.SYNOPSIS Converts the current HTTP request to a Route to be an SSE connection. .DESCRIPTION Converts the current HTTP request to a Route to be an SSE connection, by sending the required headers back to the client. The connection can only be configured if the request's Accept header is "text/event-stream", unless Forced. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the SSE connection, which ClientIds will be stored under. .PARAMETER Group An optional Group for this SSE connection, to enable broadcasting events to all connections for an SSE connection name in a Group. .PARAMETER Scope The Scope of the SSE connection, either Default, Local or Global (Default: Default). - If the Scope is Default, then it will be Global unless the default has been updated via Set-PodeSseDefaultScope. - If the Scope is Local, then the SSE connection will only be opened for the duration of the request to a Route that configured it. - If the Scope is Global, then the SSE connection will be cached internally so events can be sent to the connection from Tasks, Timers, and other Routes, etc. .PARAMETER RetryDuration An optional RetryDuration, in milliseconds, for the period of time a browser should wait before reattempting a connection if lost (Default: 0). .PARAMETER ClientId An optional ClientId to use for the SSE connection, this value will be signed if signing is enabled (Default: GUID). .PARAMETER AllowAllOrigins If supplied, then Access-Control-Allow-Origin will be set to * on the response. .PARAMETER Force If supplied, the Accept header of the request will be ignored; attempting to configure an SSE connection even if the header isn't "text/event-stream". .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions' .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions' -Scope Local .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions' -Group 'admins' .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions' -AllowAllOrigins .EXAMPLE ConvertTo-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions' -ClientId 'my-client-id' #> function ConvertTo-PodeSseConnection { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] [string] $Group, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Default', 'Local', 'Global')] [string] $Scope = 'Default', [Parameter()] [int] $RetryDuration = 0, [Parameter()] [string] $ClientId, [switch] $AllowAllOrigins, [switch] $Force ) # check Accept header - unless forcing if (!$Force -and ((Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Accept') -ine 'text/event-stream')) { throw 'SSE can only be configured on requests with an Accept header value of text/event-stream' } # check for default scope, and set if ($Scope -ieq 'default') { $Scope = $PodeContext.Server.Sse.DefaultScope } # generate clientId $ClientId = New-PodeSseClientId -ClientId $ClientId # set and send SSE headers $ClientId = $WebEvent.Response.SetSseConnection($Scope, $ClientId, $Name, $Group, $RetryDuration, $AllowAllOrigins.IsPresent) # create SSE property on WebEvent $WebEvent.Sse = @{ Name = $Name Group = $Group ClientId = $ClientId LastEventId = Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Last-Event-ID' IsLocal = ($Scope -ieq 'local') } } <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the default scope for new SSE connections. .DESCRIPTION Sets the default scope for new SSE connections. .PARAMETER Scope The default Scope for new SSE connections, either Local or Global. - If the Scope is Local, then new SSE connections will only be opened for the duration of the request to a Route that configured it. - If the Scope is Global, then new SSE connections will be cached internally so events can be sent to the connection from Tasks, Timers, and other Routes, etc. .EXAMPLE Set-PodeSseDefaultScope -Scope Local .EXAMPLE Set-PodeSseDefaultScope -Scope Global #> function Set-PodeSseDefaultScope { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Local', 'Global')] [string] $Scope ) $PodeContext.Server.Sse.DefaultScope = $Scope } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the default SSE connection scope for new SSE connections. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the default SSE connection scope for new SSE connections. .EXAMPLE $scope = Get-PodeSseDefaultScope #> function Get-PodeSseDefaultScope { [CmdletBinding()] param() return $PodeContext.Server.Sse.DefaultScope } <# .SYNOPSIS Send an Event to one or more SSE connections. .DESCRIPTION Send an Event to one or more SSE connections. This can either be: - Every client for an SSE connection Name - Specific ClientIds for an SSE connection Name - The current SSE connection being referenced within $WebEvent.Sse .PARAMETER Name An SSE connection Name. .PARAMETER Group An optional array of 1 or more SSE connection Groups to send Events to, for the specified SSE connection Name. .PARAMETER ClientId An optional array of 1 or more SSE connection ClientIds to send Events to, for the specified SSE connection Name. .PARAMETER Id An optional ID for the Event being sent. .PARAMETER EventType An optional EventType for the Event being sent. .PARAMETER Data The Data for the Event being sent, either as a String or a Hashtable/PSObject. If the latter, it will be converted into JSON. .PARAMETER Depth The Depth to generate the JSON document - the larger this value the worse performance gets. .PARAMETER FromEvent If supplied, the SSE connection Name and ClientId will atttempt to be retrived from $WebEvent.Sse. These details will be set if ConvertTo-PodeSseConnection has just been called. Or if X-PODE-SSE-CLIENT-ID and X-PODE-SSE-NAME are set on an HTTP request. .EXAMPLE Send-PodeSseEvent -FromEvent -Data 'This is an event' .EXAMPLE Send-PodeSseEvent -FromEvent -Data @{ Message = 'A message' } .EXAMPLE Send-PodeSseEvent -Name 'Actions' -Data @{ Message = 'A message' } .EXAMPLE Send-PodeSseEvent -Name 'Actions' -Group 'admins' -Data @{ Message = 'A message' } .EXAMPLE Send-PodeSseEvent -Name 'Actions' -Data @{ Message = 'A message' } -ID 123 -EventType 'action' #> function Send-PodeSseEvent { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Name')] [string] $Name, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Name')] [string[]] $Group = $null, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Name')] [string[]] $ClientId = $null, [Parameter()] [string] $Id, [Parameter()] [string] $EventType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Data, [Parameter()] [int] $Depth = 10, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'WebEvent')] [switch] $FromEvent ) # do nothing if no value if (($null -eq $Data) -or ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Data))) { return } # jsonify the value if ($Data -isnot [string]) { if ($Depth -le 0) { $Data = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Data -Compress) } else { $Data = (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Data -Depth $Depth -Compress) } } # send directly back to current connection if ($FromEvent -and $WebEvent.Sse.IsLocal) { $WebEvent.Response.SendSseEvent($EventType, $Data, $Id) return } # from event and global? if ($FromEvent) { $Name = $WebEvent.Sse.Name $Group = $WebEvent.Sse.Group $ClientId = $WebEvent.Sse.ClientId } # error if no name if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) { throw 'An SSE connection Name is required, either from -Name or $WebEvent.Sse.Name' } # check if broadcast level if (!(Test-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name $Name -Group $Group -ClientId $ClientId)) { throw "SSE failed to broadcast due to defined SSE broadcast level for $($Name): $(Get-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name $Name)" } # send event $PodeContext.Server.Http.Listener.SendSseEvent($Name, $Group, $ClientId, $EventType, $Data, $Id) } <# .SYNOPSIS Close one or more SSE connections. .DESCRIPTION Close one or more SSE connections. Either all connections for an SSE connection Name, or specific ClientIds for a Name. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the SSE connection which has the ClientIds for the connections to close. If supplied on its own, all connections will be closed. .PARAMETER Group An optional array of 1 or more SSE connection Groups, that are for the SSE connection Name. If supplied without any ClientIds, then all connections for the Group(s) will be closed. .PARAMETER ClientId An optional array of 1 or more SSE connection ClientIds, that are for the SSE connection Name. If not supplied, every SSE connection for the supplied Name will be closed. .EXAMPLE Close-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions' .EXAMPLE Close-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions' -Group 'admins' .EXAMPLE Close-PodeSseConnection -Name 'Actions' -ClientId @('my-client-id', 'my-other'id') #> function Close-PodeSseConnection { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Group = $null, [Parameter()] [string[]] $ClientId = $null ) $PodeContext.Server.Http.Listener.CloseSseConnection($Name, $Group, $ClientId) } <# .SYNOPSIS Test if an SSE connection ClientId is validly signed. .DESCRIPTION Test if an SSE connection ClientId is validly signed. .PARAMETER ClientId An optional SSE connection ClientId, if not supplied it will be retrieved from $WebEvent. .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeSseClientIdValid) { ... } .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeSseClientIdValid -ClientId 's:my-already-signed-client-id.uvG49LcojTMuJ0l4yzBzr6jCqEV8gGC/0YgsYU1QEuQ=') { ... } #> function Test-PodeSseClientIdSigned { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $ClientId ) # get clientId from WebEvent if not passed if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ClientId)) { $ClientId = $WebEvent.Request.SseClientId } # test if clientId is validly signed return Test-PodeValueSigned -Value $ClientId -Secret $PodeContext.Server.Sse.Secret -Strict:($PodeContext.Server.Sse.Strict) } <# .SYNOPSIS Test if an SSE connection ClientId is valid. .DESCRIPTION Test if an SSE connection ClientId, passed or from $WebEvent, is valid. A ClientId is valid if it's not signed and we're not signing ClientIds, or if we are signing ClientIds and the ClientId is validly signed. .PARAMETER ClientId An optional SSE connection ClientId, if not supplied it will be retrieved from $WebEvent. .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeSseClientIdValid) { ... } .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeSseClientIdValid -ClientId 'my-client-id') { ... } #> function Test-PodeSseClientIdValid { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $ClientId ) # get clientId from WebEvent if not passed if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ClientId)) { $ClientId = $WebEvent.Request.SseClientId } # if no clientId, then it's not valid if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ClientId)) { return $false } # if we're not signing, then valid if not signed, but invalid if signed if (!$PodeContext.Server.Sse.Signed) { return !$ClientId.StartsWith('s:') } # test if clientId is validly signed return Test-PodeSseClientIdSigned -ClientId $ClientId } <# .SYNOPSIS Test if the name of an SSE connection exists or not. .DESCRIPTION Test if the name of an SSE connection exists or not. .PARAMETER Name The Name of an SSE connection to test. .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeSseName -Name 'Example') { ... } #> function Test-PodeSseName { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name ) return $PodeContext.Server.Http.Listener.TestSseConnectionExists($Name) } <# .SYNOPSIS Test if an SSE connection ClientId exists or not. .DESCRIPTION Test if an SSE connection ClientId exists or not. .PARAMETER Name The Name of an SSE connection. .PARAMETER ClientId The SSE connection ClientId to test. .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeSseClientId -Name 'Example' -ClientId 'my-client-id') { ... } #> function Test-PodeSseClientId { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ClientId ) return $PodeContext.Server.Http.Listener.TestSseConnectionExists($Name, $ClientId) } <# .SYNOPSIS Generate a new SSE connection ClientId. .DESCRIPTION Generate a new SSE connection ClientId, which will be signed if signing enabled. .PARAMETER ClientId An optional SSE connection ClientId to use, if a custom ClientId is needed and required to be signed. .EXAMPLE $clientId = New-PodeSseClientId .EXAMPLE $clientId = New-PodeSseClientId -ClientId 'my-client-id' .EXAMPLE $clientId = New-PodeSseClientId -ClientId 's:my-already-signed-client-id.uvG49LcojTMuJ0l4yzBzr6jCqEV8gGC/0YgsYU1QEuQ=' #> function New-PodeSseClientId { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [string] $ClientId ) # if no clientId passed, generate a random guid if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ClientId)) { $ClientId = New-PodeGuid -Secure } # if we're signing the clientId, and it's not already signed, then sign it if ($PodeContext.Server.Sse.Signed -and !$ClientId.StartsWith('s:')) { $ClientId = Invoke-PodeValueSign -Value $ClientId -Secret $PodeContext.Server.Sse.Secret -Strict:($PodeContext.Server.Sse.Strict) } # return the clientId return $ClientId } <# .SYNOPSIS Enable the signing of SSE connection ClientIds. .DESCRIPTION Enable the signing of SSE connection ClientIds. .PARAMETER Secret A Secret to sign ClientIds, Get-PodeServerDefaultSecret can be used. .PARAMETER Strict If supplied, the Secret will be extended using the client request's UserAgent and RemoteIPAddress. .EXAMPLE Enable-PodeSseSigning .EXAMPLE Enable-PodeSseSigning -Strict .EXAMPLE Enable-PodeSseSigning -Secret 'Sup3rS3cr37!' -Strict .EXAMPLE Enable-PodeSseSigning -Secret 'Sup3rS3cr37!' #> function Enable-PodeSseSigning { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Secret, [switch] $Strict ) # flag that we're signing SSE connections $PodeContext.Server.Sse.Signed = $true $PodeContext.Server.Sse.Secret = $Secret $PodeContext.Server.Sse.Strict = $Strict.IsPresent } <# .SYNOPSIS Disable the signing of SSE connection ClientIds. .DESCRIPTION Disable the signing of SSE connection ClientIds. .EXAMPLE Disable-PodeSseSigning #> function Disable-PodeSseSigning { [CmdletBinding()] param() # flag that we're not signing SSE connections $PodeContext.Server.Sse.Signed = $false $PodeContext.Server.Sse.Secret = $null $PodeContext.Server.Sse.Strict = $false } <# .SYNOPSIS Set an allowed broadcast level for SSE connections. .DESCRIPTION Set an allowed broadcast level for SSE connections, either for all SSE connection names or specific ones. .PARAMETER Name An optional Name for an SSE connection (default: *). .PARAMETER Type The broadcast level Type for the SSE connection. Name = Allow broadcasting at all levels, including broadcasting to all Groups and/or ClientIds for an SSE connection Name. Group = Allow broadcasting to only Groups or specific ClientIds. If neither Groups nor ClientIds are supplied, sending an event will fail. ClientId = Allow broadcasting to only ClientIds. If no ClientIds are supplied, sending an event will fail. .EXAMPLE Set-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Type Name .EXAMPLE Set-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Type Group .EXAMPLE Set-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name 'Actions' -Type ClientId #> function Set-PodeSseBroadcastLevel { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name = '*', [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Name', 'Group', 'ClientId')] [string] $Type ) $PodeContext.Server.Sse.BroadcastLevel[$Name] = $Type.ToLowerInvariant() } <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the broadcast level for an SSE connection Name. .DESCRIPTION Retrieve the broadcast level for an SSE connection Name. If one hasn't been set explicitly then the base level will be checked. If no broadcasting level have been set at all, then the "Name" level will be returned. .PARAMETER Name The Name of an SSE connection. .EXAMPLE $level = Get-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name 'Actions' #> function Get-PodeSseBroadcastLevel { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name ) # if no levels, return null if ($PodeContext.Server.Sse.BroadcastLevel.Count -eq 0) { return 'name' } # get level or default level $level = $PodeContext.Server.Sse.BroadcastLevel[$Name] if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($level)) { $level = $PodeContext.Server.Sse.BroadcastLevel['*'] } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($level)) { $level = 'name' } # return level return $level } <# .SYNOPSIS Test if an SSE connection can be broadcasted to, given the Name, Group, and ClientIds. .DESCRIPTION Test if an SSE connection can be broadcasted to, given the Name, Group, and ClientIds. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the SSE connection. .PARAMETER Group An array of 1 or more Groups. .PARAMETER ClientId An array of 1 or more ClientIds. .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name 'Actions') { ... } .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name 'Actions' -Group 'admins') { ... } .EXAMPLE if (Test-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name 'Actions' -ClientId 'my-client-id') { ... } #> function Test-PodeSseBroadcastLevel { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Group, [Parameter()] [string[]] $ClientId ) # get level, and if no level or level=name, return true $level = Get-PodeSseBroadcastLevel -Name $Name if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($level) -or ($level -ieq 'name')) { return $true } # if level=group, return false if no groups or clientIds # if level=clientId, return false if no clientIds switch ($level) { 'group' { if ((($null -eq $Group) -or ($Group.Length -eq 0)) -and (($null -eq $ClientId) -or ($ClientId.Length -eq 0))) { return $false } } 'clientid' { if (($null -eq $ClientId) -or ($ClientId.Length -eq 0)) { return $false } } } # valid, return true return $true } |