.SYNOPSIS Adds a Route for a specific HTTP Method(s). .DESCRIPTION Adds a Route for a specific HTTP Method(s), with path, that when called with invoke any logic and/or Middleware. .PARAMETER Method The HTTP Method of this Route, multiple can be supplied. .PARAMETER Path The URI path for the Route. .PARAMETER Middleware An array of ScriptBlocks for optional Middleware. .PARAMETER ScriptBlock A ScriptBlock for the Route's main logic. .PARAMETER EndpointName The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) this Route should be bound against. .PARAMETER ContentType The content type the Route should use when parsing any payloads. .PARAMETER TransferEncoding The transfer encoding the Route should use when parsing any payloads. .PARAMETER ErrorContentType The content type of any error pages that may get returned. .PARAMETER FilePath A literal, or relative, path to a file containing a ScriptBlock for the Route's main logic. .PARAMETER ArgumentList An array of arguments to supply to the Route's ScriptBlock. .PARAMETER Authentication The name of an Authentication method which should be used as middleware on this Route. .PARAMETER Access The name of an Access method which should be used as middleware on this Route. .PARAMETER AllowAnon If supplied, the Route will allow anonymous access for non-authenticated users. .PARAMETER Login If supplied, the Route will be flagged to Authentication as being a Route that handles user logins. .PARAMETER Logout If supplied, the Route will be flagged to Authentication as being a Route that handles users logging out. .PARAMETER PassThru If supplied, the route created will be returned so it can be passed through a pipe. .PARAMETER IfExists Specifies what action to take when a Route already exists. (Default: Default) .PARAMETER Role One or more optional Roles that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER Group One or more optional Groups that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER Scope One or more optional Scopes that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER User One or more optional Users that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER OAResponses An alternative way to associate OpenApi responses unsing New-PodeOAResponse instead of piping multiple Add-PodeOAResponse .PARAMETER OAReference A reference to OpenAPI reusable pathItem component created with Add-PodeOAComponentPathItem .PARAMETER OADefinitionTag An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification. This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application. You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with. .EXAMPLE Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } .EXAMPLE Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/users/:userId/message' -Middleware (Get-PodeCsrfMiddleware) -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } .EXAMPLE Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/user' -ContentType 'application/json' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } .EXAMPLE Add-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/user' -ContentType 'application/json' -TransferEncoding gzip -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } .EXAMPLE Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/api/cpu' -ErrorContentType 'application/json' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } .EXAMPLE Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } -ArgumentList 'arg1', 'arg2' .EXAMPLE Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/' -Role 'Developer', 'QA' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } .EXAMPLE $Responses = New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 400 -Description 'Invalid username supplied' | New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 404 -Description 'User not found' | New-PodeOAResponse -StatusCode 405 -Description 'Invalid Input' Add-PodeRoute -PassThru -Method Put -Path '/user/:username' -OAResponses $Responses -ScriptBlock { #code is going here } #> function Add-PodeRoute { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Script')] [OutputType([System.Object[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')] [string[]] $Method, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [object[]] $Middleware, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Script')] [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock, [Parameter( )] [AllowNull()] [string[]] $EndpointName, [Parameter()] [string] $ContentType, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('', 'gzip', 'deflate')] [string] $TransferEncoding, [Parameter()] [string] $ErrorContentType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')] [string] $FilePath, [Parameter()] [object[]] $ArgumentList, [Parameter()] [Alias('Auth')] [string] $Authentication, [Parameter()] [string] $Access, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')] [string] $IfExists = 'Default', [Parameter()] [string[]] $Role, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Group, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Scope, [Parameter()] [string[]] $User, [switch] $AllowAnon, [switch] $Login, [switch] $Logout, [hashtable] $OAResponses, [string] $OAReference, [switch] $PassThru, [string[]] $OADefinitionTag ) # check if we have any route group info defined if ($null -ne $RouteGroup) { if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Path)) { $Path = "$($RouteGroup.Path)$($Path)" } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.Middleware) { $Middleware = $RouteGroup.Middleware + $Middleware } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) { $EndpointName = $RouteGroup.EndpointName } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) { $ContentType = $RouteGroup.ContentType } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TransferEncoding)) { $TransferEncoding = $RouteGroup.TransferEncoding } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ErrorContentType)) { $ErrorContentType = $RouteGroup.ErrorContentType } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) { $Authentication = $RouteGroup.Authentication } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Access)) { $Access = $RouteGroup.Access } if ($RouteGroup.AllowAnon) { $AllowAnon = $RouteGroup.AllowAnon } if ($RouteGroup.IfExists -ine 'default') { $IfExists = $RouteGroup.IfExists } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role) { $Role = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role + $Role } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group) { $Group = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group + $Group } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope) { $Scope = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope + $Scope } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User) { $User = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User + $User } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom) { $CustomAccess = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.OADefinitionTag ) { $OADefinitionTag = $RouteGroup.OADefinitionTag } } # var for new routes created $newRoutes = @() # store the original path $origPath = $Path # split route on '?' for query $Path = Split-PodeRouteQuery -Path $Path if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) { # No Path supplied for the Route throw ($PodeLocale.noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage) } # ensure the route has appropriate slashes $Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path $OpenApiPath = ConvertTo-PodeOARoutePath -Path $Path $Path = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path # get endpoints from name $endpoints = Find-PodeEndpoint -EndpointName $EndpointName # get default route IfExists state if ($IfExists -ieq 'Default') { $IfExists = Get-PodeRouteIfExistsPreference } # if middleware, scriptblock and file path are all null/empty, error if ((Test-PodeIsEmpty $Middleware) -and (Test-PodeIsEmpty $ScriptBlock) -and (Test-PodeIsEmpty $FilePath) -and (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Authentication)) { # [Method] Path: No logic passed throw ($PodeLocale.noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage -f ($Method -join ','), $Path) } # if we have a file path supplied, load that path as a scriptblock if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'file') { $ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock -FilePath $FilePath } # check for scoped vars $ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState # convert any middleware into valid hashtables $Middleware = @(ConvertTo-PodeMiddleware -Middleware $Middleware -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState) # if an access name was supplied, setup access as middleware first to it's after auth middleware if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Access)) { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) { # Access requires Authentication to be supplied on Routes throw ($PodeLocale.accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage) } if (!(Test-PodeAccessExists -Name $Access)) { # Access method does not exist throw ($PodeLocale.accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Access) } $options = @{ Name = $Access } $Middleware = (@(Get-PodeAccessMiddlewareScript | New-PodeMiddleware -ArgumentList $options) + $Middleware) } # if an auth name was supplied, setup the auth as the first middleware if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) { if (!(Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $Authentication)) { # Authentication method does not exist throw ($PodeLocale.authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Authentication) } $options = @{ Name = $Authentication Login = $Login Logout = $Logout Anon = $AllowAnon } $Middleware = (@(Get-PodeAuthMiddlewareScript | New-PodeMiddleware -ArgumentList $options) + $Middleware) } # custom access if ($null -eq $CustomAccess) { $CustomAccess = @{} } # workout a default content type for the route $ContentType = Find-PodeRouteContentType -Path $Path -ContentType $ContentType # workout a default transfer encoding for the route $TransferEncoding = Find-PodeRouteTransferEncoding -Path $Path -TransferEncoding $TransferEncoding # loop through each method foreach ($_method in $Method) { # ensure the route doesn't already exist for each endpoint $endpoints = @(foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) { $found = Test-PodeRouteInternal -Method $_method -Path $Path -Protocol $_endpoint.Protocol -Address $_endpoint.Address -ThrowError:($IfExists -ieq 'Error') if ($found) { if ($IfExists -ieq 'Overwrite') { Remove-PodeRoute -Method $_method -Path $origPath -EndpointName $_endpoint.Name } if ($IfExists -ieq 'Skip') { continue } } $_endpoint }) if (($null -eq $endpoints) -or ($endpoints.Length -eq 0)) { continue } #add security header method if autoMethods is enabled if ( $PodeContext.Server.Security.autoMethods ) { Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' -Value $_method.ToUpper() -Append } $DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $OADefinitionTag #add the default OpenApi responses if ( $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.defaultResponses) { $DefaultResponse = [ordered]@{} foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) { $DefaultResponse[$tag] = Copy-PodeObjectDeepClone -InputObject $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.defaultResponses } } # add the route(s) Write-Verbose "Adding Route: [$($_method)] $($Path)" $methodRoutes = @(foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) { @{ Logic = $ScriptBlock UsingVariables = $usingVars Middleware = $Middleware Authentication = $Authentication Access = $Access AccessMeta = @{ Role = $Role Group = $Group Scope = $Scope User = $User Custom = $CustomAccess } Endpoint = @{ Protocol = $_endpoint.Protocol Address = $_endpoint.Address.Trim() Name = $_endpoint.Name } ContentType = $ContentType TransferEncoding = $TransferEncoding ErrorType = $ErrorContentType Arguments = $ArgumentList Method = $_method Path = $Path OpenApi = @{ Path = $OpenApiPath Responses = $DefaultResponse Parameters = [ordered]@{} RequestBody = [ordered]@{} CallBacks = [ordered]@{} Authentication = @() Servers = @() DefinitionTag = $DefinitionTag IsDefTagConfigured = ($null -ne $OADefinitionTag) #Definition Tag has been configured (Not default) } IsStatic = $false Metrics = @{ Requests = @{ Total = 0 StatusCodes = @{} } } } }) if ($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Routes -notcontains $Path ) { $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Routes += $Path } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) { Set-PodeOAAuth -Route $methodRoutes -Name $Authentication -AllowAnon:$AllowAnon } $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$_method][$Path] += @($methodRoutes) if ($PassThru) { $newRoutes += $methodRoutes } } if ($OAReference) { Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field pathItems -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $OAReference -PostValidation foreach ($r in @($newRoutes)) { $r.OpenApi = @{ '$ref' = "#/components/paths/$OAReference" DefinitionTag = $DefinitionTag Path = $OpenApiPath } } } elseif ($OAResponses) { foreach ($r in @($newRoutes)) { $r.OpenApi.Responses = $OAResponses } } # return the routes? if ($PassThru) { return $newRoutes } } <# .SYNOPSIS Add a static Route for rendering static content. .DESCRIPTION Add a static Route for rendering static content. You can also define default pages to display. .PARAMETER Path The URI path for the static Route. .PARAMETER Source The literal, or relative, path to the directory that contains the static content. .PARAMETER Middleware An array of ScriptBlocks for optional Middleware. .PARAMETER EndpointName The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) to bind the static Route against. .PARAMETER ContentType The content type the static Route should use when parsing any payloads. .PARAMETER TransferEncoding The transfer encoding the static Route should use when parsing any payloads. .PARAMETER Defaults An array of default pages to display, such as 'index.html'. .PARAMETER ErrorContentType The content type of any error pages that may get returned. .PARAMETER Authentication The name of an Authentication method which should be used as middleware on this Route. .PARAMETER Access The name of an Access method which should be used as middleware on this Route. .PARAMETER AllowAnon If supplied, the static route will allow anonymous access for non-authenticated users. .PARAMETER DownloadOnly When supplied, all static content on this Route will be attached as downloads - rather than rendered. .PARAMETER PassThru If supplied, the static route created will be returned so it can be passed through a pipe. .PARAMETER IfExists Specifies what action to take when a Static Route already exists. (Default: Default) .PARAMETER Role One or more optional Roles that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER Group One or more optional Groups that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER Scope One or more optional Scopes that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER User One or more optional Users that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER FileBrowser If supplied, when the path is a folder, instead of returning 404, will return A browsable content of the directory. .PARAMETER RedirectToDefault If supplied, the user will be redirected to the default page if found instead of the page being rendered as the folder path. .EXAMPLE Add-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/assets' -Source './assets' .EXAMPLE Add-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/assets' -Source './assets' -Defaults @('index.html') .EXAMPLE Add-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/installers' -Source './exes' -DownloadOnly .EXAMPLE Add-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/assets' -Source './assets' -Defaults @('index.html') -RedirectToDefault #> function Add-PodeStaticRoute { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Object[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Source, [Parameter()] [object[]] $Middleware, [Parameter()] [string[]] $EndpointName, [Parameter()] [string] $ContentType, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('', 'gzip', 'deflate')] [string] $TransferEncoding, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Defaults, [Parameter()] [string] $ErrorContentType, [Parameter()] [Alias('Auth')] [string] $Authentication, [Parameter()] [string] $Access, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')] [string] $IfExists = 'Default', [Parameter()] [string[]] $Role, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Group, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Scope, [Parameter()] [string[]] $User, [switch] $AllowAnon, [switch] $DownloadOnly, [switch] $FileBrowser, [switch] $PassThru, [switch] $RedirectToDefault ) # check if we have any route group info defined if ($null -ne $RouteGroup) { if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Path)) { $Path = "$($RouteGroup.Path)$($Path)" } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Source)) { $Source = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($Source, $RouteGroup.Source.TrimStart('\/')) } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.Middleware) { $Middleware = $RouteGroup.Middleware + $Middleware } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) { $EndpointName = $RouteGroup.EndpointName } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) { $ContentType = $RouteGroup.ContentType } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TransferEncoding)) { $TransferEncoding = $RouteGroup.TransferEncoding } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ErrorContentType)) { $ErrorContentType = $RouteGroup.ErrorContentType } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) { $Authentication = $RouteGroup.Authentication } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Access)) { $Access = $RouteGroup.Access } if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Defaults) { $Defaults = $RouteGroup.Defaults } if ($RouteGroup.AllowAnon) { $AllowAnon = $RouteGroup.AllowAnon } if ($RouteGroup.DownloadOnly) { $DownloadOnly = $RouteGroup.DownloadOnly } if ($RouteGroup.FileBrowser) { $FileBrowser = $RouteGroup.FileBrowser } if ($RouteGroup.RedirectToDefault) { $RedirectToDefault = $RouteGroup.RedirectToDefault } if ($RouteGroup.IfExists -ine 'default') { $IfExists = $RouteGroup.IfExists } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role) { $Role = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role + $Role } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group) { $Group = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group + $Group } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope) { $Scope = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope + $Scope } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User) { $User = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User + $User } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom) { $CustomAccess = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom } } # store the route method $Method = 'Static' # store the original path $origPath = $Path # split route on '?' for query $Path = Split-PodeRouteQuery -Path $Path if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) { # No Path supplied for the Route. throw ($PodeLocale.noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage) } # ensure the route has appropriate slashes $Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path -Static $OpenApiPath = ConvertTo-PodeOARoutePath -Path $Path $Path = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path # get endpoints from name $endpoints = Find-PodeEndpoint -EndpointName $EndpointName # get default route IfExists state if ($IfExists -ieq 'Default') { $IfExists = Get-PodeRouteIfExistsPreference } # ensure the route doesn't already exist for each endpoint $endpoints = @(foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) { $found = Test-PodeRouteInternal -Method $Method -Path $Path -Protocol $_endpoint.Protocol -Address $_endpoint.Address -ThrowError:($IfExists -ieq 'Error') if ($found) { if ($IfExists -ieq 'Overwrite') { Remove-PodeStaticRoute -Path $origPath -EndpointName $_endpoint.Name } if ($IfExists -ieq 'Skip') { continue } } $_endpoint }) if (($null -eq $endpoints) -or ($endpoints.Length -eq 0)) { return } # if static, ensure the path exists at server root $Source = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Source -JoinRoot if (!(Test-PodePath -Path $Source -NoStatus)) { # [Method)] Path: The Source path supplied for Static Route does not exist throw ($PodeLocale.sourcePathDoesNotExistForStaticRouteExceptionMessage -f $Path, $Source) } # setup a temp drive for the path $Source = New-PodePSDrive -Path $Source # setup default static files if ($null -eq $Defaults) { $Defaults = Get-PodeStaticRouteDefault } if (!$RedirectToDefault) { $RedirectToDefault = $PodeContext.Server.Web.Static.RedirectToDefault } # convert any middleware into valid hashtables $Middleware = @(ConvertTo-PodeMiddleware -Middleware $Middleware -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState) # if an access name was supplied, setup access as middleware first to it's after auth middleware if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Access)) { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) { # Access requires Authentication to be supplied on Routes throw ($PodeLocale.accessRequiresAuthenticationOnRoutesExceptionMessage) } if (!(Test-PodeAccessExists -Name $Access)) { # Access method does not exist throw ($PodeLocale.accessMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Access) } $options = @{ Name = $Access } $Middleware = (@(Get-PodeAccessMiddlewareScript | New-PodeMiddleware -ArgumentList $options) + $Middleware) } # if an auth name was supplied, setup the auth as the first middleware if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) { if (!(Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $Authentication)) { # Authentication method does not exist throw ($PodeLocale.authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage) } $options = @{ Name = $Authentication Anon = $AllowAnon } $Middleware = (@(Get-PodeAuthMiddlewareScript | New-PodeMiddleware -ArgumentList $options) + $Middleware) } # workout a default content type for the route $ContentType = Find-PodeRouteContentType -Path $Path -ContentType $ContentType # workout a default transfer encoding for the route $TransferEncoding = Find-PodeRouteTransferEncoding -Path $Path -TransferEncoding $TransferEncoding #The path use KleeneStar(Asterisk) $KleeneStar = $OrigPath.Contains('*') # add the route(s) Write-Verbose "Adding Route: [$($Method)] $($Path)" $newRoutes = @(foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) { @{ Source = $Source Path = $Path KleeneStar = $KleeneStar Method = $Method Defaults = $Defaults RedirectToDefault = $RedirectToDefault Middleware = $Middleware Authentication = $Authentication Access = $Access AccessMeta = @{ Role = $Role Group = $Group Scope = $Scope User = $User Custom = $CustomAccess } Endpoint = @{ Protocol = $_endpoint.Protocol Address = $_endpoint.Address.Trim() Name = $_endpoint.Name } ContentType = $ContentType TransferEncoding = $TransferEncoding ErrorType = $ErrorContentType Download = $DownloadOnly IsStatic = $true FileBrowser = $FileBrowser.isPresent OpenApi = @{ Path = $OpenApiPath Responses = @{} Parameters = $null RequestBody = $null CallBacks = @{} Authentication = @() Servers = @() DefinitionTag = $DefinitionTag } Metrics = @{ Requests = @{ Total = 0 StatusCodes = @{} } } } }) $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] += @($newRoutes) # return the routes? if ($PassThru) { return $newRoutes } } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a Signal Route for WebSockets. .DESCRIPTION Adds a Signal Route, with path, that when called with invoke any logic. .PARAMETER Path The URI path for the Signal Route. .PARAMETER ScriptBlock A ScriptBlock for the Signal Route's main logic. .PARAMETER EndpointName The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) this Signal Route should be bound against. .PARAMETER FilePath A literal, or relative, path to a file containing a ScriptBlock for the Signal Route's main logic. .PARAMETER ArgumentList An array of arguments to supply to the Signal Route's ScriptBlock. .PARAMETER IfExists Specifies what action to take when a Signal Route already exists. (Default: Default) .EXAMPLE Add-PodeSignalRoute -Path '/message' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } .EXAMPLE Add-PodeSignalRoute -Path '/message' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } -ArgumentList 'arg1', 'arg2' #> function Add-PodeSignalRoute { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Script')] [OutputType([System.Object[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Script')] [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock, [Parameter()] [string[]] $EndpointName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')] [string] $FilePath, [Parameter()] [object[]] $ArgumentList, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')] [string] $IfExists = 'Default' ) # check if we have any route group info defined if ($null -ne $RouteGroup) { if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Path)) { $Path = "$($RouteGroup.Path)$($Path)" } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) { $EndpointName = $RouteGroup.EndpointName } if ($RouteGroup.IfExists -ine 'default') { $IfExists = $RouteGroup.IfExists } } $Method = 'Signal' # store the original path $origPath = $Path # ensure the route has appropriate slashes $Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path # get endpoints from name $endpoints = Find-PodeEndpoint -EndpointName $EndpointName # get default route IfExists state if ($IfExists -ieq 'Default') { $IfExists = Get-PodeRouteIfExistsPreference } # ensure the route doesn't already exist for each endpoint $endpoints = @(foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) { $found = Test-PodeRouteInternal -Method $Method -Path $Path -Protocol $_endpoint.Protocol -Address $_endpoint.Address -ThrowError:($IfExists -ieq 'Error') if ($found) { if ($IfExists -ieq 'Overwrite') { Remove-PodeSignalRoute -Path $origPath -EndpointName $_endpoint.Name } if ($IfExists -ieq 'Skip') { continue } } $_endpoint }) if (($null -eq $endpoints) -or ($endpoints.Length -eq 0)) { return } # if scriptblock and file path are all null/empty, error if ((Test-PodeIsEmpty $ScriptBlock) -and (Test-PodeIsEmpty $FilePath)) { # [Method] Path: No logic passed throw ($PodeLocale.noLogicPassedForMethodRouteExceptionMessage -f $Method, $Path) } # if we have a file path supplied, load that path as a scriptblock if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'file') { $ScriptBlock = Convert-PodeFileToScriptBlock -FilePath $FilePath } # check for scoped vars $ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState # add the route(s) Write-Verbose "Adding Route: [$($Method)] $($Path)" $newRoutes = @(foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) { @{ Logic = $ScriptBlock UsingVariables = $usingVars Endpoint = @{ Protocol = $_endpoint.Protocol Address = $_endpoint.Address.Trim() Name = $_endpoint.Name } Arguments = $ArgumentList Method = $Method Path = $Path IsStatic = $false Metrics = @{ Requests = @{ Total = 0 } } } }) $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] += @($newRoutes) } <# .SYNOPSIS Add a Route Group for multiple Routes. .DESCRIPTION Add a Route Group for sharing values between multiple Routes. .PARAMETER Path The URI path to use as a base for the Routes, that should be prepended. .PARAMETER Routes A ScriptBlock for adding Routes. .PARAMETER Middleware An array of ScriptBlocks for optional Middleware to give each Route. .PARAMETER EndpointName The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) to use for the Routes. .PARAMETER ContentType The content type to use for the Routes, when parsing any payloads. .PARAMETER TransferEncoding The transfer encoding to use for the Routes, when parsing any payloads. .PARAMETER ErrorContentType The content type of any error pages that may get returned. .PARAMETER Authentication The name of an Authentication method which should be used as middleware on the Routes. .PARAMETER Access The name of an Access method which should be used as middleware on this Route. .PARAMETER IfExists Specifies what action to take when a Route already exists. (Default: Default) .PARAMETER Role One or more optional Roles that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER Group One or more optional Groups that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER Scope One or more optional Scopes that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER User One or more optional Users that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER AllowAnon If supplied, the Routes will allow anonymous access for non-authenticated users. .PARAMETER OADefinitionTag An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification. This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application. You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with. .EXAMPLE Add-PodeRouteGroup -Path '/api' -Routes { Add-PodeRoute -Path '/route1' -Etc } #> function Add-PodeRouteGroup { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [scriptblock] $Routes, [Parameter()] [object[]] $Middleware, [Parameter()] [string[]] $EndpointName, [Parameter()] [string] $ContentType, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('', 'gzip', 'deflate')] [string] $TransferEncoding, [Parameter()] [string] $ErrorContentType, [Parameter()] [Alias('Auth')] [string] $Authentication, [Parameter()] [string] $Access, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')] [string] $IfExists = 'Default', [Parameter()] [string[]] $Role, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Group, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Scope, [Parameter()] [string[]] $User, [switch] $AllowAnon, [string[]] $OADefinitionTag ) if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Routes) { # The Route parameter needs a valid, not empty, scriptblock throw ($PodeLocale.routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage) } if ($Path -eq '/') { $Path = $null } # check for scoped vars $Routes, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $Routes -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState # group details if ($null -ne $RouteGroup) { if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Path)) { $Path = "$($RouteGroup.Path)$($Path)" } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.Middleware) { $Middleware = $RouteGroup.Middleware + $Middleware } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) { $EndpointName = $RouteGroup.EndpointName } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) { $ContentType = $RouteGroup.ContentType } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TransferEncoding)) { $TransferEncoding = $RouteGroup.TransferEncoding } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ErrorContentType)) { $ErrorContentType = $RouteGroup.ErrorContentType } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) { $Authentication = $RouteGroup.Authentication } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Access)) { $Access = $RouteGroup.Access } if ($RouteGroup.AllowAnon) { $AllowAnon = $RouteGroup.AllowAnon } if ($RouteGroup.IfExists -ine 'default') { $IfExists = $RouteGroup.IfExists } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role) { $Role = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role + $Role } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group) { $Group = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group + $Group } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope) { $Scope = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope + $Scope } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User) { $User = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User + $User } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom) { $CustomAccess = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.OADefinitionTag ) { $OADefinitionTag = $RouteGroup.OADefinitionTag } } $RouteGroup = @{ Path = $Path Middleware = $Middleware EndpointName = $EndpointName ContentType = $ContentType TransferEncoding = $TransferEncoding ErrorContentType = $ErrorContentType Authentication = $Authentication Access = $Access AllowAnon = $AllowAnon IfExists = $IfExists OADefinitionTag = $OADefinitionTag AccessMeta = @{ Role = $Role Group = $Group Scope = $Scope User = $User Custom = $CustomAccess } } # add routes $null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $Routes -UsingVariables $usingVars -Splat -NoNewClosure } <# .SYNOPSIS Add a Static Route Group for multiple Static Routes. .DESCRIPTION Add a Static Route Group for sharing values between multiple Static Routes. .PARAMETER Path The URI path to use as a base for the Static Routes. .PARAMETER Source A literal, or relative, base path to the directory that contains the static content, that should be prepended. .PARAMETER Routes A ScriptBlock for adding Static Routes. .PARAMETER Middleware An array of ScriptBlocks for optional Middleware to give each Static Route. .PARAMETER EndpointName The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) to use for the Static Routes. .PARAMETER ContentType The content type to use for the Static Routes, when parsing any payloads. .PARAMETER TransferEncoding The transfer encoding to use for the Static Routes, when parsing any payloads. .PARAMETER Defaults An array of default pages to display, such as 'index.html', for each Static Route. .PARAMETER ErrorContentType The content type of any error pages that may get returned. .PARAMETER Authentication The name of an Authentication method which should be used as middleware on the Static Routes. .PARAMETER Access The name of an Access method which should be used as middleware on this Route. .PARAMETER IfExists Specifies what action to take when a Static Route already exists. (Default: Default) .PARAMETER AllowAnon If supplied, the Static Routes will allow anonymous access for non-authenticated users. .PARAMETER FileBrowser When supplied, If the path is a folder, instead of returning 404, will return A browsable content of the directory. .PARAMETER DownloadOnly When supplied, all static content on the Routes will be attached as downloads - rather than rendered. .PARAMETER Role One or more optional Roles that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER Group One or more optional Groups that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER Scope One or more optional Scopes that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER User One or more optional Users that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER RedirectToDefault If supplied, the user will be redirected to the default page if found instead of the page being rendered as the folder path. .EXAMPLE Add-PodeStaticRouteGroup -Path '/static' -Routes { Add-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/images' -Etc } #> function Add-PodeStaticRouteGroup { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [string] $Source, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [scriptblock] $Routes, [Parameter()] [object[]] $Middleware, [Parameter()] [string[]] $EndpointName, [Parameter()] [string] $ContentType, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('', 'gzip', 'deflate')] [string] $TransferEncoding, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Defaults, [Parameter()] [string] $ErrorContentType, [Parameter()] [Alias('Auth')] [string] $Authentication, [Parameter()] [string] $Access, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')] [string] $IfExists = 'Default', [Parameter()] [string[]] $Role, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Group, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Scope, [Parameter()] [string[]] $User, [switch] $AllowAnon, [switch] $FileBrowser, [switch] $DownloadOnly, [switch] $RedirectToDefault ) if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Routes) { # The Route parameter needs a valid, not empty, scriptblock throw ($PodeLocale.routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage) } if ($Path -eq '/') { $Path = $null } # check for scoped vars $Routes, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $Routes -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState # group details if ($null -ne $RouteGroup) { if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Path)) { $Path = "$($RouteGroup.Path)$($Path)" } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Source)) { $Source = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($Source, $RouteGroup.Source.TrimStart('\/')) } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.Middleware) { $Middleware = $RouteGroup.Middleware + $Middleware } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) { $EndpointName = $RouteGroup.EndpointName } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ContentType)) { $ContentType = $RouteGroup.ContentType } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TransferEncoding)) { $TransferEncoding = $RouteGroup.TransferEncoding } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ErrorContentType)) { $ErrorContentType = $RouteGroup.ErrorContentType } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Authentication)) { $Authentication = $RouteGroup.Authentication } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Access)) { $Access = $RouteGroup.Access } if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Defaults) { $Defaults = $RouteGroup.Defaults } if ($RouteGroup.AllowAnon) { $AllowAnon = $RouteGroup.AllowAnon } if ($RouteGroup.DownloadOnly) { $DownloadOnly = $RouteGroup.DownloadOnly } if ($RouteGroup.FileBrowser) { $FileBrowser = $RouteGroup.FileBrowser } if ($RouteGroup.RedirectToDefault) { $RedirectToDefault = $RouteGroup.RedirectToDefault } if ($RouteGroup.IfExists -ine 'default') { $IfExists = $RouteGroup.IfExists } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role) { $Role = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Role + $Role } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group) { $Group = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Group + $Group } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope) { $Scope = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Scope + $Scope } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User) { $User = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.User + $User } if ($null -ne $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom) { $CustomAccess = $RouteGroup.AccessMeta.Custom } } $RouteGroup = @{ Path = $Path Source = $Source Middleware = $Middleware EndpointName = $EndpointName ContentType = $ContentType TransferEncoding = $TransferEncoding Defaults = $Defaults RedirectToDefault = $RedirectToDefault ErrorContentType = $ErrorContentType Authentication = $Authentication Access = $Access AllowAnon = $AllowAnon DownloadOnly = $DownloadOnly FileBrowser = $FileBrowser IfExists = $IfExists AccessMeta = @{ Role = $Role Group = $Group Scope = $Scope User = $User Custom = $CustomAccess } } # add routes $null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $Routes -UsingVariables $usingVars -Splat -NoNewClosure } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds a Signal Route Group for multiple WebSockets. .DESCRIPTION Adds a Signal Route Group for sharing values between multiple WebSockets. .PARAMETER Path The URI path to use as a base for the Signal Routes, that should be prepended. .PARAMETER Routes A ScriptBlock for adding Signal Routes. .PARAMETER EndpointName The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) to use for the Signal Routes. .PARAMETER IfExists Specifies what action to take when a Signal Route already exists. (Default: Default) .EXAMPLE Add-PodeSignalRouteGroup -Path '/signals' -Routes { Add-PodeSignalRoute -Path '/signal1' -Etc } #> function Add-PodeSignalRouteGroup { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [scriptblock] $Routes, [Parameter()] [string[]] $EndpointName, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')] [string] $IfExists = 'Default' ) if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Routes) { # The Route parameter needs a valid, not empty, scriptblock throw ($PodeLocale.routeParameterNeedsValidScriptblockExceptionMessage) } if ($Path -eq '/') { $Path = $null } # check for scoped vars $Routes, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $Routes -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState # group details if ($null -ne $RouteGroup) { if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RouteGroup.Path)) { $Path = "$($RouteGroup.Path)$($Path)" } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) { $EndpointName = $RouteGroup.EndpointName } if ($RouteGroup.IfExists -ine 'default') { $IfExists = $RouteGroup.IfExists } } $RouteGroup = @{ Path = $Path EndpointName = $EndpointName IfExists = $IfExists } # add routes $null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $Routes -UsingVariables $usingVars -Splat -NoNewClosure } <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a specific Route. .DESCRIPTION Remove a specific Route. .PARAMETER Method The method of the Route to remove. .PARAMETER Path The path of the Route to remove. .PARAMETER EndpointName The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) bound to the Route to be removed. .EXAMPLE Remove-PodeRoute -Method Get -Route '/about' .EXAMPLE Remove-PodeRoute -Method Post -Route '/users/:userId' -EndpointName User #> function Remove-PodeRoute { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')] [string] $Method, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [string] $EndpointName ) # split route on '?' for query $Path = Split-PodeRouteQuery -Path $Path # ensure the route has appropriate slashes and replace parameters $Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path $Path = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path # ensure route does exist if (!$PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method].Contains($Path)) { return } # select the candidate route for deletion $route = @($PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] | Where-Object { $_.Endpoint.Name -ieq $EndpointName }) foreach ($r in $route) { # remove the operationId from the openapi operationId list if ($r.OpenAPI) { foreach ( $tag in $r.OpenAPI.DefinitionTag) { if ($tag -and ($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.operationId -ccontains $route.OpenAPI.OperationId)) { $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.operationId = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.operationId | Where-Object { $_ -ne $route.OpenAPI.OperationId } } } } } # remove the route's logic $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] = @($PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] | Where-Object { $_.Endpoint.Name -ine $EndpointName }) # if the route has no more logic, just remove it if ((Get-PodeCount $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path]) -eq 0) { $null = $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method].Remove($Path) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a specific static Route. .DESCRIPTION Remove a specific static Route. .PARAMETER Path The path of the static Route to remove. .PARAMETER EndpointName The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) bound to the static Route to be removed. .EXAMPLE Remove-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/assets' #> function Remove-PodeStaticRoute { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [string] $EndpointName ) $Method = 'Static' # ensure the route has appropriate slashes and replace parameters $Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path -Static # ensure route does exist if (!$PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method].Contains($Path)) { return } # remove the route's logic $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] = @($PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] | Where-Object { $_.Endpoint.Name -ine $EndpointName }) # if the route has no more logic, just remove it if ((Get-PodeCount $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path]) -eq 0) { $null = $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method].Remove($Path) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a specific Signal Route. .DESCRIPTION Remove a specific Signal Route. .PARAMETER Path The path of the Signal Route to remove. .PARAMETER EndpointName The EndpointName of an Endpoint(s) bound to the Signal Route to be removed. .EXAMPLE Remove-PodeSignalRoute -Route '/message' #> function Remove-PodeSignalRoute { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [string] $EndpointName ) $Method = 'Signal' # ensure the route has appropriate slashes and replace parameters $Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path # ensure route does exist if (!$PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method].Contains($Path)) { return } # remove the route's logic $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] = @($PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path] | Where-Object { $_.Endpoint.Name -ine $EndpointName }) # if the route has no more logic, just remove it if ((Get-PodeCount $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method][$Path]) -eq 0) { $null = $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method].Remove($Path) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Removes all added Routes, or Routes for a specific Method. .DESCRIPTION Removes all added Routes, or Routes for a specific Method. .PARAMETER Method The Method to from which to remove all Routes. .EXAMPLE Clear-PodeRoutes .EXAMPLE Clear-PodeRoutes -Method Get #> function Clear-PodeRoutes { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('', 'Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')] [string] $Method ) if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Method)) { $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$Method].Clear() } else { $PodeContext.Server.Routes.Keys.Clone() | ForEach-Object { $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$_].Clear() } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Removes all added static Routes. .DESCRIPTION Removes all added static Routes. .EXAMPLE Clear-PodeStaticRoutes #> function Clear-PodeStaticRoutes { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')] [CmdletBinding()] param() $PodeContext.Server.Routes['Static'].Clear() } <# .SYNOPSIS Removes all added Signal Routes. .DESCRIPTION Removes all added Signal Routes. .EXAMPLE Clear-PodeSignalRoutes #> function Clear-PodeSignalRoutes { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')] [CmdletBinding()] param() $PodeContext.Server.Routes['Signal'].Clear() } <# .SYNOPSIS Takes an array of Commands, or a Module, and converts them into Routes. .DESCRIPTION Takes an array of Commands (Functions/Aliases), or a Module, and generates appropriate Routes for the commands. .PARAMETER Commands An array of Commands to convert - if a Module is supplied, these Commands must be present within that Module. .PARAMETER Module A Module whose exported commands will be converted. .PARAMETER Method An override HTTP method to use when generating the Routes. If not supplied, Pode will make a best guess based on the Command's Verb. .PARAMETER Path An optional Path for the Route, to prepend before the Command Name and Module. .PARAMETER Middleware Like normal Routes, an array of Middleware that will be applied to all generated Routes. .PARAMETER Authentication The name of an Authentication method which should be used as middleware on this Route. .PARAMETER Access The name of an Access method which should be used as middleware on this Route. .PARAMETER AllowAnon If supplied, the Route will allow anonymous access for non-authenticated users. .PARAMETER NoVerb If supplied, the Command's Verb will not be included in the Route's path. .PARAMETER NoOpenApi If supplied, no OpenAPI definitions will be generated for the routes created. .PARAMETER Role One or more optional Roles that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER Group One or more optional Groups that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER Scope One or more optional Scopes that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER User One or more optional Users that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-PodeRoute -Commands @('Get-ChildItem', 'Get-Host', 'Invoke-Expression') -Middleware { ... } .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-PodeRoute -Commands @('Get-ChildItem', 'Get-Host', 'Invoke-Expression') -Authentication AuthName .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-PodeRoute -Module Pester -Path '/api' .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-PodeRoute -Commands @('Invoke-Pester') -Module Pester #> function ConvertTo-PodeRoute { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0 )] [string[]] $Commands, [Parameter()] [string] $Module, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('', 'Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace')] [string] $Method, [Parameter()] [string] $Path = '/', [Parameter()] [object[]] $Middleware, [Parameter()] [Alias('Auth')] [string] $Authentication, [Parameter()] [string] $Access, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Role, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Group, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Scope, [Parameter()] [string[]] $User, [switch] $AllowAnon, [switch] $NoVerb, [switch] $NoOpenApi ) begin { # Initialize an array to hold piped-in values $pipelineValue = @() } process { # Add the current piped-in value to the array $pipelineValue += $_ } end { # Set InputObject to the array of values if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) { $Commands = $pipelineValue } # if a module was supplied, import it - then validate the commands if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Module)) { Import-PodeModule -Name $Module Write-Verbose 'Getting exported commands from module' $ModuleCommands = (Get-Module -Name $Module | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).ExportedCommands.Keys # if commands were supplied validate them - otherwise use all exported ones if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Commands) { Write-Verbose "Using all commands in $($Module) for converting to routes" $Commands = $ModuleCommands } else { Write-Verbose "Validating supplied commands against module's exported commands" foreach ($cmd in $Commands) { if ($ModuleCommands -inotcontains $cmd) { # Module Module does not contain function cmd to convert to a Route throw ($PodeLocale.moduleDoesNotContainFunctionExceptionMessage -f $Module, $cmd) } } } } # if there are no commands, fail if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Commands) { # No commands supplied to convert to Routes throw ($PodeLocale.noCommandsSuppliedToConvertToRoutesExceptionMessage) } # trim end trailing slashes from the path $Path = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default '/' $Path = $Path.TrimEnd('/') # create the routes for each of the commands foreach ($cmd in $Commands) { # get module verb/noun and comvert verb to HTTP method $split = ($cmd -split '\-') if ($split.Length -ge 2) { $verb = $split[0] $noun = $split[1..($split.Length - 1)] -join ([string]::Empty) } else { $verb = [string]::Empty $noun = $split[0] } # determine the http method, or use the one passed $_method = $Method if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_method)) { $_method = Convert-PodeFunctionVerbToHttpMethod -Verb $verb } # use the full function name, or remove the verb $name = $cmd if ($NoVerb) { $name = $noun } # build the route's path $_path = ("$($Path)/$($Module)/$($name)" -replace '[/]+', '/') # create the route $params = @{ Method = $_method Path = $_path Middleware = $Middleware Authentication = $Authentication Access = $Access Role = $Role Group = $Group Scope = $Scope User = $User AllowAnon = $AllowAnon ArgumentList = $cmd PassThru = $true } $route = Add-PodeRoute @params -ScriptBlock { param($cmd) # either get params from the QueryString or Payload if ($WebEvent.Method -ieq 'get') { $parameters = $WebEvent.Query } else { $parameters = $WebEvent.Data } # invoke the function $result = (. $cmd @parameters) # if we have a result, convert it to json if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $result)) { Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value $result -Depth 1 } } # set the openapi metadata of the function, unless told to skip if ($NoOpenApi) { continue } $help = Get-Help -Name $cmd $route = ($route | Set-PodeOARouteInfo -Summary $help.Synopsis -Tags $Module -PassThru) # set the routes parameters (get = query, everything else = payload) $params = (Get-Command -Name $cmd).Parameters if (($null -eq $params) -or ($params.Count -eq 0)) { continue } $props = @(foreach ($key in $params.Keys) { $params[$key] | ConvertTo-PodeOAPropertyFromCmdletParameter }) if ($_method -ieq 'get') { $route | Set-PodeOARequest -Parameters @(foreach ($prop in $props) { $prop | ConvertTo-PodeOAParameter -In Query }) } else { $route | Set-PodeOARequest -RequestBody ( New-PodeOARequestBody -ContentSchemas @{ 'application/json' = (New-PodeOAObjectProperty -Array -Properties $props) } ) } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Helper function to generate simple GET routes. .DESCRIPTION Helper function to generate simple GET routes from ScritpBlocks, Files, and Views. The output is always rendered as HTML. .PARAMETER Name A unique name for the page, that will be used in the Path for the route. .PARAMETER ScriptBlock A ScriptBlock to invoke, where any results will be converted to HTML. .PARAMETER FilePath A FilePath, literal or relative, to a valid HTML file. .PARAMETER View The name of a View to render, this can be HTML or Dynamic. .PARAMETER Data A hashtable of Data to supply to a Dynamic File/View, or to be splatted as arguments for the ScriptBlock. .PARAMETER Path An optional Path for the Route, to prepend before the Name. .PARAMETER Middleware Like normal Routes, an array of Middleware that will be applied to all generated Routes. .PARAMETER Authentication The name of an Authentication method which should be used as middleware on this Route. .PARAMETER Access The name of an Access method which should be used as middleware on this Route. .PARAMETER AllowAnon If supplied, the Page will allow anonymous access for non-authenticated users. .PARAMETER FlashMessages If supplied, Views will have any flash messages supplied to them for rendering. .PARAMETER Role One or more optional Roles that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER Group One or more optional Groups that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER Scope One or more optional Scopes that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .PARAMETER User One or more optional Users that will be authorised to access this Route, when using Authentication with an Access method. .EXAMPLE Add-PodePage -Name Services -ScriptBlock { Get-Service } .EXAMPLE Add-PodePage -Name Index -View 'index' .EXAMPLE Add-PodePage -Name About -FilePath '.\views\about.pode' -Data @{ Date = [DateTime]::UtcNow } #> function Add-PodePage { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ScriptBlock')] [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'File')] [string] $FilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'View')] [string] $View, [Parameter()] [hashtable] $Data, [Parameter()] [string] $Path = '/', [Parameter()] [object[]] $Middleware, [Parameter()] [Alias('Auth')] [string] $Authentication, [Parameter()] [string] $Access, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Role, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Group, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Scope, [Parameter()] [string[]] $User, [switch] $AllowAnon, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'View')] [switch] $FlashMessages ) $logic = $null $arg = $null # ensure the name is a valid alphanumeric if ($Name -inotmatch '^[a-z0-9\-_]+$') { # The Page name should be a valid AlphaNumeric value throw ($PodeLocale.pageNameShouldBeAlphaNumericExceptionMessage -f $Name) } # trim end trailing slashes from the path $Path = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Path -Default '/' $Path = $Path.TrimEnd('/') # define the appropriate logic switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'scriptblock' { if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $ScriptBlock) { # A non-empty ScriptBlock is required to create a Page Route throw ($PodeLocale.nonEmptyScriptBlockRequiredForPageRouteExceptionMessage) } $arg = @($ScriptBlock, $Data) $logic = { param($script, $data) # invoke the function (optional splat data) if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $data) { $result = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $script -Return } else { $result = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $script -Arguments $data -Return } # if we have a result, convert it to html if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $result)) { Write-PodeHtmlResponse -Value $result } } } 'file' { $FilePath = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $FilePath -JoinRoot -TestPath $arg = @($FilePath, $Data) $logic = { param($file, $data) Write-PodeFileResponse -Path $file -ContentType 'text/html' -Data $data } } 'view' { $arg = @($View, $Data, $FlashMessages) $logic = { param($view, $data, [bool]$flash) Write-PodeViewResponse -Path $view -Data $data -FlashMessages:$flash } } } # build the route's path $_path = ("$($Path)/$($Name)" -replace '[/]+', '/') # create the route $params = @{ Method = 'Get' Path = $_path Middleware = $Middleware Authentication = $Authentication Access = $Access Role = $Role Group = $Group Scope = $Scope User = $User AllowAnon = $AllowAnon ArgumentList = $arg ScriptBlock = $logic } Add-PodeRoute @params } <# .SYNOPSIS Get a Route(s). .DESCRIPTION Get a Route(s). .PARAMETER Method A Method to filter the routes. .PARAMETER Path A Path to filter the routes. .PARAMETER EndpointName The name of an endpoint to filter routes. .EXAMPLE Get-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/about' .EXAMPLE Get-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/users/:userId' -EndpointName User #> function Get-PodeRoute { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Object[]])] param( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('', 'Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')] [string] $Method, [Parameter()] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [string[]] $EndpointName ) # start off with every route $routes = @() foreach ($route in $PodeContext.Server.Routes.Values.Values) { $routes += $route } # if we have a method, filter if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Method)) { $routes = @(foreach ($route in $routes) { if ($route.Method -ine $Method) { continue } $route }) } # if we have a path, filter if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) { $Path = Split-PodeRouteQuery -Path $Path $Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path $Path = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path $routes = @(foreach ($route in $routes) { if ($route.Path -ine $Path) { continue } $route }) } # further filter by endpoint names if (($null -ne $EndpointName) -and ($EndpointName.Length -gt 0)) { $routes = @(foreach ($name in $EndpointName) { foreach ($route in $routes) { if ($route.Endpoint.Name -ine $name) { continue } $route } }) } # return return $routes } <# .SYNOPSIS Get a static Route(s). .DESCRIPTION Get a static Route(s). .PARAMETER Path A Path to filter the static routes. .PARAMETER EndpointName The name of an endpoint to filter static routes. .EXAMPLE Get-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/assets' .EXAMPLE Get-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/assets' -EndpointName User #> function Get-PodeStaticRoute { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Object[]])] param( [Parameter()] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [string[]] $EndpointName ) # start off with every route $routes = @() foreach ($route in $PodeContext.Server.Routes['Static'].Values) { $routes += $route } # if we have a path, filter if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) { $Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path -Static $routes = @(foreach ($route in $routes) { if ($route.Path -ine $Path) { continue } $route }) } # further filter by endpoint names if (($null -ne $EndpointName) -and ($EndpointName.Length -gt 0)) { $routes = @(foreach ($name in $EndpointName) { foreach ($route in $routes) { if ($route.Endpoint.Name -ine $name) { continue } $route } }) } # return return $routes } <# .SYNOPSIS Get a Signal Route(s). .DESCRIPTION Get a Signal Route(s). .PARAMETER Path A Path to filter the signal routes. .PARAMETER EndpointName The name of an endpoint to filter signal routes. .EXAMPLE Get-PodeSignalRoute -Path '/message' #> function Get-PodeSignalRoute { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Object[]])] param( [Parameter()] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [string[]] $EndpointName ) # start off with every route $routes = @() foreach ($route in $PodeContext.Server.Routes['Signal'].Values) { $routes += $route } # if we have a path, filter if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) { $Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path $routes = @(foreach ($route in $routes) { if ($route.Path -ine $Path) { continue } $route }) } # further filter by endpoint names if (($null -ne $EndpointName) -and ($EndpointName.Length -gt 0)) { $routes = @(foreach ($name in $EndpointName) { foreach ($route in $routes) { if ($route.Endpoint.Name -ine $name) { continue } $route } }) } # return return $routes } <# .SYNOPSIS Automatically loads route ps1 files .DESCRIPTION Automatically loads route ps1 files from either a /routes folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one. .PARAMETER Path Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal. .PARAMETER IfExists Specifies what action to take when a Route already exists. (Default: Default) .EXAMPLE Use-PodeRoutes .EXAMPLE Use-PodeRoutes -Path './my-routes' -IfExists Skip #> function Use-PodeRoutes { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')] [string] $IfExists = 'Default' ) if ($IfExists -ieq 'Default') { $IfExists = Get-PodeRouteIfExistsPreference } Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'routes' } <# .SYNOPSIS Set the default IfExists preference for Routes. .DESCRIPTION Set the default IfExists preference for Routes. .PARAMETER Value Specifies what action to take when a Route already exists. (Default: Default) .EXAMPLE Set-PodeRouteIfExistsPreference -Value Overwrite #> function Set-PodeRouteIfExistsPreference { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Default', 'Error', 'Overwrite', 'Skip')] [string] $Value = 'Default' ) $PodeContext.Server.Preferences.Routes.IfExists = $Value } <# .SYNOPSIS Test if a Route already exists. .DESCRIPTION Test if a Route already exists for a given Method and Path. .PARAMETER Method The HTTP Method of the Route. .PARAMETER Path The URI path of the Route. .PARAMETER EndpointName The EndpointName of an Endpoint the Route is bound against. .PARAMETER CheckWildcard If supplied, Pode will check for the Route on the Method first, and then check for the Route on the '*' Method. .EXAMPLE Test-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/example' .EXAMPLE Test-PodeRoute -Method Post -Path '/example' -CheckWildcard .EXAMPLE Test-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/example/:exampleId' -CheckWildcard #> function Test-PodeRoute { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')] [string] $Method, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [string] $EndpointName, [switch] $CheckWildcard ) # split route on '?' for query $Path = Split-PodeRouteQuery -Path $Path if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) { # No Path supplied for the Route throw ($PodeLocale.noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage) } # ensure the route has appropriate slashes $Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path $Path = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path # get endpoint from name $endpoint = @(Find-PodeEndpoint -EndpointName $EndpointName)[0] # check for routes $found = (Test-PodeRouteInternal -Method $Method -Path $Path -Protocol $endpoint.Protocol -Address $endpoint.Address) if (!$found -and $CheckWildcard) { $found = (Test-PodeRouteInternal -Method '*' -Path $Path -Protocol $endpoint.Protocol -Address $endpoint.Address) } return $found } <# .SYNOPSIS Test if a Static Route already exists. .DESCRIPTION Test if a Static Route already exists for a given Path. .PARAMETER Path The URI path of the Static Route. .PARAMETER EndpointName The EndpointName of an Endpoint the Static Route is bound against. .EXAMPLE Test-PodeStaticRoute -Path '/assets' #> function Test-PodeStaticRoute { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [string] $EndpointName ) # store the route method $Method = 'Static' # split route on '?' for query $Path = Split-PodeRouteQuery -Path $Path if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Path)) { # No Path supplied for the Route throw ($PodeLocale.noPathSuppliedForRouteExceptionMessage) } # ensure the route has appropriate slashes $Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path -Static $Path = Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path # get endpoint from name $endpoint = @(Find-PodeEndpoint -EndpointName $EndpointName)[0] # check for routes return (Test-PodeRouteInternal -Method $Method -Path $Path -Protocol $endpoint.Protocol -Address $endpoint.Address) } <# .SYNOPSIS Test if a Signal Route already exists. .DESCRIPTION Test if a Signal Route already exists for a given Path. .PARAMETER Path The URI path of the Signal Route. .PARAMETER EndpointName The EndpointName of an Endpoint the Signal Route is bound against. .EXAMPLE Test-PodeSignalRoute -Path '/message' #> function Test-PodeSignalRoute { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [string] $EndpointName ) $Method = 'Signal' # ensure the route has appropriate slashes $Path = Update-PodeRouteSlash -Path $Path # get endpoint from name $endpoint = @(Find-PodeEndpoint -EndpointName $EndpointName)[0] # check for routes return (Test-PodeRouteInternal -Method $Method -Path $Path -Protocol $endpoint.Protocol -Address $endpoint.Address) } |