
function Remove-PRTGObjectTAG {
       Remove a text from the tags property of an PRTG object
       Author: Andreas Bellstedt
       Remove-PRTGObjectTAG -ObjectId 1 -TAGName "NewName" -Server "" -User "admin -Pass "1111111"

        # ID of the object to pause/resume
        [ValidateScript({$_ -gt 0})]
        [Alias('ObjID', 'ID')]
        # Name of the object's property to set

        # Url for PRTG Server
        [ValidateScript({if( ($_.StartsWith("http")) ){$true}else{$false}})]
            [String]$Server = $global:PRTGServer,

        # User for PRTG Authentication
            [String]$User = $global:PRTGUser,

        # Password or PassHash for PRTG Authentication
            [String]$Pass = $global:PRTGPass,

        # sensortree from PRTG Server
            [xml]$SensorTree = $global:PRTGSensorTree,

        # skip errors if an tag is not present

        # returns the changed object
    Begin {
        $Local:logscope = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name    

    Process {
        foreach($ID in $ObjectId) { 
            $break = $false
            #Get the object
            Write-Log -LogText "Gather object tags from object ID $ID." -LogType Query -LogScope $Local:logscope -NoFileStatus -DebugOutput 
            try {
                $Object = Get-PRTGObject -ID $ID -SensorTree $SensorTree -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction Stop
            } catch {
                Write-Log -LogText $_.exception.message -LogType Error -LogScope $Local:logscope -NoFileStatus -Error

            #Build and check TAG lists
            $TAGListExisting = $Object.tags.Split(' ')
            $TAGListToSet = $Object.tags
            $TAGListCount = 0
            foreach($TAG in $TAGName) { 
                if($TAG -in $TAGListExisting) {
                    $TAGListToSet = $TAGListToSet -replace [regex]::Escape($TAG), ''
                } else {
                    if($Force) {
                        Write-Log -LogText "Skipping tag ""$($TAG)"", because it is not present on object id $ID" -LogType Warning -LogScope $Local:logscope -NoFileStatus -Warning
                    } else {
                        Write-Log -LogText "Tag ""$($TAG)"" is not present on object id $ID" -LogType Error -LogScope $Local:logscope -NoFileStatus -Error
                        $break = $true
            $TAGListToSet = $TAGListToSet.Trim()
            if($break) { break }

            #set TAG list to PRTG object
            $MessageText = "Remove $($TAGListCount) $(if($TAGListCount -eq 1) {"tag"} else {"tags"})"
            if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("objID $ID", $MessageText)) {
                Write-Log -LogText $MessageText -LogType Set -LogScope $Local:logscope -NoFileStatus -DebugOutput
                try {
                    #Set in PRTG
                    Set-PRTGObjectProperty -ObjectId $ID -PropertyName tags -PropertyValue $TAGListToSet -Server $Server -User $User -Pass $Pass -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
                    #Set on object to return
                    $Object.tags = $TAGListToSet
                    #Set in SensorTree variable
                    $SensorTree.SelectSingleNode("/prtg/sensortree/nodes/group//*[id=$($ID)]/tags").InnerText = $TAGListToSet
                } catch {
                    Write-Log -LogText $_.exception.message -LogType Error -LogScope $Local:logscope -NoFileStatus -Error
                    if(-not $Force) { break }

            #output the object
            if($PassThru) { Write-Output $Object }

            #clear up the variable mess
            Remove-Variable TAG, TAGListExisting, TAGListToSet, Object, MessageText -Force -ErrorAction Ignore -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false -WhatIf:$false

    End {