
function Get-PodeRoute
    param (
        [ValidateSet('DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'MERGE', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT', 'TRACE', 'STATIC', '*')]


    # is this a static route?
    $isStatic = ($HttpMethod -ieq 'static')

    # first ensure we have the method
    $method = $PodeSession.Server.Routes[$HttpMethod]
    if ($null -eq $method) {
        return $null

    # if we have a perfect match for the route, return it
    $found = $method[$Route]
    if (!$isStatic -and $null -ne $found) {
        return @{
            'Logic' = $found.Logic;
            'Middleware' = $found.Middleware;
            'Parameters' = $null;

    # otherwise, attempt to match on regex parameters
    else {
        $valid = ($method.Keys | Where-Object {
            $Route -imatch "$($_)$"
        } | Select-Object -First 1)

        if ($null -eq $valid) {
            return $null

        $found = $method[$valid]
        $Route -imatch "$($valid)$" | Out-Null

        if ($isStatic) {
            return @{
                'Folder' = $found;
                'File' = $Matches['file'];
        else {
            return @{
                'Logic' = $found.Logic;
                'Middleware' = $found.Middleware;
                'Parameters' = $Matches;

function Get-PodeStaticRoutePath
    param (

    # attempt to get a static route
    $route = Get-PodeRoute -HttpMethod 'static' -Route $Path

    # if we have a defined static route, use that
    if ($null -ne $route) {
        return (Join-ServerRoot $route.Folder $route.File)

    # else, use the public static directory
    return (Join-ServerRoot 'public' $Path)

function Route
    param (
        [Parameter(Position=0,  Mandatory=$true)]
        [ValidateSet('DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'MERGE', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT', 'TRACE', 'STATIC', '*')]

        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)]

        [Parameter(Position=2, ParameterSetName='Normal')]

        [Parameter(Position=2, ParameterSetName='Static', Mandatory=$true)]

        [Parameter(Position=3, ParameterSetName='Normal')]

    if ($HttpMethod -ieq 'static') {
        Add-PodeStaticRoute -Route $Route -Path $Path
    else {
        Add-PodeRoute -HttpMethod $HttpMethod -Route $Route -Middleware $Middleware -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock

function Add-PodeRoute
    param (
        [ValidateSet('DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'MERGE', 'OPTIONS', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT', 'TRACE', '*')]




    # if middleware and scriptblock are null, error
    if ((Test-Empty $Middleware) -and (Test-Empty $ScriptBlock)) {
        throw "[$($HttpMethod)] $($Route) has no logic defined"

    # ensure middleware is either a scriptblock, or a valid hashtable
    if (!(Test-Empty $Middleware)) {
        @($Middleware) | ForEach-Object {
            $_type = (Get-Type $_).Name

            # is the type valid
            if ($_type -ine 'scriptblock' -and $_type -ine 'hashtable') {
                throw "A middleware supplied for the '[$($HttpMethod)] $($Route)' route is of an invalid type. Expected either ScriptBlock or Hashtable, but got: $($_type)"

            # is the hashtable valid
            if ($_type -ieq 'hashtable') {
                if ($null -eq $_.Logic) {
                    throw "A Hashtable middleware supplied for the '[$($HttpMethod)] $($Route)' route has no Logic defined"

                $_ltype = (Get-Type $_.Logic).Name
                if ($_ltype -ine 'scriptblock') {
                    throw "A Hashtable middleware supplied for the '[$($HttpMethod)] $($Route)' route has has an invalid Logic type. Expected ScriptBlock, but got: $($_ltype)"

    # if middleware set, but not scriptblock, set middle and script
    if (!(Test-Empty $Middleware) -and ($null -eq $ScriptBlock)) {
        # if multiple middleware, error
        if ((Get-Type $Middleware).BaseName -ieq 'array' -and (Get-Count $Middleware) -ne 1) {
            throw "[$($HttpMethod)] $($Route) has no logic defined"

        $ScriptBlock = {}
        if ((Get-Type $Middleware[0]).Name -ieq 'scriptblock') {
            $ScriptBlock = $Middleware[0]
            $Middleware = $null

    # lower the method
    $HttpMethod = $HttpMethod.ToLowerInvariant()

    # split route on '?' for query
    $Route = Split-PodeRouteQuery -Route $Route

    # ensure route isn't empty
    if (Test-Empty $Route) {
        throw "No route supplied for $($HttpMethod) definition"

    # ensure the route has appropriate slashes
    $Route = Update-PodeRouteSlashes -Route $Route

    # replace placeholder parameters with regex
    $placeholder = '\:(?<tag>[\w]+)'
    if ($Route -imatch $placeholder) {
        $Route = [regex]::Escape($Route)

    while ($Route -imatch $placeholder) {
        $Route = ($Route -ireplace $Matches[0], "(?<$($Matches['tag'])>[\w-_]+?)")

    # ensure route doesn't already exist
    if ($PodeSession.Server.Routes[$HttpMethod].ContainsKey($Route)) {
        throw "[$($HttpMethod)] $($Route) is already defined"

    # if we have middleware, convert scriptblocks to hashtables
    if (!(Test-Empty $Middleware))
        $Middleware = @($Middleware)

        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Middleware.Length; $i++) {
            if ((Get-Type $Middleware[$i]).Name -ieq 'scriptblock')
                $Middleware[$i] = @{
                    'Logic' = $Middleware[$i]

    # add the route logic
    $PodeSession.Server.Routes[$HttpMethod][$Route] = @{
        'Logic' = $ScriptBlock;
        'Middleware' = $Middleware;

function Add-PodeStaticRoute
    param (


    # store the route method
    $HttpMethod = 'static'

    # split route on '?' for query
    $Route = Split-PodeRouteQuery -Route $Route

    # ensure route isn't empty
    if (Test-Empty $Route) {
        throw "No route supplied for $($HttpMethod) definition"

    # if static, ensure the path exists
    if (!(Test-Path (Join-ServerRoot $Path))) {
        throw "Folder supplied for $($HttpMethod) route does not exist: $($Path)"

    # ensure the route has appropriate slashes
    $Route = Update-PodeRouteSlashes -Route $Route -Static

    # ensure route doesn't already exist
    if ($PodeSession.Server.Routes[$HttpMethod].ContainsKey($Route)) {
        throw "[$($HttpMethod)] $($Route) is already defined"

    # add the route path
    $PodeSession.Server.Routes[$HttpMethod][$Route] = $Path

function Update-PodeRouteSlashes
    param (


    # ensure route starts with a '/'
    if (!$Route.StartsWith('/')) {
        $Route = "/$($Route)"

    if ($Static)
        # ensure the route ends with a '/*'
        $Route = $Route.TrimEnd('*')

        if (!$Route.EndsWith('/')) {
            $Route = "$($Route)/"

        $Route = "$($Route)(?<file>*)"

    # replace * with .*
    $Route = ($Route -ireplace '\*', '.*')
    return $Route

function Split-PodeRouteQuery
    param (

    return ($Route -isplit "\?")[0]