function Get-PodeLoggingTerminalMethod { return { param($item, $options) if ($PodeContext.Server.Quiet) { return } # check if it's an array from batching if ($item -is [array]) { $item = ($item -join [System.Environment]::NewLine) } # protect then write $item = ($item | Protect-PodeLogItem) $item.ToString() | Out-PodeHost } } function Get-PodeLoggingFileMethod { return { param($item, $options) # check if it's an array from batching if ($item -is [array]) { $item = ($item -join [System.Environment]::NewLine) } # mask values $item = ($item | Protect-PodeLogItem) # variables $date = [DateTime]::Now.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') # do we need to reset the fileId? if ($options.Date -ine $date) { $options.Date = $date $options.FileId = 0 } # get the fileId if ($options.FileId -eq 0) { $path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($options.Path, "$($options.Name)_$($date)_*.log") $options.FileId = (@(Get-ChildItem -Path $path)).Length if ($options.FileId -eq 0) { $options.FileId = 1 } } $id = "$($options.FileId)".PadLeft(3, '0') if ($options.MaxSize -gt 0) { $path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($options.Path, "$($options.Name)_$($date)_$($id).log") if ((Get-Item -Path $path -Force).Length -ge $options.MaxSize) { $options.FileId++ $id = "$($options.FileId)".PadLeft(3, '0') } } # get the file to write to $path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($options.Path, "$($options.Name)_$($date)_$($id).log") # write the item to the file $item.ToString() | Out-File -FilePath $path -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force # if set, remove log files beyond days set (ensure this is only run once a day) if (($options.MaxDays -gt 0) -and ($options.NextClearDown -lt [DateTime]::Now.Date)) { $date = [DateTime]::Now.Date.AddDays(-$options.MaxDays) $null = Get-ChildItem -Path $options.Path -Filter '*.log' -Force | Where-Object { $_.CreationTime -lt $date } | Remove-Item -Force $options.NextClearDown = [DateTime]::Now.Date.AddDays(1) } } } function Get-PodeLoggingEventViewerMethod { return { param($item, $options, $rawItem) if ($item -isnot [array]) { $item = @($item) } if ($rawItem -isnot [array]) { $rawItem = @($rawItem) } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $item.Length; $i++) { # convert log level - info if no level present $entryType = ConvertTo-PodeEventViewerLevel -Level $rawItem[$i].Level # create log instance $entryInstance = [System.Diagnostics.EventInstance]::new($options.ID, 0, $entryType) # create event log $entryLog = [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::new() $entryLog.Log = $options.LogName $entryLog.Source = $options.Source try { $message = ($item[$i] | Protect-PodeLogItem) $entryLog.WriteEvent($entryInstance, $message) } catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug } } } } function ConvertTo-PodeEventViewerLevel { param( [Parameter()] [string] $Level ) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Level)) { return [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Information } if ($Level -ieq 'error') { return [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Error } if ($Level -ieq 'warning') { return [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Warning } return [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Information } function Get-PodeLoggingInbuiltType { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Errors', 'Requests')] [string] $Type ) switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'requests' { $script = { param($item, $options) # just return the item if Raw is set if ($options.Raw) { return $item } function sg($value) { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($value)) { return '-' } return $value } # build the url with http method $url = "$(sg $item.Request.Method) $(sg $item.Request.Resource) $(sg $item.Request.Protocol)" # build and return the request row return "$(sg $item.Host) $(sg $item.RfcUserIdentity) $(sg $item.User) [$(sg $item.Date)] `"$($url)`" $(sg $item.Response.StatusCode) $(sg $item.Response.Size) `"$(sg $item.Request.Referrer)`" `"$(sg $item.Request.Agent)`"" } } 'errors' { $script = { param($item, $options) # do nothing if the error level isn't present if (@($options.Levels) -inotcontains $item.Level) { return } # just return the item if Raw is set if ($options.Raw) { return $item } # build the exception details $row = @( "Date: $($item.Date.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))", "Level: $($item.Level)", "ThreadId: $($item.ThreadId)", "Server: $($item.Server)", "Category: $($item.Category)", "Message: $($item.Message)", "StackTrace: $($item.StackTrace)" ) # join the details and return return "$($row -join "`n")`n" } } } return $script } function Get-PodeRequestLoggingName { return '__pode_log_requests__' } function Get-PodeErrorLoggingName { return '__pode_log_errors__' } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a Pode logger by name. .DESCRIPTION This function allows you to retrieve a Pode logger by specifying its name. It returns the logger object associated with the given name. .PARAMETER Name The name of the Pode logger to retrieve. .OUTPUTS A Pode logger object. .NOTES This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode. #> function Get-PodeLogger { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name ) return $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types[$Name] } function Test-PodeLoggerEnabled { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name ) return ($PodeContext.Server.Logging.Enabled -and $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types.ContainsKey($Name)) } <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the error logging levels for Pode. .DESCRIPTION This function retrieves the error logging levels configured for Pode. It returns an array of available error levels. .PARAMETER Name The name of the Pode logger to retrieve. .OUTPUTS An array of error logging levels. .NOTES This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode. #> function Get-PodeErrorLoggingLevel { return (Get-PodeLogger -Name (Get-PodeErrorLoggingName)).Arguments.Levels } function Test-PodeErrorLoggingEnabled { return (Test-PodeLoggerEnabled -Name (Get-PodeErrorLoggingName)) } function Test-PodeRequestLoggingEnabled { return (Test-PodeLoggerEnabled -Name (Get-PodeRequestLoggingName)) } function Write-PodeRequestLog { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Request, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Response, [Parameter()] [string] $Path ) # do nothing if logging is disabled, or request logging isn't setup $name = Get-PodeRequestLoggingName if (!(Test-PodeLoggerEnabled -Name $name)) { return } # build a request object $item = @{ Host = $Request.RemoteEndPoint.Address.IPAddressToString RfcUserIdentity = '-' User = '-' Date = [DateTime]::Now.ToString('dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss zzz') Request = @{ Method = $Request.HttpMethod.ToUpperInvariant() Resource = $Path Protocol = "HTTP/$($Request.ProtocolVersion)" Referrer = $Request.UrlReferrer Agent = $Request.UserAgent } Response = @{ StatusCode = $Response.StatusCode StatusDescription = $Response.StatusDescription Size = '-' } } # set size if >0 if ($Response.ContentLength64 -gt 0) { $item.Response.Size = $Response.ContentLength64 } # set username - dot spaces if (Test-PodeAuthUser -IgnoreSession) { $userProps = (Get-PodeLogger -Name $name).Properties.Username.Split('.') $user = $WebEvent.Auth.User foreach ($atom in $userProps) { $user = $user.($atom) } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($user)) { $item.User = $user -ireplace '\s+', '.' } } # add the item to be processed $null = $PodeContext.LogsToProcess.Add(@{ Name = $name Item = $item }) } function Add-PodeRequestLogEndware { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNull()] $WebEvent ) # do nothing if logging is disabled, or request logging isn't setup $name = Get-PodeRequestLoggingName if (!(Test-PodeLoggerEnabled -Name $name)) { return } # add the request logging endware $WebEvent.OnEnd += @{ Logic = { Write-PodeRequestLog -Request $WebEvent.Request -Response $WebEvent.Response -Path $WebEvent.Path } } } function Test-PodeLoggersExist { if (($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.Logging) -or ($null -eq $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types)) { return $false } return (($PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types.Count -gt 0) -or ($PodeContext.Server.Logging.Enabled)) } function Start-PodeLoggingRunspace { # skip if there are no loggers configured, or logging is disabled if (!(Test-PodeLoggersExist)) { return } $script = { try { while (!(Test-PodeCancellationTokenRequest -Type Terminate)) { # Check for suspension token and wait for the debugger to reset if active Test-PodeSuspensionToken try { # if there are no logs to process, just sleep for a few seconds - but after checking the batch if ($PodeContext.LogsToProcess.Count -eq 0) { Test-PodeLoggerBatch Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 continue } # safely pop off the first log from the array $log = (Lock-PodeObject -Return -Object $PodeContext.LogsToProcess -ScriptBlock { $log = $PodeContext.LogsToProcess[0] $null = $PodeContext.LogsToProcess.RemoveAt(0) return $log }) # run the log item through the appropriate method $logger = Get-PodeLogger -Name $log.Name $now = [datetime]::Now # if the log is null, check batch then sleep and skip if ($null -eq $log) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 continue } # convert to log item into a writable format $rawItems = $log.Item $_args = @($log.Item) + @($logger.Arguments) $result = @(Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $logger.ScriptBlock -Arguments $_args -UsingVariables $logger.UsingVariables -Return -Splat) # check batching $batch = $logger.Method.Batch if ($batch.Size -gt 1) { # add current item to batch $batch.Items += $result $batch.RawItems += $log.Item $batch.LastUpdate = $now # if the current amount of items matches the batch, write $result = $null if ($batch.Items.Length -ge $batch.Size) { $result = $batch.Items $rawItems = $batch.RawItems } # if we're writing, reset the items if ($null -ne $result) { $batch.Items = @() $batch.RawItems = @() } } # send the writable log item off to the log writer if ($null -ne $result) { $_args = @(, $result) + @($logger.Method.Arguments) + @(, $rawItems) $null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $logger.Method.ScriptBlock -Arguments $_args -UsingVariables $logger.Method.UsingVariables -Splat } # small sleep to lower cpu usage Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog } } } catch [System.OperationCanceledException] { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog -Level Debug } catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog throw $_.Exception } } Add-PodeRunspace -Type Main -Name 'Logging' -ScriptBlock $script } <# .SYNOPSIS Tests whether Pode logger batches need to be written. .DESCRIPTION This function checks each Pode logger and determines if its batch needs to be written. It evaluates the batch size, timeout, and last update timestamp to decide whether to process the batch and write the log entries. .NOTES This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode. #> function Test-PodeLoggerBatch { $now = [datetime]::Now # check each logger, and see if its batch needs to be written foreach ($logger in $PodeContext.Server.Logging.Types.Values) { $batch = $logger.Method.Batch if (($batch.Size -gt 1) -and ($batch.Items.Length -gt 0) -and ($batch.Timeout -gt 0) ` -and ($null -ne $batch.LastUpdate) -and ($batch.LastUpdate.AddSeconds($batch.Timeout) -le $now) ) { $result = $batch.Items $rawItems = $batch.RawItems $batch.Items = @() $batch.RawItems = @() $_args = @(, $result) + @($logger.Method.Arguments) + @(, $rawItems) $null = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $logger.Method.ScriptBlock -Arguments $_args -UsingVariables $logger.Method.UsingVariables -Splat } } } |