
Change the Template Owner to another user
Changes the Template OwnerID to the UserID of
a different user.
Base64-encoded string containing Username:Password
that was set using the Set-SkyTapAuth function
The ID number of the Template
The ID number of the User to make the new owner
$responseTemplateOwner = Set-TemplateOwner -SkyTapAuth $authSkyTap -TemplateID 12345 -OwnerID 123
Returns the response received from the REST API call

function Set-TemplateOwner {

    param (



    # Set URI endpoint to send call to
    $uri = "${TemplateID}.json"

    # Set headers required for authentication and format
    $headers = @{"Accept" = "application/json"; "Authorization" = ("Basic {0}" -f ${SkyTapAuth})}

    # Set content of body to be sent
    $body = @{
        "owner" = $OwnerID
    } | ConvertTo-Json

    # Send the API call & return response received
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method PUT -Body $body -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $headers

} # end Function: Set-TemplateOwner