
Function Add-PVRule {

    Adds an Object Level Access rule
    Exposes the PACLI Function: "ADDRULE"
    .PARAMETER userName
    The user who will be affected by the rule.
    .PARAMETER safeName
    The Safe where the rule is applied.
    .PARAMETER fullObjectName
    The file, password, or folder that the rule applies to.
    .PARAMETER isFolder
    Whether the rule applies to files and passwords or for
        NO – Indicates files and passwords
        YES – Indicates folders
    .PARAMETER effect
    Whether or not the rule allows or denies the user
    authorizations that are specified in the following parameters.
    Possible values are:
        Allow – The rule enables the authorizations marked ‘YES’.
        Deny – The rule denies all the following permissions.
    .PARAMETER retrieve
    Whether or not the user is authorized to retrieve files.
    .PARAMETER store
    Whether or not the user is authorized to store files.
    .PARAMETER delete
    Whether or not the user is authorized to delete files.
    .PARAMETER administer
    Whether or not the user is authorized to administer the Safe.
    .PARAMETER supervise
    Whether or not the user is authorized to supervise other Safe
    Owners and confirm requests by other users to enter specific
    .PARAMETER backup
    Whether or not the user is authorized to backup the Safe
    .PARAMETER manageOwners
    Whether or not the user is authorized to manage other Safe
    .PARAMETER accessNoConfirmation
    Whether or not the user is authorized to access the Safe
    without receiving confirmation from authorized users.
    .PARAMETER validateSafeContent
    Whether or not the user is authorized to validate the Safe
    .PARAMETER list
    Whether or not the user is authorized to list the specified file,
    password, or folder.
    .PARAMETER usePassword
    If the object is a password, whether or not the user can use
    the password via the PVWA.
    .PARAMETER updateObjectProperties
    Whether or not the user is authorized to update the specified
    file or password categories.
    .PARAMETER initiateCPMChange
    Whether or not the user is authorized to initiate a CPM
    change for the specified password.
    .PARAMETER initiateCPMChangeWithManualPassword
    Whether or not the user is authorized to initiate a CPM
    change with a manual password for the specified password.
    .PARAMETER createFolder
    Whether or not the user is authorized to create a new folder.
    .PARAMETER deleteFolder
    Whether or not the user is authorized to delete a folder.
    .PARAMETER moveFrom
    Whether or not the user is authorized to move the specified
    file or password from its current location.
    .PARAMETER moveInto
    Whether or not the user is authorized to move the specified
    file or password into a different location.
    .PARAMETER viewAudit
    Whether or not the user is authorized to view the specified
    file or password audits.
    .PARAMETER viewPermissions
    Whether or not the user is authorized to view the specified
    file or password permissions.
    .PARAMETER eventsList
    Whether or not the user is authorized to view events.
    Note: To allow Safe Owners to access the Safe, make sure
    this is set to YES.
    .PARAMETER addEvents
    Whether or not the user is authorized to add events.
    .PARAMETER createObject
    Whether or not the user is authorized to create a new file or
    .PARAMETER unlockObject
    Whether or not the user is authorized to unlock the specified
    file or password.
    .PARAMETER renameObject
    Whether or not the user is authorized to rename the
    specified file or password.
    Add-PVRule -userName user1 -safeName DEV-1 `
    -fullObjectName root\rootpass -effect Allow -retrieve -store -delete
    Adds rule on object rootpass safe DEV-1 fr user user1
    AUTHOR: Pete Maan


            Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $True,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
        [ValidateSet("Allow", "Deny")]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]


        $Return = Invoke-PACLICommand $Script:PV.ClientPath ADDRULE "$($PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-ParameterString -donotQuote effect) OUTPUT (ALL,ENCLOSE)"

        if ($Return.ExitCode -eq 0) {

            #if result(s) returned
            if ($Return.StdOut) {

                #Convert Output to array
                $Results = $Return.StdOut | ConvertFrom-PacliOutput

                #loop through results
                For ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $Results.length ; $i += 7) {

                    #Get Range from array
                    $values = $Results[$i..($i + 7)]

                    #Output Object
                    [PSCustomObject] @{

                        "RuleID"           = $values[0]
                        "UserName"         = $values[1]
                        "Safename"         = $values[2]
                        "FullObjectName"   = $values[3]
                        "Effect"           = $values[4]
                        "RuleCreationDate" = $values[5]
                        "AccessLevel"      = $values[6]

                    } | Add-ObjectDetail -TypeName pacli.PoShPACLI.Rule




