
Adds an access rule to allow or deny IP addresses. This is a legacy function, use Add-PodeLimitAccessRule instead.
Adds an access rule to allow or deny IP addresses. This is a legacy function, use Add-PodeLimitAccessRule instead.
The type of access to enable.
What type of request are we configuring?
A single, or an array of values.
Add-PodeAccessRule -Access Allow -Type IP -Values ''
Add-PodeAccessRule -Access Deny -Type IP -Values @('', '')

function Add-PodeAccessRule {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Add-PodeLimitAccessRule `
        -Name (New-PodeGuid) `
        -Action $Access `
        -Component (New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP $Values)

Adds rate limiting rules for an IP addresses, Routes, or Endpoints. This is a legacy function, use Add-PodeLimitRateRule instead.
Adds rate limiting rules for an IP addresses, Routes, or Endpoints. This is a legacy function, use Add-PodeLimitRateRule instead.
What type of request is being rate limited: IP, Route, or Endpoint?
A single, or an array of values.
The maximum number of requests to allow.
The number of seconds to count requests before restarting the count.
If supplied, groups of IPs in a subnet will be considered as one IP.
Add-PodeLimitRule -Type IP -Values '' -Limit 10 -Seconds 1
Add-PodeLimitRule -Type IP -Values @('', '') -Limit 50 -Seconds 1 -Group
Add-PodeLimitRule -Type Route -Values '/downloads' -Limit 5 -Seconds 1

function Add-PodeLimitRule {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('IP', 'Route', 'Endpoint')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $component = $null

    switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'ip' {
            $component = New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP $Values -Group:$Group

        'route' {
            $component = New-PodeLimitRouteComponent -Path $Values

        'endpoint' {
            $component = New-PodeLimitEndpointComponent -Name $Values

    Add-PodeLimitRateRule `
        -Name (New-PodeGuid) `
        -Limit $Limit `
        -Duration ($Seconds * 1000) `
        -Component $component

Adds a rate limit rule.
Adds a rate limit rule.
The name of the rate limit rule.
.PARAMETER Component
The component(s) to check. This can be a single, or an array of components.
The limit for the rule - the maximum number of requests to allow within the duration.
The duration for the rule, in milliseconds. (Default: 60000)
The status code to return when the limit is reached. (Default: 429)
The priority of the rule. The higher the number, the higher the priority. (Default: [int]::MinValue)
# limit to 10 requests per minute for all IPs
Add-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -Limit 10 -Component @(
# limit to 5 requests per minute for all IPs and the /downloads route
Add-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -Limit 5 -Component @(
    New-PodeLimitRouteComponent -Path '/downloads'
# limit to 1 request, per 30 seconds, for all IPs in a subnet grouped, to the /downloads route
Add-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -Limit 1 -Duration 30000 -Component @(
    New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP '' -Group
    New-PodeLimitRouteComponent -Path '/downloads'
# limit to 10 requests per second, for specific IPs, with a custom status code and priority
Add-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -Limit 10 -Duration 1000 -StatusCode 401 -Priority 100 -Component @(
    New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP '', '', ''

function Add-PodeLimitRateRule {


        [ValidateRange(0, [int]::MaxValue)]

        [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)]
        $Duration = 60000,

        $StatusCode = 429,

        $Priority = [int]::MinValue

    if (Test-PodeLimitRateRule -Name $Name) {
        # A rate limit rule with the name '$($Name)' already exists
        throw ($PodeLocale.rateLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage -f $Name)

    $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules[$Name] = @{
        Name       = $Name
        Components = $Component
        Limit      = $Limit
        Duration   = $Duration
        StatusCode = $StatusCode
        Priority   = $Priority
        Active     = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary[string, hashtable]]::new()

    $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.RulesAltered = $true

Updates a rate limit rule.
Updates a rate limit rule.
The name of the rate limit rule.
The new limit for the rule. If not supplied, the limit will not be updated.
The new duration for the rule, in milliseconds. If not supplied, the duration will not be updated.
The new status code for the rule. If not supplied, the status code will not be updated.
Update-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -Limit 10
Update-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -Duration 10000
Update-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -StatusCode 429
Update-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1' -Limit 10 -Duration 10000 -StatusCode 429

function Update-PodeLimitRateRule {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Limit = -1,

        $Duration = -1,

        $StatusCode = -1

    $rule = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules[$Name]
    if (!$rule) {
        # A rate limit rule with the name '$($Name)' does not exist
        throw ($PodeLocale.rateLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name)

    if ($Limit -ge 0) {
        $rule.Limit = $Limit

    if ($Duration -gt 0) {
        $rule.Duration = $Duration

    if ($StatusCode -gt 0) {
        $rule.StatusCode = $StatusCode

Removes a rate limit rule.
Removes a rate limit rule.
The name of the rate limit rule.
Remove-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1'

function Remove-PodeLimitRateRule {

    $null = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules.Remove($Name)
    $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.RulesAltered = $true

Tests if a rate limit rule exists.
Tests if a rate limit rule exists.
The name of the rate limit rule.
Test-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1'
This function is used to test if a rate limit rule exists.

function Test-PodeLimitRateRule {

    return $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules.Contains($Name)

Gets a rate limit rule by name.
Gets a rate limit rule by name.
The name(s) of the rate limit rule.
$rules = Get-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1'
$rules = Get-PodeLimitRateRule -Name 'rule1', 'rule2'
$rules = Get-PodeLimitRateRule
A hashtable array containing the rate limit rule(s).

function Get-PodeLimitRateRule {

    if ($Name) {
        return $Name | ForEach-Object { $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules[$_] }

    return $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rate.Rules.Values

Adds an access limit rule.
Adds an access limit rule.
The name of the access rule.
.PARAMETER Component
The component(s) to check. This can be a single, or an array of components.
The action to take. Either 'Allow' or 'Deny'.
The status code to return. (Default: 403)
The priority of the rule. The higher the number, the higher the priority. (Default: [int]::MinValue)
# only allow localhost
Add-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -Action Allow -Component @(
    New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP ''
# only allow localhost and the /downloads route
Add-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -Action Allow -Component @(
    New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP ''
    New-PodeLimitRouteComponent -Path '/downloads'
# deny all requests
Add-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -Action Deny -Component @(
# deny all requests from a subnet, with a custom status code
Add-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -Action Deny -StatusCode 401 -Component @(
    New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP ''
# deny all requests from a subnet, with a custom status code and priority
Add-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -Action Deny -StatusCode 401 -Priority 100 -Component @(
    New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP ''

function Add-PodeLimitAccessRule {


        [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')]

        $StatusCode = 403,

        $Priority = [int]::MinValue

    if (Test-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name $Name) {
        # An access limit rule with the name '$($Name)' already exists
        throw ($PodeLocale.accessLimitRuleAlreadyExistsExceptionMessage -f $Name)

    $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules[$Name] = @{
        Name       = $Name
        Components = $Component
        Action     = $Action
        StatusCode = $StatusCode
        Priority   = $Priority

    $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.RulesAltered = $true

    # set the flag if we have any allow rules
    if ($Action -eq 'Allow') {
        $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.HaveAllowRules = $true

Updates an access rule.
Updates an access rule.
The name of the access rule.
The action to take. Either 'Allow' or 'Deny'. If not supplied, the action will not be updated.
The status code to return. If not supplied, the status code will not be updated.
Update-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -Action 'Deny'
Update-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -StatusCode 404
Update-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1' -Action 'Allow' -StatusCode 200

function Update-PodeLimitAccessRule {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')]
        $Action = $null,

        $StatusCode = -1

    $rule = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules[$Name]
    if (!$rule) {
        # An access limit rule with the name '$($Name)' does not exist
        throw ($PodeLocale.accessLimitRuleDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name)

    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Action)) {
        $rule.Action = $Action

    if ($StatusCode -gt 0) {
        $rule.StatusCode = $StatusCode

    # reset the flag if we have any allow rules
    $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.HaveAllowRules = ($PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules.Value |
            Where-Object { $_.Action -eq 'Allow' } |
            Measure-Object).Count -gt 0

Removes an access rule.
Removes an access rule.
The name of the access rule.
Remove-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1'

function Remove-PodeLimitAccessRule {

    # remove the rule
    $null = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules.Remove($Name)
    $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.RulesAltered = $true

    # reset the flag if we have any allow rules
    $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.HaveAllowRules = ($PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules.Value |
            Where-Object { $_.Action -eq 'Allow' } |
            Measure-Object).Count -gt 0

Tests if an access rule exists.
Tests if an access rule exists.
The name of the access rule.
Test-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1'
A boolean indicating if the access rule exists.

function Test-PodeLimitAccessRule {

    return $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules.Contains($Name)

Gets an access rule by name.
Gets an access rule by name.
The name(s) of the access rule.
$rules = Get-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1'
$rules = Get-PodeLimitAccessRule -Name 'rule1', 'rule2'
$rules = Get-PodeLimitAccessRule
A hashtable array containing the access rule(s).

function Get-PodeLimitAccessRule {

    if ($Name) {
        return $Name | ForEach-Object { $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules[$_] }

    return $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Access.Rules.Values

Creates a new Limit IP component.
Creates a new Limit IP component. This supports the WebEvent, SmtpEvent, and TcpEvent IPs.
The IP address(es) to check. Supports raw IPs, subnets, local, and any.
Where to get the IP from: RemoteAddress or XForwardedFor. (Default: RemoteAddress)
.PARAMETER XForwardedForType
If the Location is XForwardedFor, which IP in the X-Forwarded-For header to use: Leftmost, Rightmost, or All. (Default: Leftmost)
If Leftmost, the first IP in the X-Forwarded-For header will be used.
If Rightmost, the last IP in the X-Forwarded-For header will be used.
If All, all IPs in the X-Forwarded-For header will be used - at least one must match.
If supplied, IPs in a subnet will be treated as a single entity.
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP ''
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP ''
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP 'localhost'
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP 'all'
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP '' -Group
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP '' -Location XForwardedFor
New-PodeLimitIPComponent -IP '' -Group -Location XForwardedFor -XForwardedForType Rightmost
A hashtable containing the options and scriptblock for the IP component.
The scriptblock will return the IP - or subnet for grouped - if found, or null if not.

function New-PodeLimitIPComponent {

        [ValidateSet('RemoteAddress', 'XForwardedFor')]
        $Location = 'RemoteAddress',

        [ValidateSet('Leftmost', 'Rightmost', 'All')]
        $XForwardedForType = 'Leftmost',


    # map of ip/subnet details
    $ipDetails = [ordered]@{
        Raw     = @{}
        Subnets = [ordered]@{}
        Any     = (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $IP)
        Local   = $false

    # loop through each IP to parse details
    foreach ($_ip in $IP) {
        # is the ip valid?
        if (!(Test-PodeIPAddressLocal -IP $_ip) -and !(Test-PodeIPAddress -IP $_ip -IPOnly)) {
            # The IP address supplied is invalid: {0}
            throw ($PodeLocale.invalidIpAddressExceptionMessage -f $_ip)

        # for any, just flag as any and continue
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_ip) -or (Test-PodeIPAddressAny -IP $_ip)) {
            $ipDetails.Any = $true

        # for local, just flag as local and continue
        if (Test-PodeIPAddressLocal -IP $_ip) {
            $ipDetails.Local = $true

        # for subnet, parse the subnet details
        if (Test-PodeIPAddressIsSubnetMask -IP $_ip) {
            $subnetRange = Get-PodeSubnetRange -SubnetMask $_ip
            $lowerDetails = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $subnetRange.Lower
            $upperDetails = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $subnetRange.Upper

            $ipDetails.Subnets[$_ip] = @{
                Family = $lowerDetails.Family
                Lower  = $lowerDetails.GetAddressBytes()
                Upper  = $upperDetails.GetAddressBytes()

        # for raw IP, just parse the IP details
        $details = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $_ip
        $ipDetails.Raw[$_ip] = @{
            Family = $details.Family

    # pass back the IP component
    return @{
        Options     = @{
            IP                = $ipDetails
            Location          = $Location.ToLowerInvariant()
            XForwardedForType = $XForwardedForType.ToLowerInvariant()
            Group             = $Group.IsPresent
        ScriptBlock = {

            # current request ip - for webevent, smtpevent, or tcpevent
            # for webevent, we can get the ip from the remote address or x-forwarded-for
            $ipAddresses = $null

            if ($WebEvent) {
                switch ($options.Location) {
                    'remoteaddress' {
                        $ipAddresses = @($WebEvent.Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address)
                    'xforwardedfor' {
                        $xForwardedFor = $WebEvent.Request.Headers['X-Forwarded-For']
                        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($xForwardedFor)) {
                            return $null

                        $xffIps = $xForwardedFor.Split(',')
                        switch ($options.XForwardedForType) {
                            'leftmost' {
                                $ipAddresses = @(Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $xffIps[0].Trim() -ContainsPort)
                            'rightmost' {
                                $ipAddresses = @(Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $xffIps[-1].Trim() -ContainsPort)
                            'all' {
                                $ipAddresses = @(foreach ($ip in $xffIps) { Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $ip.Trim() -ContainsPort })
            elseif ($SmtpEvent) {
                $ipAddresses = @($SmtpEvent.Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address)
            elseif ($TcpEvent) {
                $ipAddresses = @($TcpEvent.Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address)

            # if we have no ip addresses, then return null
            if (($null -eq $ipAddresses) -or ($ipAddresses.Length -eq 0)) {
                return $null

            # loop through each ip address
            for ($i = $ipAddresses.Length - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {
                $ip = $ipAddresses[$i]

                $ipDetails = @{
                    Value  = $ip.IPAddressToString
                    Family = $ip.AddressFamily
                    Bytes  = $ip.GetAddressBytes()

                # is the ip in the Raw list?
                if ($options.IP.Raw.ContainsKey($ipDetails.Value)) {
                    return $ipDetails.Value

                # is the ip in the Subnets list?
                foreach ($subnet in $options.IP.Subnets.Keys) {
                    $subnetDetails = $options.IP.Subnets[$subnet]
                    if ($subnetDetails.Family -ne $ipDetails.Family) {

                    # if the ip is in the subnet range, then return the subnet
                    if (Test-PodeIPAddressInSubnet -IP $ipDetails.Bytes -Lower $subnetDetails.Lower -Upper $subnetDetails.Upper) {
                        if ($options.Group) {
                            return $subnet

                        return $ipDetails.Value

                # is the ip local?
                if ($options.IP.Local) {
                    if ([System.Net.IPAddress]::IsLoopback($ip)) {
                        if ($options.Group) {
                            return 'local'

                        return $ipDetails.Value

                # is any allowed?
                if ($options.IP.Any -and ($i -eq 0)) {
                    if ($options.Group) {
                        return '*'

                    return $ipDetails.Value

            # ip didn't match any rules
            return $null

Creates a new Limit Route component.
Creates a new Limit Route component. This supports the WebEvent routes.
The route path(s) to check. This can be a full path, or a wildcard path.
If supplied, the routes will be grouped by any wildcard, ignoring the full path.
For example, any routes matching "/api/*" will be grouped as "/api/*", and not "/api/test" or "/api/test/hello".
New-PodeLimitRouteComponent -Path '/downloads'
New-PodeLimitRouteComponent -Path '/downloads', '/api/*'
New-PodeLimitRouteComponent -Path '/api/*' -Group
A hashtable containing the options and scriptblock for the route component.
The scriptblock will return the route path if found, or null if not.

function New-PodeLimitRouteComponent {


    # convert paths into a hashtable for easier lookup
    $htPath = @{}
    foreach ($p in $Path) {
        $htPath[(ConvertTo-PodeRouteRegex -Path $p)] = $true

    # pass back the route component
    return @{
        Options     = @{
            Path  = $htPath
            Group = $Group.IsPresent
            All   = (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $Path)
        ScriptBlock = {

            # current request path
            $path = $WebEvent.Path
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($path)) {
                return $null

            # if the list is empty, or the list contains the path, then return the path
            if ($options.All -or $options.Path.ContainsKey($path)) {
                return $path

            # check if the path is a wildcard
            foreach ($key in $options.Path.Keys) {
                if ($path -imatch "^$($key)$") {
                    if ($options.Group) {
                        return $key

                    return $path

            # return null
            return $null

Creates a new Limit Endpoint component.
Creates a new Limit Endpoint component. This supports the WebEvent, SmtpEvent, and TcpEvent endpoints.
The endpoint name(s) to check.
New-PodeLimitEndpointComponent -Name 'api'
A hashtable containing the options and scriptblock for the endpoint component.
The scriptblock will return the endpoint name if found, or null if not.

function New-PodeLimitEndpointComponent {

    # convert endpoint names into a hashtable for easier lookup
    $htName = @{}
    foreach ($e in $Name) {
        $htName[$e] = $true

    # pass back the endpoint component
    return @{
        Options     = @{
            EndpointName = $htName
            All          = (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $Name)
        ScriptBlock = {

            # current request endpoint name - from webevent, smtpevent, or tcpevent
            $endpointName = $null
            if ($WebEvent) {
                $endpointName = $WebEvent.Endpoint.Name
            elseif ($SmtpEvent) {
                $endpointName = $SmtpEvent.Endpoint.Name
            elseif ($TcpEvent) {
                $endpointName = $TcpEvent.Endpoint.Name

            if ($null -eq $endpointName) {
                return $null

            # if the list is empty, or the list contains the endpoint name, then return the endpoint name
            if ($options.All -or $options.EndpointName.ContainsKey($endpointName)) {
                return $endpointName

            # return null
            return $null

Creates a new Limit HTTP Method component.
Creates a new Limit HTTP Method component. This supports the WebEvent methods.
The HTTP method(s) to check.
New-PodeLimitMethodComponent -Method 'Get'
New-PodeLimitMethodComponent -Method 'Get', 'Post'
A hashtable containing the options and scriptblock for the method component.
The scriptblock will return the method if found, or null if not.

function New-PodeLimitMethodComponent {
        [ValidateSet('Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace')]

    # convert methods into a hashtable for easier lookup
    $htMethod = @{}
    foreach ($m in $Method) {
        $htMethod[$m] = $true

    # pass back the method component
    return @{
        Options     = @{
            Method = $htMethod
            All    = (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $Method)
        ScriptBlock = {

            # current request method
            $method = $WebEvent.Method
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($method)) {
                return $null

            # if the list is empty, or the list contains the method, then return the method
            if ($options.All -or $options.Method.ContainsKey($method)) {
                return $method

            # return null
            return $null

Creates a new Limit Header component.
Creates a new Limit Header component. This support WebEvent and SmtpEvent headers.
The name of the header(s) to check.
The value of the header(s) to check.
If supplied, the headers will be grouped by name, ignoring the value.
For example, any headers matching "X-AuthToken" will be grouped as "X-AuthToken", and not "X-AuthToken=123".
New-PodeLimitHeaderComponent -Name 'X-AuthToken'
New-PodeLimitHeaderComponent -Name 'X-AuthToken', 'X-AuthKey'
New-PodeLimitHeaderComponent -Name 'X-AuthToken' -Value '12345'
New-PodeLimitHeaderComponent -Name 'X-AuthToken' -Group
A hashtable containing the options and scriptblock for the header component.
The scriptblock will return the header name and value if found, or just the name if Group is supplied.

function New-PodeLimitHeaderComponent {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



    # convert header names into a hashtable for easier lookup
    $htHeaderName = @{}
    foreach ($h in $Name) {
        $htHeaderName[$h] = $true

    # convert header values into a hashtable for easier lookup
    $htHeaderValue = @{}
    foreach ($h in $Value) {
        $htHeaderValue[$h] = $true

    # pass back the header component
    return @{
        Options     = @{
            HeaderNames  = $htHeaderName
            HeaderValues = $htHeaderValue
            Group        = $Group.IsPresent
            AllValues    = (Test-PodeIsEmpty -Value $Value)
        ScriptBlock = {

            # current request headers - from webevent or smtpevent
            $reqHeaders = @{}
            if ($WebEvent) {
                $reqHeaders = $WebEvent.Request.Headers
            elseif ($SmtpEvent) {
                $reqHeaders = $SmtpEvent.Request.Headers

            if ($reqHeaders.Count -eq 0) {
                return $null

            # loop through each specified header
            foreach ($header in $options.HeaderNames.Keys) {
                # skip if the header is not in the request
                if (!$reqHeaders.ContainsKey($header)) {

                # are we checking any specific values - if not, return name/value or just name
                if ($options.AllValues) {
                    if ($options.Group) {
                        return $header
                    return "$($header)=$($reqHeaders[$header])"

                # otherwise, check if the header value is in the list
                if ($options.HeaderValues.ContainsKey($reqHeaders[$header])) {
                    return "$($header)=$($reqHeaders[$header])"

            # return null
            return $null