
    Pode PowerShell Module
    This module sets up the Pode environment, including
    localization and loading necessary assemblies and functions.
    Specifies the culture to be used for localization.
    Import-Module -Name "Pode" -ArgumentList @{ UICulture = 'ko-KR' }
    Sets the culture to Korean.
    Import-Module -Name "Pode"
    Uses the default culture.
    Import-Module -Name "Pode" -ArgumentList 'it-SM'
    Uses the Italian San Marino region culture.
    try {
        Import-Module -Name Pode -MaximumVersion 2.99.99
    } catch {
        Write-Error "Failed to load the Pode module"
    The import statement is within a try/catch block.
    This way, if the module fails to load, your script won’t proceed, preventing possible errors or unexpected behavior.
    This is the entry point for the Pode module.


# root path
$root = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$localesPath = (Join-Path -Path $root -ChildPath 'Locales')

# Import localized messages
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UICulture)) {
    $UICulture = $PsUICulture

try {
    try {
        #The list of all available supported culture is available here https://azuliadesigns.com/c-sharp-tutorials/list-net-culture-country-codes/

        # ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue is not sufficient to avoid Import-LocalizedData to generate an exception when the Culture file is not the right format
        Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable tmpPodeLocale -BaseDirectory $localesPath -UICulture $UICulture -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
        if ($null -eq $tmpPodeLocale) {
            $UICulture = 'en'
            Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable tmpPodeLocale -BaseDirectory $localesPath -UICulture $UICulture -ErrorAction:Stop
    catch {
        throw ("Failed to Import Localized Data $(Join-Path -Path $localesPath -ChildPath $UICulture -AdditionalChildPath 'Pode.psd1') $_")

    # Create the global msgTable read-only variable
    New-Variable -Name 'PodeLocale' -Value $tmpPodeLocale -Scope script -Option ReadOnly -Force -Description 'Localization HashTable'

    # load assemblies
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web -ErrorAction Stop
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http -ErrorAction Stop

    # Construct the path to the module manifest (.psd1 file)
    $moduleManifestPath = Join-Path -Path $root -ChildPath 'Pode.psd1'

    # Import the module manifest to access its properties
    $moduleManifest = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $moduleManifestPath -ErrorAction Stop

    $podeDll = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | Where-Object { $_.GetName().Name -eq 'Pode' }

    if ($podeDll) {
        if ( $moduleManifest.ModuleVersion -ne '$version$') {
            $moduleVersion = ([version]::new($moduleManifest.ModuleVersion + '.0'))
            if ($podeDll.GetName().Version -ne $moduleVersion) {
                # An existing incompatible Pode.DLL version {0} is loaded. Version {1} is required. Open a new Powershell/pwsh session and retry.
                throw ($PodeLocale.incompatiblePodeDllExceptionMessage -f $podeDll.GetName().Version, $moduleVersion)
    else {
        # fetch the .net version and the libs path
        $version = [System.Environment]::Version.Major
        $libsPath = "$($root)/Libs"

        # filter .net dll folders based on version above, and get path for latest version found
        if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($version)) {
            $netFolder = Get-ChildItem -Path $libsPath -Directory -Force |
                Where-Object { $_.Name -imatch "net[1-$($version)]" } |
                Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending |
                Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName

        # use netstandard if no folder found
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($netFolder)) {
            $netFolder = "$($libsPath)/netstandard2.0"

        # append Pode.dll and mount
        Add-Type -LiteralPath "$($netFolder)/Pode.dll" -ErrorAction Stop

    # load private functions
    Get-ChildItem "$($root)/Private/*.ps1" | ForEach-Object { . ([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($_)) }

    # only import public functions
    $sysfuncs = Get-ChildItem Function:

    # only import public alias
    $sysaliases = Get-ChildItem Alias:

    # load public functions
    Get-ChildItem "$($root)/Public/*.ps1" | ForEach-Object { . ([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($_)) }

    # get functions from memory and compare to existing to find new functions added
    $funcs = Get-ChildItem Function: | Where-Object { $sysfuncs -notcontains $_ }
    $aliases = Get-ChildItem Alias: | Where-Object { $sysaliases -notcontains $_ }
    # export the module's public functions
    if ($funcs) {
        if ($aliases) {
            Export-ModuleMember -Function ($funcs.Name) -Alias $aliases.Name
        else {
            Export-ModuleMember -Function ($funcs.Name)
catch {
    throw ("Failed to load the Pode module. $_")
finally {
    # Cleanup temporary variables
    Remove-Variable -Name 'tmpPodeLocale', 'localesPath', 'moduleManifest', 'root', 'version', 'libsPath', 'netFolder', 'podeDll', 'sysfuncs', 'sysaliases', 'funcs', 'aliases', 'moduleManifestPath', 'moduleVersion' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue