
    Retrieves the server uptime in milliseconds or a human-readable format.
    The `Get-PodeServerUptime` function calculates the server's uptime since its last start or total uptime since initial load, depending on the `-Total` switch.
    By default, the uptime is returned in milliseconds. When the `-Format` parameter is used, the uptime can be returned in various human-readable styles:
    - `Milliseconds` (default): Raw uptime in milliseconds.
    - `Concise`: A short format like "1d 2h 3m".
    - `Compact`: A condensed format like "01:10:17:36".
    - `Verbose`: A detailed format like "1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes, 5 seconds, 200 milliseconds".
    The `-ExcludeMilliseconds` switch allows removal of milliseconds from human-readable output.
    Retrieves the total server uptime since the initial load, regardless of any restarts.
    Specifies the desired output format for the uptime.
    Allowed values:
    - `Milliseconds` (default): Uptime in raw milliseconds.
    - `Concise`: Human-readable in a short form (e.g., "1d 2h 3m").
    - `Compact`: Condensed form (e.g., "01:10:17:36").
    - `Verbose`: Detailed format (e.g., "1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes, 5 seconds").
.PARAMETER ExcludeMilliseconds
    Omits milliseconds from the human-readable output when `-Format` is not `Milliseconds`.
    $currentUptime = Get-PodeServerUptime
    # Output: 123456789 (milliseconds)
    $totalUptime = Get-PodeServerUptime -Total
    # Output: 987654321 (milliseconds)
    $readableUptime = Get-PodeServerUptime -Format Concise
    # Output: "1d 10h 17m"
    $verboseUptime = Get-PodeServerUptime -Format Verbose
    # Output: "1 day, 10 hours, 17 minutes, 36 seconds, 789 milliseconds"
    $compactUptime = Get-PodeServerUptime -Format Compact
    # Output: "01:10:17:36"
    $compactUptimeNoMs = Get-PodeServerUptime -Format Compact -ExcludeMilliseconds
    # Output: "01:10:17:36"
    This function is part of Pode's utility metrics to monitor server uptime.

function Get-PodeServerUptime {
    [OutputType([long], [string])]

        [ValidateSet('Milliseconds', 'Concise', 'Compact', 'Verbose')]
        $Format = 'Milliseconds',

    # Determine the start time based on the -Total switch
    # Default: Uses the last start time; -Total: Uses the initial load time
    $time = $PodeContext.Metrics.Server.StartTime
    if ($Total) {
        $time = $PodeContext.Metrics.Server.InitialLoadTime

    # Calculate uptime in milliseconds
    $uptimeMilliseconds = [long]([datetime]::UtcNow - $time).TotalMilliseconds

    # Return uptime in milliseconds if no readable format is requested
    if ($Format -ieq 'Milliseconds') {
        return $uptimeMilliseconds

    # Convert uptime to a human-readable format
    return Convert-PodeMillisecondsToReadable -Milliseconds $uptimeMilliseconds -Format $Format -ExcludeMilliseconds:$ExcludeMilliseconds

Returns the number of times the server has restarted.
Returns the number of times the server has restarted.
$restarts = Get-PodeServerRestartCount

function Get-PodeServerRestartCount {

    return $PodeContext.Metrics.Server.RestartCount

Returns the total number of requests/per status code the Server has receieved.
Returns the total number of requests/per status code the Server has receieved.
If supplied, will return the total number of requests for a specific StatusCode.
If supplied, will return the Total number of Requests.
$totalReqs = Get-PodeServerRequestMetric -Total
$statusReqs = Get-PodeServerRequestMetric
$404Reqs = Get-PodeServerRequestMetric -StatusCode 404

function Get-PodeServerRequestMetric {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'StatusCode')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'StatusCode')]
        $StatusCode = 0,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Total')]

    if ($Total) {
        return $PodeContext.Metrics.Requests.Total

    if (($StatusCode -le 0)) {
        return $PodeContext.Metrics.Requests.StatusCodes

    $strCode = "$($StatusCode)"
    if (!$PodeContext.Metrics.Requests.StatusCodes.ContainsKey($strCode)) {
        return 0L

    return $PodeContext.Metrics.Requests.StatusCodes[$strCode]

Returns the total number of Signal requests the Server has receieved.
Returns the total number of Signal requests the Server has receieved.
$totalReqs = Get-PodeServerSignalMetric

function Get-PodeServerSignalMetric {

    return $PodeContext.Metrics.Signals.Total

Returns the count of active requests.
Returns the count of all, processing, or queued active requests.
The count type to return. (Default: Total)
Get-PodeServerActiveRequestMetric -CountType Queued

function Get-PodeServerActiveRequestMetric {
        [ValidateSet('Total', 'Queued', 'Processing')]
        $CountType = 'Total'

    switch ($CountType.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'total' {
            return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.Contexts.Count

        'queued' {
            return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.Contexts.QueuedCount

        'processing' {
            return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.Contexts.ProcessingCount

Returns the count of active signals.
Returns the count of all, processing, or queued active signals; for either server or client signals.
The type of signal to return. (Default: Total)
The count type to return. (Default: Total)
Get-PodeServerActiveSignalMetric -Type Client -CountType Queued

function Get-PodeServerActiveSignalMetric {
        [ValidateSet('Total', 'Server', 'Client')]
        $Type = 'Total',

        [ValidateSet('Total', 'Queued', 'Processing')]
        $CountType = 'Total'

    switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'total' {
            switch ($CountType.ToLowerInvariant()) {
                'total' {
                    return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ServerSignals.Count + $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ClientSignals.Count

                'queued' {
                    return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ServerSignals.QueuedCount + $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ClientSignals.QueuedCount

                'processing' {
                    return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ServerSignals.ProcessingCount + $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ClientSignals.ProcessingCount

        'server' {
            switch ($CountType.ToLowerInvariant()) {
                'total' {
                    return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ServerSignals.Count

                'queued' {
                    return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ServerSignals.QueuedCount

                'processing' {
                    return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ServerSignals.ProcessingCount

        'client' {
            switch ($CountType.ToLowerInvariant()) {
                'total' {
                    return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ClientSignals.Count

                'queued' {
                    return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ClientSignals.QueuedCount

                'processing' {
                    return $PodeContext.Server.Signals.Listener.ClientSignals.ProcessingCount