
Function Get-PVCTL {

    Returns the name of the Certificate Trust List (CTL) that was defined
    during the Start-PVPacli function.

    Exposes the PACLI Function: "CTLGETFILENAME"

    .PARAMETER sessionID
    The ID number of the session. Use this parameter when working
    with multiple scripts simultaneously. The default is ‘0’.


    Returns the name of the Certificate Trust List (CTL) provided to Start-PVPacli function.

    AUTHOR: Pete Maan



            Mandatory = $False,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

    $Return = Invoke-PACLICommand $Script:PV.ClientPath CTLGETFILENAME "$($PSBoundParameters.getEnumerator() |
            ConvertTo-ParameterString) OUTPUT (ALL,ENCLOSE)"

    if($Return.ExitCode -eq 0) {

        #if result(s) returned
        if($Return.StdOut) {

            #Convert Output to array
            $Results = (($Return.StdOut | Select-String -Pattern "\S") | ConvertFrom-PacliOutput)

            #Output Object
            [PSCustomObject] @{

                "CertificateTrustList" = $Results[0]

            } | Add-ObjectDetail -TypeName pacli.PoShPACLI.CTL -PropertyToAdd @{
                "sessionID" = $sessionID


