Function Test-EventLogs { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [hashtable]$PoShMonConfiguration ) $allTestsOutput = @() foreach ($SeverityCode in $PoShMonConfiguration.OperatingSystem.EventLogCodes) { $mainOutput = Get-InitialOutputWithTimer -SectionHeader "$SeverityCode Event Log Issues" -GroupBy 'ServerName' -OutputHeaders ([ordered]@{ 'EventID' = 'Event ID'; 'InstanceCount' = 'Count'; 'Source' = 'Source'; 'User' = 'User'; 'Timestamp' = 'Timestamp'; 'Message' ='Message' }) $wmiStartDate = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-$PoShMonConfiguration.General.MinutesToScanHistory) $wmidate = New-Object -com Wbemscripting.swbemdatetime $wmidate.SetVarDate($wmiStartDate, $true) $wmiStartDateWmi = $wmidate.value foreach ($serverName in $PoShMonConfiguration.General.ServerNames) { $serverHasEntries = $false $eventLogEntryGroups = Get-GroupedEventLogItemsBySeverity -ComputerName $serverName -SeverityCode $SeverityCode -WmiStartDate $wmiStartDateWmi Write-Verbose "`t$serverName" if ($eventLogEntryGroups.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($eventLogEntryGroup in $eventLogEntryGroups) { $currentEntry = $eventLogEntryGroup.Group[0] $markedForIgnore = $false if ($PoShMonConfiguration.OperatingSystem.EventLogIgnores -ne $null) { foreach ($EventLogIgnore in $PoShMonConfiguration.OperatingSystem.EventLogIgnores) { if ($EventLogIgnore.EventID -eq $currentEntry.EventCode -and ($EventLogIgnore.IgnoreIfLessThan -eq 0 -or $eventLogEntryGroup.Count -lt $EventLogIgnore.IgnoreIfLessThan)) { $markedForIgnore = $true } } } #if ($EventIDIgnoreList.Count -eq 0 -or $EventIDIgnoreList.ContainsKey($currentEntry.EventCode) -eq $false) #if ($PoShMonConfiguration.OperatingSystem.EventIDIgnoreList.Count -eq 0 -or ` # $PoShMonConfiguration.OperatingSystem.EventIDIgnoreList.ContainsKey($currentEntry.EventCode.ToString()) -eq $false) if ($markedForIgnore -eq $false) { $mainOutput.NoIssuesFound = $false $serverHasEntries = $true Write-Warning ("`t`t" + $currentEntry.EventCode.ToString() + ' : ' + $eventLogEntryGroup.Count + ' : ' + $currentEntry.SourceName + ' : ' + $currentEntry.User + ' : ' + $currentEntry.ConvertToDateTime($currentEntry.TimeGenerated) + ' - ' + $currentEntry.Message) # Depending on what happened, the Message can be empty so 'InsertionStrings' has the details $message = if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($currentEntry.Message) -eq $false) { $currentEntry.Message } else { $currentEntry.InsertionStrings -join ", " } $mainOutput.OutputValues += [pscustomobject]@{ 'ServerName' = $serverName; 'EventID' = $currentEntry.EventCode; 'InstanceCount' = $eventLogEntryGroup.Count; 'Source' = $currentEntry.SourceName; 'User' = $currentEntry.User; 'Timestamp' = $currentEntry.ConvertToDateTime($currentEntry.TimeGenerated); 'Message' = $message } } } } if ($serverHasEntries -eq $false) { Write-Verbose "`t`tNo Entries Found In Time Specified" $mainOutput.OutputValues += [pscustomobject]@{ 'ServerName' = $serverName; } } } $allTestsOutput += (Complete-TimedOutput $mainOutput) } return $allTestsOutput } |