
function Server
    param (

        $Port = 0,

        $Interval = 0,



        $Threads = 1,








    # ensure the session is clean
    $PodeSession = $null

    # validate port passed
    if ($Port -lt 0) {
        throw "Port cannot be negative: $($Port)"

    # if an ip address was passed, ensure it's valid
    if (!(Test-Empty $IP) -and !(Test-IPAddress $IP)) {
        throw "Invalid IP address has been supplied: $($IP)"

    try {
        # get the current server type
        $serverType = Get-PodeServerType -Port $Port -Interval $Interval -Smtp:$Smtp -Tcp:$Tcp -Https:$Https

        # create session object
        $PodeSession = New-PodeSession -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -Port $Port -IP $IP -Threads $Threads `
            -Interval $Interval -ServerRoot $MyInvocation.PSScriptRoot -ServerType $ServerType `
            -DisableLogging:$DisableLogging -FileMonitor:$FileMonitor

        # set ad efault port for the server type

        # parse ip:port to listen on (if both have been supplied)
        if (!(Test-Empty $IP) -or $PodeSession.IP.Port -gt 0) {
            listen -IPPort "$($IP):$($PodeSession.IP.Port)" -Type $PodeSession.ServerType

        # set it so ctrl-c can terminate
        [Console]::TreatControlCAsInput = $true

        # start the file monitor for interally restarting

        # start the server

        # sit here waiting for termination (unless it's one-off script)
        if ($PodeSession.ServerType -ine 'script') {
            while (!(Test-TerminationPressed)) {
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

                # check for internal restart
                if ($PodeSession.Tokens.Restart.IsCancellationRequested) {

            Write-Host 'Terminating...' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow
    finally {
        # clean the runspaces and tokens
        Close-Pode -Exit

        # clean the session
        $PodeSession = $null

function Start-PodeServer
        # run the logic
        Invoke-ScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeSession.ScriptBlock

        # start runspace for timers

        # start runspace for schedules

        # start the appropriate server
        switch ($PodeSession.ServerType.ToUpperInvariant())
            'SMTP' {

            'TCP' {

            'HTTP' {

            'HTTPS' {
                Start-WebServer -Https

            'SERVICE' {
                Write-Host "Looping logic every $($PodeSession.Interval)secs" -ForegroundColor Yellow

                while ($true) {
                    if ($PodeSession.Tokens.Cancellation.IsCancellationRequested) {
                        Close-Pode -Exit

                    Start-Sleep -Seconds $PodeSession.Interval
                    Invoke-ScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $PodeSession.ScriptBlock
    catch {
        $Error[0] | Out-Default
        throw $_.Exception

function Restart-PodeServer
        # inform restart
        Write-Host 'Restarting server...' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan

        # cancel the session token

        # close all current runspaces

        # clear up timers, schedules and loggers
        $PodeSession.Routes.Keys.Clone() | ForEach-Object {

        $PodeSession.Handlers.Keys.Clone() | ForEach-Object {
            $PodeSession.Handlers[$_] = $null


        # clear up view engine

        # clear up shared state

        # recreate the session tokens
        dispose $PodeSession.Tokens.Cancellation
        $PodeSession.Tokens.Cancellation = New-Object System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource

        dispose $PodeSession.Tokens.Restart
        $PodeSession.Tokens.Restart = New-Object System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource

        Write-Host " Done" -ForegroundColor Green

        # restart the server
    catch {
        $Error[0] | Out-Default
        throw $_.Exception

function Get-PodeServerType
    param (
        $Port = 0,

        $Interval = 0,




    if ($Smtp) {
        return 'SMTP'

    if ($Tcp) {
        return 'TCP'

    if ($Https) {
        return 'HTTPS'

    if ($Port -gt 0) {
        return 'HTTP'

    if ($Interval -gt 0) {
        return 'SERVICE'

    return 'SCRIPT'

function Set-PodePortForServerType
    if ($PodeSession.IP.Port -gt 0) {

    switch ($PodeSession.ServerType.ToUpperInvariant())
        'SMTP' {
            $PodeSession.IP.Port = 25

        'HTTP' {
            $PodeSession.IP.Port = 8080

        'HTTPS' {
            $PodeSession.IP.Port = 8443