<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION .GUID 32a4f2d6-b021-4a38-8b6a-d76ceef2b02d .AUTHOR Jeffrey Snover .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> function Compare-ObjectProperty { <# .DESCRIPTION Determine the difference in properties between two objects. NOTE - if a property's type does not have a CompareTo() function, the property is converted to a string for the comparison .EXAMPLE $o1= @{a1=1;a2=2;b1=3;b2=4} PS C:\> $o2= @{a1=1;a2=2;b1=3;b2=5} PS C:\> Compare-ObjectProperty $o1 $o2 Property Value SideIndicator -------- ----- ------------- b2 4 <= b2 5 => .EXAMPLE $o1= @{a1=1;a2=2;b1=3;b2=4} PS C:\> $o2= @{a1=1;a2=2;b1=3;b2=5} PS C:\> Compare-ObjectProperty $o1 $o2 -PropertyFilter a* .EXAMPLE $o1= @{a1=1;a2=2;b1=3;b2=4} PS C:\> $o2= @{a1=1;a2=2;b1=3;b2=5} PS C:\> Compare-ObjectProperty $o1 $o2 -IncludeEqual Property Value SideIndicator -------- ----- ------------- a1 1 == a2 2 == b1 3 == b2 4 <= b2 5 => #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [object] ${ReferenceObject}, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] [object] ${DifferenceObject}, #You can specify which properties to compare using a wildcard (using the -LIKE operator) [String[]] ${PropertyFilter}="*", #Don't include any properties that are different [switch] ${ExcludeDifferent}, #Include the properties which are equal [switch] ${IncludeEqual} ) #region Helper Routines function Convert-PropertyToHash { param([Parameter(Position=0)]$inputObject) if ($null -eq $inputObject) { return @{} } elseif ($inputObject -is [HashTable]) { #We have to clone the hashtable because we are going to Remove Keys and if we don't #clone it, we'll modify the original object return $inputObject.clone() } else { $h = @{} foreach ($p in (Get-Member -InputObject $inputObject -MemberType Properties).Name) { $h.$p = $inputObject.$p } return $h } } #endregion $refH = Convert-PropertyToHash $ReferenceObject $diffH = Convert-PropertyToHash $DifferenceObject foreach ($filter in $PropertyFilter) { foreach ($p in $refH.keys |Where-Object {$_ -like $filter}) { if (! ($diffH.Contains($p)) -and !($ExcludeDifferent)) { Write-Output (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ SideIndicator="<="; Property=$p; Value=$($refH.$p)}) }else { #We convert these to strings and do a string comparison because there are all sorts of .NET #objects whose comparison functions don't yeild the expected results. if ($refH.$p -AND ($refH.$p |Get-Member -MemberType Method -Name CompareTo)) { $Different = $refH.$p -ne $diffH.$p } else { $Different = (""+$refH.$p) -ne (""+$diffH.$p) } if ($Different -and !($ExcludeDifferent)) { Write-Output (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ SideIndicator="<="; Property=$p; Value = $($refH.$p)}) Write-Output (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ SideIndicator="=>"; Property=$p; Value = $($diffH.$p)}) } elseif ($IncludeEqual) { Write-Output (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ SideIndicator="=="; Property=$p; Value = $($refH.$p)}) } $diffH.Remove($p) } } } if (!($ExcludeDifferent)) { foreach ($p in $diffH.keys|Where-Object {$_ -like $PropertyFilter}) { Write-Output (New-Object PSObject -Property @{ SideIndicator="=>"; Property=$p; Value = $($diffH.$p)}) } } } |