.SYNOPSIS Adds an access rule to allow or deny IP addresses. .DESCRIPTION Adds an access rule to allow or deny IP addresses. .PARAMETER Access The type of access to enable. .PARAMETER Type What type of request are we configuring? .PARAMETER Values A single, or an array of values. .EXAMPLE Add-PodeAccessRule -Access Allow -Type IP -Values '' .EXAMPLE Add-PodeAccessRule -Access Deny -Type IP -Values @('', '') #> function Add-PodeAccessRule { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')] [string] $Access, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('IP')] [string] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]] $Values ) # error if serverless Test-PodeIsServerless -FunctionName 'Add-PodeAccessRule' -ThrowError # call the appropriate access method switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'ip' { foreach ($ip in $Values) { Add-PodeIPAccess -Access $Access -IP $ip } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds rate limiting rules for an IP address. .DESCRIPTION Adds rate limiting rules for an IP address. .PARAMETER Type What type of request are we limiting? .PARAMETER Values A single, or an array of values. .PARAMETER Limit The maximum number of requests to allow. .PARAMETER Seconds The number of seconds to count requests before restarting the count. .PARAMETER Group If supplied, groups of IPs in a subnet will be concidered as one IP. .EXAMPLE Add-PodeLimitRule -Type IP -Values '' -Limit 10 -Seconds 1 .EXAMPLE Add-PodeLimitRule -Type IP -Values @('', '') -Limit 50 -Seconds 1 -Group #> function Add-PodeLimitRule { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('IP')] [string] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]] $Values, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $Limit, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $Seconds, [switch] $Group ) # error if serverless Test-PodeIsServerless -FunctionName 'Add-PodeLimitRule' -ThrowError # call the appropriate limit method switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'ip' { foreach ($ip in $Values) { Add-PodeIPLimit -IP $ip -Limit $Limit -Seconds $Seconds -Group:$Group } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Enables Middleware for creating, retrieving and using Sessions within Pode. .DESCRIPTION Enables Middleware for creating, retrieving and using Sessions within Pode. With support for defining Session duration, and custom Storage. .PARAMETER Secret A secret to use when signing Session cookies. .PARAMETER Name The name of the cookie Sessions use. .PARAMETER Duration The duration a Session cookie should last for, before being expired. .PARAMETER Generator A custom ScriptBlock to generate a random unique SessionId. The value returned must be a String. .PARAMETER Storage A custom PSObject that defines methods for Delete, Get, and Set. This allow you to store Sessions in custom Storage such as Redis. .PARAMETER Extend If supplied, the Session's cookie will have its duration extended on each successful Request. .PARAMETER HttpOnly If supplied, the Session cookie will only be accessible to browsers. .PARAMETER Secure If supplied, the Session cookie will only be accessible over HTTPS Requests. .EXAMPLE Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware -Secret 'schwifty' -Duration 120 .EXAMPLE Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware -Secret 'schwifty' -Duration 120 -Extend -Generator { return [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() } #> function Enable-PodeSessionMiddleware { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Secret, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name = 'pode.sid', [Parameter()] [ValidateScript({ if ($_ -lt 0) { throw "Duration must be 0 or greater, but got: $($_)s" } return $true })] [int] $Duration = 0, [Parameter()] [scriptblock] $Generator, [Parameter()] [psobject] $Storage, [switch] $Extend, [switch] $HttpOnly, [switch] $Secure ) # check that session logic hasn't already been initialised if (Test-PodeSessionsConfigured) { throw 'Session Middleware has already been intialised' } # ensure the override store has the required methods if (!(Test-IsEmpty $Storage)) { $members = @($Storage | Get-Member | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) @('delete', 'get', 'set') | ForEach-Object { if ($members -inotcontains $_) { throw "Custom session storage does not implement the required '$($_)()' method" } } } # if no custom storage, use the inmem one if (Test-IsEmpty $Storage) { $Storage = (Get-PodeSessionCookieInMemStore) Set-PodeSessionCookieInMemClearDown } # set options against server context $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Session = @{ Name = $Name Secret = $Secret GenerateId = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Generator -Default { return (New-PodeGuid) }) Store = $Storage Info = @{ Duration = $Duration Extend = $Extend Secure = $Secure HttpOnly = $HttpOnly } } # return scriptblock for the session middleware $script = { param($e) # if session already set, return if ($e.Session) { return $true } try { # get the session cookie $_sessionInfo = $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Session $e.Session = Get-PodeSessionCookie -Name $_sessionInfo.Name -Secret $_sessionInfo.Secret # if no session on browser, create a new one if (!$e.Session) { $e.Session = (New-PodeSessionCookie) $new = $true } # get the session's data elseif ($null -ne ($data = $_sessionInfo.Store.Get($e.Session.Id))) { $e.Session.Data = $data Set-PodeSessionCookieDataHash -Session $e.Session } # session not in store, create a new one else { $e.Session = (New-PodeSessionCookie) $new = $true } # add helper methods to session Set-PodeSessionCookieHelpers -Session $e.Session # add cookie to response if it's new or extendible if ($new -or $e.Session.Cookie.Extend) { Set-PodeSessionCookie -Session $e.Session } # assign endware for session to set cookie/storage $e.OnEnd += @{ Logic = { Save-PodeSession -Force } } } catch { $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog return $false } # move along return $true } (New-PodeMiddleware -ScriptBlock $script) | Add-PodeMiddleware -Name '__pode_mw_sessions__' } <# .SYNOPSIS Remove the current Session, logging it out. .DESCRIPTION Remove the current Session, logging it out. This will remove the session from Storage, and Cookies. .EXAMPLE Remove-PodeSession #> function Remove-PodeSession { [CmdletBinding()] param() # if sessions haven't been setup, error if (!(Test-PodeSessionsConfigured)) { throw 'Sessions have not been configured' } # error if session is null if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session) { return } # remove the session, and from auth and cookies Remove-PodeAuthSession -Event $WebEvent } <# .SYNOPSIS Saves the current Session's data. .DESCRIPTION Saves the current Session's data. .PARAMETER Force If supplied, the data will be saved even if nothing has changed. .EXAMPLE Save-PodeSession -Force #> function Save-PodeSession { [CmdletBinding()] param( [switch] $Force ) # if sessions haven't been setup, error if (!(Test-PodeSessionsConfigured)) { throw 'Sessions have not been configured' } # error if session is null if ($null -eq $WebEvent.Session) { throw 'There is no session available to save' } # if auth is in use, then assign to session store if (!(Test-IsEmpty $WebEvent.Auth) -and $WebEvent.Auth.Store) { $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth = $WebEvent.Auth } # save the session Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $WebEvent.Session.Save -Arguments @($WebEvent.Session, $Force) -Splat } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates and returns a new secure token for use with CSRF. .DESCRIPTION Creates and returns a new secure token for use with CSRF. .EXAMPLE $token = New-PodeCsrfToken #> function New-PodeCsrfToken { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param() # fail if the csrf logic hasn't been initialised if (!(Test-PodeCsrfConfigured)) { throw 'CSRF Middleware has not been initialised' } # generate a new secret and salt $Secret = New-PodeCsrfSecret $Salt = (New-PodeSalt -Length 8) # return a new token return "t:$($Salt).$(Invoke-PodeSHA256Hash -Value "$($Salt)-$($Secret)")" } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns adhoc CSRF CSRF verification Middleware, for use on Routes. .DESCRIPTION Returns adhoc CSRF CSRF verification Middleware, for use on Routes. .EXAMPLE $csrf = Get-PodeCsrfMiddleware Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/cpu' -Middleware $csrf -ScriptBlock { /* logic */ } #> function Get-PodeCsrfMiddleware { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable])] param() # fail if the csrf logic hasn't been initialised if (!(Test-PodeCsrfConfigured)) { throw 'CSRF Middleware has not been initialised' } # return scriptblock for the csrf route middleware to test tokens $script = { param($e) # if there's not a secret, generate and store it $secret = New-PodeCsrfSecret # verify the token on the request, if invalid, throw a 403 $token = Get-PodeCsrfToken if (!(Test-PodeCsrfToken -Secret $secret -Token $token)){ Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 403 -Description 'Invalid CSRF Token' return $false } # token is valid, move along return $true } return (New-PodeMiddleware -ScriptBlock $script) } <# .SYNOPSIS Initialises CSRF within Pode for adhoc usage. .DESCRIPTION Initialises CSRF within Pode for adhoc usage, with configurable HTTP methods to ignore verification. .PARAMETER IgnoreMethods An array of HTTP methods to ignore CSRF verification. .PARAMETER Secret A secret to use when signing cookies - for when using CSRF with cookies. .PARAMETER UseCookies If supplied, CSRF will used cookies rather than sessions. .EXAMPLE Initialize-PodeCsrf -IgnoreMethods @('Get', 'Trace') .EXAMPLE Initialize-PodeCsrf -Secret 'some-secret' -UseCookies #> function Initialize-PodeCsrf { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace')] [string[]] $IgnoreMethods = @('Get', 'Head', 'Options', 'Trace'), [Parameter()] [string] $Secret, [switch] $UseCookies ) # check that csrf logic hasn't already been intialised if (Test-PodeCsrfConfigured) { return } # if sessions haven't been setup and we're not using cookies, error if (!$UseCookies -and !(Test-PodeSessionsConfigured)) { throw 'Sessions are required to use CSRF unless you want to use cookies' } # if we're using cookies, ensure a global secret exists if ($UseCookies) { $Secret = (Protect-PodeValue -Value $Secret -Default (Get-PodeCookieSecret -Global)) if (Test-IsEmpty $Secret) { throw "When using cookies for CSRF, a Secret is required. You can either supply a Secret, or set the Cookie global secret - (Set-PodeCookieSecret '<value>' -Global)" } } # set the options against the server context $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf = @{ Name = 'pode.csrf' UseCookies = $UseCookies Secret = $Secret IgnoredMethods = $IgnoreMethods } } <# .SYNOPSIS Enables Middleware for verifying CSRF tokens on Requests. .DESCRIPTION Enables Middleware for verifying CSRF tokens on Requests, with configurable HTTP methods to ignore verification. .PARAMETER IgnoreMethods An array of HTTP methods to ignore CSRF verification. .PARAMETER Secret A secret to use when signing cookies - for when using CSRF with cookies. .PARAMETER UseCookies If supplied, CSRF will used cookies rather than sessions. .EXAMPLE Enable-PodeCsrfMiddleware -IgnoreMethods @('Get', 'Trace') .EXAMPLE Enable-PodeCsrfMiddleware -Secret 'some-secret' -UseCookies #> function Enable-PodeCsrfMiddleware { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Delete', 'Get', 'Head', 'Merge', 'Options', 'Patch', 'Post', 'Put', 'Trace')] [string[]] $IgnoreMethods = @('Get', 'Head', 'Options', 'Trace'), [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Cookies')] [string] $Secret, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Cookies')] [switch] $UseCookies ) Initialize-PodeCsrf -IgnoreMethods $IgnoreMethods -Secret $Secret -UseCookies:$UseCookies # return scriptblock for the csrf middleware $script = { param($e) # if the current route method is ignored, just return $ignored = @($PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.IgnoredMethods) if (!(Test-IsEmpty $ignored) -and ($ignored -icontains $e.Method)) { return $true } # if there's not a secret, generate and store it $secret = New-PodeCsrfSecret # verify the token on the request, if invalid, throw a 403 $token = Get-PodeCsrfToken if (!(Test-PodeCsrfToken -Secret $secret -Token $token)){ Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 403 -Description 'Invalid CSRF Token' return $false } # token is valid, move along return $true } (New-PodeMiddleware -ScriptBlock $script) | Add-PodeMiddleware -Name '__pode_mw_csrf__' } |