Function New-PVPassword { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a password automatically according to the built-in password policy, and the user-specified policy. .DESCRIPTION Exposes the PACLI Function: "GENERATEPASSWORD" The built-in policy ensures the following: Numbers will not occur in the password edges Repeated characters or sequences are not allowed The user-specified policy enables the user to control the parameters that are specified in this command .PARAMETER length The length of the password. .PARAMETER minUpperCase The minimum number of uppercase characters to be included in the password. Specify ‘-1’ to exclude uppercase characters from the password. .PARAMETER minSpecial The minimum number of special characters to be included in the password. Specify ‘-1’ to exclude special characters from the password. .PARAMETER minLowerCase The minimum number of lowercase characters to be included in the password. Specify ‘-1’ to exclude lowercase characters from the password. .PARAMETER minDigit The minimum number of numeric characters to be included in the password. Specify ‘-1’ to exclude digits from the password. .PARAMETER effectiveLength The number of characters from the beginning of the password that the above 4 parameters apply to. .PARAMETER forbiddenChars A list of characters that will not be included in the password. These characters do not have separators, but must be inside quotation marks, eg., “/?\” .EXAMPLE New-PVPassword -length 19 -minUpperCase 8 -minSpecial 3 -minLowerCase 6 ` -minDigit 1 -forbiddenChars xyz Generates a new password as per the parameters .NOTES AUTHOR: Pete Maan #> [CmdLetBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSShouldProcess", "", Justification = "ShouldProcess handling is in Invoke-PACLICommand")] param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [ValidateRange(1, 170)] [int]$length, [Parameter( Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [int]$minUpperCase, [Parameter( Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [int]$minSpecial, [Parameter( Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [int]$minLowerCase, [Parameter( Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [int]$minDigit, [Parameter( Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [int]$effectiveLength, [Parameter( Mandatory = $False, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] [string]$forbiddenChars ) $Return = Invoke-PACLICommand $Script:PV.ClientPath GENERATEPASSWORD "$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-ParameterString -donotQuote length,minUpperCase,minSpecial,minLowerCase, minDigit,effectiveLength) OUTPUT (ALL)" if ($Return.ExitCode -eq 0) { #if result(s) returned if ($Return.StdOut) { #Return Generated Password String [PSCustomObject] @{ "Password" = $Return.StdOut.TrimEnd() } } } } |