
Appends a header against the Response.
Appends a header against the Response. If the current context is serverless, then this function acts like Set-PodeHeader.
The name of the header.
The value to set against the header.
If supplied, the secret with which to sign the header's value.
Add-PodeHeader -Name 'X-AuthToken' -Value 'AA-BB-CC-33'

function Add-PodeHeader
    param (



    # sign the value if we have a secret
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Secret)) {
        $Value = (Invoke-PodeValueSign -Value $Value -Secret $Secret)

    # add the header to the response
    if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
        $WebEvent.Response.Headers[$Name] = $Value
    else {
        $WebEvent.Response.Headers.Add($Name, $Value)

Tests if a header is present on the Request.
Tests if a header is present on the Request.
The name of the header to test.
Test-PodeHeader -Name 'X-AuthToken'

function Test-PodeHeader
    param (

    $header = (Get-PodeHeader -Name $Name)
    return (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($header))

Retrieves the value of a header from the Request.
Retrieves the value of a header from the Request.
The name of the header to retrieve.
The secret used to unsign the header's value.
Get-PodeHeader -Name 'X-AuthToken'

function Get-PodeHeader
    param (


    # get the value for the header from the request
    $header = $WebEvent.Request.Headers.$Name

    # if a secret was supplied, attempt to unsign the header's value
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Secret)) {
        $header = (Invoke-PodeValueUnsign -Value $header -Secret $Secret)

    return $header

Sets a header on the Response, clearing all current values for the header.
Sets a header on the Response, clearing all current values for the header.
The name of the header.
The value to set against the header.
If supplied, the secret with which to sign the header's value.
Set-PodeHeader -Name 'X-AuthToken' -Value 'AA-BB-CC-33'

function Set-PodeHeader
    param (



    # sign the value if we have a secret
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Secret)) {
        $Value = (Invoke-PodeValueSign -Value $Value -Secret $Secret)

    # set the header on the response
    if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {
        $WebEvent.Response.Headers[$Name] = $Value
    else {
        $WebEvent.Response.Headers.Set($Name, $Value)

Tests if a header on the Request is validly signed.
Tests if a header on the Request is validly signed, by attempting to unsign it using some secret.
The name of the header to test.
A secret to use for attempting to unsign the header's value.
Test-PodeHeaderSigned -Name 'X-Header-Name' -Secret 'hunter2'

function Test-PodeHeaderSigned
    param (


    $header = Get-PodeHeader -Name $Name
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($header)) {
        return $false

    $value = (Invoke-PodeValueUnsign -Value $header -Secret $Secret)
    return (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($value))