
Enables the OpenAPI default route in Pode.
Enables the OpenAPI default route in Pode, as well as setting up details like Title and API Version.
An optional custom route path to access the OpenAPI definition. (Default: /openapi)
The Title of the API.
The Version of the API. (Default: 0.0.0)
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the API.
.PARAMETER RouteFilter
An optional route filter for routes that should be included in the definition. (Default: /*)
.PARAMETER Middleware
Like normal Routes, an array of Middleware that will be applied to the route.
.PARAMETER RestrictRoutes
If supplied, only routes that are available on the Requests URI will be used to generate the OpenAPI definition.
Enable-PodeOpenApi -Title 'My API' -Version '1.0.0' -RouteFilter '/api/*'
Enable-PodeOpenApi -Title 'My API' -Version '1.0.0' -RouteFilter '/api/*' -RestrictRoutes
Enable-PodeOpenApi -Path '/docs/openapi' -Title 'My API' -Version '1.0.0'

function Enable-PodeOpenApi
        $Path = '/openapi',


        $Version = '0.0.0',


        $RouteFilter = '/*',



    # initialise openapi info
    $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Title = $Title
    $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Path = $Path

    $meta = @{
        Version = $Version
        Description = $Description
        RouteFilter = $RouteFilter
        RestrictRoutes = $RestrictRoutes

    # add the OpenAPI route
    Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path $Path -ArgumentList $meta -Middleware $Middleware -ScriptBlock {
        $strict = $meta.RestrictRoutes

        # generate the openapi definition
        $def = Get-PodeOpenApiDefinitionInternal `
            -Title $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Title `
            -Version $meta.Version `
            -Description $meta.Description `
            -RouteFilter $meta.RouteFilter `
            -Protocol $WebEvent.Endpoint.Protocol `
            -Address $WebEvent.Endpoint.Address `
            -EndpointName $WebEvent.Endpoint.Name `

        # write the openapi definition
        Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value $def -Depth 20

Gets the OpenAPI definition.
Gets the OpenAPI definition for custom use in routes, or other functions.
The Title of the API. (Default: the title supplied in Enable-PodeOpenApi)
The Version of the API. (Default: the version supplied in Enable-PodeOpenApi)
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the API. (Default: the description supplied into Enable-PodeOpenApi)
.PARAMETER RouteFilter
An optional route filter for routes that should be included in the definition. (Default: /*)
.PARAMETER RestrictRoutes
If supplied, only routes that are available on the Requests URI will be used to generate the OpenAPI definition.
$def = Get-PodeOpenApiDefinition -RouteFilter '/api/*'

function Get-PodeOpenApiDefinition



        $RouteFilter = '/*',


    $Title = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Title -Default $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Title
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Title)) {
        throw "No Title supplied for OpenAPI definition"

    $Version = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Version -Default $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Version
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Version)) {
        throw "No Version supplied for OpenAPI definition"

    $Description = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Description -Default $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Description

    # generate the openapi definition
    return (Get-PodeOpenApiDefinitionInternal `
        -Title $Title `
        -Version $Version `
        -Description $Description `
        -RouteFilter $RouteFilter `
        -Protocol $WebEvent.Endpoint.Protocol `
        -Address $WebEvent.Endpoint.Address `
        -EndpointName $WebEvent.Endpoint.Name `

Adds a response definition to the supplied route.
Adds a response definition to the supplied route.
The route to add the response definition, usually from -PassThru on Add-PodeRoute.
The HTTP StatusCode for the response.
.PARAMETER ContentSchemas
The content-types and schema the response returns (the schema is created using the Property functions).
.PARAMETER HeaderSchemas
The header name and schema the response returns (the schema is created using the Property functions).
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the response. (Default: the HTTP StatusCode description)
.PARAMETER Reference
A Reference Name of an existing component response to use.
If supplied, the response will be used as a default response - this overrides the StatusCode supplied.
If supplied, the route passed in will be returned for further chaining.
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru | Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -ContentSchemas @{ 'application/json' = (New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' -Object) }
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru | Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -ContentSchemas @{ 'application/json' = 'UserIdSchema' }
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru | Add-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200 -Reference 'OKResponse'

function Add-PodeOAResponse
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]




        $Description = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Reference')]



    # set a general description for the status code
    if (!$Default -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Description)) {
        $Description = Get-PodeStatusDescription -StatusCode $StatusCode

    # override status code with default
    $code = "$($StatusCode)"
    if ($Default) {
        $code = 'default'

    # schemas or component reference?
    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'schema' {
            # build any content-type schemas
            $content = $null
            if ($null -ne $ContentSchemas) {
                $content = ($ContentSchemas | ConvertTo-PodeOAContentTypeSchema)

            # build any header schemas
            $headers = $null
            if ($null -ne $HeaderSchemas) {
                $headers = ($HeaderSchemas | ConvertTo-PodeOAHeaderSchema)

        'reference' {
            if (!(Test-PodeOAComponentResponse -Name $Reference)) {
                throw "The OpenApi component response doesn't exist: $($Reference)"

    # add the respones to the routes
    foreach ($r in @($Route)) {
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
            'schema' {
                $r.OpenApi.Responses[$code] = @{
                    description = $Description
                    content = $content
                    headers = $headers

            'reference' {
                $r.OpenApi.Responses[$code] = @{
                    '$ref' = "#/components/responses/$($Reference)"

    if ($PassThru) {
        return $Route

Remove a response definition from the supplied route.
Remove a response definition from the supplied route.
The route to remove the response definition, usually from -PassThru on Add-PodeRoute.
The HTTP StatusCode for the response to remove.
If supplied, the response will be used as a default response - this overrides the StatusCode supplied.
If supplied, the route passed in will be returned for further chaining.
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru | Remove-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 200
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru | Remove-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 201 -Default

function Remove-PodeOAResponse
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]




    # override status code with default
    $code = "$($StatusCode)"
    if ($Default) {
        $code = 'default'

    # remove the respones from the routes
    foreach ($r in @($Route)) {
        if ($r.OpenApi.Responses.ContainsKey($code)) {
            $null = $r.OpenApi.Responses.Remove($code)

    if ($PassThru) {
        return $Route

Adds a reusable component for responses.
Adds a reusable component for responses.
The reference Name of the response.
.PARAMETER ContentSchemas
The content-types and schema the response returns (the schema is created using the Property functions).
.PARAMETER HeaderSchemas
The header name and schema the response returns (the schema is created using the Property functions).
.PARAMETER Description
The Description of the response.
Add-PodeOAComponentResponse -Name 'OKResponse' -ContentSchemas @{ 'application/json' = (New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' -Object) }
Add-PodeOAComponentResponse -Name 'ErrorResponse' -ContentSchemas @{ 'application/json' = 'ErrorSchema' }

function Add-PodeOAComponentResponse




    $content = $null
    if ($null -ne $ContentSchemas) {
        $content = ($ContentSchemas | ConvertTo-PodeOAContentTypeSchema)

    $headers = $null
    if ($null -ne $HeaderSchemas) {
        $headers = ($HeaderSchemas | ConvertTo-PodeOAHeaderSchema)

    $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.components.responses[$Name] = @{
        description = $Description
        content = $content
        headers = $headers

Sets the definition of a request for a route.
Sets the definition of a request for a route.
The route to set a request definition, usually from -PassThru on Add-PodeRoute.
.PARAMETER Parameters
The Parameter definitions the request uses (from ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter).
.PARAMETER RequestBody
The Request Body definition the request uses (from New-PodeOARequestBody).
If supplied, the route passed in will be returned for further chaining.
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru | Set-PodeOARequest -RequestBody (New-PodeOARequestBody -Reference 'UserIdBody')

function Set-PodeOARequest
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]




    foreach ($r in @($Route)) {
        if (($null -ne $Parameters) -and ($Parameters.Length -gt 0)) {
            $r.OpenApi.Parameters = @($Parameters)

        if ($null -ne $RequestBody) {
            $r.OpenApi.RequestBody = $RequestBody

    if ($PassThru) {
        return $Route

Creates a Request Body definition for routes.
Creates a Request Body definition for routes from the supplied content-types and schemas.
.PARAMETER Reference
A reference name from an existing component request body.
.PARAMETER ContentSchemas
The content-types and schema the request body accepts (the schema is created using the Property functions).
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the request body.
If supplied, the request body will be flagged as required.
New-PodeOARequestBody -ContentSchemas @{ 'application/json' = (New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' -Object) }
New-PodeOARequestBody -ContentSchemas @{ 'application/json' = 'UserIdSchema' }
New-PodeOARequestBody -Reference 'UserIdBody'

function New-PodeOARequestBody
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Reference')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Schema')]

        $Description = $null,


    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'schema' {
            return @{
                required = $Required.IsPresent
                description = $Description
                content = ($ContentSchemas | ConvertTo-PodeOAContentTypeSchema)

        'reference' {
            if (!(Test-PodeOAComponentRequestBody -Name $Reference)) {
                throw "The OpenApi component request body doesn't exist: $($Reference)"

            return @{
                '$ref' = "#/components/requestBodies/$($Reference)"

Adds a reusable component for a request body.
Adds a reusable component for a request body.
The reference Name of the schema.
The Schema definition (the schema is created using the Property functions).
Add-PodeOAComponentSchema -Name 'UserIdSchema' -Schema (New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' -Object)

function Add-PodeOAComponentSchema

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

    $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.components.schemas[$Name] = ($Schema | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty)

Adds a reusable component for a request body.
Adds a reusable component for a request body.
The reference Name of the request body.
.PARAMETER ContentSchemas
The content-types and schema the request body accepts (the schema is created using the Property functions).
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the request body.
If supplied, the request body will be flagged as required.
Add-PodeOAComponentRequestBody -Name 'UserIdBody' -ContentSchemas @{ 'application/json' = (New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' -Object) }
Add-PodeOAComponentRequestBody -Name 'UserIdBody' -ContentSchemas @{ 'application/json' = 'UserIdSchema' }

function Add-PodeOAComponentRequestBody

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

        $Description = $null,


    $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.components.requestBodies[$Name] = @{
        required = $Required.IsPresent
        description = $Description
        content = ($ContentSchemas | ConvertTo-PodeOAContentTypeSchema)

Adds a reusable component for a request parameter.
Adds a reusable component for a request parameter.
The reference Name of the parameter.
.PARAMETER Parameter
The Parameter to use for the component (from ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter)
New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' | ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -In Query | Add-PodeOAComponentParameter -Name 'UserIdParam'

function Add-PodeOAComponentParameter

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
        $Name = $

    $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.components.parameters[$Name] = $Parameter

Creates a new OpenAPI integer property.
Creates a new OpenAPI integer property, for Schemas or Parameters.
The Name of the property.
The inbuilt OpenAPI Format of the integer. (Default: Any)
The default value of the property. (Default: 0)
The minimum value of the integer. (Default: Int.Min)
The maximum value of the integer. (Default: Int.Max)
.PARAMETER MultiplesOf
The integer must be in multiples of the supplied value.
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the property.
An optional array of values that this property can only be set to.
If supplied, the object will be treated as Required where supported.
.PARAMETER Deprecated
If supplied, the object will be treated as Deprecated where supported.
If supplied, the integer will be treated as an array of integers.
If supplied, the integer will be automatically wrapped in an object.
New-PodeOANumberProperty -Name 'age' -Required

function New-PodeOAIntProperty

        [ValidateSet('', 'Int32', 'Int64')]

        $Default = 0,

        $Minimum = [int]::MinValue,

        $Maximum = [int]::MaxValue,

        $MultiplesOf = 0,







    $param = @{
        name = $Name
        type = 'integer'
        array = $Array.IsPresent
        object = $Object.IsPresent
        required = $Required.IsPresent
        deprecated = $Deprecated.IsPresent
        description = $Description
        format = $Format.ToLowerInvariant()
        default = $Default

        meta = @{
            enum = $Enum

    if ($Minimum -ne [int]::MinValue) {
        $param.meta['minimum'] = $Minimum

    if ($Maximum -ne [int]::MaxValue) {
        $param.meta['maximum'] = $Maximum

    if ($MultiplesOf -ne 0) {
        $param.meta['multipleOf'] = $MultiplesOf

    return $param

Creates a new OpenAPI number property.
Creates a new OpenAPI number property, for Schemas or Parameters.
The Name of the property.
The inbuilt OpenAPI Format of the number. (Default: Any)
The default value of the property. (Default: 0)
The minimum value of the number. (Default: Double.Min)
The maximum value of the number. (Default: Double.Max)
.PARAMETER MultiplesOf
The number must be in multiples of the supplied value.
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the property.
An optional array of values that this property can only be set to.
If supplied, the object will be treated as Required where supported.
.PARAMETER Deprecated
If supplied, the object will be treated as Deprecated where supported.
If supplied, the number will be treated as an array of numbers.
If supplied, the number will be automatically wrapped in an object.
New-PodeOANumberProperty -Name 'gravity' -Default 9.8

function New-PodeOANumberProperty

        [ValidateSet('', 'Double', 'Float')]

        $Default = 0,

        $Minimum = [double]::MinValue,

        $Maximum = [double]::MaxValue,

        $MultiplesOf = 0,







    $param = @{
        name = $Name
        type = 'number'
        array = $Array.IsPresent
        object = $Object.IsPresent
        required = $Required.IsPresent
        deprecated = $Deprecated.IsPresent
        description = $Description
        format = $Format.ToLowerInvariant()
        default = $Default

        meta = @{
            enum = $Enum

    if ($Minimum -ne [double]::MinValue) {
        $param.meta['minimum'] = $Minimum

    if ($Maximum -ne [double]::MaxValue) {
        $param.meta['maximum'] = $Maximum

    if ($MultiplesOf -ne 0) {
        $param.meta['multipleOf'] = $MultiplesOf

    return $param

Creates a new OpenAPI string property.
Creates a new OpenAPI string property, for Schemas or Parameters.
The Name of the property.
The inbuilt OpenAPI Format of the string. (Default: Any)
.PARAMETER CustomFormat
The name of a custom OpenAPI Format of the string. (Default: None)
The default value of the property. (Default: $null)
The minimum length of the string. (Default: Int.Min)
The maximum length of the string. (Default: Int.Max)
A Regex pattern that the string must match.
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the property.
An optional array of values that this property can only be set to.
If supplied, the object will be treated as Required where supported.
.PARAMETER Deprecated
If supplied, the object will be treated as Deprecated where supported.
If supplied, the string will be treated as an array of strings.
If supplied, the string will be automatically wrapped in an object.
New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'userType' -Default 'admin'
New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'password' -Format Password

function New-PodeOAStringProperty

        [ValidateSet('', 'Binary', 'Byte', 'Date', 'Date-Time', 'Password')]


        $Default = $null,

        $MinLength = [int]::MinValue,

        $MaxLength = [int]::MaxValue,

        $Pattern = $null,







    $_format = $Format
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($CustomFormat)) {
        $_format = $CustomFormat

    $param = @{
        name = $Name
        type = 'string'
        array = $Array.IsPresent
        object = $Object.IsPresent
        required = $Required.IsPresent
        deprecated = $Deprecated.IsPresent
        description = $Description
        format = $_format.ToLowerInvariant()
        default = $Default

        meta = @{
            enum = $Enum
            pattern = $Pattern

    if ($MinLength -ne [int]::MinValue) {
        $param.meta['minLength'] = $MinLength

    if ($MaxLength -ne [int]::MaxValue) {
        $param.meta['maxLength'] = $MaxLength

    return $param

Creates a new OpenAPI boolean property.
Creates a new OpenAPI boolean property, for Schemas or Parameters.
The Name of the property.
The default value of the property. (Default: $false)
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the property.
An optional array of values that this property can only be set to.
If supplied, the object will be treated as Required where supported.
.PARAMETER Deprecated
If supplied, the object will be treated as Deprecated where supported.
If supplied, the boolean will be treated as an array of booleans.
If supplied, the boolean will be automatically wrapped in an object.
New-PodeOABoolProperty -Name 'enabled' -Required

function New-PodeOABoolProperty

        $Default = $false,







    $param = @{
        name = $Name
        type = 'boolean'
        array = $Array.IsPresent
        object = $Object.IsPresent
        required = $Required.IsPresent
        deprecated = $Deprecated.IsPresent
        description = $Description
        default = $Default

        meta = @{
            enum = $Enum

    return $param

Creates a new OpenAPI object property from other properties.
Creates a new OpenAPI object property from other properties, for Schemas or Parameters.
The Name of the property.
.PARAMETER Properties
An array of other int/string/etc properties wrap up as an object.
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the property.
If supplied, the object will be treated as Required where supported.
.PARAMETER Deprecated
If supplied, the object will be treated as Deprecated where supported.
If supplied, the object will be treated as an array of objects.
New-PodeOAObjectProperty -Name 'user' -Properties @('<ARRAY_OF_PROPERTIES>')

function New-PodeOAObjectProperty






    $param = @{
        name = $Name
        type = 'object'
        array = $Array.IsPresent
        required = $Required.IsPresent
        deprecated = $Deprecated.IsPresent
        description = $Description
        properties = $Properties
        default = $Default

    return $param

Creates a OpenAPI schema reference property.
Creates a new OpenAPI schema reference from another OpenAPI schema.
The Name of the property.
.PARAMETER Reference
An component schema name.
.PARAMETER Description
A Description of the property.
If supplied, the schema reference will be treated as an array.
New-PodeOASchemaProperty -Name 'Config' -ComponentSchema "MyConfigSchema"

function New-PodeOASchemaProperty




    if(!(Test-PodeOAComponentSchema -Name $Reference)) {
        throw "The OpenApi component schema doesn't exist: $($Reference)"

    $param = @{
        name = $Name
        type = 'schema'
        schema = $Reference
        array = $Array.IsPresent
        description = $Description

    return $param

Converts an OpenAPI property into a Request Parameter.
Converts an OpenAPI property (such as from New-PodeOAIntProperty) into a Request Parameter.
Where in the Request can the parameter be found?
The Property that need converting (such as from New-PodeOAIntProperty).
.PARAMETER Reference
The name of an existing component parameter to be reused.
New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'userId' | ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -In Query
ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -Reference 'UserIdParam'

function ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Schema')]
        [ValidateSet('Cookie', 'Header', 'Path', 'Query')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName='Schema')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName='Reference')]

    # return a reference
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'reference') {
        if (!(Test-PodeOAComponentParameter -Name $Reference)) {
            throw "The OpenApi component request parameter doesn't exist: $($Reference)"

        return @{
            '$ref' = "#/components/parameters/$($Reference)"

    # non-object/array only
    if (@('array', 'object') -icontains $Property.type) {
        throw "OpenApi request parameter cannot be an array of object"

    # build the base parameter
    $prop = @{
        in = $In.ToLowerInvariant()
        name = $
        description = $Property.description
        schema = @{
            type = $Property.type
            format = $Property.format
            enum = $Property.enum

    if ($Property.deprecated) {
        $prop['deprecated'] = $Property.deprecated

    if ($Property.required) {
        $prop['required'] = $Property.required

    # remove default for required parameter
    if (!$Property.required) {
        $prop.schema['default'] = $Property.default

    return $prop

Sets metadate for the supplied route.
Sets metadate for the supplied route, such as Summary and Tags.
The route to update info, usually from -PassThru on Add-PodeRoute.
A quick Summary of the route.
.PARAMETER Description
A longer Description of the route.
.PARAMETER OperationId
Sets the OperationId of the route.
An array of Tags for the route, mostly for grouping.
.PARAMETER Deprecated
If supplied, the route will be flagged as deprecated.
If supplied, the route passed in will be returned for further chaining.
Add-PodeRoute -PassThru | Set-PodeOARouteInfo -Summary 'A quick summary' -Tags 'Admin'

function Set-PodeOARouteInfo
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]







    foreach ($r in @($Route)) {
        $r.OpenApi.Summary = $Summary
        $r.OpenApi.Description = $Description
        $r.OpenApi.OperationId = $OperationId
        $r.OpenApi.Tags = $Tags
        $r.OpenApi.Deprecated = $Deprecated.IsPresent

    if ($PassThru) {
        return $Route

Adds a route that enables a viewer to display OpenAPI docs, such as Swagger or ReDoc.
Adds a route that enables a viewer to display OpenAPI docs, such as Swagger or ReDoc.
The Type of OpenAPI viewer to use.
The route Path where the docs can be accessed. (Default: "/$Type")
The URL where the OpenAPI definition can be retrieved. (Default is the OpenAPI path from Enable-PodeOpenApi)
.PARAMETER Middleware
Like normal Routes, an array of Middleware that will be applied.
The title of the web page.
If supplied, the page will be rendered using a dark theme (this is not supported for all viewers).
Enable-PodeOpenApiViewer -Type Swagger -DarkMode
Enable-PodeOpenApiViewer -Type ReDoc -Title 'Some Title' -OpenApi 'http://some-url/openapi'

function Enable-PodeOpenApiViewer
        [ValidateSet('Swagger', 'ReDoc')]






    # error if there's no OpenAPI URL
    $OpenApiUrl = Protect-PodeValue -Value $OpenApiUrl -Default $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Path
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($OpenApiUrl)) {
        throw "No OpenAPI URL supplied for $($Type)"

    # fail if no title
    $Title = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Title -Default $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Title
    $Title = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Title -Default $Type
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Title)) {
        throw "No title supplied for $($Type) page"

    # set a default path
    $Path = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default "/$($Type.ToLowerInvariant())"
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Title)) {
        throw "No route path supplied for $($Type) page"

    # setup meta info
    $meta = @{
        Type = $Type.ToLowerInvariant()
        Title = $Title
        OpenApi = $OpenApiUrl
        DarkMode = $DarkMode

    # add the viewer route
    Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path $Path -Middleware $Middleware -ArgumentList $meta -ScriptBlock {
        $podeRoot = Get-PodeModuleMiscPath
        Write-PodeFileResponse -Path ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($podeRoot, "default-$($meta.Type).html.pode")) -Data @{
            Title = $meta.Title
            OpenApi = $meta.OpenApi
            DarkMode = $meta.DarkMode