function Initialize-PodeSocketListenerEndpoint { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Sockets', 'WebSockets')] [string] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ipaddress] $Address, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $Port, [Parameter()] [X509Certificate] $Certificate ) $endpoint = [IPEndpoint]::new($Address, $Port) $socket = [System.Net.Sockets.Socket]::new($endpoint.AddressFamily, [System.Net.Sockets.SocketType]::Stream, [System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType]::Tcp) $socket.SetSocketOption([System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel]::Socket, [System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName]::KeepAlive, $false) $socket.ReceiveTimeout = $PodeContext.Server.Sockets.ReceiveTimeout $socket.Bind($endpoint) $socket.Listen([int]::MaxValue) $protocol = (Resolve-PodeValue -Check ($null -eq $Certificate) -TrueValue 'http' -FalseValue 'https') if ($Type -ieq 'WebSockets') { $protocol = (Resolve-PodeValue -Check ($null -eq $Certificate) -TrueValue 'ws' -FalseValue 'wss') } return @{ Type = $Type Socket = $socket Certificate = $Certificate Protocol = $protocol } } function New-PodeSocketListenerEvent { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Listener, [Parameter()] [int] $Index = 0 ) Lock-PodeObject -Object $PodeContext.Server[$Listener.Type] -Return -ScriptBlock { $socketArgs = [System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs]::new() if ($Index -eq 0) { $PodeContext.Server[$Listener.Type].MaxConnections++ $Index = $PodeContext.Server[$Listener.Type].MaxConnections } $name = (Get-PodeSocketListenerConnectionEventName -Type $Listener.Type -Id $Index) Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $socketArgs -EventName 'Completed' -SourceIdentifier $name -Action { Invoke-PodeSocketProcessAccept -Arguments $Event.SourceEventArgs } | Out-Null return $socketArgs } } function Start-PodeSocketListener { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [hashtable[]] $Listeners ) foreach ($listener in $Listeners) { Invoke-PodeSocketAccept -Listener $listener } } function Close-PodeSocket { param( [Parameter()] [System.Net.Sockets.Socket] $Socket, [switch] $Shutdown ) if ($null -eq $Socket) { return } if ($Shutdown -and $Socket.Connected) { $Socket.Shutdown([System.Net.Sockets.SocketShutdown]::Both) } Close-PodeDisposable -Disposable $Socket -Close } function Close-PodeSocketListener { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Sockets', 'WebSockets')] [string] $Type ) try { # close all open sockets if ($Type -ieq 'WebSockets') { for ($i = $PodeContext.Server[$Type].Queues.Sockets.Count - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--) { Close-PodeSocket -Socket $PodeContext.Server[$Type].Queues.Sockets[$i].Socket -Shutdown } $PodeContext.Server[$Type].Queues.Sockets.Clear() } # close all open listeners and unbind events for ($i = $PodeContext.Server[$Type].Listeners.Length - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--) { Close-PodeSocket -Socket $PodeContext.Server[$Type].Listeners[$i].Socket -Shutdown } $PodeContext.Server[$Type].Listeners = @() } catch { $_.Exception | Out-PodeHost } } function Invoke-PodeSocketAccept { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Listener ) # pop args from queue (or create a new one) $arguments = $null if (!$PodeContext.Server[$Listener.Type].Queues.Connections.TryDequeue([ref]$arguments)) { $arguments = New-PodeSocketListenerEvent -Listener $Listener } $arguments.AcceptSocket = $null $arguments.UserToken = $Listener $raised = $false try { $raised = $arguments.UserToken.Socket.AcceptAsync($arguments) } catch [System.ObjectDisposedException] { return } if (!$raised) { Invoke-PodeSocketProcessAccept -Arguments $arguments } } function Invoke-PodeSocketProcessAccept { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs] $Arguments ) # get the socket and listener $accepted = $Arguments.AcceptSocket $listener = $Arguments.UserToken $errors = $Arguments.SocketError # reset the socket args $Arguments.AcceptSocket = $null $Arguments.UserToken = $null # start accepting connections again for the listener Invoke-PodeSocketAccept -Listener $listener # if not success, close this accept socket and accept again if (($null -eq $accepted) -or ($errors -ne [System.Net.Sockets.SocketError]::Success)) { # close socket if ($null -ne $accepted) { $accepted.Close() } # add args back to pool $PodeContext.Server[$listener.Type].Queues.Connections.Enqueue($Arguments) return } # add args back to pool $PodeContext.Server[$listener.Type].Queues.Connections.Enqueue($Arguments) switch ($listener.Type.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'sockets' { Invoke-PodeSocketHandler -Context @{ Socket = $accepted Certificate = $listener.Certificate Protocol = $listener.Protocol } } 'websockets' { Invoke-PodeWebSocketHandler -Context @{ Socket = $accepted Certificate = $listener.Certificate Protocol = $listener.Protocol } } } } function Get-PodeSocketCertifcateCallback { return ([System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback]{ param( [Parameter()] [object] $Sender, [Parameter()] [X509Certificate] $Certificate, [Parameter()] [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain] $Chain, [Parameter()] [System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors] $SslPolicyErrors ) # if there is no client cert, just allow it if ($null -eq $Certificate) { return $true } # if we have a cert, but there are errors, fail return ($SslPolicyErrors -ne [System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors]::None) }) } function Get-PodeSocketListenerConnectionEventName { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Sockets', 'WebSockets')] [string] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $Id ) return "PodeListenerConnection$($Type)Completed_$($Id)" } function Get-PodeServerRequestDetails { param( [Parameter()] [byte[]] $Bytes, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Protocol ) # convert array to string $Content = $PodeContext.Server.Encoding.GetString($Bytes, 0, $Bytes.Length) # parse the request headers $newLine = "`r`n" if (!$Content.Contains($newLine)) { $newLine = "`n" } $req_lines = ($Content -isplit $newLine) # first line is the request info $req_line_info = ($req_lines[0].Trim() -isplit '\s+') if ($req_line_info.Length -ne 3) { throw [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException]::new("Invalid request line: $($req_lines[0]) [$($req_line_info.Length)]") } $req_method = $req_line_info[0].Trim() if (@('DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'MERGE', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT', 'TRACE') -inotcontains $req_method) { throw [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException]::new("Invalid request HTTP method: $($req_method)") } $req_query = $req_line_info[1].Trim() $req_proto = $req_line_info[2].Trim() if (!$req_proto.StartsWith('HTTP/')) { throw [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException]::new("Invalid request version: $($req_proto)") } # then, read the headers $req_headers = @{} $req_body_index = 0 for ($i = 1; $i -le $req_lines.Length -1; $i++) { $line = $req_lines[$i].Trim() if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($line)) { $req_body_index = $i + 1 break } $index = $line.IndexOf(':') $name = $line.Substring(0, $index).Trim() $value = $line.Substring($index + 1).Trim() $req_headers[$name] = $value } # attempt to get content length, and see if content is chunked $contentLength = $req_headers['Content-Length'] if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($contentLength)) { $contentLength = 0 } $transferEncoding = $req_headers['Transfer-Encoding'] if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($transferEncoding)) { $isChunked = $transferEncoding.Contains('chunked') } # if chunked, and we have a content-length, fail if ($isChunked -and ($contentLength -gt 0)) { throw [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException]::new("Cannot supply a Content-Length and a chunked Transfer-Encoding") } # then set the request body $req_body = ($req_lines[($req_body_index)..($req_lines.Length - 1)] -join $newLine) # then set the raw bytes of the request body $start = 0 $lines = $req_lines[0..($req_body_index - 1)] foreach ($line in $lines) { $start += $line.Length } $start += ($lines.Length * $newLine.Length) # if chunked if ($isChunked) { $length = -1 $req_body_bytes = [byte[]]@() while ($length -ne 0) { # get index of newline char, read start>index bytes as HEX for length $index = [array]::IndexOf($Bytes, [byte]$newLine[0], $start) $hexBytes = $Bytes[$start..($index - 1)] $hex = [string]::Empty foreach ($b in $hexBytes) { $hex += ([char]$b) } # if length is 0, end $length = [System.Convert]::ToInt32($hex, 16) if ($length -eq 0) { continue } # read those X hex bytes from (newline index + newline length) $start = $index + $newLine.Length $end = $start + $length - 1 $req_body_bytes += $Bytes[$start..$end] # skip bytes for ending newline, and set new start $start = ($end + $newLine.Length + 1) } } # else if content-length elseif ($contentLength -gt 0) { $req_body_bytes = $Bytes[$start..($start + $contentLength)] } # else read all else { $req_body_bytes = $Bytes[$start..($Bytes.Length - 1)] } # build required URI details $req_uri = [uri]::new("$($Protocol)://$($req_headers['Host'])$($req_query)") # return the details return @{ Method = $req_method Query = $req_query Protocol = $req_proto Headers = $req_headers Body = $req_body RawBody = $req_body_bytes Uri = $req_uri } } |