
function Connect-PRTGServer {
       Connect to PRTG Server, creates global variables with connection data and the current sensor tree from PRTG Core Server.
       The global variables are used as default parameters in other PRTG-module cmdlets to interact with PRTG.
       Connect-PRTGServer needs to be run at first when starting to work.
       Author: Andreas Bellstedt
       Created global Variables by the cmdlet:
            $global:PRTGSensorTree (created through cmdlet Invoke-PRTGSensorTreeRefresh)
       $ServerName = "PRTG.CORP.COMPANY.COM"
       $Credential = Get-Credential "prtgadmin"
       Connect-PRTGServer -Server $ServerName -protocol HTTPS -Credential $Credential
       #with output the connection data
       $connection = Connect-PRTGServer -Server $ServerName -protocol HTTPS -Credential $Credential -PassThru
       $ServerName = "PRTG.CORP.COMPANY.COM"
       $User = "prtgadmin"
       $Password = "SecretP@ssw0rd"
       Connect-PRTGServer -Server $ServerName -protocol HTTPS -User $User -PlainTextPassword $Password -Force
       #with output the connection data
       $connection = Connect-PRTGServer -Server $servername -protocol HTTPS -User $user -PlainTextPassword $pass -Force -PassThru

        # Url for PRTG Server
        [ValidateScript({if($_ -match '//'){$false}else{$true}})]
        [ValidateSet("HTTP", "HTTPS")]
            [String]$protocol = "HTTPS",






    $Local:logscope = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    switch ($protocol) {
        'HTTP'  { $Prefix = 'http://' ; Write-Log -LogText "Unsecure $($protocol) connection detected. This is a security risk. Consider switch to HTTPS! Continue..." -LogType Warning -LogScope $Local:logscope -Warning}
        'HTTPS' { $Prefix = 'https://'; Write-Log -LogText "Secure $($protocol) connection. OK." -LogType Info -LogScope $Local:logscope -DebugOutput }

    if($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Credential'){
        if(-not $Credential) { 
            Write-Log -LogText "No credential specified! Credential is needed..." -LogType Warning -LogScope $Local:logscope -Warning -NoFileStatus
            $Credential = Get-Credential -Message "Please specify logon cedentials for PRTG" -UserName $User
        if(($credential.UserName.Split('\')).count -gt 1) { 
            $User = $credential.UserName.Split('\')[1] 
        } else { 
            $User = $credential.UserName 
        $pass = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password

    if($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'PlainTextPassword'){
        if($Force) {
            $pass = $PlainTextPassword
        } else {
            Write-Log -LogText "Plaintextpasswords without force parameter are not permitted!" -LogType Error -LogScope $Local:logscope -Error -NoFileStatus

    if($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne 'Hash'){
        $Hash = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$Prefix$server/api/getpasshash.htm?username=$User&password=$Pass" -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty content
        Remove-Variable pass -Force -ErrorAction Ignore -Verbose:$false -Debug:$false -WhatIf:$false

    $global:PRTGServer = $Prefix + $server
    $global:PRTGUser = $User
    $global:PRTGPass = $Hash
    Write-Log -LogText "Connection to PRTG ($($global:PRTGServer)) as user $($global:PRTGUser)" -LogType Info -LogScope $Local:logscope -NoFileStatus -Console
    Invoke-PRTGSensorTreeRefresh -Server $global:PRTGServer -User $global:PRTGUser -Pass $global:PRTGPass -Verbose:$false
    if($PassThru) {
        $Result = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
            Server = $Prefix + $server
            User = $User
            Pass = $Hash
            Authentication = "&username=$User&passhash=$Hash"        
        Write-Output $Result