
Sets inbuilt definitions for security headers.
Sets inbuilt definitions for security headers, in either Simple or Strict types.
The Type of security to use.
If supplied, the Strict-Transport-Security header will be set.
If supplied, the X-XSS-Protection header will be set to blocking mode. (Default: Off)
.PARAMETER CspReportOnly
If supplied, the Content-Security-Policy header will be set as the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header.
Set-PodeSecurity -Type Simple
Set-PodeSecurity -Type Strict -UseHsts

function Set-PodeSecurity {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Simple', 'Strict')]




    # general headers

    Set-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicy `
        -SyncXhr 'none' `
        -Fullscreen 'self' `
        -Camera 'none' `
        -Geolocation 'self' `
        -PictureInPicture 'self' `
        -Accelerometer 'none' `
        -Microphone 'none' `
        -Usb 'none' `
        -Autoplay 'self' `
        -Payment 'none' `
        -Magnetometer 'self' `
        -Gyroscope 'self' `
        -DisplayCapture 'self'

    Set-PodeSecurityCrossOrigin -Embed Require-Corp -Open Same-Origin -Resource Same-Origin
    Set-PodeSecurityAccessControl -Origin '*' -Methods '*' -Headers '*' -Duration 7200
    Set-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicy -Default 'self' -XssBlock:$XssBlock -ReportOnly:$CspReportOnly

    # only add hsts if specifiec
    if ($UseHsts) {
        Set-PodeSecurityStrictTransportSecurity -Duration 31536000 -IncludeSubDomains

    # type specific headers
    switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) {
        'simple' {
            Set-PodeSecurityFrameOptions -Type SameOrigin
            Set-PodeSecurityReferrerPolicy -Type Strict-Origin

        'strict' {
            Set-PodeSecurityFrameOptions -Type Deny
            Set-PodeSecurityReferrerPolicy -Type No-Referrer

    # hide server info

Removes definitions for all security headers.
Removes definitions for all security headers.

function Remove-PodeSecurity {


Add definition for specified security header.
Add definition for specified security header.
The Name of the security header.
The Value of the security header.
Append the value to the header instead of replacing it
Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-Header-Name' -Value 'SomeValue'

function Add-PodeSecurityHeader {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) {

    if ($Append -and $PodeContext.Server.Security.Headers.ContainsKey($Name)) {
        $Headers = @(($PodeContext.Server.Security.Headers[$Name].split(',')).trim())
        if ($Headers -inotcontains $Value) {
            $Headers += $Value
            $PodeContext.Server.Security.Headers[$Name] = (($Headers.trim() | Select-Object -Unique) -join ', ')
        else {
    else {
        $PodeContext.Server.Security.Headers[$Name] = $Value

Removes definition for specified security header.
Removes definition for specified security header.
The Name of the security header.
Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-Header-Name'

function Remove-PodeSecurityHeader {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


Hide the Server HTTP Header from Responses
Hide the Server HTTP Header from Responses

function Hide-PodeSecurityServer {

    $PodeContext.Server.Security.ServerDetails = $false

Show the Server HTTP Header on Responses
Show the Server HTTP Header on Responses

function Show-PodeSecurityServer {

    $PodeContext.Server.Security.ServerDetails = $true

Set a value for the X-Frame-Options header.
Set a value for the X-Frame-Options header.
The Type to use.
Set-PodeSecurityFrameOptions -Type SameOrigin

function Set-PodeSecurityFrameOptions {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Deny', 'SameOrigin')]

    Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-Frame-Options' -Value $Type.ToUpperInvariant()

Removes definition for the X-Frame-Options header.
Removes definition for the X-Frame-Options header.

function Remove-PodeSecurityFrameOptions {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]

    Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-Frame-Options'

Set the value to use for the Content-Security-Policy and X-XSS-Protection headers.
Set the value to use for the Content-Security-Policy and X-XSS-Protection headers.
The values to use for the Default portion of the header.
The values to use for the Child portion of the header.
The values to use for the Connect portion of the header.
The values to use for the Font portion of the header.
The values to use for the Frame portion of the header.
The values to use for the Image portion of the header.
The values to use for the Manifest portion of the header.
The values to use for the Media portion of the header.
The values to use for the Object portion of the header.
The values to use for the Scripts portion of the header.
The values to use for the Style portion of the header.
The values to use for the BaseUri portion of the header.
The values to use for the FormAction portion of the header.
.PARAMETER FrameAncestor
The values to use for the FrameAncestor portion of the header.
.PARAMETER FencedFrame
The values to use for the FencedFrame portion of the header.
The values to use for the Prefetch portion of the header.
The values to use for the ScriptAttr portion of the header.
The values to use for the ScriptElem portion of the header.
The values to use for the StyleAttr portion of the header.
The values to use for the StyleElem portion of the header.
The values to use for the Worker portion of the header.
The value to use for the Sandbox portion of the header.
The value to use for the ReportUri portion of the header.
.PARAMETER UpgradeInsecureRequests
If supplied, the header will have the upgrade-insecure-requests value added.
If supplied, the X-XSS-Protection header will be set to blocking mode. (Default: Off)
If supplied, the header will be set as a report-only header.
Set-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicy -Default 'self'

function Set-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicy {





















        [ValidateSet('', 'Allow-Downloads', 'Allow-Downloads-Without-User-Activation', 'Allow-Forms', 'Allow-Modals', 'Allow-Orientation-Lock',
            'Allow-Pointer-Lock', 'Allow-Popups', 'Allow-Popups-To-Escape-Sandbox', 'Allow-Presentation', 'Allow-Same-Origin', 'Allow-Scripts',
            'Allow-Storage-Access-By-User-Activation', 'Allow-Top-Navigation', 'Allow-Top-Navigation-By-User-Activation', 'None')]
        $Sandbox = 'None',





    Set-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicyInternal -Params $PSBoundParameters

Adds additional values to already defined values for the Content-Security-Policy header.
Adds additional values to already defined values for the Content-Security-Policy header, instead of overriding them.
The values to add for the Default portion of the header.
The values to add for the Child portion of the header.
The values to add for the Connect portion of the header.
The values to add for the Font portion of the header.
The values to add for the Frame portion of the header.
The values to add for the Image portion of the header.
The values to add for the Manifest portion of the header.
The values to add for the Media portion of the header.
The values to add for the Object portion of the header.
The values to add for the Scripts portion of the header.
The values to add for the Style portion of the header.
The values to add for the BaseUri portion of the header.
The values to add for the FormAction portion of the header.
.PARAMETER FrameAncestor
The values to add for the FrameAncestor portion of the header.
.PARAMETER FencedFrame
The values to add for the FencedFrame portion of the header.
The values to add for the Prefetch portion of the header.
The values to add for the ScriptAttr portion of the header.
The values to add for the ScriptElem portion of the header.
The values to add for the StyleAttr portion of the header.
The values to add for the StyleElem portion of the header.
The values to add for the Worker portion of the header.
The value to use for the Sandbox portion of the header.
The value to use for the ReportUri portion of the header.
.PARAMETER UpgradeInsecureRequests
If supplied, the header will have the upgrade-insecure-requests value added.
If supplied, the header will be set as a report-only header.
Add-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicy -Default '*' -Image 'data'

function Add-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicy {





















        [ValidateSet('', 'Allow-Downloads', 'Allow-Downloads-Without-User-Activation', 'Allow-Forms', 'Allow-Modals', 'Allow-Orientation-Lock',
            'Allow-Pointer-Lock', 'Allow-Popups', 'Allow-Popups-To-Escape-Sandbox', 'Allow-Presentation', 'Allow-Same-Origin', 'Allow-Scripts',
            'Allow-Storage-Access-By-User-Activation', 'Allow-Top-Navigation', 'Allow-Top-Navigation-By-User-Activation', 'None')]
        $Sandbox = 'None',




    Set-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicyInternal -Params $PSBoundParameters -Append

Removes definition for the Content-Security-Policy and X-XSS-Protection headers.
Removes definition for the Content-Security-Policy and X-XSS-Protection headers.

function Remove-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicy {

    Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Content-Security-Policy'
    Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-XSS-Protection'

Set the value to use for the Permissions-Policy header.
Set the value to use for the Permissions-Policy header.
.PARAMETER Accelerometer
The values to use for the Accelerometer portion of the header.
.PARAMETER AmbientLightSensor
The values to use for the AmbientLightSensor portion of the header.
The values to use for the Autoplay portion of the header.
The values to use for the Battery portion of the header.
The values to use for the Camera portion of the header.
.PARAMETER DisplayCapture
The values to use for the DisplayCapture portion of the header.
.PARAMETER DocumentDomain
The values to use for the DocumentDomain portion of the header.
.PARAMETER EncryptedMedia
The values to use for the EncryptedMedia portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Fullscreen
The values to use for the Fullscreen portion of the header.
The values to use for the Gamepad portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Geolocation
The values to use for the Geolocation portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Gyroscope
The values to use for the Gyroscope portion of the header.
.PARAMETER InterestCohort
The values to use for the InterestCohort portal of the header.
.PARAMETER LayoutAnimations
The values to use for the LayoutAnimations portion of the header.
.PARAMETER LegacyImageFormats
The values to use for the LegacyImageFormats portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Magnetometer
The values to use for the Magnetometer portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Microphone
The values to use for the Microphone portion of the header.
The values to use for the Midi portion of the header.
.PARAMETER OversizedImages
The values to use for the OversizedImages portion of the header.
The values to use for the Payment portion of the header.
.PARAMETER PictureInPicture
The values to use for the PictureInPicture portion of the header.
.PARAMETER PublicKeyCredentials
The values to use for the PublicKeyCredentials portion of the header.
The values to use for the Speakers portion of the header.
The values to use for the SyncXhr portion of the header.
.PARAMETER UnoptimisedImages
The values to use for the UnoptimisedImages portion of the header.
.PARAMETER UnsizedMedia
The values to use for the UnsizedMedia portion of the header.
The values to use for the Usb portion of the header.
.PARAMETER ScreenWakeLake
The values to use for the ScreenWakeLake portion of the header.
The values to use for the WebShare portion of the header.
.PARAMETER XrSpatialTracking
The values to use for the XrSpatialTracking portion of the header.

function Set-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicy {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSPossibleIncorrectComparisonWithNull', '')]






























    Set-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicyInternal -Params $PSBoundParameters

Adds additional values to already defined values for the Permissions-Policy header.
Adds additional values to already defined values for the Permissions-Policy header, instead of overriding them.
.PARAMETER Accelerometer
The values to add for the Accelerometer portion of the header.
.PARAMETER AmbientLightSensor
The values to add for the AmbientLightSensor portion of the header.
The values to add for the Autoplay portion of the header.
The values to add for the Battery portion of the header.
The values to add for the Camera portion of the header.
.PARAMETER DisplayCapture
The values to add for the DisplayCapture portion of the header.
.PARAMETER DocumentDomain
The values to add for the DocumentDomain portion of the header.
.PARAMETER EncryptedMedia
The values to add for the EncryptedMedia portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Fullscreen
The values to add for the Fullscreen portion of the header.
The values to add for the Gamepad portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Geolocation
The values to add for the Geolocation portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Gyroscope
The values to add for the Gyroscope portion of the header.
.PARAMETER InterestCohort
The values to use for the InterestCohort portal of the header.
.PARAMETER LayoutAnimations
The values to add for the LayoutAnimations portion of the header.
.PARAMETER LegacyImageFormats
The values to add for the LegacyImageFormats portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Magnetometer
The values to add for the Magnetometer portion of the header.
.PARAMETER Microphone
The values to add for the Microphone portion of the header.
The values to add for the Midi portion of the header.
.PARAMETER OversizedImages
The values to add for the OversizedImages portion of the header.
The values to add for the Payment portion of the header.
.PARAMETER PictureInPicture
The values to add for the PictureInPicture portion of the header.
.PARAMETER PublicKeyCredentials
The values to add for the PublicKeyCredentials portion of the header.
The values to add for the Speakers portion of the header.
The values to add for the SyncXhr portion of the header.
.PARAMETER UnoptimisedImages
The values to add for the UnoptimisedImages portion of the header.
.PARAMETER UnsizedMedia
The values to add for the UnsizedMedia portion of the header.
The values to add for the Usb portion of the header.
.PARAMETER ScreenWakeLake
The values to add for the ScreenWakeLake portion of the header.
The values to add for the WebShare portion of the header.
.PARAMETER XrSpatialTracking
The values to add for the XrSpatialTracking portion of the header.
Add-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicy -AmbientLightSensor 'none'

function Add-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicy {






























    Set-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicyInternal -Params $PSBoundParameters -Append

Removes definition for the Permissions-Policy header.
Removes definitions for the Permissions-Policy header.

function Remove-PodeSecurityPermissionsPolicy {

    Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Permissions-Policy'

Set a value for the Referrer-Policy header.
Set a value for the Referrer-Policy header.
The Type to use.
Set-PodeSecurityReferrerPolicy -Type No-Referrer

function Set-PodeSecurityReferrerPolicy {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('No-Referrer', 'No-Referrer-When-Downgrade', 'Same-Origin', 'Origin', 'Strict-Origin',
            'Origin-When-Cross-Origin', 'Strict-Origin-When-Cross-Origin', 'Unsafe-Url')]

    Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Referrer-Policy' -Value $Type.ToLowerInvariant()

Removes definition for the Referrer-Policy header.
Removes definitions for the Referrer-Policy header.

function Remove-PodeSecurityReferrerPolicy {

    Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Referrer-Policy'

Set a value for the X-Content-Type-Options header.
Set a value for the X-Content-Type-Options header to "nosniff".

function Set-PodeSecurityContentTypeOptions {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]

    Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-Content-Type-Options' -Value 'nosniff'

Removes definition for the X-Content-Type-Options header.
Removes definitions for the X-Content-Type-Options header.

function Remove-PodeSecurityContentTypeOptions {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '')]

    Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'X-Content-Type-Options'

Set a value for the Strict-Transport-Security header.
Set a value for the Strict-Transport-Security header.
The Duration the browser to respect the header in seconds. (Default: 1 year)
.PARAMETER IncludeSubDomains
If supplied, the header will have includeSubDomains.
Set-PodeSecurityStrictTransportSecurity -Duration 86400 -IncludeSubDomains

function Set-PodeSecurityStrictTransportSecurity {
        $Duration = 31536000,


    if ($Duration -le 0) {
        # Invalid Strict-Transport-Security duration supplied
        throw ($PodeLocale.invalidStrictTransportSecurityDurationExceptionMessage -f $Duration)

    $value = "max-age=$($Duration)"

    if ($IncludeSubDomains) {
        $value += '; includeSubDomains'

    Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Strict-Transport-Security' -Value $value

Removes definition for the Strict-Transport-Security header.
Removes definitions for the Strict-Transport-Security header.

function Remove-PodeSecurityStrictTransportSecurity {

    Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Strict-Transport-Security'

Removes definitions for the Cross-Origin headers.
Removes definitions for the Cross-Origin headers: Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy, Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy, Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy
Specifies a value for Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy.
Specifies a value for Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy.
Specifies a value for Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy.
Set-PodeSecurityCrossOrigin -Embed Require-Corp -Open Same-Origin -Resource Same-Origin

function Set-PodeSecurityCrossOrigin {
        [ValidateSet('', 'Unsafe-None', 'Require-Corp')]
        $Embed = '',

        [ValidateSet('', 'Unsafe-None', 'Same-Origin-Allow-Popups', 'Same-Origin')]
        $Open = '',

        [ValidateSet('', 'Same-Site', 'Same-Origin', 'Cross-Origin')]
        $Resource = ''

    Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy' -Value $Embed.ToLowerInvariant()
    Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy' -Value $Open.ToLowerInvariant()
    Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy' -Value $Resource.ToLowerInvariant()

Removes definitions for the Cross-Origin headers.
Removes definitions for the Cross-Origin headers: Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy, Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy, Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy

function Remove-PodeSecurityCrossOrigin {

    Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy'
    Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy'
    Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy'

Set definitions for Access-Control headers.
Removes definitions for the Access-Control headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Access-Control-Max-Age, Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
Specifies a value for Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Specifies a value for Access-Control-Allow-Methods.
Specifies a value for Access-Control-Allow-Headers.
Specifies a value for Access-Control-Max-Age in seconds. (Default: 7200)
Use a value of one for debugging any CORS related issues
.PARAMETER Credentials
Specifies a value for Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
.PARAMETER WithOptions
If supplied, a global Options Route will be created.
.PARAMETER AuthorizationHeader
Add 'Authorization' to the headers list
.PARAMETER AutoHeaders
Automatically populate the list of allowed Headers based on the OpenApi definition.
This parameter can works in conjuntion with CrossDomainXhrRequests,AuthorizationHeader and Headers (Headers cannot be '*').
By default add 'content-type' to the headers
.PARAMETER AutoMethods
Automatically populate the list of allowed Methods based on the defined Routes.
This parameter can works in conjuntion with the parameter Methods, if Methods is not including '*'
.PARAMETER CrossDomainXhrRequests
Add 'x-requested-with' to the list of allowed headers
More info available here:
Set-PodeSecurityAccessControl -Origin '*' -Methods '*' -Headers '*' -Duration 7200

function Set-PodeSecurityAccessControl {

        [ValidateSet('', 'Connect', 'Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace', '*')]
        $Methods = '',


        $Duration = 7200,







    # origin
    Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' -Value $Origin

    # methods
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Methods)) {
        if ($Methods -icontains '*') {
            Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' -Value '*'
        else {
            Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' -Value ($Methods -join ', ')

    # headers
    if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Headers) -or $AuthorizationHeader -or $CrossDomainXhrRequests) {
        if ($Headers -icontains '*') {
            if ($Credentials) {
                # When Credentials is passed, The * wildcard for Headers will be taken as a literal string and not a wildcard
                throw ($PodeLocale.credentialsPassedWildcardForHeadersLiteralExceptionMessage)

            $Headers = @('*')

        if ($AuthorizationHeader) {
            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Headers)) {
                $Headers = @()

            $Headers += 'Authorization'

        if ($CrossDomainXhrRequests) {
            if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Headers)) {
                $Headers = @()
            $Headers += 'x-requested-with'
        Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' -Value (($Headers | Select-Object -Unique) -join ', ')

    if ($AutoHeaders) {
        if ($Headers -icontains '*') {
            # The * wildcard for Headers is incompatible with the AutoHeaders switch
            throw ($PodeLocale.wildcardHeadersIncompatibleWithAutoHeadersExceptionMessage)

        Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' -Value 'content-type' -Append
        $PodeContext.Server.Security.autoHeaders = $true

    if ($AutoMethods) {
        if ($Methods -icontains '*') {
            # The * wildcard for Methods is incompatible with the AutoMethods switch
            throw ($PodeLocale.wildcardMethodsIncompatibleWithAutoMethodsExceptionMessage)
        if ($WithOptions) {
            Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' -Value 'Options' -Append
        $PodeContext.Server.Security.autoMethods = $true

    # duration
    if ($Duration -le 0) {
        # Invalid Access-Control-Max-Age duration supplied
        throw ($PodeLocale.invalidAccessControlMaxAgeDurationExceptionMessage -f $Duration)

    Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Max-Age' -Value $Duration

    # creds
    if ($Credentials) {
        Add-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' -Value 'true'

    # opts route
    if ($WithOptions) {
        Add-PodeRoute -Method Options -Path * -ScriptBlock {
            Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 200

Removes definitions for the Access-Control headers.
Removes definitions for the Access-Control headers: Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Access-Control-Max-Age, Access-Control-Allow-Credentials

function Remove-PodeSecurityAccessControl {

    Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'
    Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods'
    Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers'
    Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Max-Age'
    Remove-PodeSecurityHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'