
Exports modules that can be auto-imported by Pode, and into its runspaces.
Exports modules that can be auto-imported by Pode, and into its runspaces.
The Name(s) of modules to export.
Export-PodeModule -Name Mod1, Mod2

function Export-PodeModule

    $PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Modules.ExportList += @($Name)

Exports snapins that can be auto-imported by Pode, and into its runspaces.
Exports snapins that can be auto-imported by Pode, and into its runspaces.
The Name(s) of snapins to export.
Export-PodeSnapin -Name Mod1, Mod2

function Export-PodeSnapin

    # if non-windows or core, fail
    if ((Test-PodeIsPSCore) -or (Test-PodeIsUnix)) {
        throw 'Snapins are only supported on Windows PowerShell'

    $PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Snapins.ExportList += @($Name)

Exports functions that can be auto-imported by Pode, and into its runspaces.
Exports functions that can be auto-imported by Pode, and into its runspaces.
The Name(s) of functions to export.
Export-PodeFunction -Name Mod1, Mod2

function Export-PodeFunction

    $PodeContext.Server.AutoImport.Functions.ExportList += @($Name)