
Creates and returns a new secure token for use with CSRF.
Creates and returns a new secure token for use with CSRF.
$token = New-PodeCsrfToken

function New-PodeCsrfToken {

    # fail if the csrf logic hasn't been initialised
    if (!(Test-PodeCsrfConfigured)) {
        # CSRF Middleware has not been initialized
        throw ($PodeLocale.csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage)

    # generate a new secret and salt
    $Secret = New-PodeCsrfSecret
    $Salt = (New-PodeSalt -Length 8)

    # return a new token
    return "t:$($Salt).$(Invoke-PodeSHA256Hash -Value "$($Salt)-$($Secret)")"

Returns adhoc CSRF CSRF verification Middleware, for use on Routes.
Returns adhoc CSRF CSRF verification Middleware, for use on Routes.
$csrf = Get-PodeCsrfMiddleware
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/cpu' -Middleware $csrf -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }

function Get-PodeCsrfMiddleware {

    # fail if the csrf logic hasn't been initialised
    if (!(Test-PodeCsrfConfigured)) {
        # CSRF Middleware has not been initialized
        throw ($PodeLocale.csrfMiddlewareNotInitializedExceptionMessage)

    # return scriptblock for the csrf route middleware to test tokens
    $script = {
        # if there's not a secret, generate and store it
        $secret = New-PodeCsrfSecret

        # verify the token on the request, if invalid, throw a 403
        $token = Get-PodeCsrfToken

        if (!(Test-PodeCsrfToken -Secret $secret -Token $token)) {
            Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 403 -Description 'Invalid CSRF Token'
            return $false

        # token is valid, move along
        return $true

    return (New-PodeMiddleware -ScriptBlock $script)

Initialises CSRF within Pode for adhoc usage.
Initialises CSRF within Pode for adhoc usage, with configurable HTTP methods to ignore verification.
.PARAMETER IgnoreMethods
An array of HTTP methods to ignore CSRF verification.
A secret to use when signing cookies - for when using CSRF with cookies.
If supplied, CSRF will used cookies rather than sessions.
Initialize-PodeCsrf -IgnoreMethods @('Get', 'Trace')
Initialize-PodeCsrf -Secret 'some-secret' -UseCookies

function Initialize-PodeCsrf {
        [ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace')]
        $IgnoreMethods = @('Get', 'Head', 'Options', 'Trace'),



    # check that csrf logic hasn't already been intialised
    if (Test-PodeCsrfConfigured) {

    # if sessions haven't been setup and we're not using cookies, error
    if (!$UseCookies -and !(Test-PodeSessionsEnabled)) {
        # Sessions are required to use CSRF unless you want to use cookies
        throw ($PodeLocale.sessionsRequiredForCsrfExceptionMessage)

    # if we're using cookies, ensure a global secret exists
    if ($UseCookies) {
        $Secret = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Secret -Default (Get-PodeCookieSecret -Global))

        if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $Secret) {
            # When using cookies for CSRF, a Secret is required
            throw ($PodeLocale.csrfCookieRequiresSecretExceptionMessage)

    # set the options against the server context
    $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf = @{
        Name           = 'pode.csrf'
        UseCookies     = $UseCookies
        Secret         = $Secret
        IgnoredMethods = $IgnoreMethods

Enables Middleware for verifying CSRF tokens on Requests.
Enables Middleware for verifying CSRF tokens on Requests, with configurable HTTP methods to ignore verification.
.PARAMETER IgnoreMethods
An array of HTTP methods to ignore CSRF verification.
A secret to use when signing cookies - for when using CSRF with cookies.
If supplied, CSRF will used cookies rather than sessions.
Enable-PodeCsrfMiddleware -IgnoreMethods @('Get', 'Trace')
Enable-PodeCsrfMiddleware -Secret 'some-secret' -UseCookies

function Enable-PodeCsrfMiddleware {
        [ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace')]
        $IgnoreMethods = @('Get', 'Head', 'Options', 'Trace'),

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Cookies')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Cookies')]

    Initialize-PodeCsrf -IgnoreMethods $IgnoreMethods -Secret $Secret -UseCookies:$UseCookies

    # return scriptblock for the csrf middleware
    $script = {
        # if the current route method is ignored, just return
        $ignored = @($PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.IgnoredMethods)
        if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $ignored) -and ($ignored -icontains $WebEvent.Method)) {
            return $true

        # if there's not a secret, generate and store it
        $secret = New-PodeCsrfSecret

        # verify the token on the request, if invalid, throw a 403
        $token = Get-PodeCsrfToken

        if (!(Test-PodeCsrfToken -Secret $secret -Token $token)) {
            Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 403 -Description 'Invalid CSRF Token'
            return $false

        # token is valid, move along
        return $true

    (New-PodeMiddleware -ScriptBlock $script) | Add-PodeMiddleware -Name '__pode_mw_csrf__'

Adds a custom body parser middleware.
Adds a custom body parser middleware script for a content-type, which will be used if a payload is sent with a Request.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The ContentType of the custom body parser.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The ScriptBlock that will parse the body content, and return the result.
Add-PodeBodyParser -ContentType 'application/json' -ScriptBlock { param($body) /* parsing logic */ }

function Add-PodeBodyParser {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    begin {
        $pipelineItemCount = 0

    process {

    end {
        if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
            throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
        # if a parser for the type already exists, fail
        if ($PodeContext.Server.BodyParsers.ContainsKey($ContentType)) {
            # A body-parser is already defined for the content-type
            throw ($PodeLocale.bodyParserAlreadyDefinedForContentTypeExceptionMessage -f $ContentType)

        # check for scoped vars
        $ScriptBlock, $usingVars = Convert-PodeScopedVariables -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState

        $PodeContext.Server.BodyParsers[$ContentType] = @{
            ScriptBlock    = $ScriptBlock
            UsingVariables = $usingVars

Removes a custom body parser.
Removes a custom body parser middleware script for a content-type.
.PARAMETER ContentType
The ContentType of the custom body parser.
Remove-PodeBodyParser -ContentType 'application/json'

function Remove-PodeBodyParser {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    process {
        # if there's no parser for the type, return
        if (!$PodeContext.Server.BodyParsers.ContainsKey($ContentType)) {

        $null = $PodeContext.Server.BodyParsers.Remove($ContentType)

Adds a new Middleware to be invoked before every Route, or certain Routes.
Adds a new Middleware to be invoked before every Route, or certain Routes. ScriptBlock should return $true to continue execution, or $false to stop.
The Name of the Middleware.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The Script defining the logic of the Middleware. Should return $true to continue execution, or $false to stop.
.PARAMETER InputObject
A Middleware HashTable from New-PodeMiddleware, or from certain other functions that return Middleware as a HashTable.
A Route path for which Routes this Middleware should only be invoked against.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Middleware's ScriptBlock.
Boolean. ScriptBlock should return $true to continue to the next middleware/route, or return $false to stop execution.
Add-PodeMiddleware -Name 'BlockAgents' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }
Add-PodeMiddleware -Name 'CheckEmailOnApi' -Route '/api/*' -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ }

function Add-PodeMiddleware {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Script')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Script')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Input')]


    begin {
        $pipelineItemCount = 0

    process {

    end {
        if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
            throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
        # ensure name doesn't already exist
        if (($PodeContext.Server.Middleware | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq $Name } | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) {
            # [Middleware] Name: Middleware already defined
            throw ($PodeLocale.middlewareAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name)


        # if it's a script - call New-PodeMiddleware
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ieq 'script') {
            $InputObject = (New-PodeMiddlewareInternal `
                    -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock `
                    -Route $Route `
                    -ArgumentList $ArgumentList `
                    -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState)
        else {
            $Route = ConvertTo-PodeRouteRegex -Path $Route
            $InputObject.Route = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Route -Default $InputObject.Route
            $InputObject.Options = Protect-PodeValue -Value $Options -Default $InputObject.Options

        # ensure we have a script to run
        if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $InputObject.Logic) {
            # [Middleware]: No logic supplied in ScriptBlock
            throw ($PodeLocale.middlewareNoLogicSuppliedExceptionMessage)

        # set name, and override route/args
        $InputObject.Name = $Name

        # add the logic to array of middleware that needs to be run
        $PodeContext.Server.Middleware += $InputObject

Creates a new Middleware HashTable object, that can be piped/used in Add-PodeMiddleware or in Routes.
Creates a new Middleware HashTable object, that can be piped/used in Add-PodeMiddleware or in Routes. ScriptBlock should return $true to continue execution, or $false to stop.
.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
The Script that defines the logic of the Middleware. Should return $true to continue execution, or $false to stop.
A Route path for which Routes this Middleware should only be invoked against.
.PARAMETER ArgumentList
An array of arguments to supply to the Middleware's ScriptBlock.
Boolean. ScriptBlock should return $true to continue to the next middleware/route, or return $false to stop execution.
New-PodeMiddleware -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } -ArgumentList 'Email' | Add-PodeMiddleware -Name 'CheckEmail'

function New-PodeMiddleware {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


    begin {
        $pipelineItemCount = 0

    process {

    end {
        if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
            throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))
        return New-PodeMiddlewareInternal `
            -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock `
            -Route $Route `
            -ArgumentList $ArgumentList `
            -PSSession $PSCmdlet.SessionState

Removes a specific user defined Middleware.
Removes a specific user defined Middleware.
The Name of the Middleware to be removed.
Remove-PodeMiddleware -Name 'Sessions'

function Remove-PodeMiddleware {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $PodeContext.Server.Middleware = @($PodeContext.Server.Middleware | Where-Object { $_.Name -ine $Name })

Removes all user defined Middleware.
Removes all user defined Middleware.

function Clear-PodeMiddleware {

    $PodeContext.Server.Middleware = @()

Automatically loads middleware ps1 files
Automatically loads middleware ps1 files from either a /middleware folder, or a custom folder. Saves space dot-sourcing them all one-by-one.
Optional Path to a folder containing ps1 files, can be relative or literal.
Use-PodeMiddleware -Path './my-middleware'

function Use-PodeMiddleware {

    Use-PodeFolder -Path $Path -DefaultPath 'middleware'

    Checks if a specific middleware is registered in the Pode server.
    This function verifies whether a middleware with the specified name is registered in the Pode server by checking the `PodeContext.Server.Middleware` collection.
    It returns `$true` if the middleware exists, otherwise it returns `$false`.
    The name of the middleware to check for.
        Returns $true if the middleware with the specified name is found, otherwise returns $false.
    Test-PodeMiddleware -Name 'BlockEverything'
    This command checks if a middleware named 'BlockEverything' is registered in the Pode server.

function Test-PodeMiddleware {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Check if the middleware exists
    foreach ($middleware in $PodeContext.Server.Middleware) {
        if ($middleware.Name -ieq $Name) {
            return $true

    return $false