function Test-PodeIPLimit { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] $IP ) $type = 'IP' # get the ip address in bytes $IP = @{ 'String' = $IP.IPAddressToString; 'Family' = $IP.AddressFamily; 'Bytes' = $IP.GetAddressBytes(); } # get the limit rules and active list $rules = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rules[$type] $active = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Active[$type] $now = [DateTime]::UtcNow # if there are no rules, it's valid if (Test-Empty $rules) { return $true } # is the ip active? (get a direct match, then try grouped subnets) $_active_ip = $active[$IP.String] if ($null -eq $_active_ip) { $_groups = @(foreach ($key in $active.Keys) { if ($active[$key].Rule.Grouped) { $active[$key] } }) $_active_ip = @(foreach ($_group in $_groups) { if (Test-PodeIPAddressInRange -IP $IP -LowerIP $_group.Rule.Lower -UpperIP $_group.Rule.Upper) { $_group } })[0] } # the ip is active, or part of a grouped subnet if ($null -ne $_active_ip) { # if limit is -1, always allowed if ($_active_ip.Rule.Limit -eq -1) { return $true } # check expire time, a reset if needed if ($now -ge $_active_ip.Expire) { $_active_ip.Rate = 0 $_active_ip.Expire = $now.AddSeconds($_active_ip.Rule.Seconds) } # are we over the limit? if ($_active_ip.Rate -ge $_active_ip.Rule.Limit) { return $false } # increment the rate $_active_ip.Rate++ return $true } # the ip isn't active else { # get the ip's rule $_rule_ip = @(foreach ($rule in $rules.Values) { if (Test-PodeIPAddressInRange -IP $IP -LowerIP $rule.Lower -UpperIP $rule.Upper) { $rule } })[0] # if ip not in rules, it's valid # (add to active list as always allowed - saves running where search everytime) if ($null -eq $_rule_ip) { $active.Add($IP.String, @{ 'Rule' = @{ 'Limit' = -1 } }) return $true } # add ip to active list (ip if not grouped, else the subnet if it's grouped) $_ip = (iftet $_rule_ip.Grouped $_rule_ip.IP $IP.String) $active.Add($_ip, @{ 'Rule' = $_rule_ip; 'Rate' = 1; 'Expire' = $now.AddSeconds($_rule_ip.Seconds); }) # if limit is 0, it's never allowed return ($_rule_ip -ne 0) } } function Test-PodeIPAccess { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] $IP ) $type = 'IP' # get the ip address in bytes $IP = @{ 'Family' = $IP.AddressFamily; 'Bytes' = $IP.GetAddressBytes(); } # get permission lists for ip $allow = $PodeContext.Server.Access.Allow[$type] $deny = $PodeContext.Server.Access.Deny[$type] # are they empty? $alEmpty = (Test-Empty $allow) $dnEmpty = (Test-Empty $deny) # if both are empty, value is valid if ($alEmpty -and $dnEmpty) { return $true } # if value in allow, it's allowed if (!$alEmpty) { $match = @(foreach ($value in $allow.Values) { if (Test-PodeIPAddressInRange -IP $IP -LowerIP $value.Lower -UpperIP $value.Upper) { $value } })[0] if ($null -ne $match) { return $true } } # if value in deny, it's disallowed if (!$dnEmpty) { $match = @(foreach ($value in $deny.Values) { if (Test-PodeIPAddressInRange -IP $IP -LowerIP $value.Lower -UpperIP $value.Upper) { $value } })[0] if ($null -ne $match) { return $false } } # if we have an allow, it's disallowed (because it's not in there) if (!$alEmpty) { return $false } # otherwise it's allowed (because it's not in the deny) return $true } function Limit { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('IP')] [Alias('t')] [string] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [Alias('v')] [object] $Value, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('l')] [int] $Limit, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('s')] [int] $Seconds, [switch] $Group ) # error if serverless Test-PodeIsServerless -FunctionName 'limit' -ThrowError # if it's array add them all if ((Get-PodeType $Value).BaseName -ieq 'array') { $Value | ForEach-Object { limit -Type $Type -Value $_ -Limit $Limit -Seconds $Seconds -Group:$Group } return } # call the appropriate limit method switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'ip' { Add-PodeIPLimit -IP $Value -Limit $Limit -Seconds $Seconds -Group:$Group } } } function Add-PodeIPLimit { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [string] $IP, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $Limit, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $Seconds, [switch] $Group ) # current limit type $type = 'IP' # ensure limit and seconds are non-zero and negative if ($Limit -le 0) { throw "Limit value cannot be 0 or less for $($IP)" } if ($Seconds -le 0) { throw "Seconds value cannot be 0 or less for $($IP)" } # get current rules $rules = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rules[$type] # setup up perm type if ($null -eq $rules) { $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rules[$type] = @{} $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Active[$type] = @{} $rules = $PodeContext.Server.Limits.Rules[$type] } # have we already added the ip? elseif ($rules.ContainsKey($IP)) { return } # calculate the lower/upper ip bounds if (Test-PodeIPAddressIsSubnetMask -IP $IP) { $_tmp = Get-PodeSubnetRange -SubnetMask $IP $_tmpLo = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $_tmp.Lower $_tmpHi = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $_tmp.Upper } elseif (Test-PodeIPAddressAny -IP $IP) { $_tmpLo = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP '' $_tmpHi = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP '' } else { $_tmpLo = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $IP $_tmpHi = $_tmpLo } # add limit rule for ip $rules.Add($IP, @{ 'Limit' = $Limit; 'Seconds' = $Seconds; 'Grouped' = [bool]$Group; 'IP' = $IP; 'Lower' = @{ 'Family' = $_tmpLo.AddressFamily; 'Bytes' = $_tmpLo.GetAddressBytes(); }; 'Upper' = @{ 'Family' = $_tmpHi.AddressFamily; 'Bytes' = $_tmpHi.GetAddressBytes(); }; }) } function Access { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')] [Alias('p')] [string] $Permission, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('IP')] [Alias('t')] [string] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [Alias('v')] [object] $Value ) # error if serverless Test-PodeIsServerless -FunctionName 'access' -ThrowError # if it's array add them all if ((Get-PodeType $Value).BaseName -ieq 'array') { $Value | ForEach-Object { access -Permission $Permission -Type $Type -Value $_ } return } # call the appropriate access method switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'ip' { Add-PodeIPAccess -Permission $Permission -IP $Value } } } function Add-PodeIPAccess { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')] [string] $Permission, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [string] $IP ) # current access type $type = 'IP' # get opposite permission $opp = "$(if ($Permission -ieq 'allow') { 'Deny' } else { 'Allow' })" # get permission lists for type $permType = $PodeContext.Server.Access[$Permission][$type] $oppType = $PodeContext.Server.Access[$opp][$type] # setup up perm type if ($null -eq $permType) { $PodeContext.Server.Access[$Permission][$type] = @{} $permType = $PodeContext.Server.Access[$Permission][$type] } # have we already added the ip? elseif ($permType.ContainsKey($IP)) { return } # remove from opp type if ($null -ne $oppType -and $oppType.ContainsKey($IP)) { $oppType.Remove($IP) } # calculate the lower/upper ip bounds if (Test-PodeIPAddressIsSubnetMask -IP $IP) { $_tmp = Get-PodeSubnetRange -SubnetMask $IP $_tmpLo = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $_tmp.Lower $_tmpHi = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $_tmp.Upper } elseif (Test-PodeIPAddressAny -IP $IP) { $_tmpLo = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP '' $_tmpHi = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP '' } else { $_tmpLo = Get-PodeIPAddress -IP $IP $_tmpHi = $_tmpLo } # add access rule for ip $permType.Add($IP, @{ 'Lower' = @{ 'Family' = $_tmpLo.AddressFamily; 'Bytes' = $_tmpLo.GetAddressBytes(); }; 'Upper' = @{ 'Family' = $_tmpHi.AddressFamily; 'Bytes' = $_tmpHi.GetAddressBytes(); }; }) } function Csrf { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Check', 'Middleware', 'Setup', 'Token')] [Alias('a')] [string] $Action, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'MERGE', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT', 'TRACE', 'STATIC')] [Alias('i')] [string[]] $IgnoreMethods = @('GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE', 'STATIC'), [Parameter()] [Alias('s')] [string] $Secret, [switch] [Alias('c')] $Cookie ) switch ($Action.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'check' { return (Get-PodeCsrfCheck) } 'middleware' { Set-PodeCsrfSetup -IgnoreMethods $IgnoreMethods -Secret $Secret -Cookie:$Cookie return (Get-PodeCsrfMiddleware) } 'setup' { Set-PodeCsrfSetup -IgnoreMethods $IgnoreMethods -Secret $Secret -Cookie:$Cookie } 'token' { return (New-PodeCsrfToken) } } } function Set-PodeCsrfSetup { param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'MERGE', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT', 'TRACE', 'STATIC')] [string[]] $IgnoreMethods = @('GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE', 'STATIC'), [Parameter()] [string] $Secret, [switch] $Cookie ) # check that csrf logic hasn't already been defined if (!(Test-Empty $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf)) { return } # if sessions haven't been setup and we're not using cookies, error if (!$Cookie -and (Test-Empty $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Session)) { throw 'Sessions are required to use CSRF unless you pass the -Cookie flag' } # if we're using cookies, ensure a global secret exists if ($Cookie) { $Secret = (coalesce $Secret (Get-PodeCookieGlobalSecret)) if (Test-Empty $Secret) { throw "When using cookies for CSRF, a secret is required. You can either supply a secret, or set the cookie global secret - (cookie secrets global <value>)" } } # set the options against the server context $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf = @{ 'Name' = 'pode.csrf'; 'Cookie' = $Cookie; 'Secret' = $Secret; 'IgnoredMethods' = $IgnoreMethods; } } function Get-PodeCsrfMiddleware { # check that csrf logic has been defined if (Test-Empty $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf) { throw 'CSRF middleware has not been defined' } # return scriptblock for the csrf middleware return { param($e) # if the current route method is ignored, just return $ignored = @($PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.IgnoredMethods) if (!(Test-Empty $ignored) -and ($ignored -icontains $e.Method)) { return $true } # if there's not a secret, generate and store it $secret = New-PodeCsrfSecret # verify the token on the request, if invalid, throw a 403 $token = Get-PodeCsrfToken if (!(Test-PodeCsrfToken -Secret $secret -Token $token)){ status 403 'Invalid CSRF Token' return $false } # token is valid, move along return $true } } function Get-PodeCsrfCheck { # check that csrf logic has been defined if (Test-Empty $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf) { throw 'CSRF middleware has not been defined' } # return scriptblock for the csrf check middleware return { param($e) # if there's not a secret, generate and store it $secret = New-PodeCsrfSecret # verify the token on the request, if invalid, throw a 403 $token = Get-PodeCsrfToken if (!(Test-PodeCsrfToken -Secret $secret -Token $token)){ status 403 'Invalid CSRF Token' return $false } # token is valid, move along return $true } } function Get-PodeCsrfToken { # key name to search $key = $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Name # check the payload if (!(Test-Empty $WebEvent.Data[$key])) { return $WebEvent.Data[$key] } # check the query string if (!(Test-Empty $WebEvent.Query[$key])) { return $WebEvent.Query[$key] } # check the headers $value = (Get-PodeHeader -Name $key) if (!(Test-Empty $value)) { return $value } return $null } function Test-PodeCsrfToken { param ( [Parameter()] [string] $Secret, [Parameter()] [string] $Token ) # if there's no token/secret, fail if ((Test-Empty $Secret) -or (Test-Empty $Token)) { return $false } # the token must start with "t:" if (!$Token.StartsWith('t:')) { return $false } # get the salt from the token $_token = $Token.Substring(2) $periodIndex = $_token.LastIndexOf('.') if ($periodIndex -eq -1) { return $false } $salt = $_token.Substring(0, $periodIndex) # ensure the token is valid if ((New-PodeCsrfToken -Secret $Secret -Salt $salt) -ne $Token) { return $false } return $true } function New-PodeCsrfSecret { # see if there's already a secret in session/cookie $secret = (Get-PodeCsrfSecret) if (!(Test-Empty $secret)) { return $secret } # otherwise, make a new secret and cache it $secret = (New-PodeGuid -Secure -Length 16) Set-PodeCsrfSecret -Secret $secret return $secret } function Get-PodeCsrfSecret { # key name to get secret $key = $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Name # are we getting it from a cookie, or session? if ($PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Cookie) { return (Get-PodeCookie ` -Name $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Name ` -Secret $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Secret).Value } # on session else { return $WebEvent.Session.Data[$key] } } function Set-PodeCsrfSecret { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Secret ) # key name to set secret under $key = $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Name # are we setting this on a cookie, or session? if ($PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Cookie) { (Set-PodeCookie ` -Name $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Name ` -Value $Secret ` -Secret $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf.Secret) | Out-Null } # on session else { $WebEvent.Session.Data[$key] = $Secret } } function New-PodeCsrfToken { param ( [Parameter()] [string] $Secret, [Parameter()] [string] $Salt ) # fail if the csrf logic hasn't been defined if (Test-Empty $PodeContext.Server.Cookies.Csrf) { throw 'CSRF middleware has not been defined' } # generate a new secret if none supplied if (Test-Empty $Secret) { $Secret = New-PodeCsrfSecret } # generate a new salt if none supplied if (Test-Empty $Salt) { $Salt = (New-PodeSalt -Length 8) } # return a new token return "t:$($Salt).$(Invoke-PodeSHA256Hash -Value "$($Salt)-$($Secret)")" } |