
Enum LightState {
    # Defines a state of the light for methods that can
    # specify the state of the light to On or Off.
    On = $True
    Off = $False

Enum ColourMode {
    # Defines the colour modes that can be set on the light.

Enum AlertType {
    # Defines the accepted values when invoking the Breathe method.

Enum Gamut {
    # Defines the accepted gamut values when calculating RGB to XY conversions.

Enum RoomClass {
    # Defines the room classes that lights can belong to.

Enum ScheduleTrigger {

Class HueFactory {
    # Base class defining properties and methods shared amongst other classes

    [ValidateLength(20, 50)][string] $RemoteApiAccessToken
    [ValidateLength(20, 50)][string] $RemoteApiRefreshToken
    [int] $RemoteApiAccessTokenExpiryDate

    # A technically static entry to configure the location of the Hue Remote API
    hidden [string] $HueRemoteApiUri = 'https://api.meethue.com/bridge/'

    # Builds request parameters.
    hidden [hashtable] BuildRequestParams([string] $Method, [string] $Uri) {
        $PSVersion = $global:PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
        $ReqArgs = @{
            Method      = $Method
            Uri         = $this.ApiUri + $Uri
            ContentType = 'application/json'
        If ($this.RemoteApiAccessToken) {
            $ReqArgs.Add('Headers', @{Authorization = "Bearer $($this.RemoteApiAccessToken)"})
        ElseIf ($PSVersion -ge 6) {
            $ReqArgs.Add('SkipCertificateCheck', $true)
        ElseIf ($PSVersion -eq 5) {
        Return $ReqArgs

    # Return errors and terminates execution
    hidden [void] ReturnError($e) {
        Throw $e

    # Return errors and terminates execution
    hidden [void] ValidateResponse($r) {
        If ($r.error -ne $null) {
            $Output = 'Error: '
            Foreach ($e in $r) {
                Switch ($e.error.type) {
                    # add more for specific errors if desired.
                    default {$Output += $e.error.description}
            Throw [System.Net.WebException]::new($Output)
        Else {Return}

    # Simple string to help users get remote api access.
    static [string] GetRemoteApiAccess() {
        Return "To get an access token that permits this module to access your bridge via the Philips`r`nHue Remote API, please open a browser and visit https://www.lewisroberts.com/poshue`r`nAccess tokens are currently only valid for 7 days (not set by me)."
    # convert unix timestamps to local datetime objects
    hidden [datetime] ConvertUnixTime([long] $Milliseconds) {
        Return [System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeMilliseconds($Milliseconds).LocalDateTime

    # get quota from the remote api
    [pscustomobject] GetRemoteApiUsage() {
        If (!($this.RemoteApiAccessToken)) {
            Throw 'This method can only be used where the parent object is using the remote API.'

        # Using a Web Request since Headers aren't available in Invoke-RestMethod in PS5.1
        # 6.0+ would be Invoke-RestMethod @ReqParams -ResponseHeadersVariable HeaderVariable
        $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get `
            -Uri ("{0}{1}/{2}" -f $this.HueRemoteApiUri, $this.APIKey, 'lights') `
            -Headers @{Authorization = "Bearer $($this.RemoteApiAccessToken)"} `
            -ContentType 'application/json'

        $QuotaObjects = $Result.Headers.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -match 'X-Quota'}

        $Object = @{}
        Foreach ($Item in $QuotaObjects) {
            If ($Item -like '*Time*') {
                $Object.Add($Item.ToString(), $this.ConvertUnixTime([long]$Result.Headers.Item($Item)[0]))

            $Object.Add($Item.ToString(), $Result.Headers.Item($Item)[0])
        Return $Object

    # Some Windows PowerShell 5.1 specific code to handle move to HTTPS within Hue API 1.24.0
    # Windows PowerShell 5.1 doesn't do well with self-signed certificates and needs to be
    # forced to use TLS1.2 it seems.
    ResolvePs51HttpsCompatibility() {
        $PSVersion = $global:PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
        If (([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -eq 'Win32NT') -and ($PSVersion -lt 6)) {
            Add-Type -TypeDefinition "using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy { public bool CheckValidationResult(ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate, WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {return true;} }"
            [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy

            [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 # Force use of TLS 1.2

    # The desire is to be able to catch expired tokens and simply refresh.
    [pscustomobject] RefreshAccessToken([string] $ExistingExpiredAccessToken, [string] $ExistingValidRefreshToken, [int] $ExpiryUnixTimeStamp) {
        If (!($this.RemoteApiAccessToken)) {
            Throw 'This method can only be used where the parent object is using the remote API.'
        # Sanity check if the token has expired. The refresh page also does this but might as well avoid the "cost" of making an HTTP call where we can.
        Try { [System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($ExpiryUnixTimeStamp) }
        Catch { $this.ReturnError("RefreshAccessToken(): Expiration timestamp could not be understood as a date.`r`n" + $_) } 

        If (([System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($ExpiryUnixTimeStamp)) -gt (Get-Date)) {
            $this.ReturnError("RefreshAccessToken(): The access token has not expired yet.`r`n" + $_)

        $Result = $null

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("access_token", $ExistingExpiredAccessToken)
        $Settings.Add("refresh_token", $ExistingValidRefreshToken)
        $Settings.Add("expires", $ExpiryUnixTimeStamp)

        Try {
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post `
                -Uri 'https://www.lewisroberts.com/poshue_refresh.php' `
                -Body $Settings
        Catch {
            # Catches anything not 2xx/3xx and raises an error.
            # The refresh page will send a sensible 4xx error if the request is no good.
            $this.ReturnError("RefreshAccessToken(): An error occurred while refreshing the token.`r`n" + $_)

        If ($Result.access_token -and $Result.refresh_token -and $Result.expires) {
            $this.RemoteApiAccessToken = $Result.access_token
            $this.RemoteApiRefreshToken = $Result.refresh_token
            $this.RemoteApiAccessTokenExpiryDate = $Result.expires

        Return $Result

    # The desire is to be able to catch expired tokens and simply refresh.
    static [pscustomobject] RefreshAccessToken([string] $ExistingExpiredAccessToken, [string] $ExistingValidRefreshToken, [int] $ExpiryUnixTimeStamp, [bool] $Static) {
        # Sanity check if the token has expired. The refresh page also does this but might as well avoid the "cost" of making an HTTP call where we can.
        Try { [System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($ExpiryUnixTimeStamp) }
        Catch { Throw "RefreshAccessToken(): Expiration timestamp could not be understood as a date.`r`n" + $_ } 

        If (([System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeSeconds($ExpiryUnixTimeStamp)) -gt (Get-Date)) {
            Throw "RefreshAccessToken(): The access token has not expired yet.`r`n" + $_

        $Result = $null

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("access_token", $ExistingExpiredAccessToken)
        $Settings.Add("refresh_token", $ExistingValidRefreshToken)
        $Settings.Add("expires", $ExpiryUnixTimeStamp)

        Try {
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post `
                -Uri 'https://www.lewisroberts.com/poshue_refresh.php' `
                -Body $Settings
        Catch {
            # Catches anything not 2xx/3xx and raises an error.
            # The refresh page will send a sensible 4xx error if the request is no good.
            Throw "RefreshAccessToken(): An error occurred while refreshing the token.`r`n" + $_

        Return $Result

    # Export the access token (important bits) to JSON so it can be stored/saved etc.
    [string] ExportAccessTokenToJson() {
        $AccessToken = @{}
        $AccessToken.Add("access_token", $this.RemoteApiAccessToken)
        $AccessToken.Add("refresh_token", $this.RemoteApiRefreshToken)
        $AccessToken.Add("expires", $this.RemoteApiAccessTokenExpiryDate)

        Return ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $AccessToken

    # End HueFactory

Class HueBridge : HueFactory {

    [ipaddress] $BridgeIP
    [ValidateLength(5, 50)][string] $APIKey
    [ValidateLength(20, 50)][string] $RemoteApiAccessToken
    [string] $ApiUri


    # Constructor to return an API Key
    HueBridge([string] $Bridge) {
        $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge
        $this.ApiUri = "http://{0}/api/" -f $this.BridgeIP

    # Constructor to return lights and names of lights.
    HueBridge([string] $Bridge, [string] $APIKey) {
        $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "http://{0}/api/{1}" -f $this.BridgeIP, $this.APIKey

    # Use a Remote API session but without a username/whitelist entry.
    HueBridge([string] $RemoteApiAcccessToken, [bool]$RemoteSession) {
        $this.RemoteApiAccessToken = $RemoteApiAcccessToken
        $this.ApiUri = $this.HueRemoteApiUri

    # Use a Remote API session with a username/whitelist entry.
    HueBridge([string] $RemoteApiAcccessToken, [string] $APIKey, [bool] $RemoteSession) {
        $this.RemoteApiAccessToken = $RemoteApiAcccessToken
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "{0}{1}" -f $this.HueRemoteApiUri, $this.APIKey

    # METHODS #

    static [PSObject] FindHueBridge() {
        If ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -ne 'Win32NT') {
            Throw 'Searching for your Philips Hue bridge via UPnP is not currently possible on Unix and Mac platforms. Please consult your network equipment to discover the bridge IP address.'
        $UPnPFinder = New-Object -ComObject UPnP.UPnPDeviceFinder
        $UPnPDevices = $UPnPFinder.FindByType("upnp:rootdevice", 0) | Where-Object {$_.Description -match "Hue"} | Select-Object FriendlyName, PresentationURL, SerialNumber | Format-List
        Return $UPnPDevices
    [string] GetNewAPIKey() {
        If ($this.RemoteApiAccessToken) {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', '/0/config')
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body '{ "linkbutton":true }'
        $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Post', '')
        $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body '{"devicetype":"PoSHue#PowerShell Hue"}'
        If ($Result[0].error) {
            Throw $Result[0].error.description
        ElseIf ($Result[0].success) {
            # Assign the API Key and return it.
            $this.APIKey = $Result[0].success.username
            $this.ApiUri = "$($this.ApiUri)$($this.APIKey)"
            Return $Result[0].success.username
        Else {
            Throw "There was an error getting a new API key.`r`n$Result"

    [array] GetLightNames() {
        $Result = $null
        If (!($this.APIKey)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the APIKey property to be set."
        $Result = $this.GetAllLights()

        $Lights = $Result.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"}
        Return $Lights.Value.Name

    [PSCustomObject] GetAllLights() {
        If (!($this.APIKey)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the APIKey property to be set."
        $Result = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Get', '/lights')
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('GetAllLights(): An error occurred while getting light data.' + $_)
        Return $Result

    [psobject] GetAllLightsObject() {
        If (!($this.APIKey)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the APIKey property to be set."

        $Result = $this.GetAllLights()

        $Lights = ($Result.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"})

        $Object = Foreach ($Light in $Lights) {
            $Property = [ordered]@{             
                Name         = $Light.Value.name
                Id           = $Light.name
                Type         = $Light.Value.type
                IsOn         = $Light.Value.state.on
                Brightness   = $Light.Value.state.bri
                Hue          = $Light.Value.state.hue
                Saturation   = $Light.Value.state.sat
                ColourTemp   = $Light.Value.state.ct
                XY           = $Light.Value.state.xy
                ColorMode    = $Light.Value.state.colormode
                Reachable    = $Light.Value.state.reachable
                ModelId      = $Light.Value.modelid
                Manufacturer = $Light.Value.manufacturername
            # Create the new object.
            New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Property

        Return $Object

    # Returns a set of HueLight objects rather than just their information.
    [PSCustomObject] GetAllLightsObject([switch] $Objects) {
        If (!($this.APIKey)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the APIKey property to be set."

        $Result = $this.GetAllLights()

        $Lights = ($Result.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"})

        $Object = Foreach ($Light in $Lights) {
            If ($this.BridgeIP) {
                [HueLight]::New($Light.Value.Name, $this.BridgeIP, $This.APIKey)
            Else {
                [HueLight]::New($Light.Value.Name, $this.RemoteApiAccessToken, $this.APIKey, $true)

        Return $Object

    [void] ToggleAllLights([LightState] $State) {
        # A simple toggle affecting all lights in the system.
        $Settings = @{}
        Switch ($State) {
            On {$Settings.Add("on", $true)}
            Off {$Settings.Add("on", $false)}
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', '/groups/0/action')
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('ToggleAllLights([LightState] $State): An error occurred while toggling lights.' + $_)


    [void] SetHueScene([string] $SceneID) { 
        # Set a Hue Scene (collection of lights and their settings)
        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("scene", $SceneID)

        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', '/groups/0/action')
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SetHueScene([string] $SceneID): An error occurred while setting a scene.' + $_)

    [PSCustomObject] GetAllGroups() {
        If (!($this.APIKey)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the APIKey property to be set."
        $Result = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Get', '/groups')
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('GetAllGroups(): An error occurred while getting group data.' + $_)
        Return $Result

    [PSCustomObject] GetAllSensors() {
        If (!($this.APIKey)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the APIKey property to be set."
        $Result = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Get', '/sensors')
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('GetAllSensors(): An error occurred while getting sensor data.' + $_)
        Return $Result

    [pscustomobject] GetBridgeConfig() {
        If (!($this.APIKey)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the APIKey property to be set."
        $Result = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Get', '/config')
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('GetBridgeConfig(): An error occurred while getting bridge configuration.' + $_)
        Return $Result

    [pscustomobject] GetWhitelistEntry() {
        If (!($this.APIKey)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the APIKey property to be set."
        $Result = ($this.GetBridgeConfig()).whitelist

        $Entries = $Result.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"}

        $Object = Foreach ($Entry in $Entries) {
            $Property = [ordered]@{
                WhitelistId  = $Entry.Name
                Name         = $Entry.Value.name
                CreationDate = $Entry.Value.'create date'
                LastUsed     = $Entry.Value.'last use date'
            # Create the new object.
            New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Property

        Return $Object

    [pscustomobject] RemoveWhitelistEntry([string] $WhitelistEntry) {
        If (!($this.APIKey)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the APIKey property to be set."
        $Result = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Delete', "/config/whitelist/$($WhitelistEntry)")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('RemoveWhitelistEntry(): An error occurred while deleting the whitelist entry from the bridge.' + $_)
        Return $Result

Class HueLight : HueFactory {


    [ValidateLength(1, 2)][string] $Light
    [ValidateLength(2, 80)][string] $LightFriendlyName
    [ipaddress] $BridgeIP
    [ValidateLength(5, 50)][string] $APIKey
    [ValidateLength(1, 2000)][string] $JSON
    [bool] $On
    [ValidateRange(0, 255)][int] $Brightness
    [ValidateRange(0, 65535)][int] $Hue
    [ValidateRange(0, 255)][int] $Saturation
    [ValidateRange(153, 500)][int] $ColourTemperature
    [hashtable] $XY = @{ x = $null; y = $null }    
    [bool] $Reachable
    [string] $ApiUri
    [ValidateLength(20, 50)][string] $RemoteApiAccessToken
    [ColourMode] $ColourMode
    [AlertType] $AlertEffect

    # Useful for if you would like visible temp indicators
    hidden [hashtable] $ColourTemps = @{
        t5  = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(80, 181, 221)
        t6  = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(78, 178, 206)
        t7  = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(76, 176, 190)
        t8  = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(73, 173, 175)
        t9  = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(72, 171, 159)
        t10 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(70, 168, 142)
        t11 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(68, 166, 125)
        t12 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(66, 164, 108)
        t13 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(102, 173, 94)
        t14 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(135, 190, 64)
        t15 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(179, 204, 26)
        t16 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(214, 213, 28)
        t17 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(249, 202, 3)
        t18 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(246, 181, 3)
        t19 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(244, 150, 26)
        t20 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(236, 110, 5)
        t21 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(234, 90, 36)
        t22 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(228, 87, 43)
        t23 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(225, 74, 41)
        t24 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(224, 65, 39)
        t25 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(217, 55, 43)
        t26 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(214, 49, 41)
        t27 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(209, 43, 43)
        t28 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(205, 40, 47)
        t29 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(200, 36, 50)
        t30 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(195, 35, 52)


    HueLight([string] $Name, [ipaddress] $Bridge, [string] $APIKey) {
        $this.LightFriendlyName = $Name
        $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "http://{0}/api/{1}" -f $this.BridgeIP, $this.APIKey
        $this.Light = $this.GetHueLight($Name)

    HueLight([int] $LightId, [ipaddress] $Bridge, [string] $APIKey) {
        $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "http://{0}/api/{1}" -f $this.BridgeIP, $this.APIKey
        $this.Light = $LightId

    # Constructor to return lights and names of lights remotely.
    HueLight([string] $Name, [string] $RemoteApiAcccessToken, [string] $APIKey, [bool] $RemoteSession) {
        $this.LightFriendlyName = $Name
        $this.RemoteApiAccessToken = $RemoteApiAcccessToken
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "{0}{1}" -f $this.HueRemoteApiUri, $this.APIKey
        $this.Light = $this.GetHueLight($Name)

    HueLight([int] $LightId, [string] $RemoteApiAcccessToken, [string] $APIKey, [bool] $RemoteSession) {
        $this.RemoteApiAccessToken = $RemoteApiAcccessToken
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "{0}{1}" -f $this.HueRemoteApiUri, $this.APIKey
        $this.Light = $LightId

    # METHODS #

    hidden [int] GetHueLight([string] $Name) {
        If (!($Name)) { Throw "No light name was specified." }
        # Change the named light in to the integer used by the bridge. We use this throughout.
        $HueData = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Get', '/lights')
            $HueData = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
        Catch {
            #$this.ReturnError('GetHueLight([string] $Name): An error occurred while getting light information.' + $_)
        $Lights = $HueData.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"}
        $SelectedLight = $Lights | Where-Object {$_.Value.Name -eq $Name}  | Select-Object Name -ExpandProperty Name
        If ($SelectedLight) {
            Return $SelectedLight
        Else {
            Throw "No light name matching `"$Name`" was found in the Hue Bridge.`r`nTry using [HueBridge]::GetLightNames() to get a full list of light names in this Hue Bridge."

    hidden [void] GetStatus() {
        # Get the current values of the State, Hue, Saturation, Brightness and Colour Temperatures
        $Status = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Get', "/lights/$($this.Light)")
            $Status = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
            If ($Status.error -ne $null) {
                $Output = 'Error: '
                Foreach ($e in $Status) {
                    Switch ($e.error.type) {
                        # add more for specific errors if desired.
                        default {$Output += $e.error.description}
                Throw $Output
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('GetStatus(): An error occurred while getting the status of the light.' + "`r`n" + $_)

        $this.On = $Status.state.on

        # If LightFriendlyName is null, fill it since we are probably working with LightId directly.
        If (!($this.LightFriendlyName)) {
            $this.LightFriendlyName = $Status.name
        # If Light is not reachable, set On = false
        If (!($Status.state.reachable)) {$this.On = $status.state.reachable}        
        $this.Reachable = $Status.state.reachable
        # This is for compatibility reasons on Philips Ambient Lights
        If ($Status.state.bri -ge 1) {$this.Brightness = $Status.state.bri}

        $this.Hue = $Status.state.hue
        $this.Saturation = $Status.state.sat
        If (Get-Member -InputObject $Status.state -Name "colormode" -MemberType Properties) {                                                           
            $this.ColourMode = $Status.state.colormode

            # This is for compatibility reasons on Philips Ambient Lights
            If ($Status.state.colormode -eq "xy") {
                $this.XY.x = $Status.state.xy[0]
                $this.XY.y = $Status.state.xy[1]
        Else {
            $this.ColourMode = 'none'

        If ($Status.state.ct) {
            My Hue Go somehow got itself to a colour temp of "15" which is supposed
            to be impossible. The [ValidateRange] of Colour Temp meant it wasn't possible
            to instantiate the [HueLight] class because it was outside the valid range of
            values accepted by the property. Makes sense but now means I need to handle
            possible impossible values. Added to the fact that this property might not
            exist on lights that don't support colour temperature, it's a bit of a pain.

            Switch ($Status.state.ct) {
                {($Status.state.ct -lt 153)} {$this.ColourTemperature = 153; Break}
                {($Status.state.ct -gt 500)} {$this.ColourTemperature = 500; Break}
                default {$this.ColourTemperature = $Status.state.ct}
        $this.AlertEffect = $Status.state.alert

    # A simple toggle. If on, turn off. If off, turn on.
    [void] SwitchHueLight() {
        Switch ($this.On) {
            $false {$this.On = $true}
            $true {$this.On = $false}

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("on", $this.On)
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/lights/$($this.Light)/state")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SwitchHueLight(): An error occurred while toggling the light.' + $_)

    # Set the state of the light. Always does what you give it, irrespective of the current setting.
    [void] SwitchHueLight([LightState] $State) {
        # An overload for SwitchHueLight
        Switch ($State) {
            On {$this.On = $true}
            Off {$this.On = $false}

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("on", $this.On)

        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/lights/$($this.Light)/state")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SwitchHueLight([LightState] $State): An error occurred while switching the light .' + $_)

    # Set the state of the light (from off) for a transition - like a sunrise.
    [void] SwitchHueLight([LightState] $State, [bool] $Transition) {
        # An overload for SwitchHueLight
        Switch ($State) {
            On {$this.On = $true}
            Off {$this.On = $false}

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("on", $this.On)
        If ($this.On -and $Transition) {
            $this.Brightness = 1
            $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness)

        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/lights/$($this.Light)/state")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SwitchHueLight([LightState] $State, [bool] $Transition): An error occurred while toggling the light for transition.' + $_)

    ### Set the light's brightness value ###
    [string] SetHueLight([int] $Brightness) {
        # Set the brightness values of the light.
        If (!($this.On)) {
            Throw "Light `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" must be on in order to set Brightness."
        $Result = $null

        $this.Brightness = $Brightness

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness)
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/lights/$($this.Light)/state")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SetHueLight([int] $Brightness): An error occurred while setting the light brightness.' + $_)

        # Handle errors - incomplete in reality but should suffice for now.
        If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) {
            Return "Success"
        ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) {
            $Output = 'Error: '
            Foreach ($e in $Result) {
                Switch ($e.error.type) {
                    201 {$Output += $e.error.description}
                    default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"}
            Throw $Output
        Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the brightness."}

    # Importance of colour settings: XY > CT > HS #

    ### Set an XY value ###
    # Depends on the Gamut capability of the target Light
    # See: http://www.developers.meethue.com/documentation/hue-xy-values
    [string] SetHueLight([int] $Brightness, [float] $X, [float] $Y) {
        # Set brightness and XY values.
        If (!($this.On)) {
            Throw "Light `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" must be on in order to set Brightness and/or Colour Temperature."
        $Result = $null
        $this.Brightness = $Brightness
        $this.XY.x = $X
        $this.XY.y = $Y

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("xy", @($this.XY.x, $this.XY.y))
        $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness)
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/lights/$($this.Light)/state")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)

        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SetHueLight([int] $Brightness, [float] $X, [float] $Y): An error occurred while setting the light for XY.' + $_)
        If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) {
            Return "Success"
        ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) {
            $Output = 'Error: '
            Foreach ($e in $Result) {
                Switch ($e.error.type) {
                    201 {$Output += $e.error.description}
                    default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"}
            Throw $Output
        Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the Brightness or XY colour value."}

    ### Set a colour temperature ###
    [string] SetHueLight([int] $Brightness, [int] $ColourTemperature) {
        # Set the brightness and colour temperature of the light.
        If (!($this.On)) {
            Throw "Light `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" must be on in order to set Brightness and/or Colour Temperature."

        If (!($this.ColourTemperature)) {
            Throw "Light named `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" does not hold the `"ct`" setting or it could not be read properly during`r`nobject instantiation. Does it support Colour Temperature? If so, please report a bug."
        $Result = $null
        $this.Brightness = $Brightness
        $this.ColourTemperature = $ColourTemperature

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness)
        $Settings.Add("ct", $this.ColourTemperature)
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/lights/$($this.Light)/state")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)

        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SetHueLight([int] $Brightness, [int] $ColourTemperature): An error occurred while setting the light for CT.' + $_)
        If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) {
            Return "Success"
        ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) {
            $Output = 'Error: '
            Foreach ($e in $Result) {
                Switch ($e.error.type) {
                    201 {$Output += $e.error.description}
                    default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"}
            Throw $Output
        Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the Brightness or Colour Temperature."}

    ### Set an HSB value ###
    [string] SetHueLight([int] $Brightness, [int] $Hue, [int] $Saturation) {
        # Set the brightness, hue and saturation values of the light.
        If (!($this.On)) {
            Throw "Light `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" must be on in order to set Hue, Saturation and/or Brightness."
        $Result = $null

        $this.Brightness = $Brightness
        $this.Hue = $Hue
        $this.Saturation = $Saturation

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness)
        $Settings.Add("hue", $this.Hue)
        $Settings.Add("sat", $this.Saturation)
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/lights/$($this.Light)/state")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SetHueLight([int] $Brightness, [int] $Hue, [int] $Saturation): An error occurred while setting the light for HS.' + $_)

        # Handle errors - incomplete in reality but should suffice for now.
        If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) {
            Return "Success"
        ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) {
            $Output = 'Error: '
            Foreach ($e in $Result) {
                Switch ($e.error.type) {
                    201 {$Output += $e.error.description}
                    default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"}
            Throw $Output
        Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the Hue, Saturation or Brightness."}

    [void] Breathe([AlertType] $AlertEffect) {
        # Perform a breathe action on the light. Limited input values accepted, "none", "select", "lselect".
        $this.AlertEffect = $AlertEffect
        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("alert", [string] $this.AlertEffect)
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/lights/$($this.Light)/state")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('Breathe([AlertType] $AlertEffect): An error occurred while setting the breathe state.' + $_)

    # Set brightness and XY values with transition time.
    [string] SetHueLightTransition([int] $Brightness, [float] $X, [float] $Y, [uint16] $TransitionTime) {
        If (!($this.On)) {
            Throw "Light `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" must be on in order to set Brightness and/or Colour Temperature."
        $Result = $null
        $this.Brightness = $Brightness
        $this.XY.x = $X
        $this.XY.y = $Y

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("xy", @($this.XY.x, $this.XY.y))
        $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness)
        $Settings.Add("transitiontime", $TransitionTime)
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/lights/$($this.Light)/state")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SetHueLightTransition([int] $Brightness, [float] $X, [float] $Y, [uint16] $TransitionTime): An error occurred while setting the light for XY transition.' + $_)
        If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) {
            Return "Success"
        ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) {
            $Output = 'Error: '
            Foreach ($e in $Result) {
                Switch ($e.error.type) {
                    201 {$Output += $e.error.description}
                    default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"}
            Throw $Output
        Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the Brightness or XY colour value."}

    # Set the brightness and colour temperature of the light with transition time
    [string] SetHueLightTransition([int] $Brightness, [int] $ColourTemperature, [uint16] $TransitionTime) {
        If (!($this.On)) {
            Throw "Light `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" must be on in order to set Brightness and/or Colour Temperature."

        If (!($this.ColourTemperature)) {
            Throw "Light named `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" does not hold the `"ct`" setting or it could not be read properly during`r`nobject instantiation. Does it support Colour Temperature? If so, please report a bug."
        $Result = $null
        $this.Brightness = $Brightness
        $this.ColourTemperature = $ColourTemperature

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness)
        $Settings.Add("ct", $this.ColourTemperature)
        $Settings.Add("transitiontime", $TransitionTime)
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/lights/$($this.Light)/state")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SetHueLightTransition([int] $Brightness, [int] $ColourTemperature, [uint16] $TransitionTime): An error occurred while setting the light for CT transition.' + $_)
        If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) {
            Return "Success"
        ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) {
            $Output = 'Error: '
            Foreach ($e in $Result) {
                Switch ($e.error.type) {
                    201 {$Output += $e.error.description}
                    default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"}
            Throw $Output
        Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the Brightness or Colour Temperature."}

    [string] SetHueLightTransition([int] $Brightness, [int] $Hue, [int] $Saturation, [uint16] $TransitionTime) {
        # Set the brightness, hue and saturation values of the light.
        If (!($this.On)) {
            Throw "Light `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" must be on in order to set Hue, Saturation and/or Brightness."
        $Result = $null
        $this.Brightness = $Brightness
        $this.Hue = $Hue
        $this.Saturation = $Saturation

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness)
        $Settings.Add("hue", $this.Hue)
        $Settings.Add("sat", $this.Saturation)
        $Settings.Add("transitiontime", $TransitionTime)
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/lights/$($this.Light)/state")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SetHueLightTransition([int] $Brightness, [int] $Hue, [int] $Saturation, [uint16] $TransitionTime): An error occurred while setting the light for HS transition.' + $_)

        # Handle errors - incomplete in reality but should suffice for now.
        If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) {
            Return "Success"
        ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) {
            $Output = 'Error: '
            Foreach ($e in $Result) {
                Switch ($e.error.type) {
                    201 {$Output += $e.error.description}
                    default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"}
            Throw $Output
        Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the Hue, Saturation or Brightness."}

    # Convert an RGB colour to XYZ format
        Don't use this straight conversion XY output to push to the light as it may be outside
        of the light's capabilities - it won't damage the light, the light will just
        make a bad guess. Use the output from this method and feed it through
        .xybForModel([hashtable] $ConvertedXYZ, [hashtable] $GamutTriangle)
        to get a colour and brightness more appropriate for your model/Gamut of luminaire.
        Yes, this could be improved by associating the model number with a Gamut
        triangle but this would require maintaining as often as Philips release
        new bulbs with different capabilities.
        For now, use the Gamut name identified from:
        (You need to register to see the list unfortunately)
        If you're asking yourself, what's a Gamut?! It's the ability of a bulb
        to reproduce a colour within the CIE colour spectrum. Some Gamuts aren't
        as wide.
        For example, the hue bulbs (Gamut B) are very good at showing nice whites,
        while the LivingColors (Gamut A) are generally a bit better at colours, like
        green and cyan. Newer models like the Hue Go and Hue LightStrips Plus use Gamut C.

    [hashtable] RGBtoXYZ([System.Drawing.Color] $Colour) {
        # Set up a return value [hashtable]
        $ret = @{}

        # Convert the RGB values to 0..1 values
        [float] $r = $Colour.R / 255
        [float] $g = $Colour.G / 255
        [float] $b = $Colour.B / 255

        # Gamma correction
        [float] $red = If ($r -gt [float]0.04045) { [Math]::Pow(($r + [float]0.055) / ([float]1.0 + [float]0.055), [float]2.4) } Else { ($r / [float]12.92) }
        [float] $green = If ($g -gt [float]0.04045) { [Math]::Pow(($g + [float]0.055) / ([float]1.0 + [float]0.055), [float]2.4) } Else { ($g / [float]12.92) }
        [float] $blue = If ($b -gt [float]0.04045) { [Math]::Pow(($b + [float]0.055) / ([float]1.0 + [float]0.055), [float]2.4) } Else { ($b / [float]12.92) }

        # Convert the RGB values to XYZ using the Wide RGB D65 conversion formula
        [float] $x = ($red * [float]0.664511) + ($green * [float]0.154324) + ($blue * [float]0.162028)
        [float] $y = ($red * [float]0.283881) + ($green * [float]0.668433) + ($blue * [float]0.047685)
        [float] $z = ($red * [float]0.000088) + ($green * [float]0.072310) + ($blue * [float]0.986039)

        # Create the return values
        [float] $ret.x = $x / ($x + $y + $z)
        [float] $ret.y = $y / ($x + $y + $z)
        [float] $ret.z = $z / ($x + $y + $z)

        If ($ret.x.ToString() -eq 'NaN') { $ret.x = [float]0.0 }
        If ($ret.y.ToString() -eq 'NaN') { $ret.y = [float]0.0 }
        If ($ret.z.ToString() -eq 'NaN') { $ret.z = [float]0.0 }

        Return $ret

        Stores a set of Gamut values depicting the end points of a triangle
        corresponding to the Gamut of a bulb. The calculated XY values are compared
        with these points to see if the converted XY values fall within this triangle.
        If not, they're smoothed out by calculating the closest point.

    [hashtable] GamutTriangles([Gamut] $GamutID) {

        $GamutTriangles = @{
            GamutA       = @{
                Red   = @{ x = 0.704; y = 0.296 }
                Green = @{ x = 0.2151; y = 0.7106 }
                Blue  = @{ x = 0.138; y = 0.08 }
            GamutB       = @{
                Red   = @{ x = 0.675; y = 0.322 }
                Green = @{ x = 0.409; y = 0.518 }
                Blue  = @{ x = 0.167; y = 0.04 }
            GamutC       = @{
                Red   = @{ x = 0.692; y = 0.308 }
                Green = @{ x = 0.17; y = 0.7 }
                Blue  = @{ x = 0.153; y = 0.048 }
            GamutDefault = @{
                Red   = @{ x = 1.0; y = 0.0 }
                Green = @{ x = 0.0; y = 1.0 }
                Blue  = @{ x = 0.0; y = 0.0 }

        Return $GamutTriangles."$GamutID"

    hidden [float] crossProduct($p1, $p2) {
        Return [float]($p1.x * $p2.y - $p1.y * $p2.x)

    hidden [bool] isPointInTriangle($p, [psobject]$triangle) {
        $red = $triangle.Red
        $green = $triangle.Green
        $blue = $triangle.Blue
        $v1 = @{
            x = $green.x - $red.x
            y = $green.y - $red.y
        $v2 = @{
            x = $blue.x - $red.x
            y = $blue.y - $red.y
        $q = @{
            x = $p.x - $red.x
            y = $p.y - $red.y

        $s = ($this.crossProduct($q, $v2)) / ($this.crossProduct($v1, $v2))
        $t = ($this.crossProduct($v1, $q)) / ($this.crossProduct($v1, $v2))
        Return ($s -ge [float]0.0) -and ($t -ge [float]0.0) -and ($s + $t -le [float]1.0)

    hidden [hashtable] closestPointOnLine($a, $b, $p) {
        $ap = @{
            x = $p.x - $a.x
            y = $p.y - $a.y
        $ab = @{
            x = $b.x - $a.x
            y = $b.y - $a.y
        [float] $ab2 = $ab.x * $ab.x + $ab.y * $ab.y
        [float] $ap_ab = $ap.x * $ab.x + $ap.y * $ab.y
        [float] $t = $ap_ab / $ab2
        If ($t -lt [float]0.0) {
            $t = [float]0.0;
        ElseIf ($t -gt [float]1.0) {
            $t = [float]1.0;

        Return @{
            x = $a.x + $ab.x * $t
            y = $a.y + $ab.y * $t

    hidden [float] distance($p1, $p2) {
        [float] $dx = $p1.x - $p2.x
        [float] $dy = $p1.y - $p2.y
        [float] $dist = [Math]::Sqrt($dx * $dx + $dy * $dy)
        Return $dist

    [hashtable] xyForModel($xy, $Gamut) {
        $triangle = $this.GamutTriangles($Gamut)
        If ($this.isPointInTriangle($xy, $triangle)) {
            Return @{
                x = $xy.x
                y = $xy.y
        $pAB = $this.closestPointOnLine($triangle.Red, $triangle.Green, $xy)
        $pAC = $this.closestPointOnLine($triangle.Blue, $triangle.Red, $xy)
        $pBC = $this.closestPointOnLine($triangle.Green , $triangle.Blue, $xy)
        [float] $dAB = $this.distance($xy, $pAB)
        [float] $dAC = $this.distance($xy, $pAC)
        [float] $dBC = $this.distance($xy, $pBC)
        [float] $lowest = $dAB

        $closestPoint = $pAB
        If ($dAC -lt $lowest) {
            $lowest = $dAC
            $closestPoint = $pAC
        If ($dBC -lt $lowest) {
            $lowest = $dBC
            $closestPoint = $pBC
        Return $closestPoint;

    [hashtable] xybForModel($ConvertedXYZ, $TargetGamut ) {
        $myxy = $this.xyForModel($ConvertedXYZ, $TargetGamut)
        $xyb = @{
            x = $myxy.x
            y = $myxy.y
            b = [int]($ConvertedXYZ.z * 255)
        Return $xyb


Class HueGroup : HueFactory {


    [ValidateLength(1, 2)][string] $Group
    [ValidateLength(2, 80)][string] $GroupFriendlyName
    [ipaddress] $BridgeIP
    [ValidateLength(5, 50)][string] $APIKey
    [ValidateLength(1, 2000)][string] $JSON
    [bool] $On
    [ValidateRange(0, 255)][int] $Brightness
    [ValidateRange(0, 65535)][int] $Hue
    [ValidateRange(0, 255)][int] $Saturation
    [ValidateRange(153, 500)][int] $ColourTemperature
    [hashtable] $XY = @{ x = $null; y = $null }
    [ColourMode] $ColourMode
    [AlertType] $AlertEffect
    [array] $Lights
    [RoomClass] $GroupClass
    [string] $GroupType
    [bool] $AnyOn
    [bool] $AllOn
    [string] $ApiUri
    [ValidateLength(20, 50)][string] $RemoteApiAccessToken


    # Local constructor for new groups
    HueGroup([string] $Bridge, [string] $API) {
        $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge
        $this.APIKey = $API
        $this.ApiUri = "http://{0}/api/{1}" -f $this.BridgeIP, $this.APIKey

    HueGroup([string] $Name, [string] $Bridge, [string] $API) {
        $this.GroupFriendlyName = $Name
        $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge
        $this.APIKey = $API
        $this.ApiUri = "http://{0}/api/{1}" -f $this.BridgeIP, $this.APIKey
        $this.Group = $this.GetLightGroup($Name)

    # Instantiate the object using the group ID
    HueGroup([int] $GroupId, [string] $Bridge, [string] $API) {
        $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge
        $this.APIKey = $API
        $this.ApiUri = "http://{0}/api/{1}" -f $this.BridgeIP, $this.APIKey
        $this.Group = $GroupId

    # Remote API constructor for creation of new groups.
    HueGroup([string] $RemoteApiAcccessToken, [string] $APIKey, [bool] $RemoteSession) {
        $this.RemoteApiAccessToken = $RemoteApiAcccessToken
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "{0}{1}" -f $this.HueRemoteApiUri, $this.APIKey

    # Constructor to return lights and names of lights remotely.
    HueGroup([int] $GroupId, [string] $RemoteApiAcccessToken, [string] $APIKey, [bool] $RemoteSession) {
        $this.RemoteApiAccessToken = $RemoteApiAcccessToken
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "{0}{1}" -f $this.HueRemoteApiUri, $this.APIKey
        $this.Group = $GroupId

    # Constructor to return lights and names of lights remotely.
    HueGroup([string] $Name, [string] $RemoteApiAcccessToken, [string] $APIKey, [bool] $RemoteSession) {
        $this.GroupFriendlyName = $Name
        $this.RemoteApiAccessToken = $RemoteApiAcccessToken
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "{0}{1}" -f $this.HueRemoteApiUri, $this.APIKey
        $this.Group = $this.GetLightGroup($Name)

    # METHODS #

    hidden [int] GetLightGroup([string] $Name) {
        If (!($Name)) { Throw "No group name was specified." }
        # Change the named group in to the integer used by the bridge. We use this throughout.
        $Result = $this.GetLightGroups()
        $Groups = $Result.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"}

        $SelectedGroup = $Groups | Where-Object {$_.Value.Name -eq $Name}  | Select-Object @{Name = "GroupId"; Expression = {$_.Name}}, @{Name = "GroupName"; Expression = {$_.Value.Name}}

        <# # Need to fix this up as it's incompatible with PowerShell 6.
        If ($SelectedGroup.Count -is [int]) {
            Throw "There are multiple groups with the name `"$Name`" in this Hue Bridge. Please instantiate using the Group ID number instead.`r`nTo get a list of groups, use [HueGroup]::GetLightsGroups() with an empty [HueGroup] object."

        If ($SelectedGroup) {
            Return $SelectedGroup.GroupId
        Else {
            Throw "No group name matching `"$Name`" was found in the Hue Bridge.`r`nTry using [HueGroup]::GetLightGroups() to get a full list of groups in this Hue Bridge."

    [psobject] GetLightGroups() {
        # Get light groups.
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Get', "/groups")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
            If ($Result.error) {
                Throw $Result.error
            Return $Result
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('GetLightGroups(): An error occurred while getting the light groups.' + "`n" + $_)
            Return $null

    [void] CreateLightGroup([string]$GroupName, [string[]] $LightID) {
        # Create a light group. A light can belong to multiple light groups.
        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("name", $GroupName)
        $Settings.Add("type", "LightGroup")
        $Settings.Add("lights", $LightID)
        $Result = $null

        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Post', "/groups")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
            If ($Result.error) {
                Throw $Result.error
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('CreateLightGroup([string]$GroupName, [string[]] $LightID): An error occurred while creating the light group.' + "`n" + $_)
        $this.GroupFriendlyName = $GroupName
        $this.Group = $Result.success.id

    [void] CreateLightGroup([string]$GroupName, [RoomClass]$RoomClass, [string[]] $LightID) {
        # Create a room type. Lights can only belong to one room.
        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("name", $GroupName)
        $Settings.Add("type", "Room")
        $Settings.Add("class", [string]$RoomClass)
        $Settings.Add("lights", $LightID)
        $Result = $null

        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Post', "/groups")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
            If ($Result.error) {
                Throw $Result.error
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('CreateLightGroup([string]$GroupName, [RoomClass]$RoomClass, [string[]] $LightID): An error occurred while creating the group.' + "`n" + $_)
        $this.GroupFriendlyName = $GroupName
        $this.Group = $Result.success.id

    [string] DeleteLightGroup() {
        # Delete this light group.
        If (!($this.Group)) { Throw "This operation requires the Group (the identifying number of the group) property to be set.`nYou must instantiate the object with the Group ID or Name." }

        $Result = $null

        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Delete', "/groups/$($this.Group)")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
            If ($Result.error) {
                Throw $Result.error
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('DeleteLightGroup(): An error occurred while deleting the light group.' + "`n" + $_)
        Return $Result.success

    [string] DeleteLightGroup([string]$GroupName) {
        # Delete a light group, whether a Room or LightGroup type.
        $Result = $null
        $this.GroupFriendlyName = $GroupName
        $this.Group = $this.GetLightGroup($GroupName)

        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Delete', "/groups/$($this.Group)")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
            If ($Result.error) {
                Throw $Result.error
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('DeleteLightGroup([string]$GroupName): An error occurred while deleting the light group.' + "`n" + $_)
        Return $Result.success

    hidden [void] GetStatus() {
        # Get the current values of the State, Hue, Saturation, Brightness and Colour Temperatures
        If (!($this.Group)) { Throw "This operation requires the Group (the identifying number of the group) property to be set.`nYou probably wanted to instantiate with the group name." }
        $Status = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Get', "/groups/$($this.Group)")
            $Status = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('GetStatus(): An error occurred while getting the status of the group.' + $_)

        # If LightFriendlyName is null, fill it since we are probably working with LightId directly.
        If (!($this.GroupFriendlyName)) {
            $this.GroupFriendlyName = $Status.name

        $this.On = $Status.action.on
        $this.Brightness = $Status.action.bri
        $this.Hue = $Status.action.hue
        $this.Saturation = $Status.action.sat
        $this.ColourMode = $Status.action.colormode
        $this.XY.x = $Status.action.xy[0]
        $this.XY.y = $Status.action.xy[1]
        If ($Status.action.ct) {
            Switch ($Status.action.ct) {
                {($Status.action.ct -lt 153)} {$this.ColourTemperature = 153; Break}
                {($Status.action.ct -gt 500)} {$this.ColourTemperature = 500; Break}
                default {$this.ColourTemperature = $Status.action.ct}
        $this.AlertEffect = $Status.action.alert
        $this.Lights = $Status.lights
        $this.AllOn = $Status.state.all_on
        $this.AnyOn = $Status.state.any_on
        If ($Status.class) {
            $this.GroupClass = $Status.class
        Else { $this.GroupClass = 'Other' }
        $this.GroupType = $Status.type

    # A simple toggle. If on, turn off. If off, turn on.
    [void] SwitchHueGroup() {
        If (!($this.Group)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the Group (the identifying number of the group) property to be set.`nYou probably wanted to instantiate with the group name."
        Switch ($this.On) {
            $false {$this.On = $true}
            $true {$this.On = $false}

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("on", $this.On)
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/groups/$($this.Group)/action")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
            If ($Result.error) {
                Throw $Result.error

        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SwitchHueGroup(): An error occurred while toggling the group.' + $_)

    # Set the state of the light. Always does what you give it, irrespective of the current setting.
    [void] SwitchHueGroup([LightState] $State) {
        # An overload for SwitchHueLight
        If (!($this.Group)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the Group (the identifying number of the group) property to be set.`nYou probably wanted to instantiate with the group name."
        Switch ($State) {
            On {$this.On = $true}
            Off {$this.On = $false}

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("on", $this.On)

        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/groups/$($this.Group)/action")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
            If ($Result.error) {
                Throw $Result.error
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SwitchHueGroup([LightState] $State): An error occurred while switching the group .' + $_)

    # Set the state of the light (from off) for a transition - like a sunrise.
    [void] SwitchHueGroup([LightState] $State, [bool] $Transition) {
        # An overload for SwitchHueLight
        If (!($this.Group)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the Group (the identifying number of the group) property to be set.`nYou probably wanted to instantiate with the group name."
        Switch ($State) {
            On {$this.On = $true}
            Off {$this.On = $false}

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("on", $this.On)
        If ($this.On -and $Transition) {
            $this.Brightness = 1
            $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness)

        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/groups/$($this.Group)/action")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
            If ($Result.error) {
                Throw $Result.error

        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SwitchHueGroup([LightState] $State, [bool] $Transition): An error occurred while toggling the group for transition.' + $_)

    # Change the attributes of a group
    [void] EditHueGroup([string] $Name, [string[]] $LightIDs) { 
        If (!($this.Group)) { 
            Throw 'The group must exist and be defined in _this_ object before it can be changed. If you have not already, create the group or re-instantiate this object with an existing group name.'
        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("name", $Name)
        $Settings.Add("lights", $LightIDs)

        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/groups/$($this.Group)")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
            If ($Result.error -ne $null) {
                Throw $Result.error
            $this.GroupFriendlyName = $Name
            $this.Lights = $LightIDs
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('EditHueGroup([string] $Name, [string[]] $LightIDs): An error occurred setting the group attributes/members.' + $_)

    ### Set an brightness value - good when you don't want to alter the entire group's colour settings. ###
    [string] SetHueGroup([int] $Brightness) {
        # Set the brightness values of all lights in the group.
        If (!($this.Group)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the Group (the identifying number of the group) property to be set.`nYou probably wanted to instantiate with the group name."
        $Result = $null

        $this.Brightness = $Brightness

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness)
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/groups/$($this.Group)/action")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SetHueGroup([int] $Brightness): An error occurred while setting the group brightness.' + $_)

        # Handle errors - incomplete in reality but should suffice for now.
        If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) {
            Return "Success"
        ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) {
            $Output = 'Error: '
            Foreach ($e in $Result) {
                Switch ($e.error.type) {
                    201 {$Output += $e.error.description}
                    default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"}
            Throw $Output
        Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the brightness."}

    ### Set an XY value ###
    # Depends on the Gamut capability of the target lights in the group
    # See: http://www.developers.meethue.com/documentation/hue-xy-values
    [string] SetHueGroup([int] $Brightness, [float] $X, [float] $Y) {
        # Set brightness and XY values.
        If (!($this.Group)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the Group (the identifying number of the group) property to be set.`nYou probably wanted to instantiate with the group name."
        $Result = $null
        $this.Brightness = $Brightness
        $this.XY.x = $X
        $this.XY.y = $Y

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("xy", @($this.XY.x, $this.XY.y))
        $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness)
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/groups/$($this.Group)/action")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SetHueGroup([int] $Brightness, [float] $X, [float] $Y): An error occurred while setting the group for XY.' + $_)
        If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) {
            Return "Success"
        ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) {
            $Output = 'Error: '
            Foreach ($e in $Result) {
                Switch ($e.error.type) {
                    201 {$Output += $e.error.description}
                    default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"}
            Throw $Output
        Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the Brightness or XY colour value of the group."}

    ### Set a colour temperature ###
    [string] SetHueGroup([int] $Brightness, [int] $ColourTemperature) {
        # Set the brightness and colour temperature of the lights in the group.
        If (!($this.Group)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the Group (the identifying number of the group) property to be set.`nYou probably wanted to instantiate with the group name."

        $Result = $null
        $this.Brightness = $Brightness
        $this.ColourTemperature = $ColourTemperature

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness)
        $Settings.Add("ct", $this.ColourTemperature)
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/groups/$($this.Group)/action")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SetHueGroup([int] $Brightness, [int] $ColourTemperature): An error occurred while setting the group for colour temperature.' + $_)
        If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) {
            Return "Success"
        ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) {
            $Output = 'Error: '
            Foreach ($e in $Result) {
                Switch ($e.error.type) {
                    201 {$Output += $e.error.description}
                    default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"}
            Throw $Output
        Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the Brightness or Colour Temperature."}

    ### Set an HSB value ###
    [string] SetHueGroup([int] $Brightness, [int] $Hue, [int] $Saturation) {
        # Set the brightness, hue and saturation values of the light.
        If (!($this.Group)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the Group (the identifying number of the group) property to be set.`nYou probably wanted to instantiate with the group name."
        $Result = $null

        $this.Brightness = $Brightness
        $this.Hue = $Hue
        $this.Saturation = $Saturation

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness)
        $Settings.Add("hue", $this.Hue)
        $Settings.Add("sat", $this.Saturation)
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/groups/$($this.Group)/action")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SetHueGroup([int] $Brightness, [int] $Hue, [int] $Saturation): An error occurred while setting the group for HSB.' + $_)

        # Handle errors - incomplete in reality but should suffice for now.
        If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) {
            Return "Success"
        ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) {
            $Output = 'Error: '
            Foreach ($e in $Result) {
                Switch ($e.error.type) {
                    201 {$Output += $e.error.description}
                    default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"}
            Throw $Output
        Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the Hue, Saturation or Brightness."}

Class HueSensor : HueFactory {


    [ValidateLength(1, 2)][string] $Sensor
    [ValidateLength(2, 80)][string] $SensorFriendlyName
    [ipaddress] $BridgeIP
    [ValidateLength(5, 50)][string] $APIKey
    [psobject] $Data
    [string] $ApiUri
    [ValidateLength(20, 50)][string] $RemoteApiAccessToken


    # Constructor for local access to list all sensors.
    HueSensor([string] $Bridge, [string] $API) {
        $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge
        $this.APIKey = $API
        $this.ApiUri = "http://{0}/api/{1}" -f $this.BridgeIP, $this.APIKey

    # Constructor for local access to a named sensor
    HueSensor([string] $Name, [string] $Bridge, [string] $APIKey) {
        $this.SensorFriendlyName = $Name
        $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "http://{0}/api/{1}" -f $this.BridgeIP, $this.APIKey
        $this.Sensor = $this.GetHueSensor($Name)

    # Constructor for remote access to list all sensors.
    HueSensor([string] $RemoteApiAcccessToken, [string] $APIKey, [bool] $RemoteSession) {
        $this.RemoteApiAccessToken = $RemoteApiAcccessToken
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "{0}{1}" -f $this.HueRemoteApiUri, $this.APIKey

    # Constructor for remote access to a named sensor
    HueSensor([string] $Name, [string] $RemoteApiAcccessToken, [string] $APIKey, [bool] $RemoteSession) {
        $this.SensorFriendlyName = $Name
        $this.RemoteApiAccessToken = $RemoteApiAcccessToken
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "{0}{1}" -f $this.HueRemoteApiUri, $this.APIKey
        $this.Sensor = $this.GetHueSensor($Name)

    # METHODS #

    [PSCustomObject] GetAllSensors() {
        If (!($this.APIKey)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the APIKey property to be set."
        $Result = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Get', '/sensors')
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('GetAllSensors(): An error occurred while getting sensor data.' + $_)
        Return $Result

    [array] GetSensorNames() {
        $Result = $null
        If (!($this.APIKey)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the APIKey property to be set."
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Get', '/sensors')
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('GetSensorNames(): An error occurred while getting sensor names.' + $_)
        $Sensors = $Result.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"}
        Return $Sensors.Value.Name

    # Gets a sensor's number from the Bridge.
    hidden [int] GetHueSensor([string] $Name) {
        If (!($Name)) { Throw "No sensor name was specified." }
        # Change the named sensor in to the integer used by the bridge. We use this throughout.
        $HueData = $this.GetAllSensors()
        $Sensors = $HueData.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"}
        $SelectedSensor = $Sensors | Where-Object {$_.Value.Name -eq $Name}  | Select-Object Name -ExpandProperty Name
        If ($SelectedSensor) {
            Return $SelectedSensor
        Else {
            Throw "No sensor name matching `"$Name`" was found in the Hue Bridge `"$($this.BridgeIP)`".`r`nTry using [HueBridge]::GetSensorNames() to get a full list of sensor names in this Hue Bridge."

    # Gets a sensor's data.
    [void] GetStatus() {
        # Get the current values of the sensor data
        If (!($this.Sensor)) { Throw "No sensor is specified." }
        $Status = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Get', "/sensors/$($this.Sensor)")
            $Status = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('GetStatus(): An error occurred while getting the status of the sensor.' + $_)

        $this.Data = $Status        

    # Sets a sensor either on or off
    [psobject] SwitchHueSensorState([bool] $State) {
        # Get the current values of the sensor data
        If (!($this.Sensor)) { Throw "No sensor is specified." }

        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("on", $State)
        $Result = $null

        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', "/sensors/$($this.Sensor)/config")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SwitchHueSensorState([bool] $State): An error occurred while setting the sensor state.' + $_)
        Return $Result


Class HueScene : HueFactory {


    [ValidateLength(2, 20)][string] $Scene
    [ValidateLength(2, 80)][string] $SceneFriendlyName
    [ipaddress] $BridgeIP
    [ValidateLength(5, 50)][string] $APIKey
    [psobject] $Data
    [string] $ApiUri
    [ValidateLength(20, 50)][string] $RemoteApiAccessToken


    HueScene([string] $Bridge, [string] $API) {
        $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge
        $this.APIKey = $API
        $this.ApiUri = "http://{0}/api/{1}" -f $this.BridgeIP, $this.APIKey

    HueScene([string] $Name, [string] $Bridge, [string] $APIKey) {
        $this.SceneFriendlyName = $Name
        $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "http://{0}/api/{1}" -f $this.BridgeIP, $this.APIKey
        $this.Scene = $this.GetHueScene($Name)

    # Constructor to access data about scenes without specifying one remotely.
    HueScene([string] $RemoteApiAcccessToken, [string] $APIKey, [bool] $RemoteSession) {
        $this.RemoteApiAccessToken = $RemoteApiAcccessToken
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "{0}{1}" -f $this.HueRemoteApiUri, $this.APIKey

    # Constructor to return scene information remotely.
    HueScene([string] $Name, [string] $RemoteApiAcccessToken, [string] $APIKey, [bool] $RemoteSession) {
        $this.SceneFriendlyName = $Name
        $this.RemoteApiAccessToken = $RemoteApiAcccessToken
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "{0}{1}" -f $this.HueRemoteApiUri, $this.APIKey
        $this.Scene = $this.GetHueScene($Name)

    # METHODS #

    [psobject] GetAllScenes() {
        If (!($this.APIKey)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the APIKey property to be set."
        $Result = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Get', '/scenes')
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('GetAllScenes(): An error occurred while getting scene data.' + $_)
        Return $Result

    [array] GetSceneNames() {
        $Result = $this.GetAllScenes()
        $Scenes = $Result.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"}
        Return $Scenes.Name

    # Gets a scene's id from the Bridge.
    hidden [string] GetHueScene([string] $SceneID) {
        If (!($SceneID)) { Throw "No scene name was specified." }
        # Change the named scene in to the integer used by the bridge. We use this throughout.
        $Result = $this.GetAllScenes()
        $Scenes = $Result.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"}
        $SelectedScene = $Scenes | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $SceneID}  | Select-Object Name -ExpandProperty Name
        If ($SelectedScene) {
            Return $SelectedScene
        Else {
            Throw "No scene name matching `"$SceneID`" was found in the Hue Bridge.`r`nTry using [HueScene]::GetSceneNames() to get a full list of scene names in the Hue Bridge."

    # Gets a scene's data.
    [void] GetStatus() {
        # Get the current values of the scene data
        If (!($this.Scene)) { Throw "No scene is specified." }
        $Status = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Get', "/scenes/$($this.Scene)")
            $Status = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('GetScene(): An error occurred while getting the status of the scene.' + $_)

        $this.Data = $Status        

    # Extracts the scene information in to an easily parseable format for searching and filtering.
    [psobject] GetAllScenesObject() {
        $Result = $this.GetAllScenes()
        $Scenes = $Result.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"}

        $Object = Foreach ($Scene in $Scenes) {
            $Property = [ordered]@{
                SceneId        = $Scene.Name
                SceneName      = $Scene.Value.name
                LightsInScene  = $Scene.Value.lights
                LastUpdated    = $Scene.Value.lastupdated
                WhitelistOwner = $Scene.Value.owner
                Locked         = $Scene.Value.locked
            # Create the new object.
            New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Property

        Return $Object

    [psobject] SetHueScene([string] $SceneID) { 
        # Set a Hue Scene (collection of lights and their settings) - this is copied from the HueBridge class but is actually a Groups API method.
        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("scene", $SceneID)
        $Result = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Put', '/groups/0/action')
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('SetHueScene([string] $SceneID): An error occurred while setting a scene.' + $_)
        Return $Result

    [psobject] CreateHueScene([string] $Name, [string[]] $LightID, [bool]$Recycle) { 
        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("name", $Name)
        $Settings.Add("lights", $LightID)
        $Settings.Add("recycle", $Recycle)
        $Result = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Post', '/scenes/')
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('CreateHueScene([string] $Name, [string[]] $LightID, [bool]$Recycle): An error occurred while creating a scene.' + $_)
        Return $Result

    [psobject] CreateHueScene([string] $Name, [string[]] $LightID, [bool]$Recycle, [uint16]$TransitionTime) { 
        $Settings = @{}
        $Settings.Add("name", $Name)
        $Settings.Add("lights", $LightID)
        $Settings.Add("recycle", $Recycle)
        $Settings.Add("transitiontime", $TransitionTime)
        $Result = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Post', '/scenes/')
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings)
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('CreateHueScene([string] $Name, [string[]] $LightID, [bool]$Recycle, [uint16]$TransitionTime): An error occurred while creating a scene.' + $_)
        Return $Result

    [psobject] DeleteHueScene([string] $SceneID) { 
        $Result = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Delete', "/scenes/$SceneID")
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('DeleteHueScene([string] $SceneID): An error occurred while deleting a scene.' + $_)
        Return $Result

Class HueSchedule : HueFactory {


    [ValidateLength(1, 3)][string] $Schedule
    [ValidateLength(2, 80)][string] $ScheduleFriendlyName
    [ipaddress] $BridgeIP
    [ValidateLength(5, 50)][string] $APIKey
    [psobject] $Data
    [string] $ApiUri
    [ValidateLength(20, 50)][string] $RemoteApiAccessToken


    HueSchedule([string] $Bridge, [string] $API) {
        $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge
        $this.APIKey = $API
        $this.ApiUri = "http://{0}/api/{1}" -f $this.BridgeIP, $this.APIKey

    HueSchedule([string] $Name, [string] $Bridge, [string] $APIKey) {
        $this.ScheduleFriendlyName = $Name
        $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "http://{0}/api/{1}" -f $this.BridgeIP, $this.APIKey
        $this.Schedule = $this.GetHueSchedule($Name)

    # Constructor to access data about scenes without specifying one remotely.
    HueSchedule([string] $RemoteApiAcccessToken, [string] $APIKey, [bool] $RemoteSession) {
        $this.RemoteApiAccessToken = $RemoteApiAcccessToken
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "{0}{1}" -f $this.HueRemoteApiUri, $this.APIKey

    # Constructor to return scene information remotely.
    HueSchedule([string] $Name, [string] $RemoteApiAcccessToken, [string] $APIKey, [bool] $RemoteSession) {
        $this.ScheduleFriendlyName = $Name
        $this.RemoteApiAccessToken = $RemoteApiAcccessToken
        $this.APIKey = $APIKey
        $this.ApiUri = "{0}{1}" -f $this.HueRemoteApiUri, $this.APIKey
        $this.Schedule = $this.GetHueSchedule($Name)

    # METHODS #

    [psobject] GetAllSchedules() {
        If (!($this.APIKey)) {
            Throw "This operation requires the APIKey property to be set."
        $Result = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Get', '/schedules')
            $Result = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('GetAllSchedules(): An error occurred while getting schedule data.' + $_)
        Return $Result

    [array] GetScheduleNames() {
        $Result = $this.GetAllSchedules()
        $Schedules = $Result.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"}
        Return $Schedules.Value.Name

    # Gets a schedule's data.
    [void] GetStatus() {
        # Get the current values of the sensor data
        If (!($this.Schedule)) { Throw "No schedule is specified." }
        $Status = $null
        Try {
            $ReqArgs = $this.BuildRequestParams('Get', "/schedules/$($this.Schedule)")
            $Status = Invoke-RestMethod @ReqArgs
        Catch {
            $this.ReturnError('GetStatus(): An error occurred while getting the schedule data.' + $_)

        $this.Data = $Status        

    # Gets a schedule's id from the Bridge.
    hidden [string] GetHueSchedule([string] $ScheduleID) {
        If (!($ScheduleID)) { Throw "No schedule name was specified." }
        # Change the named schedule in to the integer used by the bridge. We use this throughout.
        $Result = $this.GetAllSchedules()
        $oSchedule = $Result.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"}
        $SelectedSchedule = $oSchedule | Where-Object {$_.Value.name -eq $ScheduleID}  | Select-Object Name -ExpandProperty Name
        If ($SelectedSchedule) {
            Return $SelectedSchedule
        Else {
            Throw "No schedule name matching `"$ScheduleID`" was found in the Hue Bridge.`r`nTry using [HueSchedule]::GetScheduleNames() to get a full list of schedule names in the Hue Bridge."

    Enum ScheduleTrigger {

    #Countdown timer
    [string] NewScheduleTrigger([Timespan]$Timespan, [bool]$Recurring) {
        If ($Recurring) {
            Return "R/PT$($Timespan.ToString())"
        Else {
            Return "PT$($Timespan.ToString())"

    # Absolute time
    [string] NewScheduleTrigger([datetime]$Datetime) {
        Return Get-Date $Datetime -Format s
