
    Converts content into an OpenAPI schema object format.
    The ConvertTo-PodeOAObjectSchema function takes a hashtable representing content and converts it into a format suitable for OpenAPI schema objects.
    It validates the content types, processes array structures, and converts each property or reference into the appropriate OpenAPI schema format.
    The function is designed to handle complex content structures for OpenAPI documentation within the Pode framework.
    A hashtable representing the content to be converted into an OpenAPI schema object. The content can include various types and structures.
.PARAMETER Properties
    A switch to indicate if the content represents properties of an object schema.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
    A string representing the definition tag to be used in the conversion process. This tag is essential for correctly formatting the content according to OpenAPI specifications.
    $schemaObject = ConvertTo-PodeOAObjectSchema -Content $myContent -DefinitionTag 'myTag'
    Converts a hashtable of content into an OpenAPI schema object using the definition tag 'myTag'.
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function ConvertTo-PodeOAObjectSchema {
        [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string ]

    begin {
        $pipelineItemCount = 0  # Initialize counter to track items in the pipeline.

    process {
        $pipelineItemCount++  # Increment the counter for each item in the pipeline.

    end {
        # Throw an error if more than one item is passed in the pipeline.
        if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
            throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))

        # Ensure all content types are valid MIME types.
        foreach ($type in $Content.Keys) {
            if ($type -inotmatch '^(application|audio|image|message|model|multipart|text|video|\*)\/[\w\.\-\*]+(;[\s]*(charset|boundary)=[\w\.\-\*]+)*$|^"\*\/\*"$') {
                # Invalid content-type found for schema: $($type)
                throw ($PodeLocale.invalidContentTypeForSchemaExceptionMessage -f $type)

        # Manage a specific case where a generic schema conversion issue may arise.
        if ($Content.ContainsKey('*/*')) {
            $Content['"*/*"'] = $Content['*/*']  # Adjust the key format for schema compatibility.

        # Initialize an empty hashtable for the schema object.
        $obj = [ordered]@{}

        # Get all the content keys (MIME types) to iterate through.
        $types = [string[]]$Content.Keys
        foreach ($type in $types) {
            # Initialize schema structure for each type.
            $obj[$type] = [ordered]@{}

            # Handle file upload content, arrays, and shared component schema references.
            if ($Content[$type].__upload) {
                # Check if the content is an array.
                if ($Content[$type].__array) {
                    $upload = $Content[$type].__content.__upload
                else {
                    $upload = $Content[$type].__upload

                # Handle specific multipart/form-data content processing.
                if ($type -ieq 'multipart/form-data' -and $upload.content) {
                    if ((Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.1 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag) -and $upload.partContentMediaType) {
                        # Iterate through properties to set content media type and remove format for binaries.
                        foreach ($key in $upload.content.Properties) {
                            if ($key.type -eq 'string' -and ($key.format -ieq 'binary' -or $key.format -ieq 'base64')) {
                                $key.ContentMediaType = $PartContentMediaType
                    $newContent = $upload.content
                else {
                    # Handle OpenAPI v3.0 specific content encoding.
                    if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag) {
                        $newContent = [ordered]@{
                            'type'   = 'string'
                            'format' = $upload.contentEncoding
                    else {
                        # Handle Base64 content encoding.
                        if ($ContentEncoding -ieq 'Base64') {
                            $newContent = [ordered]@{
                                'type'            = 'string'
                                'contentEncoding' = $upload.contentEncoding

                # Update the content with the new encoding information.
                if ($Content[$type].__array) {
                    $Content[$type].__content = $newContent
                else {
                    $Content[$type] = $newContent

            # Process arrays and object properties based on content type.
            if ($Content[$type].__array) {
                $isArray = $true
                $item = $Content[$type].__content
                $obj[$type].schema = [ordered]@{
                    'type'  = 'array'
                    'items' = $null
                # Include additional metadata if present.
                if ($Content[$type].__title) {
                    $obj[$type].schema.title = $Content[$type].__title
                if ($Content[$type].__uniqueItems) {
                    $obj[$type].schema.uniqueItems = $Content[$type].__uniqueItems
                if ($Content[$type].__maxItems) {
                    $obj[$type].schema.__maxItems = $Content[$type].__maxItems
                if ($Content[$type].minItems) {
                    $obj[$type].schema.minItems = $Content[$type].__minItems
            else {
                $item = $Content[$type]
                $isArray = $false

            # Add schema objects or handle empty content.
            if ($item -is [string]) {
                if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($item)) {
                    # Handle basic type definitions or references.
                    if (@('string', 'integer', 'number', 'boolean') -icontains $item) {
                        if ($isArray) {
                            $obj[$type].schema.items = [ordered]@{
                                'type' = $item.ToLower()
                        else {
                            $obj[$type].schema = [ordered]@{
                                'type' = $item.ToLower()
                    else {
                        # Handle component references.
                        Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field schemas -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $item -PostValidation
                        if ($isArray) {
                            $obj[$type].schema.items = [ordered]@{
                                '$ref' = "#/components/schemas/$($item)"
                        else {
                            $obj[$type].schema = [ordered]@{
                                '$ref' = "#/components/schemas/$($item)"
                else {
                    # Create an empty content entry.
                    $obj[$type] = [ordered]@{}
            else {
                if ($item.Count -eq 0) {
                    $result = [ordered]@{}  # Create an empty object if the item count is zero.
                else {
                    # Convert each property to a PodeOpenAPI schema property.
                    $result = ($item | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag)

                # Handle the Properties parameter case.
                if ($Properties) {
                    if ($item.Name) {
                        $obj[$type].schema = [ordered]@{
                            'properties' = [ordered]@{
                                $item.Name = $result
                    else {
                        # Throw an error if Properties parameter is used without a name.
                        throw ($PodeLocale.propertiesParameterWithoutNameExceptionMessage)
                else {
                    # Assign the resulting schema to the correct array or object location.
                    if ($isArray) {
                        $obj[$type].schema.items = $result
                    else {
                        $obj[$type].schema = $result

        return $obj  # Return the final OpenAPI schema object.

Check if an ComponentSchemaJson reference exist.
Check if an ComponentSchemaJson reference with a given name exist.
The Name of the ComponentSchemaJson reference.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Test-PodeOAComponentSchemaJson {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
        if (!($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.schemaJson.keys -ccontains $Name)) {
            # If $Name is not found in the current $tag, return $false
            return $false
    return $true

    Tests if a given name exists in the external path keys of OpenAPI definitions for specified definition tags.
    The Test-PodeOAComponentExternalPath function iterates over a list of definition tags and checks if a given name
    is present in the external path keys of OpenAPI definitions within the Pode server context. This function is typically
    used to validate if a specific component name is already defined in the external paths of the OpenAPI documentation.
    The name of the external path component to be checked within the OpenAPI definitions.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
    An array of definition tags against which the existence of the name will be checked in the OpenAPI definitions.
    $exists = Test-PodeOAComponentExternalPath -Name 'MyComponentName' -DefinitionTag @('tag1', 'tag2')
    Checks if 'MyComponentName' exists in the external path keys of OpenAPI definitions for 'tag1' and 'tag2'.
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Test-PodeOAComponentExternalPath {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Iterate over each definition tag
    foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
        # Check if the name exists in the external path keys of the current definition tag
        if (!($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.externalPath.keys -ccontains $Name)) {
            # If the name is not found in the current tag, return false
            return $false
    # If the name exists in all specified tags, return true
    return $true

    Converts a property into an OpenAPI 'Of' property structure based on a given definition tag.
    The ConvertTo-PodeOAOfProperty function is used to convert a given property into one of the OpenAPI 'Of' properties:
    allOf, oneOf, or anyOf. These structures are used in OpenAPI documentation to define complex types. The function
    constructs the appropriate structure based on the type of the property and the definition tag provided.
    A hashtable representing the property to be converted. It should contain the type (allOf, oneOf, or anyOf) and
    potentially a list of schemas.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
    A mandatory string parameter specifying the definition tag in OpenAPI documentation, used for validating components.
    $ofProperty = ConvertTo-PodeOAOfProperty -Property $myProperty -DefinitionTag 'myTag'
    Converts a given property into an OpenAPI 'Of' structure using the specified definition tag.
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function ConvertTo-PodeOAOfProperty {
    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Check if the property type is one of the supported 'Of' types
    if (@('allOf', 'oneOf', 'anyOf') -inotcontains $Property.type) {
        return @{}
    # Initialize the schema with the 'Of' type
    if ($ {
        $schema = [ordered]@{
            $ = [ordered]@{
                $Property.type = @()
        if ($Property.description) {
            $schema[$].description = $Property.description
    else {
        $schema = [ordered]@{
            $Property.type = @()

    # Process each schema defined in the property
    if ($Property.schemas) {
        foreach ($prop in $Property.schemas) {
            if ($prop -is [string]) {
                # Validate the schema component and add a reference to it
                Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field schemas -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $prop -PostValidation
                if ($ {
                    $schema[$][$Property.type] += [ordered]@{ '$ref' = "#/components/schemas/$prop" }
                else {
                    $schema[$Property.type] += [ordered]@{ '$ref' = "#/components/schemas/$prop" }
            else {
                # Convert the property to an OpenAPI schema property
                if ($ {
                    $schema[$][$Property.type] += $prop | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
                else {
                    $schema[$Property.type] += $prop | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag

    # Add discriminator if present
    if ($Property.discriminator) {
        $schema['discriminator'] = $Property.discriminator

    # Return the constructed 'Of' property schema
    return $schema

    Converts a hashtable representing a property into a schema property format compliant with the OpenAPI Specification (OAS).
    This function takes a hashtable input representing a property and converts it into a schema property format based on the OpenAPI Specification.
    It handles various property types including primitives, arrays, and complex types with allOf, oneOf, anyOf constructs.
    A hashtable containing property details that need to be converted to an OAS schema property.
.PARAMETER NoDescription
    A switch parameter. If set, the description of the property will not be included in the output schema.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
    A mandatory string parameter specifying the definition context used for schema validation and compatibility checks with OpenAPI versions.
    $propertyDetails = [ordered]@{
        type = 'string';
        description = 'A sample property';
    ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -Property $propertyDetails -DefinitionTag 'v1'
    This example will convert a simple string property into an OpenAPI schema property.

function ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    begin {
        $pipelineItemCount = 0

    process {


    end {
        if ($pipelineItemCount -gt 1) {
            throw ($PodeLocale.fnDoesNotAcceptArrayAsPipelineInputExceptionMessage -f $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name))

        if ( @('allof', 'oneof', 'anyof') -icontains $Property.type) {
            $schema = ConvertTo-PodeOAofProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Property $Property
        else {
            # base schema type
            $schema = [ordered]@{ }
            if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag ) {
                if ($Property.type -is [string[]]) {
                    # Multi type properties requeired OpenApi Version 3.1 or above
                    throw ($PodeLocale.multiTypePropertiesRequireOpenApi31ExceptionMessage)
                $schema['type'] = $Property.type.ToLower()
            else {
                $schema.type = @($Property.type.ToLower())
                if ($Property.nullable) {
                    $schema.type += 'null'

        if ($Property.externalDocs) {
            $schema['externalDocs'] = $Property.externalDocs

        if (!$NoDescription -and $Property.description) {
            $schema['description'] = $Property.description

        if ($Property.default) {
            $schema['default'] = $Property.default

        if ($Property.deprecated) {
            $schema['deprecated'] = $Property.deprecated
        if ($Property.nullable -and (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag )) {
            $schema['nullable'] = $Property.nullable

        if ($Property.writeOnly) {
            $schema['writeOnly'] = $Property.writeOnly

        if ($Property.readOnly) {
            $schema['readOnly'] = $Property.readOnly

        if ($Property.example) {
            if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag ) {
                $schema['example'] = $Property.example
            else {
                if ($Property.example -is [Array]) {
                    $schema['examples'] = $Property.example
                else {
                    $schema['examples'] = @( $Property.example)
        if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag ) {
            if ($Property.ContainsKey('minimum')) {
                $schema['minimum'] = $Property.minimum

            if ($Property.ContainsKey('maximum')) {
                $schema['maximum'] = $Property.maximum

            if ($Property.exclusiveMaximum) {
                $schema['exclusiveMaximum'] = $Property.exclusiveMaximum

            if ($Property.exclusiveMinimum) {
                $schema['exclusiveMinimum'] = $Property.exclusiveMinimum
        else {
            if ($Property.ContainsKey('maximum')) {
                if ($Property.exclusiveMaximum) {
                    $schema['exclusiveMaximum'] = $Property.maximum
                else {
                    $schema['maximum'] = $Property.maximum
            if ($Property.ContainsKey('minimum')) {
                if ($Property.exclusiveMinimum) {
                    $schema['exclusiveMinimum'] = $Property.minimum
                else {
                    $schema['minimum'] = $Property.minimum
        if ($Property.multipleOf) {
            $schema['multipleOf'] = $Property.multipleOf

        if ($Property.pattern) {
            $schema['pattern'] = $Property.pattern

        if ($Property.ContainsKey('minLength')) {
            $schema['minLength'] = $Property.minLength

        if ($Property.ContainsKey('maxLength')) {
            $schema['maxLength'] = $Property.maxLength

        if ($Property.xml ) {
            $schema['xml'] = $Property.xml

        if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.1 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag ) {
            if ($Property.ContentMediaType) {
                $schema['contentMediaType'] = $Property.ContentMediaType
            if ($Property.ContentEncoding) {
                $schema['contentEncoding'] = $Property.ContentEncoding

        # are we using an array?
        if ($Property.array) {
            if ($Property.ContainsKey('maxItems') ) {
                $schema['maxItems'] = $Property.maxItems

            if ($Property.ContainsKey('minItems') ) {
                $schema['minItems'] = $Property.minItems

            if ($Property.uniqueItems ) {
                $schema['uniqueItems'] = $Property.uniqueItems

            $schema['type'] = 'array'
            if ($Property.type -ieq 'schema') {
                Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field schemas -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $Property['schema'] -PostValidation
                $schema['items'] = [ordered]@{ '$ref' = "#/components/schemas/$($Property['schema'])" }
            else {
                $Property.array = $false
                if ($Property.xml) {
                    $xmlFromProperties = $Property.xml
                $schema['items'] = ($Property | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag)
                $Property.array = $true
                if ($xmlFromProperties) {
                    $Property.xml = $xmlFromProperties

                if ($Property.xmlItemName) {
                    $schema.items.xml = [ordered]@{'name' = $Property.xmlItemName }
            return $schema
        else {
            #format is not applicable to array
            if ($Property.format) {
                $schema['format'] = $Property.format

            # schema refs
            if ($Property.type -ieq 'schema') {
                Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field schemas -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $Property['schema'] -PostValidation
                $schema = [ordered]@{
                    '$ref' = "#/components/schemas/$($Property['schema'])"
            #only if it's not an array
            if ($Property.enum ) {
                $schema['enum'] = $Property.enum

        if ($Property.object) {
            # are we using an object?
            $Property.object = $false

            $schema = [ordered]@{
                type       = 'object'
                properties = (ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaObjectProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Properties $Property)
            $Property.object = $true
            if ($Property.required) {
                $schema['required'] = @($

        if ($Property.type -ieq 'object') {
            $schema['properties'] = [ordered]@{}
            foreach ($prop in $ {
                if ( @('allOf', 'oneOf', 'anyOf') -icontains $prop.type) {
                    switch ($prop.type.ToLower()) {
                        'allof' { $prop.type = 'allOf' }
                        'oneof' { $prop.type = 'oneOf' }
                        'anyof' { $prop.type = 'anyOf' }
                    if ($ {
                        $schema['properties'] += ConvertTo-PodeOAofProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Property $prop
                    else {
                        $schema += ConvertTo-PodeOAofProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Property $prop

            if ($ {
                $schema['properties'] = (ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaObjectProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Properties $
                $RequiredList = @(($ | Where-Object { $_.required }) )
                if ( $RequiredList.Count -gt 0) {
                    $schema['required'] = @($
            else {
                #if noproperties parameter create an empty properties
                if ( $ -eq 1 -and $null -eq $[0]) {
                    $schema['properties'] = @{}

            if ($Property.minProperties) {
                $schema['minProperties'] = $Property.minProperties

            if ($Property.maxProperties) {
                $schema['maxProperties'] = $Property.maxProperties
            #Fix an issue when additionalProperties has an assigned value of $false
            if ($Property.ContainsKey('additionalProperties')) {
                if ($Property.additionalProperties) {
                    $schema['additionalProperties'] = $Property.additionalProperties | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
                else {
                    #the value is $false
                    $schema['additionalProperties'] = $false

            if ($Property.discriminator) {
                $schema['discriminator'] = $Property.discriminator

        return $schema

Converts a collection of properties into an OpenAPI schema object format.
The ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaObjectProperty function takes an array of property hashtables and converts them into
a format suitable for OpenAPI schema objects. It specifically processes properties that are not 'allOf', 'oneOf',
or 'anyOf' types, using the ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty function for conversion based on a given definition tag.
.PARAMETER Properties
An array of hashtables representing properties to be converted. Each hashtable should contain the property's details.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A string representing the definition tag to be used in the conversion process. This tag is crucial for correctly
formatting the properties according to OpenAPI specifications.
$schemaObject = ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaObjectProperty -Properties $myProperties -DefinitionTag 'myTag'
Converts an array of property hashtables into an OpenAPI schema object using the definition tag 'myTag'.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaObjectProperty {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Initialize an empty hashtable for the schema
    $schema = [ordered]@{}

    # Iterate over each property and convert to OpenAPI schema property if applicable
    foreach ($prop in $Properties) {
        # Exclude properties of type 'allOf', 'oneOf', or 'anyOf'
        if (@('allOf', 'oneOf', 'anyOf') -inotcontains $prop.type) {
            # Convert the property to an OpenAPI schema property and add to the schema hashtable
            $schema[$] = ($prop | ConvertTo-PodeOASchemaProperty -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag)

    # Return the constructed schema object
    return $schema

Sets OpenAPI specifications for a given route.
The Set-PodeOpenApiRouteValue function processes and sets various OpenAPI specifications for a given route based on the provided definition tag.
It handles route attributes such as deprecated status, tags, summary, description, operation ID, parameters, request body, callbacks, authentication,
and responses to build a complete OpenAPI specification for the route.
A hashtable representing the route for which OpenAPI specifications are being set.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
A string representing the definition tag used for specifying OpenAPI documentation details for the route.
$routeValues = Set-PodeOpenApiRouteValue -Route $route -DefinitionTag 'myTag'
Sets OpenAPI specifications for the given route using the definition tag 'myTag'.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Set-PodeOpenApiRouteValue {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    # Initialize an ordered hashtable to store route properties
    $pm = [ordered]@{}

    # Process various OpenAPI attributes for the route
    if ($Route.OpenApi.Deprecated) {
        $pm.deprecated = $Route.OpenApi.Deprecated
    if ($Route.OpenApi.Tags) {
        $pm.tags = $Route.OpenApi.Tags
    if ($Route.OpenApi.Summary) {
        $pm.summary = $Route.OpenApi.Summary
    if ($Route.OpenApi.Description) {
        $pm.description = $Route.OpenApi.Description
    if ($Route.OpenApi.OperationId) {
        $pm.operationId = $Route.OpenApi.OperationId
    if ($Route.OpenApi.Parameters[$DefinitionTag]) {
        $pm.parameters = $Route.OpenApi.Parameters[$DefinitionTag]
    if ($Route.OpenApi.RequestBody[$DefinitionTag]) {
        $pm.requestBody = $Route.OpenApi.RequestBody[$DefinitionTag]
    if ($Route.OpenApi.CallBacks[$DefinitionTag]) {
        $pm.callbacks = $Route.OpenApi.CallBacks[$DefinitionTag]
    if ($Route.OpenApi.Servers) {
        $pm.servers = $Route.OpenApi.Servers
    if ($Route.OpenApi.Authentication.Count -gt 0) {
        $ = @()
        foreach ($sct in (Expand-PodeAuthMerge -Names $Route.OpenApi.Authentication.Keys)) {
            if ($PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods.$sct.Scheme.Scheme -ieq 'oauth2') {
                if ($Route.AccessMeta.Scope ) {
                    $sctValue = $Route.AccessMeta.Scope
                else {
                    #if scope is empty means 'any role' => assign an empty array
                    $sctValue = @()
                $ += [ordered]@{ $sct = $sctValue }
            elseif ($sct -eq '%_allowanon_%') {
                #allow anonymous access
                $ += [ordered]@{}
            else {
                $ += [ordered]@{$sct = @() }
    if ($Route.OpenApi.Responses[$DefinitionTag] ) {
        $pm.responses = $Route.OpenApi.Responses[$DefinitionTag]
    else {
        # Set responses or default to '204 No Content' if not specified
        $pm.responses = [ordered]@{'204' = [ordered]@{'description' = (Get-PodeStatusDescription -StatusCode 204) } }
    # Return the processed route properties
    return $pm

Generates an internal OpenAPI definition based on the current Pode server context and specific parameters.
This function constructs an OpenAPI definition by gathering metadata, route information, and API structure based on the provided parameters.
It supports customization of the API documentation through MetaInfo and directly influences the output by including specific server, authentication, and endpoint details.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
The name of the endpoint for which the OpenAPI definition is generated.
A hashtable containing metadata for the OpenAPI definition such as the API title, version, and description.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
Mandatory. A tag that identifies the specific OpenAPI definition to be generated or manipulated.
Ordered dictionary representing the OpenAPI definition, which can be further processed into JSON or YAML format.
$metaInfo = [ordered]@{
Title = "My API";
Version = "v1";
Description = "This is my API description."
Get-PodeOpenApiDefinitionInternal -Protocol 'HTTPS' -Address '' -EndpointName 'MyAPI' -MetaInfo $metaInfo -DefinitionTag 'MyTag'
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Get-PodeOpenApiDefinitionInternal {


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $Definition = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag]

    if (!$Definition.Version) {
        # OpenApi Version property is mandatory
        throw ($PodeLocale.openApiVersionPropertyMandatoryExceptionMessage)
    $localEndpoint = $null
    # set the openapi version
    $def = [ordered]@{
        openapi = $Definition.Version

    if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.1 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag) {
        $def['jsonSchemaDialect'] = ''

    if ($ {
        $def['info'] = $

    #overwite default values
    if ($MetaInfo.Title) {
        $ = $MetaInfo.Title

    if ($MetaInfo.Version) {
        $ = $MetaInfo.Version

    if ($MetaInfo.Description) {
        $ = $MetaInfo.Description

    if ($Definition.externalDocs) {
        $def['externalDocs'] = $Definition.externalDocs

    if ($Definition.servers) {
        $def['servers'] = $Definition.servers
        if ($Definition.servers.Count -eq 1 -and $Definition.servers[0].url.StartsWith('/')) {
            $localEndpoint = $Definition.servers[0].url
    elseif (!$MetaInfo.RestrictRoutes -and ($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Count -gt 1)) {
        #$def['servers'] = $null
        $def.servers = @(foreach ($endpoint in $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values) {
                    url         = $endpoint.Url
                    description = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $endpoint.Description -Default $endpoint.Name)
    if ($Definition.tags.Count -gt 0) {
        $def['tags'] = @($Definition.tags.Values)

    # paths
    $def['paths'] = [ordered]@{}
    if ($Definition.webhooks.count -gt 0) {
        if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag) {
            # Webhooks feature is unsupported in OpenAPI v3.0.x
            throw ($PodeLocale.webhooksFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage)
        else {
            $keys = [string[]]$Definition.webhooks.Keys
            foreach ($key in $keys) {
                if ($Definition.webhooks[$key].NotPrepared) {
                    $Definition.webhooks[$key] = [ordered]@{
                        $Definition.webhooks[$key].Method = Set-PodeOpenApiRouteValue -Route $Definition.webhooks[$key] -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
            $def['webhooks'] = $Definition.webhooks
    # components
    $def['components'] = [ordered]@{}#$Definition.components
    $components = $Definition.components

    if ($components.schemas.count -gt 0) {
        $def['components'].schemas = $components.schemas
    if ($components.responses.count -gt 0) {
        $def['components'].responses = $components.responses
    if ($components.parameters.count -gt 0) {
        $def['components'].parameters = $components.parameters
    if ($components.examples.count -gt 0) {
        $def['components'].examples = $components.examples
    if ($components.requestBodies.count -gt 0) {
        $def['components'].requestBodies = $components.requestBodies
    if ($components.headers.count -gt 0) {
        $def['components'].headers = $components.headers
    if ($components.securitySchemes.count -gt 0) {
        $def['components'].securitySchemes = $components.securitySchemes
    if ($components.links.count -gt 0) {
        $def['components'].links = $components.links
    if ($components.callbacks.count -gt 0) {
        $def['components'].callbacks = $components.callbacks
    if ($components.pathItems.count -gt 0) {
        if (Test-PodeOAVersion -Version 3.0 -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag) {
            # Feature pathItems is unsupported in OpenAPI v3.0.x
            throw ($PodeLocale.pathItemsFeatureNotSupportedInOpenApi30ExceptionMessage)
        else {
            $keys = [string[]]$components.pathItems.Keys
            foreach ($key in $keys) {
                if ($components.pathItems[$key].NotPrepared) {
                    $components.pathItems[$key] = [ordered]@{
                        $components.pathItems[$key].Method = Set-PodeOpenApiRouteValue -Route $components.pathItems[$key] -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
            $def['components'].pathItems = $components.pathItems

    # auth/security components
    if ($PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods.Count -gt 0) {
        $authNames = (Expand-PodeAuthMerge -Names $PodeContext.Server.Authentications.Methods.Keys)

        foreach ($authName in $authNames) {
            $authType = (Find-PodeAuth -Name $authName).Scheme
            $_authName = ($authName -replace '\s+', '')

            $_authObj = [ordered]@{}

            if ($authType.Scheme -ieq 'apikey') {
                $_authObj = [ordered]@{
                    type = $authType.Scheme
                    in   = $authType.Arguments.Location.ToLowerInvariant()
                    name = $authType.Arguments.LocationName
                if ($authType.Arguments.Description) {
                    $_authObj.description = $authType.Arguments.Description
            elseif ($authType.Scheme -ieq 'oauth2') {
                if ($authType.Arguments.Urls.Token -and $authType.Arguments.Urls.Authorise) {
                    $oAuthFlow = 'authorizationCode'
                elseif ($authType.Arguments.Urls.Token ) {
                    if ($null -ne $authType.InnerScheme) {
                        if ($authType.InnerScheme.Name -ieq 'basic' -or $authType.InnerScheme.Name -ieq 'form') {
                            $oAuthFlow = 'password'
                        else {
                            $oAuthFlow = 'implicit'
                $_authObj = [ordered]@{
                    type = $authType.Scheme
                if ($authType.Arguments.Description) {
                    $_authObj.description = $authType.Arguments.Description
                $_authObj.flows = [ordered]@{
                    $oAuthFlow = [ordered]@{
                if ($authType.Arguments.Urls.Token) {
                    $_authObj.flows.$oAuthFlow.tokenUrl = $authType.Arguments.Urls.Token

                if ($authType.Arguments.Urls.Authorise) {
                    $_authObj.flows.$oAuthFlow.authorizationUrl = $authType.Arguments.Urls.Authorise
                if ($authType.Arguments.Urls.Refresh) {
                    $_authObj.flows.$oAuthFlow.refreshUrl = $authType.Arguments.Urls.Refresh

                $_authObj.flows.$oAuthFlow.scopes = [ordered]@{}
                if ($authType.Arguments.Scopes ) {
                    foreach ($scope in $authType.Arguments.Scopes) {
                        if ($PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods.ContainsKey($scope) -and $PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods[$scope].Scheme.Type -ieq 'Scope' -and $PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods[$scope].Description) {
                            $_authObj.flows.$oAuthFlow.scopes[$scope] = $PodeContext.Server.Authorisations.Methods[$scope].Description
                        else {
                            $_authObj.flows.$oAuthFlow.scopes[$scope] = 'No description.'
            else {
                $_authObj = [ordered]@{
                    type   = $authType.Scheme.ToLowerInvariant()
                    scheme = $authType.Name.ToLowerInvariant()
                if ($authType.Arguments.Description) {
                    $_authObj.description = $authType.Arguments.Description
            if (!$def.components.securitySchemes) {
                $def.components.securitySchemes = [ordered]@{}
            $def.components.securitySchemes[$_authName] = $_authObj

        if ($Definition.Security.Definition -and $Definition.Security.Definition.Length -gt 0) {
            $def['security'] = @($Definition.Security.Definition)

    if ($MetaInfo.RouteFilter) {
        $filter = "^$($MetaInfo.RouteFilter)"
    else {
        $filter = ''

    foreach ($path in $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Routes) {
        # does it match the route?
        if ($path -inotmatch $filter) {
        foreach ($method in $PodeContext.Server.Routes.Keys) {
            $_routes = $PodeContext.Server.Routes[$method][$path]

            if ($null -eq $_routes) { continue }

            if ( $MetaInfo -and $MetaInfo.RestrictRoutes) {
                $_routes = @(Get-PodeRouteByUrl -Routes  $_routes -EndpointName $EndpointName)
            $_route = $_routes[0]
            # check if the route has to be published
            if (($_route.OpenApi.Swagger -and ($_route.OpenApi.DefinitionTag -contains $DefinitionTag) ) -or $Definition.hiddenComponents.enableMinimalDefinitions) {

                #remove the ServerUrl part
                if ( $localEndpoint) {
                    if ($_route.Path.StartsWith($localEndpoint)) {
                        $_route.OpenApi.Path = $_route.OpenApi.Path.replace($localEndpoint, '')
                    else {
                # do nothing if it has no responses set
                if ($_route.OpenApi.Responses.Count -eq 0) {

                # add path to defintion
                if ($null -eq $def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path]) {
                    $def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path] = [ordered]@{}
                # add path's http method to defintition

                $pm = Set-PodeOpenApiRouteValue -Route $_route -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
                if ($pm.responses.Count -eq 0) {
                    $pm.responses += [ordered]@{
                        'default' = [ordered]@{'description' = 'No description' }
                $def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path][$method] = $pm

                # add any custom server endpoints for route
                if ($_route.OpenApi.Servers.count -gt 0) {
                    if ($null -eq $def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path][$method].servers) {
                        $def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path][$method].servers = @()
                    if ($localEndpoint) {
                        $def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path][$method].servers += $Definition.servers[0]
                if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_route.Endpoint.Address) -and ($_route.Endpoint.Address -ine '*:*')) {

                    if ($null -eq $def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path][$method].servers) {
                        $def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path][$method].servers = @()

                    $serverDef = $null
                    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_route.Endpoint.Name)) {
                        $serverDef = [ordered]@{
                            url = (Get-PodeEndpointByName -Name $_route.Endpoint.Name).Url
                    else {
                        $serverDef = [ordered]@{
                            url = "$($_route.Endpoint.Protocol)://$($_route.Endpoint.Address)"

                    if ($null -ne $serverDef) {
                        $def.paths[$_route.OpenApi.Path][$method].servers += $serverDef

    #deal with the external OpenAPI paths
    if ( $Definition.hiddenComponents.externalPath) {
        foreach ($extPath in $Definition.hiddenComponents.externalPath.values) {
            foreach ($method in $extPath.keys) {
                $_route = $extPath[$method]
                if (! ( $def.paths.keys -ccontains $_route.Path)) {
                    $def.paths[$_route.OpenAPI.Path] = [ordered]@{}
                $pm = Set-PodeOpenApiRouteValue -Route $_route -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
                # add path's http method to defintition
                $def.paths[$_route.OpenAPI.Path][$method.ToLower()] = $pm
    return $def

    Converts a cmdlet parameter to a Pode OpenAPI property.
    This internal function takes a cmdlet parameter and converts it into an appropriate Pode OpenAPI property based on its type.
    The function supports boolean, integer, float, and string parameter types.
.PARAMETER Parameter
    The cmdlet parameter metadata that needs to be converted. This parameter is mandatory and accepts values from the pipeline.
    $metadata = Get-Command -Name Get-Process | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Parameters
    $metadata.Values | ConvertTo-PodeOAPropertyFromCmdletParameter
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function ConvertTo-PodeOAPropertyFromCmdletParameter {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    process {
        if ($Parameter.SwitchParameter -or ($Parameter.ParameterType.Name -ieq 'boolean')) {
            New-PodeOABoolProperty -Name $Parameter.Name
        else {
            switch ($Parameter.ParameterType.Name) {
                { @('int32', 'int64') -icontains $_ } {
                    New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name $Parameter.Name -Format $_

                { @('double', 'float') -icontains $_ } {
                    New-PodeOANumberProperty -Name $Parameter.Name -Format $_

        New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name $Parameter.Name

    Creates a base OpenAPI object structure.
    The Get-PodeOABaseObject function generates a foundational structure for an OpenAPI object.
    This structure includes empty ordered dictionaries for info, paths, webhooks, components, and other OpenAPI elements.
    It is used as a base template for building OpenAPI documentation in the Pode framework.
    Returns a hashtable representing the base structure of an OpenAPI object.
    $baseObject = Get-PodeOABaseObject
    This example creates a base OpenAPI object structure.
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Get-PodeOABaseObject {
    # Returns a base template for an OpenAPI object
    return @{
        info             = [ordered]@{}
        Path             = $null
        webhooks         = [ordered]@{}
        components       = [ordered]@{
            schemas         = [ordered]@{}
            responses       = [ordered]@{}
            parameters      = [ordered]@{}
            examples        = [ordered]@{}
            requestBodies   = [ordered]@{}
            headers         = [ordered]@{}
            securitySchemes = [ordered]@{}
            links           = [ordered]@{}
            callbacks       = [ordered]@{}
            pathItems       = [ordered]@{}
        Security         = @()
        tags             = [ordered]@{}
        hiddenComponents = @{
            enabled          = $false
            schemaValidation = $false
            version          = 3.0
            depth            = 20
            schemaJson       = @{}
            viewer           = @{}
            postValidation   = @{
                schemas         = [ordered]@{}
                responses       = [ordered]@{}
                parameters      = [ordered]@{}
                examples        = [ordered]@{}
                requestBodies   = [ordered]@{}
                headers         = [ordered]@{}
                securitySchemes = [ordered]@{}
                links           = [ordered]@{}
                callbacks       = [ordered]@{}
                pathItems       = [ordered]@{}
            externalPath     = [ordered]@{}
            defaultResponses = [ordered]@{
                '200'     = [ordered]@{ description = 'OK' }
                'default' = [ordered]@{ description = 'Internal server error' }
            operationId      = @()

Initializes a table to manage OpenAPI definitions.
The Initialize-PodeOpenApiTable function creates a table to manage OpenAPI definitions within the Pode framework.
It sets up a default definition tag and initializes a dictionary to hold OpenAPI definitions for each tag.
The function is essential for managing OpenAPI documentation across different parts of the application.
.PARAMETER DefaultDefinitionTag
An optional parameter to set the default OpenAPI definition tag. If not provided, 'default' is used.
Returns a hashtable for managing OpenAPI definitions.
$openApiTable = Initialize-PodeOpenApiTable -DefaultDefinitionTag 'api-v1'
Initializes the OpenAPI table with 'api-v1' as the default definition tag.
$openApiTable = Initialize-PodeOpenApiTable
Initializes the OpenAPI table with 'default' as the default definition tag.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Initialize-PodeOpenApiTable {
    # Check if the provided definition tag is null or empty. If so, set it to 'default'.
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DefaultDefinitionTag)) {
        $DefaultDefinitionTag = 'default'

    # Initialization of the OpenAPI table with default settings
    # Create a hashtable named $OpenAPI to hold various OpenAPI-related configurations and data.
    $OpenAPI = @{
        # Initialize a stack to manage the Definition Tag selection.
        DefinitionTagSelectionStack = [System.Collections.Generic.Stack[System.Object]]::new()
        Routes                      = @()

    # Set the currently selected definition tag to the provided or default tag.
    $OpenAPI['SelectedDefinitionTag'] = $DefaultDefinitionTag

    # Initialize the Definitions dictionary with a base OpenAPI object for the selected definition tag.
    # The base OpenAPI object is created using the Get-PodeOABaseObject function.
    $OpenAPI['Definitions'] = @{ $OpenAPI['SelectedDefinitionTag'] = Get-PodeOABaseObject }

    # Return the initialized OpenAPI table
    return $OpenAPI

Sets authentication methods for specific routes in OpenAPI documentation.
The Set-PodeOAAuth function assigns specified authentication methods to given routes for OpenAPI documentation.
It supports setting multiple authentication methods and optionally allows anonymous access.
The function validates the existence of the authentication methods before applying them to the routes.
An array of hashtables representing the routes to which the authentication methods will be applied.
Each route should contain an OpenApi key for updating OpenAPI documentation.
An array of names of the authentication methods to be applied to the routes.
These methods should already be defined in the Pode framework.
A switch parameter that, if set, allows anonymous access in addition to the specified authentication methods.
Set-PodeOAAuth -Route $myRoute -Name @('BasicAuth', 'ApiKeyAuth') -AllowAnon
Applies 'BasicAuth' and 'ApiKeyAuth' authentication methods to the specified route and allows anonymous access.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Set-PodeOAAuth {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


    begin {
        # Validate the existence of specified authentication methods
        foreach ($n in @($Name)) {
            if (!(Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $n)) {
                throw ($PodeLocale.authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $n) #"Authentication method does not exist: $($n)"

    process {
        # Iterate over each route to set authentication
        foreach ($r in @($Route)) {
            #exclude static route
            if ($r.Method -ne 'Static') {
                # Set the authentication methods for the route
                $r.OpenApi.Authentication = @(foreach ($n in @($Name)) {
                            "$($n -replace '\s+', '')" = @() # Clean up auth name and initialize empty scopes
                # Add anonymous access if allowed
                if ($AllowAnon) {
                    $r.OpenApi.Authentication += [ordered]@{'%_allowanon_%' = '' }

Sets global authentication methods for specified OpenAPI definitions in the Pode framework.
The Set-PodeOAGlobalAuth function is used to apply authentication methods globally to specified OpenAPI definitions.
It verifies the existence of the authentication methods and then updates the OpenAPI definitions with these methods,
associating them with specific routes.
The name of the authentication method to apply. This method should already be defined in the Pode framework.
The route to which the authentication method is to be applied.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
An array of definition tags specifying the OpenAPI definitions to which the authentication method should be applied.
Set-PodeOAGlobalAuth -Name 'BasicAuth' -Route '/api/*' -DefinitionTag @('tag1', 'tag2')
Applies 'BasicAuth' authentication method to all routes under '/api/*' in the OpenAPI definitions tagged with 'tag1' and 'tag2'.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Set-PodeOAGlobalAuth {


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Check if the specified authentication method exists
    if (!(Test-PodeAuthExists -Name $Name)) {
        throw ($PodeLocale.authenticationMethodDoesNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name) #"Authentication method does not exist: $($Name)"

    # Iterate over each definition tag to apply the authentication method
    foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
        # Initialize security array if it's empty
        if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].Security) {
            $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].Security = @()

        # Apply authentication to each expanded auth name
        foreach ($authName in (Expand-PodeAuthMerge -Names $Name)) {
            $authType = Get-PodeAuth $authName

            # Determine the scopes of the authentication
            if ($authType.Scheme.Arguments.Scopes) {
                $Scopes = @($authType.Scheme.Arguments.Scopes)
            else {
                $Scopes = @()

            # Update the OpenAPI definition with the authentication information
            $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].Security += [ordered]@{
                Definition = [ordered]@{ "$($authName -replace '\s+', '')" = $Scopes }
                Route      = (ConvertTo-PodeRouteRegex -Path $Route)

    Resolves references in an OpenAPI schema component based on definitions within a specified definition tag context.
    This function navigates through a schema's properties and resolves `$ref` references to actual schemas defined within the specified definition context.
    It handles complex constructs such as 'allOf', 'oneOf', and 'anyOf', merging properties and ensuring the schema is fully resolved without unresolved references.
.PARAMETER ComponentSchema
    A hashtable representing the schema of a component where references need to be resolved.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
    A string identifier for the specific set of schema definitions under which references should be resolved.
    $schema = [ordered]@{
        type = 'object';
        properties = [ordered]@{
            name = [ordered]@{
                type = 'string'
            details = [ordered]@{
                '$ref' = '#/components/schemas/UserDetails'
    Resolve-PodeOAReference -ComponentSchema $schema -DefinitionTag 'v1'
    This example demonstrates resolving a reference to 'UserDetails' within a given component schema.

function Resolve-PodeOAReference {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    begin {
        # Initialize schema storage and a list to track keys that need resolution
        $Schemas = $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$DefinitionTag].hiddenComponents.schemaJson
        $Keys = @()

    process {
        # Gather all keys from properties and directly from the schema that might have references
        if ($ {
            foreach ($item in $ {
                $Keys += $item
        foreach ($item in $ComponentSchema.Keys) {
            if ( @('allof', 'oneof', 'anyof') -icontains $item ) {
                $Keys += $item

        # Process each key to resolve references or merge schema definitions
        foreach ($key in $Keys) {
            if ( @('allof', 'oneof', 'anyof') -icontains $key ) {
                # Handle complex schema constructs like allOf, oneOf, and anyOf
                switch ($key.ToLower()) {
                    'allof' {
                        $tmpProp = @()
                        foreach ( $comp in $ComponentSchema[$key] ) {
                            if ($comp.'$ref') {
                                # Resolve $ref to a schema if it starts with the expected path
                                if (($comp.'$ref').StartsWith('#/components/schemas/')) {
                                    $refName = ($comp.'$ref') -replace '#/components/schemas/', ''
                                    if ($Schemas.ContainsKey($refName)) {
                                        $tmpProp += $Schemas[$refName].schema
                            elseif ( $ {
                                # Recursively resolve nested schemas
                                if ($comp.type -eq 'object') {
                                    $tmpProp += Resolve-PodeOAReference -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -ComponentSchema$comp
                                else {
                                    # Unsupported object
                                    throw ($PodeLocale.unsupportedObjectExceptionMessage)
                        # Update the main schema to be an object and add resolved properties
                        $ComponentSchema.type = 'object'
                        if ($tmpProp.count -gt 0) {
                            foreach ($t in $tmpProp) {
                                $ += $

                    'oneof' {
                        # Throw an error for unsupported schema constructs to notify the user
                        # Validation of schema with oneof is not supported
                        throw ($PodeLocale.validationOfOneOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage)
                    'anyof' {
                        # Throw an error for unsupported schema constructs to notify the user
                        # Validation of schema with anyof is not supported
                        throw ($PodeLocale.validationOfAnyOfSchemaNotSupportedExceptionMessage)
            elseif ($[$key].type -eq 'object') {
                # Recursively resolve object-type properties
                $[$key].properties = Resolve-PodeOAReference -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -ComponentSchema $[$key].properties
            elseif ($[$key].'$ref') {
                # Resolve property references within the main properties of the schema
                if (($[$key].'$ref').StartsWith('#/components/schemas/')) {
                    $refName = ($[$key].'$ref') -replace '#/components/schemas/', ''
                    if ($Schemas.ContainsKey($refName)) {
                        $[$key] = $Schemas[$refName].schema
            elseif ($[$key].items -and $[$key].items.'$ref' ) {
                if (($[$key].items.'$ref').StartsWith('#/components/schemas/')) {
                    $refName = ($[$key].items.'$ref') -replace '#/components/schemas/', ''
                    if ($Schemas.ContainsKey($refName)) {
                        $[$key].items = $schemas[$refName].schema

    end {
        # Return the fully resolved component schema
        return $ComponentSchema

    Creates a new OpenAPI property object based on provided parameters.
    The New-PodeOAPropertyInternal function constructs an OpenAPI property object using parameters like type, name,
    description, and various other attributes. It is used internally for building OpenAPI documentation elements in the Pode framework.
    The type of the property. This parameter is optional if the type is specified in the Params hashtable.
    A hashtable containing various attributes of the property such as name, description, format, and constraints like
    required, readOnly, writeOnly, etc.
    An ordered dictionary representing the constructed OpenAPI property object.
    $property = New-PodeOAPropertyInternal -Type 'string' -Params $myParams
    Demonstrates how to create an OpenAPI property object of type 'string' using the specified parameters.
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function New-PodeOAPropertyInternal {
    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    # Initialize an ordered dictionary for the property
    $param = [ordered]@{}

    # Set the type of the property
    if ($type) {
        $param.type = $type
    else {
        if ( $Params.type) {
            $param.type = $Params.type
        else {
            # Cannot create the property no type is defined
            throw ($PodeLocale.cannotCreatePropertyWithoutTypeExceptionMessage)

    # Set name if provided
    if ($Params.Name) {
        $ = $Params.Name

    # Set description if provided
    if ($Params.Description) {
        $param.description = $Params.Description

    # Additional property settings based on provided parameters
    if ($Params.Array.IsPresent) { $param.array = $Params.Array.IsPresent }

    if ($Params.Object.IsPresent) { $param.object = $Params.Object.IsPresent }

    if ($Params.Required.IsPresent) { $param.required = $Params.Required.IsPresent }

    if ($Params.Default) { $param.default = $Params.Default }

    if ($Params.Format) { $param.format = $Params.Format.ToLowerInvariant() }

    if ($Params.Deprecated.IsPresent) { $param.deprecated = $Params.Deprecated.IsPresent }

    if ($Params.Nullable.IsPresent) { $param.nullable = $Params.Nullable.IsPresent }

    if ($Params.WriteOnly.IsPresent) { $param.writeOnly = $Params.WriteOnly.IsPresent }

    if ($Params.ReadOnly.IsPresent) { $param.readOnly = $Params.ReadOnly.IsPresent }

    if ($Params.Example) { $param.example = $Params.Example }

    if ($Params.UniqueItems.IsPresent) { $param.uniqueItems = $Params.UniqueItems.IsPresent }

    if ($Params.ContainsKey('MaxItems')) { $param.maxItems = $Params.MaxItems }

    if ($Params.ContainsKey('MinItems')) { $param.minItems = $Params.MinItems }

    if ($Params.Enum) { $param.enum = $Params.Enum }

    if ($Params.ContainsKey('Minimum')) { $param.minimum = $Params.Minimum }

    if ($Params.ContainsKey('Maximum')) { $param.maximum = $Params.Maximum }

    if ($Params.ExclusiveMaximum.IsPresent) { $param.exclusiveMaximum = $Params.ExclusiveMaximum.IsPresent }

    if ($Params.ExclusiveMinimum.IsPresent) { $param.exclusiveMinimum = $Params.ExclusiveMinimum.IsPresent }
    if ($Params.MultiplesOf) { $param.multipleOf = $Params.MultiplesOf }

    if ($Params.Pattern) { $param.pattern = $Params.Pattern }

    if ($Params.ContainsKey('MinLength')) { $param.minLength = $Params.MinLength }

    if ($Params.ContainsKey('MaxLength')) { $param.maxLength = $Params.MaxLength }

    if ($Params.ContainsKey('MinProperties')) { $param.minProperties = $Params.MinProperties }

    if ($Params.ContainsKey('MaxProperties')) { $param.maxProperties = $Params.MaxProperties }

    if ($Params.XmlName -or $Params.XmlNamespace -or $Params.XmlPrefix -or $Params.XmlAttribute.IsPresent -or $Params.XmlWrapped.IsPresent) {

        $param.xml = [ordered]@{}

        if ($Params.XmlName) { $ = $Params.XmlName }

        if ($Params.XmlNamespace) { $param.xml.namespace = $Params.XmlNamespace }

        if ($Params.XmlPrefix) { $param.xml.prefix = $Params.XmlPrefix }

        if ($Params.XmlAttribute.IsPresent) { $param.xml.attribute = $Params.XmlAttribute.IsPresent }

        if ($Params.XmlWrapped.IsPresent) { $param.xml.wrapped = $Params.XmlWrapped.IsPresent }

    if ($Params.XmlItemName) { $param.xmlItemName = $Params.XmlItemName }

    if ($Params.ExternalDocs) { $param.externalDocs = $Params.ExternalDocs }

    if ($Params.NoAdditionalProperties.IsPresent -and $Params.AdditionalProperties) {
        # Parameters 'NoAdditionalProperties' and 'AdditionalProperties' are mutually exclusive
        throw ($PodeLocale.parametersMutuallyExclusiveExceptionMessage -f 'NoAdditionalProperties', 'AdditionalProperties')
    else {
        if ($Params.NoAdditionalProperties.IsPresent) { $param.additionalProperties = $false }

        if ($Params.AdditionalProperties) { $param.additionalProperties = $Params.AdditionalProperties }

    return $param

    Converts header properties to a format compliant with OpenAPI specifications.
    The ConvertTo-PodeOAHeaderProperty function is designed to take an array of hashtables representing header properties and
    convert them into a structure suitable for OpenAPI documentation. It ensures that each header property includes a name and
    schema definition and can handle additional attributes like description.
    An array of hashtables, where each hashtable represents a header property with attributes like name, type, description, etc.
    $headerProperties = ConvertTo-PodeOAHeaderProperty -Headers $myHeaders
    This example demonstrates how to convert an array of header properties into a format suitable for OpenAPI documentation.
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function ConvertTo-PodeOAHeaderProperty {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    begin {
        # Initialize an array to hold piped-in values
        $pipelineValue = @()
        $elems = [ordered]@{}

    process {
        # Add the current piped-in value to the array
        $pipelineValue += $_

    end {
        # Set Headers to the array of values
        if ($pipelineValue.Count -gt 1) {
            $Headers = $pipelineValue

        foreach ($e in $Headers) {
            # Ensure each header has a name
            if ($ {
                $elems.$($ = @{}
                # Add description if present
                if ($e.description) {
                    $elems.$($ = $e.description
                # Define the schema, including the type and any additional properties
                $elems.$($ = @{
                    type = $($e.type)
                foreach ($k in $e.keys) {
                    if (@('name', 'description') -notcontains $k) {
                        $elems.$($$k = $e.$k
            else {
                # Header requires a name when used in an encoding context
                throw ($PodeLocale.headerMustHaveNameInEncodingContextExceptionMessage)

        return $elems

    Creates a new OpenAPI callback component for a given definition tag.
    The New-PodeOAComponentCallBackInternal function constructs an OpenAPI callback component based on provided parameters.
    This function is designed for internal use within the Pode framework to define callbacks in OpenAPI documentation.
    It handles the creation of callback structures including the path, HTTP method, request bodies, and responses
    based on the given definition tag.
    A hashtable containing parameters for the callback component, such as Method, Path, RequestBody, and Responses.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
    A mandatory string parameter that specifies the definition tag in OpenAPI documentation.
    $callback = New-PodeOAComponentCallBackInternal -Params $myParams -DefinitionTag 'myTag'
    This example demonstrates how to create an OpenAPI callback component for 'myTag' using the provided parameters.
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function New-PodeOAComponentCallBackInternal {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Convert HTTP method to lower case
    $_method = $Params.Method.ToLower()

    # Construct the base structure for the callback with the given path and method
    $callBack = [ordered]@{
        "'$($Params.Path)'" = [ordered]@{
            $_method = [ordered]@{}

    # Add request body to the callback if it is specified for the given definition tag
    if ($Params.RequestBody.ContainsKey($DefinitionTag)) {
        $callBack."'$($Params.Path)'".$_method.requestBody = $Params.RequestBody[$DefinitionTag]

    # Add responses to the callback if they are specified for the given definition tag
    if ($Params.Responses.ContainsKey($DefinitionTag)) {
        $callBack."'$($Params.Path)'".$_method.responses = $Params.Responses[$DefinitionTag]

    # Return the constructed callback object
    return $callBack


        Creates a new OpenAPI response object based on provided parameters and a definition tag.
        The New-PodeOResponseInternal function constructs an OpenAPI response object using provided parameters.
        It sets a description for the status code, references existing components if specified,
        and builds content-type and header schemas. This function is intended for internal use within the
        Pode framework for API documentation purposes.
    .PARAMETER Params
        A hashtable containing parameters for building the OpenAPI response object, including description,
        status code, content, headers, links, and reference to existing components.
    .PARAMETER DefinitionTag
        A mandatory string parameter that specifies the definition tag in OpenAPI documentation.
        $response = New-PodeOResponseInternal -Params $myParams -DefinitionTag 'myTag'
        This example demonstrates how to create an OpenAPI response object for 'myTag' using the provided parameters.
        This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function New-PodeOResponseInternal {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Set a general description for the status code
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Params.Description)) {
        if ($Params.Default) {
            $Description = 'Default Response.'
        elseif ([int]::TryParse($Params.StatusCode, [ref]$null)) {
            $Description = Get-PodeStatusDescription -StatusCode $Params.StatusCode
        else {
            # A Description is required
            throw ($PodeLocale.descriptionRequiredExceptionMessage -f $params.Route.path, $Params.StatusCode )
    else {
        $Description = $Params.Description

    # Handle response referencing an existing component
    if ($Params.Reference) {
        Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field responses -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $Params.Reference -PostValidation
        $response = [ordered]@{
            '$ref' = "#/components/responses/$($Params.Reference)"
    else {
        # Build content-type schemas if provided
        $_content = $null
        if ($null -ne $Params.Content) {
            $_content = ConvertTo-PodeOAObjectSchema -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Content $Params.Content

        # Build header schemas based on the type of the Headers parameter
        $_headers = $null
        if ($null -ne $Params.Headers) {
            if ($Params.Headers -is [System.Object[]] -or $Params.Headers -is [string] -or $Params.Headers -is [string[]]) {
                if ($Params.Headers -is [System.Object[]] -and $Params.Headers.Count -gt 0 -and ($Params.Headers[0] -is [hashtable] -or $Params.Headers[0] -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary])) {
                    $_headers = ConvertTo-PodeOAHeaderProperty -Headers $Params.Headers
                else {
                    $_headers = [ordered]@{}
                    foreach ($h in $Params.Headers) {
                        Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field headers -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Name $h -PostValidation
                        $_headers[$h] = [ordered]@{
                            '$ref' = "#/components/headers/$h"
            elseif ($Params.Headers -is [hashtable]) {
                $_headers = ConvertTo-PodeOAObjectSchema -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag -Content $Params.Headers

        # Construct the response object
        $response = [ordered]@{
            description = $Description

        if ($_headers) { $response.headers = $_headers }

        if ($_content) { $response.content = $_content }

        if ($Params.Links) { $response.links = $Params.Links }


    return $response

    Creates a new OpenAPI response link object.
    The New-PodeOAResponseLinkInternal function generates an OpenAPI response link object from provided parameters.
    This includes setting up descriptions, operation IDs, references, parameters, and request bodies for the link.
    This function is designed for internal use within the Pode framework to facilitate the creation of response
    link objects in OpenAPI documentation.
    A hashtable of parameters for the OpenAPI response link.
    $link = New-PodeOAResponseLinkInternal -Params $myParams
    Generates a new OpenAPI response link object using the provided parameters in $myParams.
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function New-PodeOAResponseLinkInternal {

    # Initialize an ordered dictionary for the link
    $link = [ordered]@{}

    # Add properties to the link based on the provided parameters
    if ($Params.Description) { $link.description = $Params.Description }
    if ($Params.OperationId) { $link.operationId = $Params.OperationId }
    if ($Params.OperationRef) { $link.operationRef = $Params.OperationRef }
    if ($Params.Parameters) { $link.parameters = $Params.Parameters }
    if ($Params.RequestBody) { $link.requestBody = $Params.RequestBody }

    return $link

Tests the internal OpenAPI definitions for compliance and validity.
The Test-PodeOADefinitionInternal function validates OpenAPI definitions within the Pode framework.
It checks for various issues like undefined references, mandatory fields (like title and version),
and missing components. If any issues are found, they are displayed with detailed messages, and
the function throws an error indicating non-compliance with OpenAPI document standards.
This example demonstrates how to call the function to validate OpenAPI definitions.
This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Test-PodeOADefinitionInternal {

    # Validate OpenAPI definitions and store any issues found
    $definitionIssues = Test-PodeOADefinition

    # Check if the validation result indicates issues
    if (! $definitionIssues.valid) {
        # Print a header for undefined OpenAPI references
        # Undefined OpenAPI References
        Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.undefinedOpenApiReferencesMessage -ForegroundColor Red

        # Iterate over each issue found in the definitions
        foreach ($tag in $definitionIssues.issues.keys) {
            # Definition tag
            Write-PodeHost ($PodeLocale.definitionTagMessage -f $tag) -ForegroundColor Red

            # Check and display issues related to OpenAPI document generation error
            if ($definitionIssues.issues[$tag].definition ) {
                # OpenAPI generation document error
                Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.openApiGenerationDocumentErrorMessage -ForegroundColor Red
                Write-PodeHost " $($definitionIssues.issues[$tag].definition)" -ForegroundColor Red

            # Check for missing mandatory 'title' field
            if ($definitionIssues.issues[$tag].title ) {
                # info.title is mandatory
                Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.infoTitleMandatoryMessage -ForegroundColor Red

            # Check for missing mandatory 'version' field
            if ($definitionIssues.issues[$tag].version ) {
                # info.version is mandatory
                Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.infoVersionMandatoryMessage -ForegroundColor Red

            # Check for missing components and list them
            if ($definitionIssues.issues[$tag].components ) {
                # Missing component(s)
                Write-PodeHost $PodeLocale.missingComponentsMessage -ForegroundColor Red
                foreach ($key in $definitionIssues.issues[$tag].components.keys) {
                    $occurences = $definitionIssues.issues[$tag].components[$key]
                    # Adjust occurrence count based on schema validation setting
                    if ( $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.schemaValidation) {
                        $occurences = $occurences / 2
                    Write-PodeHost "`$refs : $key ($occurences)" -ForegroundColor Red

            # Add a blank line for readability

        # Throw an error indicating non-compliance with OpenAPI standards
        # OpenAPI document compliance issues
        throw ($PodeLocale.openApiDocumentNotCompliantExceptionMessage)

    Check the OpenAPI component exist (Internal Function)
    Check the OpenAPI component exist (Internal Function)
    The component type
    The component Name
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
    An Array of strings representing the unique tag for the API specification.
    This tag helps in distinguishing between different versions or types of API specifications within the application.
    You can use this tag to reference the specific API documentation, schema, or version that your function interacts with.
.PARAMETER ThrowException
    Generate an exception if the component doesn't exist
.PARAMETER PostValidation
    Postpone the check before the server start
    Test-PodeOAComponentInternal -Field 'responses' -Name 'myresponse' -DefinitionTag 'default'
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Test-PodeOAComponentInternal {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet( 'schemas' , 'responses' , 'parameters' , 'examples' , 'requestBodies' , 'headers' , 'securitySchemes' , 'links' , 'callbacks' , 'pathItems')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]




    $DefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
    if ($PostValidation.IsPresent) {
        foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
            if (! ($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.postValidation[$field].keys -ccontains $Name)) {
                $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.postValidation[$field][$name] = 1
            else {
                $PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].hiddenComponents.postValidation[$field][$name] += 1
    else {
        foreach ($tag in $DefinitionTag) {
            if (!($PodeContext.Server.OpenAPI.Definitions[$tag].components[$field].keys -ccontains $Name)) {
                # If $Name is not found in the current $tag, return $false or throw an exception
                if ($ThrowException.IsPresent ) {
                    throw ($PodeLocale.noComponentInDefinitionExceptionMessage -f $field, $Name, $tag) #"No component of type $field named $Name is available in the $tag definition."
                else {
                    return $false
        if (!$ThrowException.IsPresent) {
            return $true

    Converts a Pode route path into an OpenAPI-compliant route path format.
    This internal function takes a Pode route path and replaces placeholders with OpenAPI-style placeholders.
    Specifically, it converts Pode route placeholders (e.g., `:id`) to OpenAPI placeholders (e.g., `{id}`).
    The Pode route path that contains placeholders to be converted to the OpenAPI format.
    The converted OpenAPI-compliant route path as a string.
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function ConvertTo-PodeOARoutePath {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return ([regex]::Unescape((Resolve-PodePlaceholder -Path $Path -Pattern '\:(?<tag>[\w]+)' -Prepend '{' -Append '}')))

    Tests and validates the OpenAPI Definition Tag for a specific route in Pode.
    This function ensures that the OpenAPI Definition Tag for a route is correctly configured.
    If the route already has an OpenAPI Definition Tag configured, it verifies if the new tag is allowed.
    If the OpenAPI Definition Tag has not been configured, it validates and sets the provided tag.
    A hashtable representing the route that is being tested for the OpenAPI Definition Tag.
.PARAMETER DefinitionTag
    An optional array of strings representing the Definition Tag(s) to be tested and assigned.
    Returns the validated DefinitionTag for the route.
    $Route = @{
        OpenApi = @{
            IsDefTagConfigured = $false
            DefinitionTag = @()
    $DefinitionTag = @('tag1', 'tag2')
    Test-PodeRouteOADefinitionTag -Route $Route -DefinitionTag $DefinitionTag
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Test-PodeRouteOADefinitionTag {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true )]
        [hashtable ]

    # Check if the OpenAPI Definition Tag is already configured
    if ($Route.OpenApi.IsDefTagConfigured) {
        # If a DefinitionTag is provided
        if ($DefinitionTag) {
            # Loop through each element in $DefinitionTag
            if ($DefinitionTag | ForEach-Object {

                    # Check if the current element exists in the already configured DefinitionTag
                    if (!($Route.OpenApi.DefinitionTag -contains $_)) {
                        # If any element in $DefinitionTag is not present in the configured DefinitionTag, throw an exception
                        throw ($PodeLocale.definitionTagChangeNotAllowedExceptionMessage)
                    # Return $true for each element to continue the check
            ) {
                # If all elements in $DefinitionTag are present in the configured DefinitionTag, assign it to $oaDefinitionTag
                return $DefinitionTag

        return $Route.OpenApi.DefinitionTag
    # If the OpenAPI Definition Tag is not configured yet

    # Validate the provided DefinitionTag and assign it to $oaDefinitionTag
    $oaDefinitionTag = Test-PodeOADefinitionTag -Tag $DefinitionTag
    # Set the validated DefinitionTag as the OpenAPI DefinitionTag
    $Route.OpenApi.DefinitionTag = $oaDefinitionTag
    # Mark the OpenAPI DefinitionTag as configured
    $Route.OpenApi.IsDefTagConfigured = $true

    return  $oaDefinitionTag