function Get-KMSHostEvent { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Alias('IPAddress','__Server','CN')] [string]$ComputerName='localhost', [ValidateNotNull()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty, [datetime]$StartTime, [datetime]$EndTime, [int64]$MaxEvents, [switch]$Oldest ) begin { $FilterHashTable = @{ LogName = "Key Management Service" } if ($StartTime) { $FilterHashTable.Add("StartTime",$StartTime) } if ($EndTime) { $FilterHashTable.Add("EndTime",$EndTime) } $ParameterSplat = @{} if ($Credential) { $ParameterSplat['Credential'] = $Credential } if ($MaxEvents) { $ParameterSplat['MaxEvents'] = $MaxEvents } if ($Oldest) { $ParameterSplat['Oldest'] = $true } } process { # verify that KMS service is running on computer try { $Service = Get-Service -ComputerName $ComputerName -Name sppsvc -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning -Message 'The KMS service (sppsvc) is not installed or the system could not be reached.' break } if ($Service.Status -ne 'Running') { Write-Warning -Message 'The KMS service (sppsvc) is not currently running.' } $Events = Get-MyEvent -ComputerName $ComputerName -FilterHashtable $FilterHashTable @ParameterSplat $EventCount = 0 foreach ($Event in $Events) { if ($EventCount -gt 0) { Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Formatting events..." -PercentComplete (($EventCount / $Events.count) * 100) } $EventCount++ $EventLogRecord = ConvertFrom-EventLogRecord -EventLogRecord $Event [PsCustomObject]@{ ComputerName = $EventLogRecord.ComputerName TimeCreated = $EventLogRecord.TimeCreated Id = $EventLogRecord.Id Level = $EventLogRecord.Level MinActivateCount = $EventLogRecord.MinActivateCount ClientFqdn = $EventLogRecord.ClientFqdn ClientMachineID = $EventLogRecord.ClientMachineID ClientTimestamp = $EventLogRecord.ClientTimestamp IsClientVM = $EventLogRecord.IsClientVM LicenseState = $EventLogRecord.LicenseState LicenseStateExpiration = $EventLogRecord.LicenseStateExpiration LicenseStateExpirationMin = $EventLogRecord.LicenseStateExpirationMin ProductSkuId = $EventLogRecord.ProductSkuId ProductSkuName = $EventLogRecord.ProductSkuName KmsErrorCode = $EventLogRecord.KmsErrorCode KmsErrorMessage = $EventLogRecord.KmsErrorMessage } } } end { } } |