
function New-PodeContext
    param (

        $Threads = 1,

        $Interval = 0,


        $Name = $null,

        $FileMonitorExclude = $null,

        $FileMonitorInclude = $null,




    # set a random server name if one not supplied
    if (Test-Empty $Name) {
        $Name = Get-PodeRandomName

    # are we running in a serverless context
    $isServerless = (@('azure-functions', 'aws-lambda') -icontains $ServerType)

    # ensure threads are always >0, for to 1 if we're serverless
    if (($Threads -le 0) -or $isServerless) {
        $Threads = 1

    # basic context object
    $ctx = New-Object -TypeName psobject |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Threads -Value $Threads -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Timers -Value @{} -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Schedules -Value @{} -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RunspacePools -Value $null -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Runspaces -Value $null -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RunspaceState -Value $null -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Tokens -Value @{} -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RequestsToLog -Value $null -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Lockable -Value $null -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Server -Value @{} -PassThru

    # set the server name, logic and root
    $ctx.Server.Name = $Name
    $ctx.Server.Logic = $ScriptBlock
    $ctx.Server.Interval = $Interval
    $ctx.Server.PodeModulePath = (Get-PodeModulePath)

    # check if there is any global configuration
    $ctx.Server.Configuration = Open-PodeConfiguration -ServerRoot $ServerRoot -Context $ctx

    # configure the server's root path
    $ctx.Server.Root = $ServerRoot
    if (!(Test-Empty $ctx.Server.Configuration.server.root)) {
        $ctx.Server.Root = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $ctx.Server.Configuration.server.root -RootPath $ctx.Server.Root -JoinRoot -Resolve -TestPath

    # setup file monitoring details (code has priority over config)
    if (!(Test-Empty $ctx.Server.Configuration)) {
        if (!$FileMonitor) {
            $FileMonitor = [bool]$ctx.Server.Configuration.server.fileMonitor.enable

        if (Test-Empty $FileMonitorExclude) {
            $FileMonitorExclude = @($ctx.Server.Configuration.server.fileMonitor.exclude)

        if (Test-Empty $FileMonitorInclude) {
            $FileMonitorInclude = @($ctx.Server.Configuration.server.fileMonitor.include)

    $ctx.Server.FileMonitor = @{
        Enabled = $FileMonitor
        Exclude = (Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex -Paths $FileMonitorExclude)
        Include = (Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex -Paths $FileMonitorInclude)
        ShowFiles = [bool]$ctx.Server.Configuration.server.fileMonitor.showFiles
        Files = @()

    # set the server default type
    $ctx.Server.Type = ([string]::Empty)
    if ($Interval -gt 0) {
        $ctx.Server.Type = 'SERVICE'

    if ($isServerless) {
        $ctx.Server.Type = $ServerType.ToUpperInvariant()
        $ctx.Server.IsServerless = $isServerless

    # set the IP address details
    $ctx.Server.Endpoints = @()

    # setup gui details
    $ctx.Server.Gui = @{}

    # shared temp drives
    $ctx.Server.Drives = @{}
    $ctx.Server.InbuiltDrives = @{}

    # shared state between runspaces
    $ctx.Server.State = @{}

    # view engine for rendering pages
    $ctx.Server.ViewEngine = @{
        'Engine' = 'html';
        'Extension' = 'html';
        'Script' = $null;
        'IsDynamic' = $false;

    # routes for pages and api
    $ctx.Server.Routes = @{
        'delete' = @{};
        'get' = @{};
        'head' = @{};
        'merge' = @{};
        'options' = @{};
        'patch' = @{};
        'post' = @{};
        'put' = @{};
        'trace' = @{};
        'static' = @{};
        '*' = @{};

    # handlers for tcp
    $ctx.Server.Handlers = @{
        'tcp' = $null;
        'smtp' = $null;
        'service' = $null;

    # setup basic access placeholders
    $ctx.Server.Access = @{
        'Allow' = @{};
        'Deny' = @{};

    # setup basic limit rules
    $ctx.Server.Limits = @{
        'Rules' = @{};
        'Active' = @{};

    # cookies and session logic
    $ctx.Server.Cookies = @{
        'Session' = @{};
        'Csrf' = @{};
        'Secrets' = @{};

    # authnetication methods
    $ctx.Server.Authentications = @{}

    # logging methods
    $ctx.Server.Logging = @{
        'Methods' = @{};
        'Disabled' = $DisableLogging;

    # create new cancellation tokens
    $ctx.Tokens = @{
        'Cancellation' = New-Object System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource;
        'Restart' = New-Object System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource;

    # requests that should be logged
    $ctx.RequestsToLog = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

    # middleware that needs to run
    $ctx.Server.Middleware = @()

    # endware that needs to run
    $ctx.Server.Endware = @()

    # runspace pools
    $ctx.RunspacePools = @{
        'Main' = $null;
        'Schedules' = $null;
        'Gui' = $null;

    # session state
    $ctx.Lockable = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})

    # setup runspaces
    $ctx.Runspaces = @()

    # return the new context
    return $ctx

function New-PodeRunspaceState
    $state = [initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault()

    $session = New-PodeStateContext -Context $PodeContext

    $variables = @(
        (New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry -ArgumentList 'PodeContext', $session, $null),
        (New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry -ArgumentList 'Console', $Host, $null)

    foreach ($var in $variables) {

    $PodeContext.RunspaceState = $state

function New-PodeRunspacePools
    if ($PodeContext.Server.IsServerless) {

    # setup main runspace pool
    $threadsCounts = @{
        'Default' = 1;
        'Timer' = 1;
        'Log' = 1;
        'Schedule' = 1;
        'Misc' = 1;

    $totalThreadCount = ($threadsCounts.Values | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum + $PodeContext.Threads
    $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Main = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $totalThreadCount, $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host)

    # setup schedule runspace pool
    $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Schedules = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, 2, $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host)

    # setup gui runspace pool (only for non-ps-core)
    if (!(Test-IsPSCore)) {
        $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Gui = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, 1, $PodeContext.RunspaceState, $Host)
        $PodeContext.RunspacePools.Gui.ApartmentState = 'STA'

function New-PodeStateContext
    param (

    return (New-Object -TypeName psobject |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Threads -Value $Context.Threads -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Timers -Value $Context.Timers -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Schedules -Value $Context.Schedules -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RunspacePools -Value $Context.RunspacePools -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Tokens -Value $Context.Tokens -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RequestsToLog -Value $Context.RequestsToLog -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Lockable -Value $Context.Lockable -PassThru |
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Server -Value $Context.Server -PassThru)

function Get-PodeConfiguration
    return (config)

function Config
    return $PodeContext.Server.Configuration

function Open-PodeConfiguration
    param (
        $ServerRoot = $null,


    $config = @{}

    # set the path to the root config file
    $configPath = (Join-PodeServerRoot -Folder '.' -FilePath 'pode.json' -Root $ServerRoot)

    # check to see if an environmental config exists (if the env var is set)
    if (!(Test-Empty $env:PODE_ENVIRONMENT)) {
        $_path = (Join-PodeServerRoot -Folder '.' -FilePath "pode.$($env:PODE_ENVIRONMENT).json" -Root $ServerRoot)
        if (Test-PodePath -Path $_path -NoStatus) {
            $configPath = $_path

    # check the path exists, and load the config
    if (Test-PodePath -Path $configPath -NoStatus) {
        $config = (Get-Content $configPath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json)
        Set-PodeWebConfiguration -Configuration $config -Context $Context

    return $config

function Set-PodeWebConfiguration
    param (


    # setup the main web config
    $Context.Server.Web = @{
        'Static' = @{
            'Defaults' = $Configuration.web.static.defaults;
            'Cache' = @{
                'Enabled' = [bool]$Configuration.web.static.cache.enable;
                'MaxAge' = [int](coalesce $Configuration.web.static.cache.maxAge 3600);
                'Include' = (Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex -Paths @($Configuration.web.static.cache.include) -NotSlashes);
                'Exclude' = (Convert-PodePathPatternsToRegex -Paths @($Configuration.web.static.cache.exclude) -NotSlashes);
        'ErrorPages' = @{
            'ShowExceptions' = [bool]$Configuration.web.errorPages.showExceptions;
            'StrictContentTyping' = [bool]$Configuration.web.errorPages.strictContentTyping;
            'Default' = $Configuration.web.errorPages.default;
            'Routes' = @{};
        'ContentType' = @{
            'Default' = $Configuration.web.contentType.default;
            'Routes' = @{};

    # setup content type route patterns for forced content types
    if ($null -ne $Configuration.web.contentType.routes) {
        $ | ForEach-Object {
            $_pattern = $_
            $_type = $Configuration.web.contentType.routes.$_pattern
            $_pattern = (Convert-PodePathPatternToRegex -Path $_pattern -NotSlashes)
            $Context.Server.Web.ContentType.Routes[$_pattern] = $_type

    # setup content type route patterns for error pages
    if ($null -ne $Configuration.web.errorPages.routes) {
        $ | ForEach-Object {
            $_pattern = $_
            $_type = $Configuration.web.errorPages.routes.$_pattern
            $_pattern = (Convert-PodePathPatternToRegex -Path $_pattern -NotSlashes)
            $Context.Server.Web.ErrorPages.Routes[$_pattern] = $_type

function State
    param (
        [ValidateSet('set', 'get', 'remove', 'save', 'restore')]



    try {
        if ($null -eq $PodeContext -or $null -eq $PodeContext.Server.State) {
            return $null

        switch ($Action.ToLowerInvariant())
            'set' {
                $PodeContext.Server.State[$Name] = $Object

            'get' {
                $Object = $PodeContext.Server.State[$Name]

            'remove' {
                $Object = $PodeContext.Server.State[$Name]
                $PodeContext.Server.State.Remove($Name) | Out-Null

            'save' {
                $Path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Name -JoinRoot
                $PodeContext.Server.State |
                    ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 |
                    Out-File -FilePath $Path -Force |

            'restore' {
                $Path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Name -JoinRoot
                if (!(Test-Path $Path)) {

                if (Test-IsPSCore) {
                    $PodeContext.Server.State = (Get-Content $Path -Force | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable -Depth 10)
                else {
                    (Get-Content $Path -Force | ConvertFrom-Json) | ForEach-Object {
                        $PodeContext.Server.State[$_.Name] = $_.Value


        return $Object
    catch {
        $Error[0] | Out-Default
        throw $_.Exception

function Listen
    param (
        [Alias('ipp', 'e', 'endpoint')]

        [ValidateSet('HTTP', 'HTTPS', 'SMTP', 'TCP')]

        [Alias('cert', 'cname')]
        $Certificate = $null,

        [Alias('thumb', 'cthumb')]
        $Thumbprint = $null,

        [Alias('n', 'id')]
        $Name = $null,


    # error if serverless
    Test-PodeIsServerless -FunctionName 'listen' -ThrowError

    # parse the endpoint for host/port info
    $_endpoint = Get-PodeEndpointInfo -Endpoint $IPPort

    # if a name was supplied, check it is unique
    if (!(Test-Empty $Name) -and
        (Get-PodeCount ($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Name })) -ne 0)
        throw "An endpoint with the name '$($Name)' has already been defined"

    # new endpoint object
    $obj = @{
        'Name' = $Name;
        'Address' = $null;
        'RawAddress' = $IPPort;
        'Port' = $null;
        'IsIPAddress' = $true;
        'HostName' = 'localhost';
        'Ssl' = $false;
        'Protocol' = $Type;
        'Certificate' = @{
            'Name' = $null;
            'Thumbprint' = $null;

    # set the ip for the context
    $obj.Address = (Get-PodeIPAddress $_endpoint.Host)
    if (!(Test-PodeIPAddressLocalOrAny -IP $obj.Address)) {
        $obj.HostName = "$($obj.Address)"

    $obj.IsIPAddress = (Test-PodeIPAddress -IP $obj.Address -IPOnly)

    # set the port for the context
    $obj.Port = $_endpoint.Port

    # if the server type is https, set cert details
    if ($Type -ieq 'https') {
        $obj.Ssl = $true
        $obj.Certificate.Name = $Certificate
        $obj.Certificate.Thumbprint = $Thumbprint

    # if the address is non-local, then check admin privileges
    if (!$Force -and !(Test-PodeIPAddressLocal -IP $obj.Address) -and !(Test-IsAdminUser)) {
        throw 'Must be running with administrator priviledges to listen on non-localhost addresses'

    # has this endpoint been added before? (for http/https we can just not add it again)
    $exists = ($PodeContext.Server.Endpoints | Where-Object {
        ($_.Address -eq $obj.Address) -and ($_.Port -eq $obj.Port) -and ($_.Ssl -eq $obj.Ssl)
    } | Measure-Object).Count

    if (!$exists) {
        # has an endpoint already been defined for smtp/tcp?
        if (@('smtp', 'tcp') -icontains $Type -and $Type -ieq $PodeContext.Server.Type) {
            throw "An endpoint for $($Type.ToUpperInvariant()) has already been defined"

        # set server type, ensure we aren't trying to change the server's type
        $_type = (iftet ($Type -ieq 'https') 'http' $Type)
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PodeContext.Server.Type)) {
            $PodeContext.Server.Type = $_type
        elseif ($PodeContext.Server.Type -ine $_type) {
            throw "Cannot add $($Type.ToUpperInvariant()) endpoint when already listening to $($PodeContext.Server.Type.ToUpperInvariant()) endpoints"

        # add the new endpoint
        $PodeContext.Server.Endpoints += $obj

function Script
    param (

    Import -Path $Path

function Import
    param (



    # for a snapin, just import it; for a module we need to check paths
    if ($SnapIn)
        # if non-windows or core, fail
        if ((Test-IsPSCore) -or (Test-IsUnix)) {
            throw 'SnapIns are only supported on Windows PowerShell'

        # import the snap-in into the runspace state
        $exp = $null
        $PodeContext.RunspaceState.ImportPSSnapIn($Path, ([ref]$exp))

        # import the snap-in now, if specified
        if ($Now) {
            Add-PSSnapin -Name $Path | Out-Null
        # if path is '.', replace with server root
        $_path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot -Resolve

        # if the resolved path is empty, then it's a module name that was supplied
        if (Test-Empty $_path) {
            # check to see if module is in ps_modules
            $_psModulePath = Join-PodeServerRoot -Folder (Join-PodePaths @('ps_modules', $Path))
            if (Test-Path $_psModulePath) {
                $_path = (Get-ChildItem (Join-PodePaths @($_psModulePath, '*', "$($Path).ps*1")) -Recurse -Force | Select-Object -First 1).FullName

            # otherwise, use a global module
            else {
                $_path = (Get-Module -Name $Path -ListAvailable | Select-Object -First 1).Path

        # else, we have a path, if it's a directory/wildcard then loop over all files
        else {
            $_paths = Get-PodeWildcardFiles -Path $Path -Wildcard '*.ps*1'
            if (!(Test-Empty $_paths)) {
                foreach ($_path in $_paths) {
                    import -Path $_path -Now:$Now


        # if it's still empty, error
        if (Test-Empty $_path) {
            throw "Failed to import module: $($Path)"

        # check if the path exists
        if (!(Test-PodePath $_path -NoStatus)) {
            throw "The module path does not exist: $(coalesce $_path $Path)"

        # import the module into the runspace state

        # import the module now, if specified
        if ($Now) {
            Import-Module $_path -Force -DisableNameChecking -Scope Global -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

function Load
    param (

    # if path is '.', replace with server root
    $_path = Get-PodeRelativePath -Path $Path -JoinRoot -Resolve

    # we have a path, if it's a directory/wildcard then loop over all files
    if (!(Test-Empty $_path)) {
        $_paths = Get-PodeWildcardFiles -Path $Path -Wildcard '*.ps1'
        if (!(Test-Empty $_paths)) {
            foreach ($_path in $_paths) {
                load -Path $_path


    # check if the path exists
    if (!(Test-PodePath $_path -NoStatus)) {
        throw "The script path does not exist: $(coalesce $_path $Path)"

    # dot-source the script
    . $_path

function New-PodeAutoRestartServer
    # don't configure if not supplied, or running as serverless
    $config = (config)
    if (($null -eq $config) -or ($null -eq $config.server.restart) -or $PodeContext.Server.IsServerless)  {

    $restart = $config.server.restart

    # period - setup a timer
    $period = [int]$restart.period
    if ($period -gt 0) {
        Timer -Name '__pode_restart_period__' -Interval ($period * 60) -ScriptBlock {
        } -Skip 1

    # times - convert into cron expressions
    $times = @(@($restart.times) -ne $null)
    if (($times | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) {
        $crons = @()

        @($times) | ForEach-Object {
            $atoms = $_ -split '\:'
            $crons += "$([int]$atoms[1]) $([int]$atoms[0]) * * *"

        Schedule -Name '__pode_restart_times__' -Cron @($crons) -ScriptBlock {

    # crons - setup schedules
    $crons = @(@($restart.crons) -ne $null)
    if (($crons | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) {
        Schedule -Name '__pode_restart_crons__' -Cron @($crons) -ScriptBlock {