<# .SYNOPSIS Bind an endpoint to listen for incoming Requests. .DESCRIPTION Bind an endpoint to listen for incoming Requests. The endpoints can be HTTP, HTTPS, TCP or SMTP, with the option to bind certificates. .PARAMETER Address The IP/Hostname of the endpoint (Default: localhost). .PARAMETER Port The Port number of the endpoint. .PARAMETER Hostname An optional hostname for the endpoint, specifying a hostname restricts access to just the hostname. .PARAMETER Protocol The protocol of the supplied endpoint. .PARAMETER Certificate The path to a certificate that can be use to enable HTTPS .PARAMETER CertificatePassword The password for the certificate file referenced in Certificate .PARAMETER CertificateKey A key file to be paired with a PEM certificate file referenced in Certificate .PARAMETER CertificateThumbprint A certificate thumbprint to bind onto HTTPS endpoints (Windows). .PARAMETER CertificateName A certificate subject name to bind onto HTTPS endpoints (Windows). .PARAMETER CertificateStoreName The name of a certifcate store where a certificate can be found (Default: My) (Windows). .PARAMETER CertificateStoreLocation The location of a certifcate store where a certificate can be found (Default: CurrentUser) (Windows). .PARAMETER X509Certificate The raw X509 certificate that can be use to enable HTTPS .PARAMETER TlsMode The TLS mode to use on secure connections, options are Implicit or Explicit (SMTP only) (Default: Implicit). .PARAMETER Name An optional name for the endpoint, that can be used with other functions (Default: GUID). .PARAMETER RedirectTo The Name of another Endpoint to automatically generate a redirect route for all traffic. .PARAMETER Description A quick description of the Endpoint - normally used in OpenAPI. .PARAMETER Acknowledge An optional Acknowledge message to send to clients when they first connect, for TCP and SMTP endpoints only. .PARAMETER SslProtocol One or more optional SSL Protocols this endpoints supports. (Default: SSL3/TLS12 - Just TLS12 on MacOS). .PARAMETER CRLFMessageEnd If supplied, TCP endpoints will expect incoming data to end with CRLF. .PARAMETER Force Ignore Adminstrator checks for non-localhost endpoints. .PARAMETER SelfSigned Create and bind a self-signed certifcate for HTTPS endpoints. .PARAMETER AllowClientCertificate Allow for client certificates to be sent on requests. .PARAMETER PassThru If supplied, the endpoint created will be returned. .PARAMETER LookupHostname If supplied, a supplied Hostname will have its IP Address looked up from host file or DNS. .PARAMETER DualMode If supplied, this endpoint will listen on both the IPv4 and IPv6 versions of the supplied -Address. For IPv6, this will only work if the IPv6 address can convert to a valid IPv4 address. .PARAMETER Default If supplied, this endpoint will be the default one used for internally generating URLs. .EXAMPLE Add-PodeEndpoint -Address localhost -Port 8090 -Protocol Http .EXAMPLE Add-PodeEndpoint -Address localhost -Protocol Smtp .EXAMPLE Add-PodeEndpoint -Address -Port 8443 -Protocol Https -SelfSigned .EXAMPLE Add-PodeEndpoint -Address -Hostname -Port 8443 -Protocol Https -SelfSigned .EXAMPLE Add-PodeEndpoint -Address -Protocol Https -CertificateThumbprint '2A9467F7D3940243D6C07DE61E7FCCE292' #> function Add-PodeEndpoint { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')] [OutputType([hashtable])] param( [Parameter()] [string] $Address = 'localhost', [Parameter()] [int] $Port = 0, [Parameter()] [string] $Hostname, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Http', 'Https', 'Smtp', 'Smtps', 'Tcp', 'Tcps', 'Ws', 'Wss')] [string] $Protocol, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'CertFile')] [string] $Certificate = $null, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertFile')] [string] $CertificatePassword = $null, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertFile')] [string] $CertificateKey = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'CertThumb')] [string] $CertificateThumbprint, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'CertName')] [string] $CertificateName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertName')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertThumb')] [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName] $CertificateStoreName = 'My', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertName')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertThumb')] [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation] $CertificateStoreLocation = 'CurrentUser', [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'CertRaw')] [X509Certificate] $X509Certificate = $null, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertFile')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertThumb')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertName')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertRaw')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertSelf')] [ValidateSet('Implicit', 'Explicit')] [string] $TlsMode = 'Implicit', [Parameter()] [string] $Name = $null, [Parameter()] [string] $RedirectTo = $null, [Parameter()] [string] $Description, [Parameter()] [string] $Acknowledge, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Ssl2', 'Ssl3', 'Tls', 'Tls11', 'Tls12', 'Tls13')] [string[]] $SslProtocol = $null, [switch] $CRLFMessageEnd, [switch] $Force, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'CertSelf')] [switch] $SelfSigned, [switch] $AllowClientCertificate, [switch] $PassThru, [switch] $LookupHostname, [switch] $DualMode, [switch] $Default ) # error if serverless Test-PodeIsServerless -FunctionName 'Add-PodeEndpoint' -ThrowError # if RedirectTo is supplied, then a Name is mandatory if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RedirectTo) -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) { # A Name is required for the endpoint if the RedirectTo parameter is supplied throw ($PodeLocale.nameRequiredForEndpointIfRedirectToSuppliedExceptionMessage) } # get the type of endpoint $type = Get-PodeEndpointType -Protocol $Protocol # are we running as IIS for HTTP/HTTPS? (if yes, force the port, address and protocol) $isIIS = ((Test-PodeIsIIS) -and (@('Http', 'Ws') -icontains $type)) if ($isIIS) { $Port = [int]$env:ASPNETCORE_PORT $Address = '' $Hostname = [string]::Empty $Protocol = $type } # are we running as Heroku for HTTP/HTTPS? (if yes, force the port, address and protocol) $isHeroku = ((Test-PodeIsHeroku) -and (@('Http') -icontains $type)) if ($isHeroku) { $Port = [int]$env:PORT $Address = '' $Hostname = [string]::Empty $Protocol = $type } # parse the endpoint for host/port info if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Hostname) -and !(Test-PodeHostname -Hostname $Hostname)) { # Invalid hostname supplied throw ($PodeLocale.invalidHostnameSuppliedExceptionMessage -f $Hostname) } if ((Test-PodeHostname -Hostname $Address) -and ($Address -inotin @('localhost', 'all'))) { $Hostname = $Address $Address = 'localhost' } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Hostname) -and $LookupHostname) { $Address = (Get-PodeIPAddressesForHostname -Hostname $Hostname -Type All | Select-Object -First 1) } $_endpoint = Get-PodeEndpointInfo -Address "$($Address):$($Port)" # if no name, set to guid, then check uniqueness if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) { $Name = New-PodeGuid -Secure } if ($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.ContainsKey($Name)) { # An endpoint named has already been defined throw ($PodeLocale.endpointAlreadyDefinedExceptionMessage -f $Name) } # protocol must be https for client certs, or hosted behind a proxy like iis if (($Protocol -ine 'https') -and !(Test-PodeIsHosted) -and $AllowClientCertificate) { # Client certificates are only supported on HTTPS endpoints throw ($PodeLocale.clientCertificatesOnlySupportedOnHttpsEndpointsExceptionMessage) } # explicit tls is only supported for smtp/tcp if (($type -inotin @('smtp', 'tcp')) -and ($TlsMode -ieq 'explicit')) { # The Explicit TLS mode is only supported on SMTPS and TCPS endpoints throw ($PodeLocale.explicitTlsModeOnlySupportedOnSmtpsTcpsEndpointsExceptionMessage) } # ack message is only for smtp/tcp if (($type -inotin @('smtp', 'tcp')) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Acknowledge)) { # The Acknowledge message is only supported on SMTP and TCP endpoints throw ($PodeLocale.acknowledgeMessageOnlySupportedOnSmtpTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage) } # crlf message end is only for tcp if (($type -ine 'tcp') -and $CRLFMessageEnd) { # The CRLF message end check is only supported on TCP endpoints throw ($PodeLocale.crlfMessageEndCheckOnlySupportedOnTcpEndpointsExceptionMessage) } # new endpoint object $obj = @{ Name = $Name Description = $Description DualMode = $DualMode Address = $null RawAddress = $null Port = $null IsIPAddress = $true HostName = $Hostname FriendlyName = $Hostname Url = $null Ssl = @{ Enabled = (@('https', 'wss', 'smtps', 'tcps') -icontains $Protocol) Protocols = $PodeContext.Server.Sockets.Ssl.Protocols } Protocol = $Protocol.ToLowerInvariant() Type = $type.ToLowerInvariant() Runspace = @{ PoolName = (Get-PodeEndpointRunspacePoolName -Protocol $Protocol) } Default = $Default.IsPresent Certificate = @{ Raw = $X509Certificate SelfSigned = $SelfSigned AllowClientCertificate = $AllowClientCertificate TlsMode = $TlsMode } Tcp = @{ Acknowledge = $Acknowledge CRLFMessageEnd = $CRLFMessageEnd } } # set ssl protocols if (!(Test-PodeIsEmpty $SslProtocol)) { $obj.Ssl.Protocols = (ConvertTo-PodeSslProtocol -Protocol $SslProtocol) } # set the ip for the context (force to localhost for IIS) $obj.Address = Get-PodeIPAddress $_endpoint.Host -DualMode:$DualMode $obj.IsIPAddress = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($obj.HostName) if ($obj.IsIPAddress) { if (!(Test-PodeIPAddressLocalOrAny -IP $obj.Address)) { $obj.FriendlyName = "$($obj.Address)" } else { $obj.FriendlyName = 'localhost' } } # set the port for the context, if 0 use a default port for protocol $obj.Port = $_endpoint.Port if (([int]$obj.Port) -eq 0) { $obj.Port = Get-PodeDefaultPort -Protocol $Protocol -TlsMode $TlsMode } if ($obj.IsIPAddress) { $obj.RawAddress = "$($obj.Address):$($obj.Port)" } else { $obj.RawAddress = "$($obj.FriendlyName):$($obj.Port)" } # set the url of this endpoint if (($obj.Protocol -eq 'http') -or ($obj.Protocol -eq 'https')) { $obj.Url = "$($obj.Protocol)://$($obj.FriendlyName):$($obj.Port)/" } else { $obj.Url = "$($obj.Protocol)://$($obj.FriendlyName):$($obj.Port)" } # if the address is non-local, then check admin privileges if (!$Force -and !(Test-PodeIPAddressLocal -IP $obj.Address) -and !(Test-PodeIsAdminUser)) { # Must be running with administrator privileges to listen on non-localhost addresses throw ($PodeLocale.mustBeRunningWithAdminPrivilegesExceptionMessage) } # has this endpoint been added before? (for http/https we can just not add it again) $exists = ($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object { ($_.FriendlyName -ieq $obj.FriendlyName) -and ($_.Port -eq $obj.Port) -and ($_.Ssl.Enabled -eq $obj.Ssl.Enabled) -and ($_.Type -ieq $obj.Type) } | Measure-Object).Count # if we're dealing with a certificate, attempt to import it if (!(Test-PodeIsHosted) -and ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ilike 'cert*')) { # fail if protocol is not https if (@('https', 'wss', 'smtps', 'tcps') -inotcontains $Protocol) { # Certificate supplied for non-HTTPS/WSS endpoint throw ($PodeLocale.certificateSuppliedForNonHttpsWssEndpointExceptionMessage) } switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'certfile' { $obj.Certificate.Raw = Get-PodeCertificateByFile -Certificate $Certificate -Password $CertificatePassword -Key $CertificateKey } 'certthumb' { $obj.Certificate.Raw = Get-PodeCertificateByThumbprint -Thumbprint $CertificateThumbprint -StoreName $CertificateStoreName -StoreLocation $CertificateStoreLocation } 'certname' { $obj.Certificate.Raw = Get-PodeCertificateByName -Name $CertificateName -StoreName $CertificateStoreName -StoreLocation $CertificateStoreLocation } 'certself' { $obj.Certificate.Raw = New-PodeSelfSignedCertificate } } # fail if the cert is expired if ($obj.Certificate.Raw.NotAfter -lt [datetime]::Now) { # The certificate has expired throw ($PodeLocale.certificateExpiredExceptionMessage -f $obj.Certificate.Raw.Subject, $obj.Certificate.Raw.NotAfter) } } if (!$exists) { # set server type $_type = $type if ($_type -iin @('http', 'ws')) { $_type = 'http' } if ($PodeContext.Server.Types -inotcontains $_type) { $PodeContext.Server.Types += $_type } # add the new endpoint $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints[$Name] = $obj $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap["$($obj.Protocol)|$($obj.RawAddress)"] = $Name } # if RedirectTo is set, attempt to build a redirecting route if (!(Test-PodeIsHosted) -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RedirectTo)) { $redir_endpoint = $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints[$RedirectTo] # ensure the name exists if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $redir_endpoint) { # An endpoint named has not been defined for redirecting throw ($PodeLocale.endpointNotDefinedForRedirectingExceptionMessage -f $RedirectTo) } # build the redirect route Add-PodeRoute -Method * -Path * -EndpointName $obj.Name -ArgumentList $redir_endpoint -ScriptBlock { param($endpoint) Move-PodeResponseUrl -EndpointName $endpoint.Name } } # return the endpoint? if ($PassThru) { return $obj } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get an Endpoint(s). .DESCRIPTION Get an Endpoint(s). .PARAMETER Address An Address to filter the endpoints. .PARAMETER Port A Port to filter the endpoints. .PARAMETER Hostname A Hostname to filter the endpoints. .PARAMETER Protocol A Protocol to filter the endpoints. .PARAMETER Name Any endpoints Names to filter endpoints. .EXAMPLE Get-PodeEndpoint -Address .EXAMPLE Get-PodeEndpoint -Protocol Http .EXAMPLE Get-PodeEndpoint -Name Admin, User #> function Get-PodeEndpoint { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $Address, [Parameter()] [int] $Port = 0, [Parameter()] [string] $Hostname, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('', 'Http', 'Https', 'Smtp', 'Smtps', 'Tcp', 'Tcps', 'Ws', 'Wss')] [string] $Protocol, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Name ) if ((Test-PodeHostname -Hostname $Address) -and ($Address -inotin @('localhost', 'all'))) { $Hostname = $Address $Address = 'localhost' } $endpoints = $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values # if we have an address, filter if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Address)) { if (($Address -eq '*') -or $PodeContext.Server.IsHeroku) { $Address = '' } if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS -or ($Address -ieq 'localhost')) { $Address = '' } $endpoints = @(foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) { if ($endpoint.Address.ToString() -ine $Address) { continue } $endpoint }) } # if we have a hostname, filter if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Hostname)) { $endpoints = @(foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) { if ($endpoint.Hostname.ToString() -ine $Hostname) { continue } $endpoint }) } # if we have a port, filter if ($Port -gt 0) { if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS) { $Port = [int]$env:ASPNETCORE_PORT } if ($PodeContext.Server.IsHeroku) { $Port = [int]$env:PORT } $endpoints = @(foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) { if ($endpoint.Port -ne $Port) { continue } $endpoint }) } # if we have a protocol, filter if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Protocol)) { if ($PodeContext.Server.IsIIS -or $PodeContext.Server.IsHeroku) { $Protocol = 'Http' } $endpoints = @(foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) { if ($endpoint.Protocol -ine $Protocol) { continue } $endpoint }) } # further filter by endpoint names if (($null -ne $Name) -and ($Name.Length -gt 0)) { $endpoints = @(foreach ($_name in $Name) { foreach ($endpoint in $endpoints) { if ($endpoint.Name -ine $_name) { continue } $endpoint } }) } # return return $endpoints } |