function Pode { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('init', 'test', 'start', 'install', 'build')] [Alias('a')] [string] $Action ) # default config file name and content $file = './package.json' $name = Split-Path -Leaf -Path $pwd $data = $null # defualt config data that's used to populate on init $map = @{ 'name' = $name; 'version' = '1.0.0'; 'description' = ''; 'main' = './index.ps1'; 'scripts' = @{ 'start' = './index.ps1'; 'install' = 'yarn install --force --ignore-scripts --modules-folder pode_modules'; "build" = 'psake'; 'test' = 'invoke-pester ./tests/*.ps1' }; 'author' = ''; 'license' = 'MIT'; } # check and load config if already exists if (Test-Path $file) { $data = (Get-Content $file | ConvertFrom-Json) } # quick check to see if the data is required if ($Action -ine 'init') { if ($data -eq $null) { Write-Host 'package.json file not found' -ForegroundColor Red return } else { $value = $data.scripts.$Action if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($value) -and $Action -ieq 'start') { $value = $data.main } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($value)) { Write-Host "package.config does not contain a script for $($Action)" -ForegroundColor Yellow return } } } else { if ($data -ne $null) { Write-Host 'package.json already exists' -ForegroundColor Yellow return } } switch ($Action.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'init' { $v = Read-Host -Prompt "name ($($" if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($v)) { $ = $v } $v = Read-Host -Prompt "version ($($map.version))" if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($v)) { $map.version = $v } $map.description = Read-Host -Prompt "description" $v = Read-Host -Prompt "entry point ($($map.main))" if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($v)) { $map.main = $v; $map.scripts.start = $v } $ = Read-Host -Prompt "author" $v = Read-Host -Prompt "license ($($map.license))" if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($v)) { $map.license = $v } $map | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | Out-File -FilePath $file -Encoding utf8 -Force Write-Host 'Success, saved package.json' -ForegroundColor Green } 'test' { Invoke-Expression -Command $value } 'start' { Invoke-Expression -Command $value } 'install' { Invoke-Expression -Command $value } 'build' { Invoke-Expression -Command $value } } } |