function Test-IPAccess { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] $IP ) $type = 'IP' $IP = @{ 'Family' = $IP.AddressFamily; 'Bytes' = $IP.GetAddressBytes(); } # get permission lists for ip $allow = $PodeSession.Access.Allow[$type] $deny = $PodeSession.Access.Deny[$type] # are they empty? $alEmpty = (Test-Empty $allow) $dnEmpty = (Test-Empty $deny) # if both are empty, value is valid if ($alEmpty -and $dnEmpty) { return $true } # if value in allow, it's allowed if (!$alEmpty -and ($allow.Values | Where-Object { Test-IPAddressInRange -IP $IP -LowerIP $_.Lower -UpperIP $_.Upper } | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { return $true } # if value in deny, it's disallowed if (!$dnEmpty -and ($deny.Values | Where-Object { Test-IPAddressInRange -IP $IP -LowerIP $_.Lower -UpperIP $_.Upper } | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { return $false } # if we have an allow, it's disallowed (because it's not in there) if (!$alEmpty) { return $false } # otherwise it's allowed (because it's not in the deny) return $true } function Access { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')] [string] $Permission, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('IP')] [string] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [object] $Value ) # if it's array add them all if ((Get-Type $Value).BaseName -ieq 'array') { $Value | ForEach-Object { access $Permission $Type $_ } return } # call the appropriate access method switch ($Type.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'ip' { Add-IPAccess -Permission $Permission -IP $Value } } } function Add-IPAccess { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Allow', 'Deny')] [string] $Permission, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [string] $IP ) # current access type $type = 'IP' # get opposite permission $opp = "$(if ($Permission -ieq 'allow') { 'Deny' } else { 'Allow' })" # get permission lists for type $permType = $PodeSession.Access[$Permission][$type] $oppType = $PodeSession.Access[$opp][$type] # setup up perm type if ($permType -eq $null) { $PodeSession.Access[$Permission][$type] = @{} $permType = $PodeSession.Access[$Permission][$type] } # have we already added the ip? elseif ($permType.ContainsKey($IP)) { return } # remove from opp type if ($oppType -ne $null -and $oppType.ContainsKey($IP)) { $oppType.Remove($IP) } # calculate the lower/upper ip bounds if (Test-IPAddressIsSubnetMask -IP $IP) { $_tmp = Get-SubnetRange -SubnetMask $IP $_tmpLo = Get-IPAddress -IP $_tmp.Lower $_tmpHi = Get-IPAddress -IP $_tmp.Upper } elseif (Test-IPAddressAny -IP $IP) { $_tmpLo = Get-IPAddress -IP '' $_tmpHi = Get-IPAddress -IP '' } else { $_tmpLo = Get-IPAddress -IP $IP $_tmpHi = $_tmpLo } $permType.Add($IP, @{ 'Lower' = @{ 'Family' = $_tmpLo.AddressFamily; 'Bytes' = $_tmpLo.GetAddressBytes(); }; 'Upper' = @{ 'Family' = $_tmpHi.AddressFamily; 'Bytes' = $_tmpHi.GetAddressBytes(); } }) } |