function Get-PodeWebTemplatePath { $path = Split-Path -Parent -Path ((Get-Module -Name 'Pode.Web' | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).Path) return (Join-PodeWebPath $path 'Templates') } function Get-PodeWebAuthData { $authData = $WebEvent.Auth if (($null -eq $authData) -or ($authData.Count -eq 0)) { $authData = $WebEvent.Session.Data.Auth } return $authData } function Get-PodeWebAuthUsername { param( [Parameter()] $User ) # nothing if no user if ($null -eq $User) { return [string]::Empty } # check username prop $prop = (Get-PodeWebState -Name 'auth-props').Username if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($prop) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($User.$prop)) { return $User.$prop } # name if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($User.Name)) { return $User.Name } # full name if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($User.FullName)) { return $User.FullName } # username if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($User.Username)) { return $User.Username } # email - split on @ though if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($User.Email)) { return ($User.Email -split '@')[0] } # nothing return [string]::Empty } function Get-PodeWebAuthGroups { param( [Parameter()] $User ) # nothing if no auth data if ($null -eq $User) { return @() } # check group prop $prop = (Get-PodeWebState -Name 'auth-props').Group if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($prop) -and !(Test-PodeWebArrayEmpty -Array $User.$prop)) { return @($User.$prop) } # groups if (!(Test-PodeWebArrayEmpty -Array $User.Groups)) { return @($User.Groups) } # roles if (!(Test-PodeWebArrayEmpty -Array $User.Roles)) { return @($User.Roles) } # scopes if (!(Test-PodeWebArrayEmpty -Array $User.Scopes)) { return @($User.Scopes) } # nothing return @() } function Get-PodeWebAuthAvatarUrl { param( [Parameter()] $User ) # nothing if no auth data if ($null -eq $User) { return [string]::Empty } # nothing if no property set $prop = (Get-PodeWebState -Name 'auth-props').Avatar if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($prop) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($User.$prop)) { return (Add-PodeWebAppPath -Url $User.$prop) } # avatar url if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($User.AvatarUrl)) { return (Add-PodeWebAppPath -Url $User.AvatarUrl) } return [string]::Empty } function Get-PodeWebAuthTheme { param( [Parameter()] $User ) # nothing if no auth data if ($null -eq $User) { return $null } # nothing if no property set $prop = (Get-PodeWebState -Name 'auth-props').Theme if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($prop) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($User.$prop)) { return $User.$prop } # theme if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($User.Theme)) { return $User.Theme } return [string]::Empty } function Get-PodeWebInbuiltThemes { return @('Auto', 'Light', 'Dark', 'Midnight', 'Sepia', 'Forest', 'Terminal', 'Custom') } function Test-PodeWebThemeCustom { param( [Parameter()] [string] $Name ) $customThemes = Get-PodeWebState -Name 'custom-themes' return ($customThemes.Themes.Keys -icontains $Name) } function Test-PodeWebThemeInbuilt { param( [Parameter()] [string] $Name ) $inbuildThemes = Get-PodeWebInbuiltThemes return ($Name -iin $inbuildThemes) } function Get-PodeWebCustomThemeRoutePath { return '/pode.web-dynamic/themes/custom' #?name=<name> } function Add-PodeWebCustomThemeRoute { $path = Get-PodeWebCustomThemeRoutePath if (Test-PodeWebRoute -Path $path -Method Get -NoThrow) { return } Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path $path -ScriptBlock { $name = $WebEvent.Query.Name $theme = (Get-PodeWebState -Name 'custom-themes').Themes[$name] # theme not found if ($null -eq $theme) { Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 404 return } # theme invalid if ($theme.IsStatic) { Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 400 return } # build theme css variables $config = $theme.Config $builder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() if ($config.ColourScheme) { $null = $builder.Append("--podeweb-colour-scheme: $($config.ColourScheme);") } if ($config.FontFamily) { $null = $builder.Append("--podeweb-font-family: '$($config.FontFamily -join "','")';") } if ($config.CodeEditorTheme) { $null = $builder.Append("--podeweb-code-editor-theme: $($config.CodeEditorTheme);") } if ($config.CodeTheme) { $null = $builder.Append("--podeweb-code-theme: $($config.CodeTheme);") } if ($config.BackgroundColourConfig.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($bg in $config.BackgroundColourConfig.GetEnumerator()) { if ($bg.Value) { $null = $builder.Append("--podeweb-$($bg.Name)-background-color: $($bg.Value);") } } } if ($config.BorderColourConfig.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($border in $config.BorderColourConfig.GetEnumerator()) { if ($border.Value) { $null = $builder.Append("--podeweb-$($border.Name)-border-color: $($border.Value);") } } } if ($config.TextColourConfig.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($text in $config.TextColourConfig.GetEnumerator()) { if ($text.Value) { $null = $builder.Append("--podeweb-$($text.Name)-text-color: $($text.Value);") } } } if ($config.NavColourConfig.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($nav in $config.NavColourConfig.GetEnumerator()) { if ($nav.Value) { $null = $builder.Append("--podeweb-nav-$($nav.Name)-color: $($nav.Value);") } } } if ($config.ToastColourConfig.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($toast in $config.ToastColourConfig.GetEnumerator()) { if ($toast.Value) { $null = $builder.Append("--podeweb-toast-$($toast.Name)-color: $($toast.Value);") } } } if ($config.CalendarIconColourConfig.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($cal in $config.CalendarIconColourConfig.GetEnumerator()) { if ($cal.Value) { $null = $builder.Append("--podeweb-input-calendar-$($cal.Name)-color: $($cal.Value);") } } } if ($config.ChartColourConfig.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($chart in $config.ChartColourConfig.GetEnumerator()) { if ($chart.Value) { $value = $chart.Value if ($chart.Name -ieq 'point') { $value = $value -join ',' } $null = $builder.Append("--podeweb-chart-$($chart.Name)-color: $($value);") } } } # if builder is empty, just return a 204 if ($builder.Length -eq 0) { Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 204 return } # pre/append ":root { ... }" to builder $null = $builder.Insert(0, ':root {').Append('}') # convert builder to string, and return Write-PodeTextResponse -Value $builder.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() -ContentType 'text/css' -Cache } } function Test-PodeWebColour { param( [Parameter()] [string[]] $Colour, [switch] $HexOnly, [switch] $AllowEmpty ) foreach ($c in $Colour) { if ($AllowEmpty -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($c)) { continue } if ($HexOnly) { if ($c -inotmatch '^#([a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3})$') { throw "Colour '$($c)' is not a valid hex colour" } } else { if ($c -notmatch '^(#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})|[a-z]+|rgb(a)?\(\d+,\s*\d+,\s*\d+(,\s*[\d\.]+)?\))$') { throw "Colour '$($c)' is not a valid named, hex, or rgb colour" } } } return $Colour } function Test-PodeWebArrayEmpty { param( [Parameter()] $Array ) return (($null -eq $Array) -or (@($Array).Length -eq 0)) } function Test-PodeWebPageAccess { param( [Parameter()] $PageAccess, [Parameter()] $Auth ) $hasGroups = (!(Test-PodeWebArrayEmpty -Array $PageAccess.Groups)) $hasUsers = (!(Test-PodeWebArrayEmpty -Array $PageAccess.Users)) # if page has no access restriction, just return if (!$hasGroups -and !$hasUsers) { return $true } # if no auth object, just return if ($null -eq $Auth) { return $false } # check groups if ($hasGroups -and !(Test-PodeWebArrayEmpty -Array $Auth.Groups)) { foreach ($group in $PageAccess.Groups) { if ($Auth.Groups -icontains $group) { return $true } } } # check users if ($hasUsers -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Auth.Username)) { if ($PageAccess.Users -icontains $Auth.Username) { return $true } } return $false } function Write-PodeWebViewResponse { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [hashtable] $Data = @{} ) $Data['AppPath'] = (Get-PodeWebState -Name 'app-path') Write-PodeViewResponse -Path "$($Path).pode" -Data $Data -Folder 'pode.web.views' -FlashMessages } function Add-PodeWebAppPath { param( [Parameter()] [string] $Url ) if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Url) -and $Url.StartsWith('/')) { $appPath = Get-PodeWebState -Name 'app-path' $Url = "$($appPath)$($Url)" } return $Url } function Set-PodeWebSystemUrlDefaults { Set-PodeWebState -Name 'system-urls' -Value @{ Home = @{ Path = '/' Url = (Add-PodeWebAppPath -Url '/') IsCustom = $false } Register = @{ Path = '/register' Url = (Add-PodeWebAppPath -Url '/register') } Login = @{ Path = '/login' Url = (Add-PodeWebAppPath -Url '/login') } Logout = @{ Path = '/logout' Url = (Add-PodeWebAppPath -Url '/logout') } } } function Use-PodeWebPartialView { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [hashtable] $Data = @{} ) Use-PodePartialView -Path "$($Path).pode" -Data $Data -Folder 'pode.web.views' } function Set-PodeWebState { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] [object] $Value ) Set-PodeState -Name "pode.web.$($Name)" -Value $Value -Scope 'pode.web' | Out-Null } function Get-PodeWebState { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name ) return (Get-PodeState -Name "pode.web.$($Name)") } function Get-PodeWebCookie { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name ) return (Get-PodeCookie -Name "pode.web.$($Name)") } function Get-PodeWebRandomName { param( [Parameter()] [int] $Length = 5 ) if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 5) { return [string]::Concat(@(foreach ($i in 1..$Length) { [char](Get-Random -Minimum 65 -Maximum 90) })) } else { $r = [System.Random]::new() return [string]::Concat(@(foreach ($i in 1..$Length) { [char]$r.Next(65, 90) })) } } function Protect-PodeWebName { param( [Parameter()] [string] $Name ) return ($Name -ireplace '[^a-z0-9_]', '').Trim() } function Protect-PodeWebSpecialCharacters { param( [Parameter()] [string] $Value ) return ($Value -replace "[\s!`"#\$%&'\(\)*+,\./:;<=>?@\[\\\]^``{\|}~]", '_') } function Protect-PodeWebValue { param( [Parameter()] [string] $Value, [Parameter()] [string] $Default, [switch] $Encode ) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) { if ($Encode) { return [System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlEncode($Default) } else { return $Default } } if ($Encode) { return [System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlEncode($Value) } else { return $Value } } function Protect-PodeWebValues { param( [Parameter()] [string[]] $Value, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Default, [switch] $EqualCount, [switch] $Encode ) if (($null -eq $Value) -or ($Value.Length -eq 0)) { if (($null -eq $Default) -or ($Default.Length -eq 0)) { return } if ($Encode) { return @(foreach ($v in $Default) { [System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlEncode($v) }) } return $Default } if ($EqualCount -and ($Value.Length -ne $Default.Length)) { throw 'Expected an equal number of values in both arrays' } if ($Encode) { return @(foreach ($v in $Value) { [System.Net.WebUtility]::HtmlEncode($v) }) } else { return $Value } } function Test-PodeWebRoute { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Get', 'Post', 'Put', 'Delete', 'Patch', 'Head', 'Options')] [string] $Method = 'Post', [switch] $NoThrow ) $route = (Get-PodeRoute -Method $Method -Path $Path) if (!$NoThrow -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PageData.Name) -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ElementData.Name) -and ($null -ne $route)) { throw "An element with ID '$(Split-Path -Path $Path -Leaf)' already exists" } return ($null -ne $route) } function Register-PodeWebPage { param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [hashtable] $Metadata ) # check home page if ($Metadata.IsHomePage) { $sysUrls = Get-PodeWebState -Name 'system-urls' if ($sysUrls.Home.IsCustom) { throw "A home page has already been defined at '$($sysUrls.Home.Path)'" } # update auth success url to home page if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Metadata.Authentication)) { $auth = Get-PodeAuth -Name $Metadata.Authentication if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($auth.Success.Url) -or ($auth.Success.Url -ieq $sysUrls.Home.Url)) { $auth.Success.Url = $Metadata.Url } } $sysUrls.Home = @{ Path = $Metadata.Path Url = $Metadata.Url IsCustom = $true } } # register page $pages = Get-PodeWebState -Name 'pages' $pages[$Metadata.ID] = $Metadata # register page to group $group = (Get-PodeWebState -Name 'groups')[$Metadata.Group] if (!$group.Pages.ContainsKey($Metadata.Index)) { $group.Pages.Add($Metadata.Index, @()) } $group.Pages[$Metadata.Index] += $Metadata.ID } function Get-PodeWebPageId { param( [Parameter()] [string] $Id, [Parameter()] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] [string] $Group, [switch] $System ) if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Id)) { return $Id } # prep id $_id = [string]::Empty # internal? if ($System) { $_id += 'system_' } # add group if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Group)) { $_id += "group_$($Group)_" } # add page $_id += "page_$($Name)" # protect id, and return $_id = Protect-PodeWebName -Name $_id return ($_id -replace '\s+', '_').ToLowerInvariant() } function Get-PodeWebElementId { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Tag, [Parameter()] [string] $Id, [Parameter()] [string] $Name ) if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Id)) { return $Id } # prepend the parent element's ID $_id = [string]::Empty if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ElementData.ID)) { $_id = "$($ElementData.ID)_" } elseif (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ElementData.Name)) { $_id = "$($ElementData.Name)_" } # start with element tag $_id += "$($Tag)" # add page name and group if we have one if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($PageData.ID)) { $_id += "_$($PageData.ID)" } # add name if we have one, or a random name if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Name)) { $_id += "_$($Name)" } else { $_id += "_$(Get-PodeWebRandomName)" } $_id = Protect-PodeWebName -Name $_id return ($_id -replace '\s+', '_').ToLowerInvariant() } function Test-PodeWebContent { param( [Parameter()] [hashtable[]] $Content, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Element', 'Navigation', 'Page', 'Group')] [string[]] $ComponentType, [Parameter()] [string[]] $ObjectType ) # if no content, then it's true if (Test-PodeWebArrayEmpty -Array $Content) { return $true } # ensure the content ComponentTypes are correct if (!(Test-PodeWebArrayEmpty -Array $ComponentType)) { foreach ($item in $Content) { if (($item.ComponentType -inotin $ComponentType) -and ($item.Reference.ComponentType -inotin $ComponentType)) { return $false } } } # ensure the content elements are correct if (!(Test-PodeWebArrayEmpty -Array $ObjectType)) { foreach ($item in $Content) { if (($item.ObjectType -inotin $ObjectType) -and ($item.Reference.ObjectType -inotin $ObjectType)) { return $false } } } return $true } function Remove-PodeWebRoute { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Method, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [string[]] $EndpointName ) if (Test-PodeIsEmpty $EndpointName) { Remove-PodeRoute -Method $Method -Path $Path } else { foreach ($endpoint in $EndpointName) { Remove-PodeRoute -Method $Method -Path $Path -EndpointName $endpoint } } } function Test-PodeWebOutputWrapped { param( [Parameter()] $Output ) if ($null -eq $Output) { return $false } if ($Output -is [array]) { $Output = $Output[0] } return (($Output -is [hashtable]) -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Output.Operation) -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Output.ObjectType)) } function Split-PodeWebDynamicOutput { param( [Parameter()] [object[]] $Output ) if (($null -eq $Output) -or ($Output.Length -eq 0)) { return $null, $null } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Output.Length; $i++) { if (!(Test-PodeWebOutputWrapped -Output $Output[$i])) { break } } $wrapped = @() if ($i -gt 0) { $wrapped = $Output[0..($i - 1)] if ($i -lt $Output.Length) { $Output = $Output[$i..($Output.Length - 1)] } else { $Output = @() } } return $wrapped, $Output } function Join-PodeWebDynamicOutput { param( [Parameter()] [object[]] $Wrapped, [Parameter()] [object[]] $Output ) if (($null -eq $Wrapped) -or ($Wrapped.Length -eq 0)) { return $Output } if (($null -eq $Output) -or ($Output.Length -eq 0)) { return $Wrapped } return $Wrapped + $Output } function Get-PodeWebFirstPublicPage { $pages = Get-PodeWebState -Name 'pages' if (($null -eq $pages) -or ($pages.Count -eq 0)) { return $null } foreach ($page in ($pages.Values | Sort-Object -Property { $_.Group }, { $_.Name })) { if ($page.IsSystem) { continue } if ((Test-PodeWebArrayEmpty -Array $page.Access.Groups) -and (Test-PodeWebArrayEmpty -Array $page.Access.Users)) { return $page } } return $null } function Get-PodeWebPagePath { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] [string] $Group, [Parameter()] [string] $Path = [string]::Empty, [switch] $NoAppPath ) # inbuilt page route path if custom not supplied if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path)) { $Name = Protect-PodeWebSpecialCharacters -Value $Name $Group = Protect-PodeWebSpecialCharacters -Value $Group if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Group)) { $Path += "/groups/$($Group)" } $Path += "/pages/$($Name)" } # check forward slash if (!$Path.StartsWith('/')) { $Path = "/$($Path)" } # add app path from IIS if (!$NoAppPath) { $Path = (Add-PodeWebAppPath -Url $Path) } return $Path } function ConvertTo-PodeWebEvents { param( [Parameter()] [string[]] $Events ) $js_events = [string]::Empty if (($null -eq $Events) -or ($Events.Length -eq 0)) { return $js_events } foreach ($evt in $Events) { $js_events += " on$($evt)=`"invokeEvent('$($evt)', this);`"" } return $js_events } function Protect-PodeWebRange { param( [Parameter()] [string] $Value, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int] $Min, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int] $Max ) # null for no value if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) { return $null } $pattern = Get-PodeWebNumberRegex # if it's a percentage, calculate value if ($Value.EndsWith('%')) { $_val = [double]$Value.TrimEnd('%') $Value = $Max * $_val * 0.01 } # if value is number, check range if ($Value -match $pattern) { $_val = [int]$Value if ($_val -lt $Min) { return $Min } if ($_val -gt $Max) { return $Max } return $_val } # invalid value throw "Invalid value supplied for range: $($Value). Expected a value between $($Min)-$($Max), or a percentage." } function ConvertTo-PodeWebSize { param( [Parameter()] [string] $Value, [Parameter()] [string] $Default = 0, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('px', '%', 'em')] [string] $Type, [switch] $AllowNull ) if ($AllowNull -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value)) { return $null } $pattern = Get-PodeWebNumberRegex $defIsNumber = ($Default -match $pattern) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) { if ($defIsNumber) { return "$($Default)$($Type)" } else { return $Default } } if ($Value -match $pattern) { $_val = [double]$Value if ($_val -le 0) { if ($defIsNumber) { $Value = $Default } else { return $Default } } elseif (($Type -eq '%') -and ($_val -gt 100)) { $Value = 100 } return "$($Value)$($Type)" } return $Value } function Get-PodeWebNumberRegex { return '^\-?\d+(\.\d+){0,1}$' } function Set-PodeWebSecurity { param( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('None', 'Default', 'Simple', 'Strict')] [string] $Security, [switch] $UseHsts ) if ($Security -ieq 'none') { Remove-PodeSecurity return } switch ($Security.ToLowerInvariant()) { 'default' { Set-PodeSecurity -Type Simple -UseHsts:$UseHsts Remove-PodeSecurityCrossOrigin Add-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicy ` -Default 'http', 'https' ` -Style 'http', 'https' ` -Scripts 'http', 'https' ` -Image 'http', 'https' } 'simple' { Set-PodeSecurity -Type Simple -UseHsts:$UseHsts } 'strict' { Set-PodeSecurity -Type Strict -UseHsts:$UseHsts } } Add-PodeSecurityContentSecurityPolicy ` -Style 'self', 'unsafe-inline' ` -Scripts 'self', 'unsafe-inline' ` -Image 'self', 'data' } function Test-PodeWebParameter { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Parameters, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] $Value ) if ($Parameters.ContainsKey($Name)) { return $Value } return $null } function Protect-PodeWebIconType { param( [Parameter()] [object] $Icon, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Element ) # just null or string if (($null -eq $Icon) -or ($Icon -is [string])) { return $Icon } # if hashtable, check object type if (($Icon -is [hashtable]) -and ($Icon.ObjectType -ieq 'icon')) { return $Icon } # error throw "Icon for '$($Element)' is not a string or hashtable from New-PodeWebIcon" } function Protect-PodeWebIconPreset { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable] $Icon, [Parameter()] [hashtable] $Preset ) if (($null -eq $Preset) -or ($Preset.Length -eq 0)) { return $null } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Preset.Name)) { $Preset.Name = $Icon.Name } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Preset.Colour)) { $Preset.Colour = $Icon.Colour } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Preset.Title)) { $Preset.Title = $Icon.Title } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Preset.Flip)) { $Preset.Flip = $Icon.Flip } if ($Preset.Rotate -le -1) { $Preset.Rotate = $Icon.Rotate } if ($Preset.Size -le -1) { $Preset.Size = $Icon.Size } if ($null -eq $Preset.Spin) { $Preset.Spin = $Icon.Spin } return $Preset } function Invoke-PodeWebScriptBlock { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [hashtable] $Logic, [Parameter()] $Arguments = $null ) $result = Invoke-PodeScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $Logic.ScriptBlock -Arguments $Arguments -UsingVariables $Logic.UsingVariables -Splat -Return if ($null -eq $result) { $result = @() } return $result } function Set-PodeWebMetadata { $WebEvent.Metadata.SenderId = Get-PodeHeader -Name 'X-PODE-WEB-SENDER-ID' } function Test-PodeWebResponseType { param( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Http', 'Sse')] [string] $Type ) return ((Get-PodeWebState -Name 'resp-type') -ieq $Type) } function Get-PodeWebResponseType { return (Get-PodeWebState -Name 'resp-type') } |