.SYNOPSIS Returns the uptime of the server in milliseconds. .DESCRIPTION Returns the uptime of the server in milliseconds. You can optionally return the total uptime regardless of server restarts. .PARAMETER Total If supplied, the total uptime of the server will be returned, regardless of restarts. .EXAMPLE $currentUptime = Get-PodeServerUptime .EXAMPLE $totalUptime = Get-PodeServerUptime -Total #> function Get-PodeServerUptime { [CmdletBinding()] param( [switch] $Total ) $time = $PodeContext.Metrics.Server.StartTime if ($Total) { $time = $PodeContext.Metrics.Server.InitialLoadTime } return [long]([datetime]::UtcNow - $time).TotalMilliseconds } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the number of times the server has restarted. .DESCRIPTION Returns the number of times the server has restarted. .EXAMPLE $restarts = Get-PodeServerRestartCount #> function Get-PodeServerRestartCount { [CmdletBinding()] param() return $PodeContext.Metrics.Server.RestartCount } |