Function Connect-PVVault { <# .SYNOPSIS This command enables you to log onto the Vault. .DESCRIPTION Exposes the PACLI Function: "LOGON" Either log onto the Vault with this function by specifying a username and password or by using an authentication parameter file. To create this file, see the New-PVLogonFile command. .PARAMETER user The Username of the User logging on .PARAMETER password The User’s password (as a Secure String). Note: The LOGONFILE and PASSWORD parameters cannot be defined together. .PARAMETER newPassword The User’s new password (as a Secure String); (if the User would like to change password at logon time) or NULL. Note: The LOGONFILE and NEWPASSWORD parameters cannot be defined together. .PARAMETER logonFile The full pathname of the logon parameter file which contains the User’s name and scrambled password. Note: The logonfile parameter cannot be defined with the RADIUS, PASSWORD, or NEWPASSWORD parameters. .PARAMETER autoChangePassword Determines whether or not the password is automatically changed each time the User logs onto the Vault. It is only relevant when you use the LogonFile parameter of the CreateLogonFile command. It will generate a randomized new password, change to the new password on logon, and will save it to the authentication file after a successful logon. .PARAMETER failIfConnected Whether or not to disconnect the session if the user is already logged onto the Vault through a different interface .PARAMETER radius Whether or not to enable Radius authentication to the Vault. Notes: PACLI does not support challenge response for RADIUS authentication. The logonfile and radius parameters cannot be defined in the same command. .EXAMPLE Connect-PVVault -user User1 -password (read-host -AsSecureString) Logs onto defined vault using User1 .NOTES AUTHOR: Pete Maan #> [CmdLetBinding()] param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [string]$user, [Parameter( Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [securestring]$password, [Parameter( Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [securestring]$newPassword, [Parameter( Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [string]$logonFile, [Parameter( Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [switch]$autoChangePassword, [Parameter( Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [switch]$failIfConnected, [Parameter( Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [switch]$radius ) PROCESS { #deal with password SecureString if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("password")) { $PSBoundParameters["password"] = ConvertTo-InsecureString $password } #deal with newPassword SecureString if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("newPassword")) { #Included decoded password in request $PSBoundParameters["newPassword"] = ConvertTo-InsecureString $newPassword } $Return = Invoke-PACLICommand $Script:PV.ClientPath LOGON $($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-ParameterString -NoUser) if ($Return.ExitCode -eq 0) { Set-PVConfiguration -user $user } } } |