function Test-PodeTasksExist { return (($null -ne $PodeContext.Tasks) -and (($PodeContext.Tasks.Enabled) -or ($PodeContext.Tasks.Items.Count -gt 0))) } function Start-PodeTaskHousekeeper { if (!(Test-PodeTasksExist)) { return } Add-PodeTimer -Name '__pode_task_housekeeper__' -Interval 20 -ScriptBlock { try { # return if no task processes if ($PodeContext.Tasks.Processes.Count -eq 0) { return } # get the current time $now = [datetime]::UtcNow # loop through each process foreach ($key in $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes.Keys.Clone()) { try { # get the process and the task $process = $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes[$key] $task = $PodeContext.Tasks.Items[$process.Task] # if completed, and no completed time set, then set one and continue if ($process.Runspace.Handler.IsCompleted -and ($null -eq $process.CompletedTime)) { $process.CompletedTime = $now $process.State = 'Completed' continue } # if the process is completed, then close and remove if (($process.State -ieq 'Completed') -and ($process.CompletedTime.AddMinutes(1) -lt $now)) { Close-PodeTaskInternal -Process $process continue } # has the process failed? if ($process.State -ieq 'Failed') { # if we have hit the max retries, then close and remove if ($process.Retry.Count -ge $task.Retry.Max) { Close-PodeTaskInternal -Process $process continue } # if we aren't auto-retrying, then continue if (!$task.Retry.AutoRetry) { continue } # if the retry delay hasn't passed, then continue if (($null -eq $process.Retry.From) -or ($process.Retry.From -gt $now)) { continue } # restart the process Restart-PodeTaskInternal -ProcessId $process.ID continue } # if the process is running, and the expire time has passed, then close and remove if ($process.ExpireTime -lt $now) { Close-PodeTaskInternal -Process $process continue } } catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog } } $process = $null } catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog } } } function Close-PodeTaskInternal { param( [Parameter()] [hashtable] $Process, [switch] $Keep ) # return if no process if ($null -eq $Process) { return } # close the runspace Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $Process.Runspace.Pipeline Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $Process.Result # remove the process if (!$Keep) { $null = $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes.Remove($Process.ID) } } function Invoke-PodeTaskInternal { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable] $Task, [Parameter()] [hashtable] $ArgumentList = $null, [Parameter()] [int] $Timeout = -1, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Default', 'Create', 'Start')] [string] $TimeoutFrom = 'Default' ) try { # generate processId for task $processId = New-PodeGuid # setup event param $parameters = @{ ProcessId = $processId ArgumentList = $ArgumentList } # what's the timeout values to use? if ($TimeoutFrom -eq 'Default') { $TimeoutFrom = $Task.Timeout.From } if ($Timeout -eq -1) { $Timeout = $Task.Timeout.Value } # what is the expire time if using "create" timeout? $expireTime = [datetime]::MaxValue $createTime = [datetime]::UtcNow if (($TimeoutFrom -ieq 'Create') -and ($Timeout -ge 0)) { $expireTime = $createTime.AddSeconds($Timeout) } # add task process $result = [System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection[psobject]]::new() $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes[$processId] = @{ ID = $processId Task = $Task.Name Parameters = $parameters Runspace = $null Result = $result CreateTime = $createTime StartTime = $null CompletedTime = $null ExpireTime = $expireTime Exception = $null Timeout = @{ Value = $Timeout From = $TimeoutFrom } Retry = @{ Count = 0 From = $null } State = 'Pending' } # start the task runspace $scriptblock = Get-PodeTaskScriptBlock $runspace = Add-PodeRunspace -Type Tasks -Name $Task.Name -ScriptBlock $scriptblock -Parameters $parameters -OutputStream $result -PassThru # add runspace to process $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes[$processId].Runspace = $runspace # return the task process return $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes[$processId] } catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog } } function Restart-PodeTaskInternal { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ProcessId ) try { # get the process, and return if not found or not failed $process = $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes[$ProcessId] if (($null -eq $process) -or ($process.State -ine 'Failed')) { return } # get the task $task = $PodeContext.Tasks.Items[$process.Task] # dispose of the old runspace Close-PodeTaskInternal -Process $process -Keep # return if we have hit the max retries if ($process.Retry.Count -ge $task.Retry.Max) { return } # what is the expire time if using "create" timeout? $expireTime = [datetime]::MaxValue $createTime = [datetime]::UtcNow if (($process.Timeout.From -ieq 'Create') -and ($process.Timeout.Value -ge 0)) { $expireTime = $createTime.AddSeconds($process.Timeout.Value) } $process.CreateTime = $createTime $process.ExpireTime = $expireTime $process.StartTime = $null $process.CompletedTime = $null # reset the process result $result = [System.Management.Automation.PSDataCollection[psobject]]::new() $process.Result = $result # reset the process state $process.State = 'Pending' $process.Exception = $null $process.Retry.Count++ $process.Retry.From = $null # start the task runspace $scriptblock = Get-PodeTaskScriptBlock $runspace = Add-PodeRunspace -Type Tasks -Name $process.Task -ScriptBlock $scriptblock -Parameters $process.Parameters -OutputStream $result -PassThru # add runspace to process $process.Runspace = $runspace # return the task process return $process } catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog } } function Get-PodeTaskScriptBlock { return { param($ProcessId, $ArgumentList) try { $process = $PodeContext.Tasks.Processes[$ProcessId] if ($null -eq $process) { # Task process does not exist: $ProcessId throw ($PodeLocale.taskProcessDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $ProcessId) } # set the start time and state $process.StartTime = [datetime]::UtcNow $process.State = 'Running' # set the expire time of timeout based on "start" time if (($process.Timeout.From -ieq 'Start') -and ($process.Timeout.Value -ge 0)) { $process.ExpireTime = $process.StartTime.AddSeconds($process.Timeout.Value) } # get the task, error if not found $task = $PodeContext.Tasks.Items[$process.Task] if ($null -eq $task) { # Task does not exist throw ($PodeLocale.taskDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $process.Task) } # build the script arguments $TaskEvent = @{ Lockable = $PodeContext.Threading.Lockables.Global Sender = $task Timestamp = [DateTime]::UtcNow Count = $process.Retry.Count Metadata = @{} } $_args = @{ Event = $TaskEvent } if ($null -ne $task.Arguments) { foreach ($key in $task.Arguments.Keys) { $_args[$key] = $task.Arguments[$key] } } if ($null -ne $ArgumentList) { foreach ($key in $ArgumentList.Keys) { $_args[$key] = $ArgumentList[$key] } } # add any using variables if ($null -ne $task.UsingVariables) { foreach ($usingVar in $task.UsingVariables) { $_args[$usingVar.NewName] = $usingVar.Value } } # invoke the script from the task Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $task.Script -Arguments $_args -Scoped -Splat -Return # set the state to completed $process.State = 'Completed' } catch { # update the state if ($null -ne $process) { $process.State = 'Failed' $process.ExpireTime = $null $process.Retry.From = [datetime]::UtcNow.AddMinutes($task.Retry.Delay) $process.Exception = $_ } # log the error $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog } finally { $process.CompletedTime = [datetime]::UtcNow Reset-PodeRunspaceName Invoke-PodeGC } } } function Wait-PodeTaskNetInternal { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([object])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Threading.Tasks.Task] $Task, [Parameter()] [int] $Timeout = -1 ) # do we need a timeout? $timeoutTask = $null if ($Timeout -gt 0) { $timeoutTask = [System.Threading.Tasks.Task]::Delay($Timeout) } # set the check task if ($null -eq $timeoutTask) { $checkTask = $Task } else { $checkTask = [System.Threading.Tasks.Task]::WhenAny($Task, $timeoutTask) } # is there a cancel token to supply? if (($null -eq $PodeContext) -or ($null -eq $PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token)) { $checkTask.Wait() } else { $checkTask.Wait($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token) } # if the main task isn't complete, it timed out if (($null -ne $timeoutTask) -and (!$Task.IsCompleted)) { # "Task has timed out after $($Timeout)ms") throw [System.TimeoutException]::new($PodeLocale.taskTimedOutExceptionMessage -f $Timeout) } # only return a value if the result has one if ($null -ne $Task.Result) { return $Task.Result } } function Wait-PodeTaskProcessInternal { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([object])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable] $Process, [Parameter()] [int] $Timeout = -1 ) # timeout needs to be in milliseconds if ($Timeout -gt 0) { $Timeout *= 1000 } # wait for the pipeline to finish processing $null = $Process.Runspace.Handler.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($Timeout) # get the current result $result = $Process.Result.ReadAll() # close the task Close-PodeTask -Process $Process # only return a value if the result has one if (($null -ne $result) -and ($result.Count -gt 0)) { return $result } } |