
    Finds Pode endpoints based on protocol, address, or endpoint name.
    This function allows you to search for Pode endpoints based on different criteria. You can specify the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS), the address, or the endpoint name. It returns an array of hashtable objects representing the matching endpoints.
    The protocol of the endpoint (HTTP or HTTPS).
    The address of the endpoint.
.PARAMETER EndpointName
    The name of the endpoint.
    An array of hashtables representing the matching endpoints, with the following keys:
    - 'Protocol'
    - 'Address'
    - 'Name'
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Find-PodeEndpoint {
        [ValidateSet('', 'Http', 'Https')]



    $endpoints = @()

    # just use a single endpoint/protocol
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($EndpointName)) {
        $endpoints += @{
            Protocol = $Protocol
            Address  = $Address
            Name     = [string]::Empty

    # get all defined endpoints by name
    else {
        foreach ($name in @($EndpointName)) {
            $_endpoint = Get-PodeEndpointByName -Name $name -ThrowError
            if ($null -ne $_endpoint) {
                $endpoints += @{
                    Protocol = $_endpoint.Protocol
                    Address  = $_endpoint.RawAddress
                    Name     = $name

    # convert the endpoint's address into host:port format
    foreach ($_endpoint in $endpoints) {
        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_endpoint.Address)) {
            $_addr = Get-PodeEndpointInfo -Address $_endpoint.Address -AnyPortOnZero
            $_endpoint.Address = "$($_addr.Host):$($_addr.Port)"

    return $endpoints

    Retrieves internal endpoints based on the specified types.
    The `Get-PodeEndpointByProtocolType` function returns internal endpoints from the PodeContext
    based on the specified types (HTTP, WebSocket, SMTP, or TCP).
    Specifies the type of endpoints to retrieve. Valid values are 'Http', 'Ws', 'Smtp', and 'Tcp'.
    This parameter is mandatory.
    Returns an array of internal endpoints matching the specified types.
    # Example usage:
    $httpEndpoints = Get-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type 'Http'
    $wsEndpoints = Get-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type 'Ws'
    # Retrieve HTTP and WebSocket endpoints from the PodeContext.
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Get-PodeEndpointByProtocolType {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Http', 'Ws', 'Smtp', 'Tcp')]

    $endpoints = @()

    foreach ($t in $Type) {
        switch ($t.ToLowerInvariant()) {
            'http' {
                $endpoints += @($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object { @('http', 'https') -icontains $_.Protocol })

            'ws' {
                $endpoints += @($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object { @('ws', 'wss') -icontains $_.Protocol })

            'smtp' {
                $endpoints += @($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object { @('smtp', 'smtps') -icontains $_.Protocol })

            'tcp' {
                $endpoints += @($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object { @('tcp', 'tcps') -icontains $_.Protocol })

    return $endpoints

function Test-PodeEndpointByProtocolTypeProtocol {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Http', 'Https', 'Ws', 'Wss', 'Smtp', 'Smtps', 'Tcp', 'Tcps')]

    $endpoint = $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.Values | Where-Object { $_.Protocol -ieq $Protocol }
    return ($null -ne $endpoint)

function Get-PodeEndpointType {
        [ValidateSet('Http', 'Https', 'Smtp', 'Smtps', 'Tcp', 'Tcps', 'Ws', 'Wss')]

    switch ($Protocol) {
        { $_ -iin @('http', 'https') } {

        { $_ -iin @('ws', 'wss') } {

        { $_ -iin @('smtp', 'smtps') } {

        { $_ -iin @('tcp', 'tcps') } {

        default {

function Get-PodeEndpointRunspacePoolName {
        [ValidateSet('Http', 'Https', 'Smtp', 'Smtps', 'Tcp', 'Tcps', 'Ws', 'Wss')]

    switch ($Protocol) {
        { $_ -iin @('http', 'https') } {

        { $_ -iin @('ws', 'wss') } {

        { $_ -iin @('smtp', 'smtps') } {

        { $_ -iin @('tcp', 'tcps') } {

        default {

Tests whether Pode endpoints of a specified type exist.
This function checks if there are any Pode endpoints of the specified type (HTTP, WebSocket, SMTP, or TCP). It returns a boolean value indicating whether endpoints of that type are available.
The type of Pode endpoint to test (HTTP, WebSocket, SMTP, or TCP).
A boolean value (True if endpoints exist, False otherwise).
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Test-PodeEndpointByProtocolType {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Http', 'Ws', 'Smtp', 'Tcp')]

    $endpoints = (Get-PodeEndpointByProtocolType -Type $Type)
    return (($null -ne $endpoints) -and ($endpoints.Length -gt 0))


function Find-PodeEndpointName {






    if (!$Enabled -and !$Force) {
        return $null

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Protocol) -or
        [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Address) -or
        [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($LocalAddress)) {
        return $null

       using Host header

    # add a default port to the address if missing
    if (!$Address.Contains(':')) {
        $port = Get-PodeDefaultPort -Protocol $Protocol -Real -TlsMode Implicit
        $Address = "$($Address):$($port)"

    # change localhost/computer name to ip address
    if (($Address -ilike 'localhost:*') -or ($Address -ilike "$($PodeContext.Server.ComputerName):*")) {
        $Address = ($Address -ireplace "(localhost|$([regex]::Escape($PodeContext.Server.ComputerName)))\:", "(127\.0\.0\.1|0\.0\.0\.0|\:\:ffff\:127\.0\.0\.1|\:\:ffff\:0\:0|\[\:\:\]|\[\:\:1\]|\:\:1|\:\:|localhost|$([regex]::Escape($PodeContext.Server.ComputerName))):")
    else {
        $Address = [regex]::Escape($Address)

    # create the endpoint key for address
    $key = "$($Protocol)\|$($Address)"

    # try and find endpoint for address
    $key = @(foreach ($k in $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap.Keys) {
            if ($k -imatch $key) {

    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($key) -and $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap.ContainsKey($key)) {
        return $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap[$key]

       using local endpoint from socket

    # setup the local address as a string
    $_localAddress = "$($LocalAddress.Address.IPAddressToString):$($LocalAddress.Port)"
    $_localAddress = [regex]::Escape($_localAddress)

    # create the endpoint key for local address
    $key = "$($Protocol)\|$($_localAddress)"

    # try and find endpoint for local address
    $key = @(foreach ($k in $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap.Keys) {
            if ($k -imatch $key) {

    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($key) -and $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap.ContainsKey($key)) {
        return $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap[$key]

       check for * address

    # set * address as string
    $_anyAddress = "(0\.0\.0\.0|\[\:\:\]|\:\:|\:\:ffff\:0\:0):$($LocalAddress.Port)"
    $key = "$($Protocol)\|$($_anyAddress)"

    # try and find endpoint for any address
    $key = @(foreach ($k in $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap.Keys) {
            if ($k -imatch $key) {

    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($key) -and $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap.ContainsKey($key)) {
        return $PodeContext.Server.EndpointsMap[$key]

    # error?
    if ($ThrowError) {
        throw ($PodeLocale.endpointNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Protocol, $Address, $_localAddress) #"Endpoint with protocol '$($Protocol)' and address '$($Address)' or local address '$($_localAddress)' does not exist"

    return $null

function Get-PodeEndpointByName {


    # if an EndpointName was supplied, find it and use it
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) {
        return $null

    # ensure it exists
    if ($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints.ContainsKey($Name)) {
        return $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints[$Name]

    # error?
    if ($ThrowError) {
        throw ($PodeLocale.endpointNameNotExistExceptionMessage -f $Name) #"Endpoint with name '$($Name)' does not exist"

    return $null

    Organizes the Pode server's endpoint list based on protocol and URL.
    This internal utility function arranges an array of endpoint hashtables, sorting them
    first by protocol in a predefined order and then alphabetically by URL. It ensures
    a consistent structure for subsequent processing or display.
.PARAMETER EndpointsInfo
    An array of hashtables representing endpoint details, with fields such as `Url`,
    `DualMode`, and `Pool`.
    An array of endpoints organized for consistency.
    This is an internal function and may change in future releases of Pode.

function Get-PodeSortedEndpointsInfo {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    # Define protocol sorting order
    $protocolOrder = @{
        'HTTP'  = 1
        'HTTPS' = 2
        'WS'    = 3
        'WSS'   = 4
        'SMTP'  = 5
        'SMTPS' = 6
        'TCP'   = 7
        'TCPS'  = 8

    # Add protocol field to each endpoint for sorting
    $formattedEndpoints = $EndpointsInfo | ForEach-Object {
        $protocol = ($_.Url -split ':')[0].ToUpper()
            Protocol = $protocol
            DualMode = $_.DualMode
            Pool     = $_.Pool
            Url      = $_.Url
            Name     = $_.Name
            Default  = $_.Default
            Order    = $protocolOrder[$protocol] -as [int]


    # Sort endpoints by protocol order and then by URL
    return $formattedEndpoints | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression = 'Order'; Ascending = $true }, @{Expression = 'Url'; Ascending = $true }
