.SYNOPSIS Dispose and close streams, tokens, and other Disposables. .DESCRIPTION Dispose and close streams, tokens, and other Disposables. .PARAMETER Disposable The Disposable object to dispose and close. .PARAMETER Close Should the Disposable also be closed, as well as disposed? .PARAMETER CheckNetwork If an error is thrown, check the reason - if it's network related ignore the error. .EXAMPLE Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $stream -Close #> function Close-PodeDisposable { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.IDisposable] $Disposable, [switch] $Close, [switch] $CheckNetwork ) process { if ($null -eq $Disposable) { return } try { if ($Close) { $Disposable.Close() } } catch [exception] { if ($CheckNetwork -and (Test-PodeValidNetworkFailure $_.Exception)) { return } $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog throw $_.Exception } finally { $Disposable.Dispose() } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the literal path of the server. .DESCRIPTION Returns the literal path of the server. .EXAMPLE $path = Get-PodeServerPath #> function Get-PodeServerPath { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param() return $PodeContext.Server.Root } <# .SYNOPSIS Starts a Stopwatch on some ScriptBlock, and outputs the duration at the end. .DESCRIPTION Starts a Stopwatch on some ScriptBlock, and outputs the duration at the end. .PARAMETER Name The name of the Stopwatch. .PARAMETER ScriptBlock The ScriptBlock to time. .EXAMPLE Start-PodeStopwatch -Name 'ReadFile' -ScriptBlock { $content = Get-Content './file.txt' } #> function Start-PodeStopwatch { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock ) begin { $pipelineItemCount = 0 } process { $pipelineItemCount++ } end { if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) { throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)) } try { $watch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() . $ScriptBlock } catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog throw $_.Exception } finally { $watch.Stop() "[Stopwatch]: $($watch.Elapsed) [$($Name)]" | Out-PodeHost } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Like the "using" keyword in .NET. Allows you to use a Stream and then disposes of it. .DESCRIPTION Like the "using" keyword in .NET. Allows you to use a Stream and then disposes of it. .PARAMETER Stream The Stream to use and then dispose. .PARAMETER ScriptBlock The ScriptBlock to invoke. It will be supplied the Stream. .EXAMPLE $content = (Use-PodeStream -Stream $stream -ScriptBlock { return $args[0].ReadToEnd() }) #> function Use-PodeStream { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([object])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.IDisposable] $Stream, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock ) try { return (Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Arguments $Stream -Return -NoNewClosure) } catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog throw $_.Exception } finally { $Stream.Dispose() } } <# .SYNOPSIS Loads a script, by dot-sourcing, at the supplied path. .DESCRIPTION Loads a script, by dot-sourcing, at the supplied path. If the path is relative, the server's path is prepended. .PARAMETER Path The path, literal or relative to the server, to some script. .EXAMPLE Use-PodeScript -Path './scripts/tools.ps1' #> function Use-PodeScript { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path ) # if path is '.', replace with server root $_path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot -Resolve # we have a path, if it's a directory/wildcard then loop over all files if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_path)) { $_paths = Get-PodeWildcardFile -Path $Path -Wildcard '*.ps1' if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $_paths)) { foreach ($_path in $_paths) { Use-PodeScript -Path $_path } return } } # check if the path exists if (!(Test-PodePath $_path -NoStatus)) { # The script path does not exist throw ($PodeLocale.scriptPathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f (Protect-PodeValue -Value $_path -Default $Path)) } # dot-source the script . $_path # load any functions from the file into pode's runspaces Import-PodeFunctionsIntoRunspaceState -FilePath $_path } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the loaded configuration of the server. .DESCRIPTION Returns the loaded configuration of the server. .EXAMPLE $s = Get-PodeConfig #> function Get-PodeConfig { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable])] param() return $PodeContext.Server.Configuration } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a ScriptBlock as Endware to run at the end of each web Request. .DESCRIPTION Adds a ScriptBlock as Endware to run at the end of each web Request. .PARAMETER ScriptBlock The ScriptBlock to add. It will be supplied the current web event. .PARAMETER ArgumentList An array of arguments to supply to the Endware's ScriptBlock. .EXAMPLE Add-PodeEndware -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } #> function Add-PodeEndware { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock, [Parameter()] [object[]] $ArgumentList ) begin { $pipelineItemCount = 0 } process { $pipelineItemCount++ } end { if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) { throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)) } # check for scoped vars $ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState # add the scriptblock to array of endware that needs to be run $PodeContext.Server.Endware += @{ Logic = $ScriptBlock UsingVariables = $usingVars Arguments = $ArgumentList } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Automatically loads endware ps1 files .DESCRIPTION Automatically loads endware ps1 files from either a /endware folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one. .PARAMETER Path Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal. .EXAMPLE Use-PodeEndware .EXAMPLE Use-PodeEndware -Path './endware' #> function Use-PodeEndware { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $Path ) Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'endware' } <# .SYNOPSIS Imports a Module into the current, and all runspaces that Pode uses. .DESCRIPTION Imports a Module into the current, and all runspaces that Pode uses. Modules can also be imported from the ps_modules directory. .PARAMETER Name The name of a globally installed Module, or one within the ps_modules directory, to import. .PARAMETER Path The path, literal or relative, to a Module to import. .EXAMPLE Import-PodeModule -Name IISManager .EXAMPLE Import-PodeModule -Path './modules/utilities.psm1' #> function Import-PodeModule { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Name')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Name')] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Path')] [string] $Path ) # script root path $rootPath = $null if ($null -eq $PodeContext) { $rootPath = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot -Default $pwd.Path) } # get the path of a module, or import modules on mass switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'name' { $modulePath = Join-PodeServerRoot -Folder ([System.IO.Path]::Combine('ps_modules', $Name)) -Root $rootPath if (Test-PodePath -Path $modulePath -NoStatus) { $Path = (Get-ChildItem ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($modulePath, '*', "$($Name).ps*1")) -Recurse -Force | Select-Object -First 1).FullName } else { $Path = Find-PodeModuleFile -Name $Name -ListAvailable } } 'path' { $Path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -RootPath $rootPath -JoinRoot -Resolve $paths = Get-PodeWildcardFile -Path $Path -RootPath $rootPath -Wildcard '*.ps*1' if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $paths)) { foreach ($_path in $paths) { Import-PodeModule -Path $_path } return } } } # if it's still empty, error if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) { # Failed to import module throw ($PodeLocale.failedToImportModuleExceptionMessage -f (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default $Name)) } # check if the path exists if (!(Test-PodePath $Path -NoStatus)) { # The module path does not exist throw ($PodeLocale.modulePathDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default $Name)) } $null = Import-Module $Path -Force -DisableNameChecking -Scope Global -ErrorAction Stop } <# .SYNOPSIS Imports a Snapin into the current, and all runspaces that Pode uses. .DESCRIPTION Imports a Snapin into the current, and all runspaces that Pode uses. .PARAMETER Name The name of a Snapin to import. .EXAMPLE Import-PodeSnapin -Name 'WDeploySnapin3.0' #> function Import-PodeSnapin { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name ) # if non-windows or core, fail if ((Test-PodeIsPSCore) -or (Test-PodeIsUnix)) { # Snapins are only supported on Windows PowerShell throw ($PodeLocale.snapinsSupportedOnWindowsPowershellOnlyExceptionMessage) } # import the snap-in $null = Add-PSSnapin -Name $Name } <# .SYNOPSIS Resolves and protects a value by ensuring it defaults to a specified fallback and optionally parses it as an enum. .DESCRIPTION The `Protect-PodeValue` function ensures that a given value is resolved. If the value is empty, a default value is used instead. Additionally, the function can parse the resolved value as an enum type with optional case sensitivity. .PARAMETER Value The input value to be resolved. .PARAMETER Default The default value to fall back to if the input value is empty. .PARAMETER EnumType The type of enum to parse the resolved value into. If specified, the resolved value must be a valid enum member. .PARAMETER CaseSensitive Specifies whether the enum parsing should be case-sensitive. By default, parsing is case-insensitive. .OUTPUTS [object] Returns the resolved value, either as the original value, the default value, or a parsed enum. .EXAMPLE # Example 1: Resolve a value with a default fallback $resolved = Protect-PodeValue -Value $null -Default "Fallback" Write-Output $resolved # Output: Fallback .EXAMPLE # Example 2: Resolve and parse a value as a case-insensitive enum $resolvedEnum = Protect-PodeValue -Value "red" -Default "Blue" -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor]) Write-Output $resolvedEnum # Output: Red .EXAMPLE # Example 3: Resolve and parse a value as a case-sensitive enum $resolvedEnum = Protect-PodeValue -Value "red" -Default "Blue" -EnumType ([type][System.ConsoleColor]) -CaseSensitive # Throws an error if "red" does not match an enum member exactly (case-sensitive). .NOTES This function resolves values using `Resolve-PodeValue` and validates enums using `[enum]::IsDefined`. #> function Protect-PodeValue { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([object])] param( [Parameter()] $Value, [Parameter()] $Default, [Parameter()] [Type] $EnumType, [switch] $CaseSensitive ) $resolvedValue = Resolve-PodeValue -Check (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Value) -TrueValue $Default -FalseValue $Value if ($null -ne $EnumType -and [enum]::IsDefined($EnumType, $resolvedValue)) { # Use $CaseSensitive to determine if case sensitivity should apply return [enum]::Parse($EnumType, $resolvedValue, !$CaseSensitive.IsPresent) } return $resolvedValue } <# .SYNOPSIS Resolves a query, and returns a value based on the response. .DESCRIPTION Resolves a query, and returns a value based on the response. .PARAMETER Check The query, or variable, to evalulate. .PARAMETER TrueValue The value to use if evaluated to True. .PARAMETER FalseValue The value to use if evaluated to False. .EXAMPLE $Port = Resolve-PodeValue -Check $AllowSsl -TrueValue 443 -FalseValue -80 #> function Resolve-PodeValue { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([object])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [bool] $Check, [Parameter()] $TrueValue, [Parameter()] $FalseValue ) if ($Check) { return $TrueValue } return $FalseValue } <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes a ScriptBlock. .DESCRIPTION Invokes a ScriptBlock, supplying optional arguments, splatting, and returning any optional values. .PARAMETER ScriptBlock The ScriptBlock to invoke. .PARAMETER Arguments Any arguments that should be supplied to the ScriptBlock. .PARAMETER UsingVariables Optional array of "using-variable" values, which will be automatically prepended to any supplied Arguments when supplied to the ScriptBlock. .PARAMETER Scoped Run the ScriptBlock in a scoped context. .PARAMETER Return Return any values that the ScriptBlock may return. .PARAMETER Splat Spat the argument onto the ScriptBlock. .PARAMETER NoNewClosure Don't create a new closure before invoking the ScriptBlock. .EXAMPLE Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock { Write-PodeHost 'Hello!' } .EXAMPLE Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -Arguments 'Morty' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } #> function Invoke-PodeScriptBlock { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([object])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock, [Parameter()] $Arguments = $null, [Parameter()] [object[]] $UsingVariables = $null, [switch] $Scoped, [switch] $Return, [switch] $Splat, [switch] $NoNewClosure ) # force no new closure if running serverless if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) { $NoNewClosure = $true } # if new closure needed, create it if (!$NoNewClosure) { $ScriptBlock = ($ScriptBlock).GetNewClosure() } # merge arguments together, if we have using vars supplied if (($null -ne $UsingVariables) -and ($UsingVariables.Length -gt 0)) { $Arguments = @(Merge-PodeScriptblockArguments -ArgumentList $Arguments -UsingVariables $UsingVariables) } # invoke the scriptblock if ($Scoped) { if ($Splat) { $result = (& $ScriptBlock @Arguments) } else { $result = (& $ScriptBlock $Arguments) } } else { if ($Splat) { $result = (. $ScriptBlock @Arguments) } else { $result = (. $ScriptBlock $Arguments) } } # if needed, return the result if ($Return) { return $result } } <# .SYNOPSIS Merges Arguments and Using Variables together. .DESCRIPTION Merges Arguments and Using Variables together to be supplied to a ScriptBlock. The Using Variables will be prepended so then are supplied first to a ScriptBlock. .PARAMETER ArgumentList And optional array of Arguments. .PARAMETER UsingVariables And optional array of "using-variable" values to be prepended. .EXAMPLE $Arguments = @(Merge-PodeScriptblockArguments -ArgumentList $Arguments -UsingVariables $UsingVariables) .EXAMPLE $Arguments = @(Merge-PodeScriptblockArguments -UsingVariables $UsingVariables) #> function Merge-PodeScriptblockArguments { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')] [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([object[]])] param( [Parameter()] [object[]] $ArgumentList = $null, [Parameter()] [object[]] $UsingVariables = $null ) if ($null -eq $ArgumentList) { $ArgumentList = @() } if (($null -eq $UsingVariables) -or ($UsingVariables.Length -le 0)) { return $ArgumentList } $_vars = @() foreach ($_var in $UsingVariables) { $_vars += , $_var.Value } return ($_vars + $ArgumentList) } <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if a value is empty - the value can be of any type. .DESCRIPTION Tests if a value is empty - the value can be of any type. .PARAMETER Value The value to test. .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeIsEmpty @{}) { /* logic */ } #> function Test-PodeIsEmpty { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([bool])] param( [Parameter()] $Value ) if ($null -eq $Value) { return $true } if ($Value -is [string]) { return [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value) } if ($Value -is [array]) { return ($Value.Length -eq 0) } if (($Value -is [hashtable]) -or ($Value -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary])) { return ($Value.Count -eq 0) } if ($Value -is [scriptblock]) { return ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value.ToString())) } if ($Value -is [valuetype]) { return $false } return ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value) -or ((Get-PodeCount $Value) -eq 0)) } <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if the the current session is running in PowerShell Core. .DESCRIPTION Tests if the the current session is running in PowerShell Core. .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeIsPSCore) { /* logic */ } #> function Test-PodeIsPSCore { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([bool])] param() return (Get-PodePSVersionTable).PSEdition -ieq 'core' } <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if the current OS is Unix. .DESCRIPTION Tests if the current OS is Unix. .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeIsUnix) { /* logic */ } #> function Test-PodeIsUnix { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([bool])] param() return (Get-PodePSVersionTable).Platform -ieq 'unix' } <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if the current OS is Windows. .DESCRIPTION Tests if the current OS is Windows. .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeIsWindows) { /* logic */ } #> function Test-PodeIsWindows { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([bool])] param() $v = Get-PodePSVersionTable return ($v.Platform -ilike '*win*' -or ($null -eq $v.Platform -and $v.PSEdition -ieq 'desktop')) } <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if the current OS is MacOS. .DESCRIPTION Tests if the current OS is MacOS. .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeIsMacOS) { /* logic */ } #> function Test-PodeIsMacOS { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([bool])] param() return ([bool]$IsMacOS) } <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if the scope you're in is currently within a Pode runspace. .DESCRIPTION Tests if the scope you're in is currently within a Pode runspace. .EXAMPLE If (Test-PodeInRunspace) { ... } #> function Test-PodeInRunspace { [CmdletBinding()] param() return ([bool]$PODE_SCOPE_RUNSPACE) } <# .SYNOPSIS Outputs an object to the main Host. .DESCRIPTION Due to Pode's use of runspaces, this will output a given object back to the main Host. It's advised to use this function, so that any output respects the -Quiet flag of the server. .PARAMETER InputObject The object to output. .EXAMPLE 'Hello, world!' | Out-PodeHost .EXAMPLE @{ Name = 'Rick' } | Out-PodeHost #> function Out-PodeHost { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object] $InputObject ) begin { # Initialize an array to hold piped-in values $pipelineValue = @() } process { # Add the current piped-in value to the array $pipelineValue += $_ } end { if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.Quiet) { return } # Set InputObject to the array of values if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) { $InputObject = $pipelineValue $InputObject | Out-Default } else { Out-Default -InputObject $InputObject } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Writes an object to the Host. .DESCRIPTION Writes an object to the Host. It's advised to use this function, so that any output respects the -Quiet flag of the server. .PARAMETER Object The object to write. .PARAMETER ForegroundColor An optional foreground colour. .PARAMETER NoNewLine Whether or not to write a new line. .PARAMETER Explode Show the object content .PARAMETER ShowType Show the Object Type .PARAMETER Label Show a label for the object .PARAMETER Force Overrides the -Quiet flag of the server. .EXAMPLE 'Some output' | Write-PodeHost -ForegroundColor Cyan #> function Write-PodeHost { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingWriteHost', '')] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'inbuilt')] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object] $Object, [Parameter()] [System.ConsoleColor] $ForegroundColor, [switch] $NoNewLine, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'object')] [switch] $Explode, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'object')] [switch] $ShowType, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'object')] [string] $Label, [switch] $Force ) begin { # Initialize an array to hold piped-in values $pipelineValue = @() } process { # Add the current piped-in value to the array $pipelineValue += $_ } end { if ($PodeContext.Server.Console.Quiet -and !($Force.IsPresent)) { return } # Set Object to the array of values if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) { $Object = $pipelineValue } if ($Explode.IsPresent ) { if ($null -eq $Object) { if ($ShowType) { $Object = "`tNull Value" } } else { $type = $Object.gettype().FullName $Object = $Object | Out-String if ($ShowType) { $Object = "`tTypeName: $type`n$Object" } } if ($Label) { $Object = "`tName: $Label $Object" } } if ($ForegroundColor) { if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) { $Object | Write-Host -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -NoNewline:$NoNewLine } else { Write-Host -Object $Object -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -NoNewline:$NoNewLine } } else { if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) { $Object | Write-Host -NoNewline:$NoNewLine } else { Write-Host -Object $Object -NoNewline:$NoNewLine } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns whether or not the server is running via IIS. .DESCRIPTION Returns whether or not the server is running via IIS. .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeIsIIS) { } #> function Test-PodeIsIIS { [CmdletBinding()] param() return $PodeContext.Server.IsIIS } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the IIS application path. .DESCRIPTION Returns the IIS application path, or null if not using IIS. .EXAMPLE $path = Get-PodeIISApplicationPath #> function Get-PodeIISApplicationPath { [CmdletBinding()] param() if (!$PodeContext.Server.IsIIS) { return $null } return $PodeContext.Server.IIS.Path.Raw } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns whether or not the server is running via Heroku. .DESCRIPTION Returns whether or not the server is running via Heroku. .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeIsHeroku) { } #> function Test-PodeIsHeroku { [CmdletBinding()] param() return $PodeContext.Server.IsHeroku } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns whether or not the server is being hosted behind another application. .DESCRIPTION Returns whether or not the server is being hosted behind another application, such as Heroku or IIS. .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeIsHosted) { } #> function Test-PodeIsHosted { [CmdletBinding()] param() return ((Test-PodeIsIIS) -or (Test-PodeIsHeroku)) } <# .SYNOPSIS Defines variables to be created when the Pode server stops. .DESCRIPTION Allows you to define a variable, with a value, that should be created on the in the main scope after the Pode server is stopped. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the variable to be set .PARAMETER Value The Value of the variable to be set .EXAMPLE Out-PodeVariable -Name ExampleVar -Value @{ Name = 'Bob' } #> function Out-PodeVariable { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [object] $Value ) begin { # Initialize an array to hold piped-in values $pipelineValue = @() } process { # Add the current piped-in value to the array $pipelineValue += $_ } end { # Set Value to the array of values if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) { $Value = $pipelineValue } $PodeContext.Server.Output.Variables[$Name] = $Value } } <# .SYNOPSIS A helper function to generate cron expressions. .DESCRIPTION A helper function to generate cron expressions, which can be used for Schedules and other functions that use cron expressions. This helper function only covers simple cron use-cases, with some advanced use-cases. If you need further advanced cron expressions it would be best to write the expression by hand. .PARAMETER Minute This is an array of Minutes that the expression should use between 0-59. .PARAMETER Hour This is an array of Hours that the expression should use between 0-23. .PARAMETER Date This is an array of Dates in the monnth that the expression should use between 1-31. .PARAMETER Month This is an array of Months that the expression should use between January-December. .PARAMETER Day This is an array of Days in the week that the expression should use between Monday-Sunday. .PARAMETER Every This can be used to more easily specify "Every Hour" than writing out all the hours. .PARAMETER Interval This can only be used when using the Every parameter, and will setup an interval on the "every" used. If you want "every 2 hours" then Every should be set to Hour and Interval to 2. .EXAMPLE New-PodeCron -Every Day # every 00:00 .EXAMPLE New-PodeCron -Every Day -Day Tuesday, Friday -Hour 1 # every tuesday and friday at 01:00 .EXAMPLE New-PodeCron -Every Month -Date 15 # every 15th of the month at 00:00 .EXAMPLE New-PodeCron -Every Date -Interval 2 -Date 2 # every month, every other day from 2nd, at 00:00 .EXAMPLE New-PodeCron -Every Year -Month June # every 1st june, at 00:00 .EXAMPLE New-PodeCron -Every Hour -Hour 1 -Interval 1 # every hour, starting at 01:00 .EXAMPLE New-PodeCron -Every Minute -Hour 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -Interval 15 # every 15mins, starting at 01:00 until 05:00 .EXAMPLE New-PodeCron -Every Hour -Day Monday # every hour of every monday .EXAMPLE New-PodeCron -Every Quarter # every 1st jan, apr, jul, oct, at 00:00 #> function New-PodeCron { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([String])] param( [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(0, 59)] [int[]] $Minute = $null, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(0, 23)] [int[]] $Hour = $null, [Parameter()] [ValidateRange(1, 31)] [int[]] $Date = $null, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December')] [string[]] $Month = $null, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday')] [string[]] $Day = $null, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Minute', 'Hour', 'Day', 'Date', 'Month', 'Quarter', 'Year', 'None')] [string] $Every = 'None', [Parameter()] [int] $Interval = 0 ) # cant have None and Interval if (($Every -ieq 'none') -and ($Interval -gt 0)) { # Cannot supply an interval when the parameter `Every` is set to None throw ($PodeLocale.cannotSupplyIntervalWhenEveryIsNoneExceptionMessage) } # base cron $cron = @{ Minute = '*' Hour = '*' Date = '*' Month = '*' Day = '*' } # convert month/day to numbers if ($Month.Length -gt 0) { $MonthInts = @(foreach ($item in $Month) { (@{ January = 1 February = 2 March = 3 April = 4 May = 5 June = 6 July = 7 August = 8 September = 9 October = 10 November = 11 December = 12 })[$item] }) } if ($Day.Length -gt 0) { $DayInts = @(foreach ($item in $Day) { (@{ Sunday = 0 Monday = 1 Tuesday = 2 Wednesday = 3 Thursday = 4 Friday = 5 Saturday = 6 })[$item] }) } # set "every" defaults switch ($Every.ToUpperInvariant()) { 'MINUTE' { if (Set-PodeCronInterval -Cron $cron -Type 'Minute' -Value $Minute -Interval $Interval) { $Minute = @() } } 'HOUR' { $cron.Minute = '0' if (Set-PodeCronInterval -Cron $cron -Type 'Hour' -Value $Hour -Interval $Interval) { $Hour = @() } } 'DAY' { $cron.Minute = '0' $cron.Hour = '0' if (Set-PodeCronInterval -Cron $cron -Type 'Day' -Value $DayInts -Interval $Interval) { $DayInts = @() } } 'DATE' { $cron.Minute = '0' $cron.Hour = '0' if (Set-PodeCronInterval -Cron $cron -Type 'Date' -Value $Date -Interval $Interval) { $Date = @() } } 'MONTH' { $cron.Minute = '0' $cron.Hour = '0' if ($DayInts.Length -eq 0) { $cron.Date = '1' } if (Set-PodeCronInterval -Cron $cron -Type 'Month' -Value $MonthInts -Interval $Interval) { $MonthInts = @() } } 'QUARTER' { $cron.Minute = '0' $cron.Hour = '0' $cron.Date = '1' $cron.Month = '1,4,7,10' if ($Interval -gt 0) { # Cannot supply interval value for every quarter throw ($PodeLocale.cannotSupplyIntervalForQuarterExceptionMessage) } } 'YEAR' { $cron.Minute = '0' $cron.Hour = '0' $cron.Date = '1' $cron.Month = '1' if ($Interval -gt 0) { # Cannot supply interval value for every year throw ($PodeLocale.cannotSupplyIntervalForYearExceptionMessage) } } } # set any custom overrides if ($Minute.Length -gt 0) { $cron.Minute = $Minute -join ',' } if ($Hour.Length -gt 0) { $cron.Hour = $Hour -join ',' } if ($DayInts.Length -gt 0) { $cron.Day = $DayInts -join ',' } if ($Date.Length -gt 0) { $cron.Date = $Date -join ',' } if ($MonthInts.Length -gt 0) { $cron.Month = $MonthInts -join ',' } # build and return return "$($cron.Minute) $($cron.Hour) $($cron.Date) $($cron.Month) $($cron.Day)" } <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the version of the Pode module. .DESCRIPTION The Get-PodeVersion function checks the version of the Pode module specified in the module manifest. If the module version is not a placeholder value ('$version$'), it returns the actual version prefixed with 'v.'. If the module version is the placeholder value, indicating the development branch, it returns '[develop branch]'. .PARAMETER None This function does not accept any parameters. .OUTPUTS System.String Returns a string indicating the version of the Pode module or '[dev]' if on a development version. .EXAMPLE PS> $moduleManifest = @{ ModuleVersion = '1.2.3' } PS> Get-PodeVersion Returns 'v1.2.3'. .EXAMPLE PS> $moduleManifest = @{ ModuleVersion = '$version$' } PS> Get-PodeVersion Returns '[dev]'. .NOTES This function assumes that $moduleManifest is a hashtable representing the loaded module manifest, with a key of ModuleVersion. #> function Get-PodeVersion { $moduleManifest = Get-PodeModuleManifest if ($moduleManifest.ModuleVersion -ne '$version$') { return "v$($moduleManifest.ModuleVersion)" } else { return '[dev]' } } <# .SYNOPSIS Converts an XML node to a PowerShell hashtable. .DESCRIPTION The ConvertFrom-PodeXml function converts an XML node, including all its child nodes and attributes, into an ordered hashtable. This is useful for manipulating XML data in a more PowerShell-centric way. .PARAMETER node The XML node to convert. This parameter takes an XML node and processes it, along with its child nodes and attributes. .PARAMETER Prefix A string prefix used to indicate an attribute. Default is an empty string. .PARAMETER ShowDocElement Indicates whether to show the document element. Default is false. .PARAMETER KeepAttributes If set, the function keeps the attributes of the XML nodes in the resulting hashtable. .EXAMPLE $node = [xml](Get-Content 'path\to\file.xml').DocumentElement ConvertFrom-PodeXml -node $node Converts the XML document's root node to a hashtable. .INPUTS System.Xml.XmlNode You can pipe a XmlNode to ConvertFrom-PodeXml. .OUTPUTS System.Collections.Hashtable Outputs an ordered hashtable representing the XML node structure. .NOTES This cmdlet is useful for transforming XML data into a structure that's easier to manipulate in PowerShell scripts. #> function ConvertFrom-PodeXml { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.Xml.XmlNode]$node, [Parameter()] [string] $Prefix = '', [Parameter()] [switch] $ShowDocElement, [Parameter()] [switch] $KeepAttributes ) process { #if option set, we skip the Document element if ($node.DocumentElement -and !($ShowDocElement.IsPresent)) { $node = $node.DocumentElement } $oHash = [ordered] @{ } # start with an ordered hashtable. #The order of elements is always significant regardless of what they are if ($null -ne $node.Attributes ) { #if there are elements # record all the attributes first in the ordered hash $node.Attributes | ForEach-Object { $oHash.$("$Prefix$($_.FirstChild.parentNode.LocalName)") = $_.FirstChild.value } } # check to see if there is a pseudo-array. (more than one # child-node with the same name that must be handled as an array) $node.ChildNodes | #we just group the names and create an empty #array for each Group-Object -Property LocalName | Where-Object { $_.count -gt 1 } | Select-Object Name | ForEach-Object { $oHash.($_.Name) = @() <# create an empty array for each one#> } foreach ($child in $node.ChildNodes) { #now we look at each node in turn. $childName = $child.LocalName if ($child -is [system.xml.xmltext]) { # if it is simple XML text $oHash.$childname += $child.InnerText } # if it has a #text child we may need to cope with attributes elseif ($child.FirstChild.Name -eq '#text' -and $child.ChildNodes.Count -eq 1) { if ($null -ne $child.Attributes -and $KeepAttributes ) { #hah, an attribute <#we need to record the text with the #text label and preserve all the attributes #> $aHash = [ordered]@{ } $child.Attributes | ForEach-Object { $aHash.$($_.FirstChild.parentNode.LocalName) = $_.FirstChild.value } #now we add the text with an explicit name $aHash.'#text' += $child.'#text' $oHash.$childname += $aHash } else { #phew, just a simple text attribute. $oHash.$childname += $child.FirstChild.InnerText } } elseif ($null -ne $child.'#cdata-section' ) { # if it is a data section, a block of text that isnt parsed by the parser, # but is otherwise recognized as markup $oHash.$childname = $child.'#cdata-section' } elseif ($child.ChildNodes.Count -gt 1 -and ($child | Get-Member -MemberType Property).Count -eq 1) { $oHash.$childname = @() foreach ($grandchild in $child.ChildNodes) { $oHash.$childname += (ConvertFrom-PodeXml $grandchild) } } else { # create an array as a value to the hashtable element $oHash.$childname += (ConvertFrom-PodeXml $child) } } return $oHash } } <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes the garbage collector. .DESCRIPTION Invokes the garbage collector. .EXAMPLE Invoke-PodeGC #> function Invoke-PodeGC { [CmdletBinding()] param() [System.GC]::Collect() } <# .SYNOPSIS A function to pause execution for a specified duration. This function should be used in Pode as replacement for Start-Sleep .DESCRIPTION The `Start-PodeSleep` function pauses script execution for a given duration specified in seconds, milliseconds, or a TimeSpan. .PARAMETER Seconds Specifies the duration to pause execution in seconds. Default is 1 second. .PARAMETER Milliseconds Specifies the duration to pause execution in milliseconds. .PARAMETER Duration Specifies the duration to pause execution using a TimeSpan object. .PARAMETER Activity Specifies the activity name displayed in the progress bar. Default is "Sleeping...". .PARAMETER ParentId Optional parameter to specify the ParentId for the progress bar, enabling hierarchical grouping. .PARAMETER ShowProgress Switch to enable the progress bar during the sleep duration. .OUTPUTS None. .EXAMPLE Start-PodeSleep -Seconds 5 Pauses execution for 5 seconds. .NOTES This function is useful for scenarios where tracking the remaining wait time visually is helpful. #> function Start-PodeSleep { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Seconds')] [int] $Seconds = 1, [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Milliseconds')] [int] $Milliseconds, [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Duration')] [TimeSpan] $Duration ) # Determine the total duration $totalDuration = switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Seconds' { [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($Seconds) } 'Milliseconds' { [TimeSpan]::FromMilliseconds($Milliseconds) } 'Duration' { $Duration } } # Calculate end time $startTime = [DateTime]::UtcNow $endTime = $startTime.Add($totalDuration) # Precompute sleep interval (total duration divided by 100 - ie 100%) $sleepInterval = [math]::Max($totalDuration.TotalMilliseconds / 100, 10) # Main loop while ([DateTime]::UtcNow -lt $endTime) { # Sleep for the interval Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $sleepInterval } } |