ctx.Server.Quiet = $true } # set iis token/settings $ctx.Server.IIS = @{ Token = $env:ASPNETCORE_TOKEN Port = $env:ASPNETCORE_PORT Path = @{ Raw = '/' Pattern = '^/' IsNonRoot = $false } Shutdown = $false } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:ASPNETCORE_APPL_PATH) -and ($env:ASPNETCORE_APPL_PATH -ne '/')) { $ctx.Server.IIS.Path.Raw = $env:ASPNETCORE_APPL_PATH $ctx.Server.IIS.Path.Pattern = "^$($env:ASPNETCORE_APPL_PATH)" $ctx.Server.IIS.Path.IsNonRoot = $true } } # is the server running under Heroku? $ctx.Server.IsHeroku = (!$isServerless -and (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $env:PORT)) -and (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $env:DYNO))) # if we're inside a remote host, stop termination if ($Host.Name -ieq 'ServerRemoteHost') { $ctx.Server.DisableTermination = $true } # set the IP address details $ctx.Server.Endpoints = @{} $ctx.Server.EndpointsMap = @{} $ctx.Server.FindEndpoints = @{ Route = $false Smtp = $false Tcp = $false } # general encoding for the server $ctx.Server.Encoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding # setup gui details $ctx.Server.Gui = @{} # shared temp drives $ctx.Server.Drives = @{} $ctx.Server.InbuiltDrives = @{} # shared state between runspaces $ctx.Server.State = @{} # output details, like variables, to be set once the server stops $ctx.Server.Output = @{ Variables = @{} } # view engine for rendering pages $ctx.Server.ViewEngine = @{ Type = 'html' Extension = 'html' ScriptBlock = $null UsingVariables = $null IsDynamic = $false } # routes for pages and api $ctx.Server.Routes = @{ 'delete' = [ordered]@{} 'get' = [ordered]@{} 'head' = [ordered]@{} 'merge' = [ordered]@{} 'options' = [ordered]@{} 'patch' = [ordered]@{} 'post' = [ordered]@{} 'put' = [ordered]@{} 'trace' = [ordered]@{} 'static' = [ordered]@{} 'signal' = [ordered]@{} '*' = [ordered]@{} } # verbs for tcp $ctx.Server.Verbs = @{} # custom view paths $ctx.Server.Views = @{} # handlers for tcp $ctx.Server.Handlers = @{ smtp = @{} service = @{} } # setup basic access placeholders $ctx.Server.Access = @{ Allow = @{} Deny = @{} } # setup basic limit rules $ctx.Server.Limits = @{ Rules = @{} Active = @{} } # cookies and session logic $ctx.Server.Cookies = @{ Csrf = @{} Secrets = @{} } # sessions $ctx.Server.Sessions = @{} # swagger and openapi $ctx.Server.OpenAPI = Get-PodeOABaseObject # server metrics $ctx.Metrics = @{ Server = @{ InitialLoadTime = [datetime]::UtcNow StartTime = [datetime]::UtcNow RestartCount = 0 } Requests = @{ Total = 0 StatusCodes = @{} } Signals = @{ Total = 0 } } # authnetication methods $ctx.Server.Authentications = @{} # create new cancellation tokens $ctx.Tokens = @{ Cancellation = New-Object System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource Restart = New-Object System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource } # requests that should be logged $ctx.LogsToProcess = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList # middleware that needs to run $ctx.Server.Middleware = @() $ctx.Server.BodyParsers = @{} # common support values $ctx.Server.Compression = @{ Encodings = @('gzip', 'deflate', 'x-gzip') } # endware that needs to run $ctx.Server.Endware = @() # runspace pools $ctx.RunspacePools = @{ Main = $null Web = $null Smtp = $null Tcp = $null Signals = $null Schedules = $null Gui = $null Tasks = $null } # session state $ctx.Lockables = @{ Global = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) Custom = @{} } # setup runspaces $ctx.Runspaces = @() # setup events $ctx.Server.Events = @{ Start = [ordered]@{} Terminate = [ordered]@{} Restart = [ordered]@{} Browser = [ordered]@{} Crash = [ordered]@{} Stop = [ordered]@{} } # modules $ctx.Server.Modules = @{} # setup security $ctx.Server.Security = @{ Headers = @{} Cache = @{ ContentSecurity = @{} PermissionsPolicy = @{} } } # return the new context return $ctx } function New-PodeRunspaceState { # create the state, and add the pode module $state = [initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault() $state.ImportPSModule($PodeContext.Server.PodeModulePath) # load the vars into the share state $session = New-PodeStateContext -Context $PodeContext $variables = @( (New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry -ArgumentList 'PodeContext', $session, $null), (New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry -ArgumentList 'Console', $Host, $null), (New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry -ArgumentList 'PODE_SCOPE_RUNSPACE', $true, $null) ) foreach ($var in $variables) { $state.Variables.Add($var) } $PodeContext.RunspaceState = $state } function Import-PodeFunctionsIntoRunspaceState { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Script')] [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='File')] [string] $FilePath ) # do nothing if disabled if (!$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.Enabled) { return } # if export only, and there are none, do nothing if ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.ExportOnly -and ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.ExportList.Length -eq 0)) { return } # script or file functions? switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'script' { $funcs = (Get-PodeFunctionsFromScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock) } 'file' { $funcs = (Get-PodeFunctionsFromFile -FilePath $FilePath) } } # looks like we have nothing! if (($null -eq $funcs) -or ($funcs.Length -eq 0)) { return } # groups funcs in case there or multiple definitions $funcs = ($funcs | Group-Object -Property { $_.Name }) # import them, but also check if they're exported foreach ($func in $funcs) { # only exported funcs? is the func exported? if ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.ExportOnly -and ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.ExportList -inotcontains $func.Name)) { continue } # load the function $funcDef = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateFunctionEntry]::new($func.Name, $func.Group[-1].Definition) $PodeContext.RunspaceState.Commands.Add($funcDef) } } function Import-PodeModulesIntoRunspaceState { # do nothing if disabled if (!$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.Enabled) { return } # if export only, and there are none, do nothing if ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.ExportOnly -and ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.ExportList.Length -eq 0)) { return } # load modules into runspaces, if allowed $modules = Get-Module | Where-Object { ($_.Name -ine 'pode') -and ($_.Name -inotlike 'microsoft.powershell.*') } | Sort-Object -Unique foreach ($module in $modules) { # only exported modules? is the module exported? if ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.ExportOnly -and ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.ExportList -inotcontains $module.Name)) { continue } # import the module $path = Find-PodeModuleFile -Name $module.Name if (($module.ModuleType -ieq 'Manifest') -or ($path.EndsWith('.ps1'))) { $PodeContext.RunspaceState.ImportPSModule($path) } else { $PodeContext.Server.Modules[$module] = $path } } } function Import-PodeSnapinsIntoRunspaceState { # if non-windows or core, do nothing if ((Test-PodeIsPSCore) -or (Test-PodeIsUnix)) { return } # do nothing if disabled if (!$PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.Enabled) { return } # if export only, and there are none, do nothing if ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.ExportOnly -and ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.ExportList.Length -eq 0)) { return } # load snapins into runspaces, if allowed $snapins = (Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object { !$_.IsDefault }).Name | Sort-Object -Unique foreach ($snapin in $snapins) { # only exported snapins? is the snapin exported? if ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.ExportOnly -and ($PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.ExportList -inotcontains $snapin)) { continue } $PodeContext.RunspaceState.ImportPSSnapIn($snapin, [ref]$null) } } function New-PodeRunspacePools { if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) { return } # setup main runspace pool $threadsCounts = @{ Default = 3 Timer = 1 Log = 1 Schedule = 1 Misc = 1 } if (!(Test-PodeTimersExist)) { $threadsCounts.Timer = 0 } if (!(Test-PodeSchedulesExist)) { $threadsCounts.Schedule = 0 } if (!(Test-PodeLoggersExist)) { $threadsCounts.Log = 0 } # main runspace - for timers, schedules, etc $totalThreadCount = ($threadsCounts.Values | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Main = @{ Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $totalThreadCount, $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host) State = 'Waiting' } # web runspace - if we have any http/s endpoints if (Test-PodeEndpoints -Type Http) { $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Web = @{ Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, ($PodeContext.Threads.General + 1), $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host) State = 'Waiting' } } # smtp runspace - if we have any smtp endpoints if (Test-PodeEndpoints -Type Smtp) { $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Smtp = @{ Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, ($PodeContext.Threads.General + 1), $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host) State = 'Waiting' } } # tcp runspace - if we have any tcp endpoints if (Test-PodeEndpoints -Type Tcp) { $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Tcp = @{ Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, ($PodeContext.Threads.General + 1), $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host) State = 'Waiting' } } # signals runspace - if we have any ws/s endpoints if (Test-PodeEndpoints -Type Ws) { $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Signals = @{ Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, ($PodeContext.Threads.General + 2), $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host) State = 'Waiting' } } # web socket connections runspace - for receiving data for external sockets if (Test-PodeWebSocketsExist) { $PodeContext.RunspacePools.WebSockets = @{ Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $PodeContext.Threads.WebSockets + 1, $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host) State = 'Waiting' } New-PodeWebSocketReceiver } # setup schedule runspace pool -if we have any schedules if (Test-PodeSchedulesExist) { $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Schedules = @{ Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $PodeContext.Threads.Schedules, $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host) State = 'Waiting' } } # setup tasks runspace pool -if we have any tasks if (Test-PodeTasksExist) { $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Tasks = @{ Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $PodeContext.Threads.Tasks, $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host) State = 'Waiting' } } # setup gui runspace pool (only for non-ps-core) - if gui enabled if (Test-PodeGuiEnabled) { $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Gui = @{ Pool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, 1, $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host) State = 'Waiting' } $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Gui.Pool.ApartmentState = 'STA' } } function Open-PodeRunspacePools { if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) { return } $start = [datetime]::Now Write-Verbose "Opening RunspacePools" # open pools async foreach ($key in $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Keys) { $item = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$key] if ($null -eq $item) { continue } $item.Pool.ThreadOptions = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSThreadOptions]::ReuseThread $item.Pool.CleanupInterval = [timespan]::FromMinutes(5) $item.Result = $item.Pool.BeginOpen($null, $null) } # wait for them all to open $queue = @($PodeContext.RunspacePools.Keys) while ($queue.Length -gt 0) { foreach ($key in $queue) { $item = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$key] if ($null -eq $item) { $queue = ($queue | Where-Object { $_ -ine $key }) continue } if ($item.Pool.RunspacePoolStateInfo.State -iin @('Opened', 'Broken')) { $queue = ($queue | Where-Object { $_ -ine $key }) Write-Verbose "RunspacePool for $($key): $($item.Pool.RunspacePoolStateInfo.State) [duration: $(([datetime]::Now - $start).TotalSeconds)s]" } } if ($queue.Length -gt 0) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } } # report errors for failed pools foreach ($key in $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Keys) { $item = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$key] if ($null -eq $item) { continue } if ($item.Pool.RunspacePoolStateInfo.State -ieq 'broken') { $item.Pool.EndOpen($item.Result) | Out-Default throw "Failed to open RunspacePool: $($key)" } } Write-Verbose "RunspacePools opened [duration: $(([datetime]::Now - $start).TotalSeconds)s]" } function Close-PodeRunspacePools { if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless -or ($null -eq $PodeContext.RunspacePools)) { return } $start = [datetime]::Now Write-Verbose "Closing RunspacePools" # close pools async foreach ($key in $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Keys) { $item = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$key] if (($null -eq $item) -or ($item.Pool.IsDisposed)) { continue } $item.Result = $item.Pool.BeginClose($null, $null) } # wait for them all to close $queue = @($PodeContext.RunspacePools.Keys) while ($queue.Length -gt 0) { foreach ($key in $queue) { $item = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$key] if ($null -eq $item) { $queue = ($queue | Where-Object { $_ -ine $key }) continue } if ($item.Pool.RunspacePoolStateInfo.State -iin @('Closed', 'Broken')) { $queue = ($queue | Where-Object { $_ -ine $key }) Write-Verbose "RunspacePool for $($key): $($item.Pool.RunspacePoolStateInfo.State) [duration: $(([datetime]::Now - $start).TotalSeconds)s]" } } if ($queue.Length -gt 0) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } } # report errors for failed pools foreach ($key in $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Keys) { $item = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$key] if ($null -eq $item) { continue } if ($item.Pool.RunspacePoolStateInfo.State -ieq 'broken') { $item.Pool.EndClose($item.Result) | Out-Default throw "Failed to close RunspacePool: $($key)" } } # dispose pools foreach ($key in $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Keys) { $item = $PodeContext.RunspacePools[$key] if (($null -eq $item) -or ($item.Pool.IsDisposed)) { continue } Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $item.Pool } Write-Verbose "RunspacePools closed [duration: $(([datetime]::Now - $start).TotalSeconds)s]" } function New-PodeStateContext { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] $Context ) return (New-Object -TypeName psobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Threads -Value $Context.Threads -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Timers -Value $Context.Timers -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Schedules -Value $Context.Schedules -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Tasks -Value $Context.Tasks -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RunspacePools -Value $Context.RunspacePools -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Tokens -Value $Context.Tokens -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Metrics -Value $Context.Metrics -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name LogsToProcess -Value $Context.LogsToProcess -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Lockables -Value $Context.Lockables -PassThru | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Server -Value $Context.Server -PassThru) } function Open-PodeConfiguration { param ( [Parameter()] [string] $ServerRoot = $null, [Parameter()] $Context ) $config = @{} # set the path to the root config file $configPath = (Join-PodeServerRoot -Folder '.' -FilePath 'server.psd1' -Root $ServerRoot) # check to see if an environmental config exists (if the env var is set) if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $env:PODE_ENVIRONMENT)) { $_path = (Join-PodeServerRoot -Folder '.' -FilePath "server.$($env:PODE_ENVIRONMENT).psd1" -Root $ServerRoot) if (Test-PodePath -Path $_path -NoStatus) { $configPath = $_path } } # check the path exists, and load the config if (Test-PodePath -Path $configPath -NoStatus) { $config = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $configPath -ErrorAction Stop Set-PodeServerConfiguration -Configuration $config.Server -Context $Context Set-PodeWebConfiguration -Configuration $config.Web -Context $Context } return $config } function Set-PodeServerConfiguration { param ( [Parameter()] [hashtable] $Configuration, [Parameter()] $Context ) # file monitoring $Context.Server.FileMonitor = @{ Enabled = ([bool]$Configuration.FileMonitor.Enable) Exclude = (Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex -Paths @($Configuration.FileMonitor.Exclude)) Include = (Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex -Paths @($Configuration.FileMonitor.Include)) ShowFiles = ([bool]$Configuration.FileMonitor.ShowFiles) Files = @() } # logging $Context.Server.Logging = @{ Enabled = (($null -eq $Configuration.Logging.Enable) -or [bool]$Configuration.Logging.Enable) Masking = @{ Patterns = (Remove-PodeEmptyItemsFromArray -Array @($Configuration.Logging.Masking.Patterns)) Mask = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Logging.Masking.Mask -Default '********') } Types = @{} } # sockets if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $Configuration.Ssl.Protocols)) { $Context.Server.Sockets.Ssl.Protocols = (ConvertTo-PodeSslProtocols -Protocols $Configuration.Ssl.Protocols) } if ([int]$Configuration.ReceiveTimeout -gt 0) { $Context.Server.Sockets.ReceiveTimeout = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.ReceiveTimeout $Context.Server.Sockets.ReceiveTimeout) } # auto-import $Context.Server.AutoImport = @{ Modules = @{ Enabled = (($null -eq $Configuration.AutoImport.Modules.Enable) -or [bool]$Configuration.AutoImport.Modules.Enable) ExportList = @() ExportOnly = ([bool]$Configuration.AutoImport.Modules.ExportOnly) } Snapins = @{ Enabled = (($null -eq $Configuration.AutoImport.Snapins.Enable) -or [bool]$Configuration.AutoImport.Snapins.Enable) ExportList = @() ExportOnly = ([bool]$Configuration.AutoImport.Snapins.ExportOnly) } Functions = @{ Enabled = (($null -eq $Configuration.AutoImport.Functions.Enable) -or [bool]$Configuration.AutoImport.Functions.Enable) ExportList = @() ExportOnly = ([bool]$Configuration.AutoImport.Functions.ExportOnly) } } # request if ([int]$Configuration.Request.Timeout -gt 0) { $Context.Server.Request.Timeout = [int]$Configuration.Request.Timeout } if ([long]$Configuration.Request.BodySize -gt 0) { $Context.Server.Request.BodySize = [long]$Configuration.Request.BodySize } } function Set-PodeWebConfiguration { param ( [Parameter()] [hashtable] $Configuration, [Parameter()] $Context ) # setup the main web config $Context.Server.Web = @{ Static = @{ Defaults = $Configuration.Static.Defaults Cache = @{ Enabled = [bool]$Configuration.Static.Cache.Enable MaxAge = [int](Protect-PodeValue -Value $Configuration.Static.Cache.MaxAge -Default 3600) Include = (Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex -Paths @($Configuration.Static.Cache.Include) -NotSlashes) Exclude = (Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex -Paths @($Configuration.Static.Cache.Exclude) -NotSlashes) } } ErrorPages = @{ ShowExceptions = [bool]$Configuration.ErrorPages.ShowExceptions StrictContentTyping = [bool]$Configuration.ErrorPages.StrictContentTyping Default = $Configuration.ErrorPages.Default Routes = @{} } ContentType = @{ Default = $Configuration.ContentType.Default Routes = @{} } TransferEncoding = @{ Default = $Configuration.TransferEncoding.Default Routes = @{} } Compression = @{ Enabled = [bool]$Configuration.Compression.Enable } } # setup content type route patterns for forced content types $Configuration.ContentType.Routes.Keys | Where-Object { ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } | ForEach-Object { $_type = $Configuration.ContentType.Routes[$_] $_pattern = (Convert-PodePathPatternToRegex -Path $_ -NotSlashes) $Context.Server.Web.ContentType.Routes[$_pattern] = $_type } # setup transfer encoding route patterns for forced transfer encodings $Configuration.TransferEncoding.Routes.Keys | Where-Object { ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } | ForEach-Object { $_type = $Configuration.TransferEncoding.Routes[$_] $_pattern = (Convert-PodePathPatternToRegex -Path $_ -NotSlashes) $Context.Server.Web.TransferEncoding.Routes[$_pattern] = $_type } # setup content type route patterns for error pages $Configuration.ErrorPages.Routes.Keys | Where-Object { ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } | ForEach-Object { $_type = $Configuration.ErrorPages.Routes[$_] $_pattern = (Convert-PodePathPatternToRegex -Path $_ -NotSlashes) $Context.Server.Web.ErrorPages.Routes[$_pattern] = $_type } } function New-PodeAutoRestartServer { # don't configure if not supplied, or running as serverless $config = (Get-PodeConfig) if (($null -eq $config) -or ($null -eq $config.Server.Restart) -or $PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) { return } $restart = $config.Server.Restart # period - setup a timer $period = [int]$restart.period if ($period -gt 0) { Add-PodeTimer -Name '__pode_restart_period__' -Interval ($period * 60) -ScriptBlock { $PodeContext.Tokens.Restart.Cancel() } } # times - convert into cron expressions $times = @(@($restart.times) -ne $null) if (($times | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $crons = @() @($times) | ForEach-Object { $atoms = $_ -split '\:' $crons += "$([int]$atoms[1]) $([int]$atoms[0]) * * *" } Add-PodeSchedule -Name '__pode_restart_times__' -Cron @($crons) -ScriptBlock { $PodeContext.Tokens.Restart.Cancel() } } # crons - setup schedules $crons = @(@($restart.crons) -ne $null) if (($crons | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { Add-PodeSchedule -Name '__pode_restart_crons__' -Cron @($crons) -ScriptBlock { $PodeContext.Tokens.Restart.Cancel() } } } function Set-PodeOutputVariables { if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.Output.Variables) { return } foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Server.Output.Variables.Keys) { Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $PodeContext.Server.Output.Variables[$key] -Force -Scope Global } } |