using namespace Pode function Start-PodeWebServer { param ( [switch] $Browse ) # setup any inbuilt middleware $inbuilt_middleware = @( (Get-PodeAccessMiddleware), (Get-PodeLimitMiddleware), (Get-PodePublicMiddleware), (Get-PodeRouteValidateMiddleware), (Get-PodeBodyMiddleware), (Get-PodeQueryMiddleware), (Get-PodeCookieMiddleware) ) $PodeContext.Server.Middleware = ($inbuilt_middleware + $PodeContext.Server.Middleware) # work out which endpoints to listen on $endpoints = @() @(Get-PodeEndpoints -Type Http) | ForEach-Object { # get the ip address $_ip = [string]($_.Address) $_ip = (Get-PodeIPAddressesForHostname -Hostname $_ip -Type All | Select-Object -First 1) $_ip = (Get-PodeIPAddress $_ip) # add endpoint to list $endpoints += @{ Address = $_ip Hostname = $_.HostName IsIPAddress = $_.IsIPAddress Port = $_.Port Certificate = $_.Certificate.Raw AllowClientCertificate = $_.Certificate.AllowClientCertificate Url = $_.Url } } # create the listener $listener = (. ([scriptblock]::Create("New-Pode$($PodeContext.Server.ListenerType)Listener -CancellationToken `$PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token -Type 'Http'"))) $listener.ErrorLoggingEnabled = (Test-PodeErrorLoggingEnabled) try { # register endpoints on the listener $endpoints | ForEach-Object { $socket = (. ([scriptblock]::Create("New-Pode$($PodeContext.Server.ListenerType)ListenerSocket -Address `$_.Address -Port `$_.Port -SslProtocols `$PodeContext.Server.Sockets.Ssl.Protocols -Certificate `$_.Certificate -AllowClientCertificate `$_.AllowClientCertificate"))) $socket.ReceiveTimeout = $PodeContext.Server.Sockets.ReceiveTimeout if (!$_.IsIPAddress) { $socket.Hostnames.Add($_.HostName) } $listener.Add($socket) } $listener.Start() $PodeContext.Listeners += $listener } catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog $_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $listener throw $_.Exception } # script for listening out for incoming requests $listenScript = { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] $Listener, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $ThreadId ) try { while ($Listener.IsListening -and !$PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.IsCancellationRequested) { # get request and response $context = (Wait-PodeTask -Task $Listener.GetContextAsync($PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.Token)) try { try { $Request = $context.Request $Response = $context.Response # reset with basic event data $WebEvent = @{ OnEnd = @() Auth = @{} Response = $Response Request = $Request Lockable = $PodeContext.Lockable Path = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($Request.Url.AbsolutePath) Method = $Request.HttpMethod.ToLowerInvariant() Query = $null Endpoint = @{ Protocol = $Request.Url.Scheme Address = $Request.Host Name = $null } ContentType = $Request.ContentType ErrorType = $null Cookies = @{} PendingCookies = @{} Parameters = $null Data = $null Files = $null Streamed = $true Route = $null StaticContent = $null Timestamp = [datetime]::UtcNow TransferEncoding = $null AcceptEncoding = $null } # accept/transfer encoding $WebEvent.TransferEncoding = (Get-PodeTransferEncoding -TransferEncoding (Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Transfer-Encoding') -ThrowError) $WebEvent.AcceptEncoding = (Get-PodeAcceptEncoding -AcceptEncoding (Get-PodeHeader -Name 'Accept-Encoding') -ThrowError) # endpoint name $WebEvent.Endpoint.Name = (Find-PodeEndpointName -Protocol $WebEvent.Endpoint.Protocol -Address $WebEvent.Endpoint.Address -LocalAddress $WebEvent.Request.LocalEndPoint) # add logging endware for post-request Add-PodeRequestLogEndware -WebEvent $WebEvent # stop now if the request has an error if ($null -ne $Request.Error) { $Request.Error | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException throw $Request.Error } # invoke global and route middleware if ((Invoke-PodeMiddleware -WebEvent $WebEvent -Middleware $PodeContext.Server.Middleware -Route $WebEvent.Path)) { if ((Invoke-PodeMiddleware -WebEvent $WebEvent -Middleware $WebEvent.Route.Middleware)) { # invoke the route if ($null -ne $WebEvent.StaticContent) { if ($WebEvent.StaticContent.IsDownload) { Set-PodeResponseAttachment -Path $WebEvent.Path } else { $cachable = $WebEvent.StaticContent.IsCachable Write-PodeFileResponse -Path $WebEvent.StaticContent.Source -MaxAge $PodeContext.Server.Web.Static.Cache.MaxAge -Cache:$cachable } } elseif ($null -ne $WebEvent.Route.Logic) { $_args = @($WebEvent.Route.Arguments) if ($null -ne $WebEvent.Route.UsingVariables) { $_vars = @() foreach ($_var in $WebEvent.Route.UsingVariables) { $_vars += ,$_var.Value } $_args = $_vars + $_args } Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $WebEvent.Route.Logic -Arguments $_args -Scoped -Splat } } } } catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {} catch [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException] { $code = [int]($_.Exception.Data['PodeStatusCode']) if ($code -le 0) { $code = 400 } Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code $code -Exception $_ } catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog $_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 500 -Exception $_ } finally { Update-PodeServerRequestMetrics -WebEvent $WebEvent } # invoke endware specifc to the current web event $_endware = ($WebEvent.OnEnd + @($PodeContext.Server.Endware)) Invoke-PodeEndware -WebEvent $WebEvent -Endware $_endware } finally { $WebEvent = $null Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $context } } } catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {} catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog $_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException throw $_.Exception } } # start the runspace for listening on x-number of threads 1..$PodeContext.Threads.General | ForEach-Object { Add-PodeRunspace -Type Web -ScriptBlock $listenScript -Parameters @{ 'Listener' = $listener; 'ThreadId' = $_ } } # script to keep web server listening until cancelled $waitScript = { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] $Listener ) try { while ($Listener.IsListening -and !$PodeContext.Tokens.Cancellation.IsCancellationRequested) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } catch [System.OperationCanceledException] {} catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog $_.Exception | Write-PodeErrorLog -CheckInnerException throw $_.Exception } finally { Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $Listener } } Add-PodeRunspace -Type Web -ScriptBlock $waitScript -Parameters @{ 'Listener' = $listener } # browse to the first endpoint, if flagged if ($Browse) { Start-Process $endpoints[0].Url } return @($endpoints.Url) } function New-PodeListener { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Threading.CancellationToken] $CancellationToken, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [PodeListenerType] $Type ) return [PodeListener]::new($CancellationToken, $Type) } function New-PodeListenerSocket { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ipaddress] $Address, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $Port, [Parameter()] [System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols] $SslProtocols, [Parameter()] [X509Certificate] $Certificate, [Parameter()] [bool] $AllowClientCertificate ) return [PodeSocket]::new($Address, $Port, $SslProtocols, $Certificate, $AllowClientCertificate) } |