Enum LightState { # Defines a state of the light for methods that can # specify the state of the light to On or Off. On = $True Off = $False } Enum ColourMode { # Defines the colour modes that can be set on the light. xy ct hs } Enum AlertType { # Defines the accepted values when invoking the Breathe method. none select lselect } Enum Gamut { # Defines the accepted values when invoking the Breathe method. GamutA GamutB GamutC GamutDefault } Enum RoomClass { Kitchen Dining Bedroom Bathroom Nursery Recreation Office Gym Hallway Toilet Garage Terrace Garden Driveway Carport Other } Class ErrorHandler { # Base class defining a method for error handling which we can extend # Return errors and terminates execution hidden [void] ReturnError([string] $e) { Write-Error $e -ErrorAction Stop } } Class HueBridge : ErrorHandler { ############## # PROPERTIES # ############## [ipaddress] $BridgeIP [ValidateLength(20,50)][string] $APIKey hidden [int] $GroupID ############### # CONSTRUCTOR # ############### # Constructor to return an API Key HueBridge([ipaddress] $Bridge) { $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge } # Constructor to return lights and names of lights. HueBridge([ipaddress] $Bridge, [string] $APIKey) { $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge $this.APIKey = $APIKey } ########### # METHODS # ########### Static [PSObject] FindHueBridge() { $UPnPFinder = New-Object -ComObject UPnP.UPnPDeviceFinder $UPnPDevices = $UPnPFinder.FindByType("upnp:rootdevice", 0) | Where-Object {$_.Description -match "Hue"} | Select-Object FriendlyName, PresentationURL, SerialNumber | Format-List Return $UPnPDevices } [string] GetNewAPIKey() { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api" -Body '{"devicetype":"PoSHue#PowerShell Hue"}' If ($Result[0].error) { Throw $Result[0].error.description } ElseIf ($Result[0].success) { # Assign the API Key and return it. $this.APIKey = $Result[0].success.username Return $Result[0].success.username } Else { Throw "There was an error.`r`n$Result" } } [array] GetLightNames() { $Result = $null If (!($this.APIKey)) { Throw "This operation requires the APIKey property to be set." } Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/lights" } Catch { $this.ReturnError('GetLightNames(): An error occurred while getting light names.'+$_) } $Lights = $Result.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"} Return $Lights.Value.Name } [PSCustomObject] GetAllLights() { If (!($this.APIKey)) { Throw "This operation requires the APIKey property to be set." } $Result = $null Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/lights" } Catch { $this.ReturnError('GetAllLights(): An error occurred while getting light data.'+$_) } Return $Result } [void] ToggleAllLights([LightState] $State) { # A simple toggle affecting all lights in the system. $Settings = @{} Switch ($State) { On {$Settings.Add("on", $true)} Off {$Settings.Add("on", $false)} } Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/groups/0/action" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) } Catch { $this.ReturnError('ToggleAllLights([LightState] $State): An error occurred while toggling lights.'+$_) } } [void] SetHueScene([string] $SceneID) { # Set a Hue Scene (collection of lights and their settings) $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("scene", $SceneID) Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/groups/0/action" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) } Catch { $this.ReturnError('SetHueScene([string] $SceneID): An error occurred while setting a scene.'+$_) } } } Class HueLight : ErrorHandler { ############## # PROPERTIES # ############## [ValidateLength(1,2)][string] $Light [ValidateLength(2,80)][string] $LightFriendlyName [ipaddress] $BridgeIP [ValidateLength(20,50)][string] $APIKey [ValidateLength(1,2000)][string] $JSON [bool] $On [ValidateRange(1,254)][int] $Brightness [ValidateRange(0,65535)][int] $Hue [ValidateRange(0,254)][int] $Saturation [ValidateRange(153,500)][int] $ColourTemperature [hashtable] $XY = @{ x = $null; y = $null } [ColourMode] $ColourMode [AlertType] $AlertEffect # Useful for if you would like visible temp indicators hidden [hashtable] $ColourTemps = @{ t5 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(80,181,221) t6 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(78,178,206) t7 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(76,176,190) t8 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(73,173,175) t9 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(72,171,159) t10 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(70,168,142) t11 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(68,166,125) t12 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(66,164,108) t13 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(102,173,94) t14 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(135,190,64) t15 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(179,204,26) t16 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(214,213,28) t17 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(249,202,3) t18 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(246,181,3) t19 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(244,150,26) t20 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(236,110,5) t21 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(234,90,36) t22 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(228,87,43) t23 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(225,74,41) t24 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(224,65,39) t25 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(217,55,43) t26 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(214,49,41) t27 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(209,43,43) t28 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(205,40,47) t29 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(200,36,50) t30 = [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb(195,35,52) } ############### # CONSTRUCTOR # ############### HueLight([string] $Name, [ipaddress] $Bridge, [string] $API) { $this.LightFriendlyName = $Name $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge $this.APIKey = $API $this.Light = $this.GetHueLight($Name) $this.GetStatus() } ########### # METHODS # ########### hidden [int] GetHueLight([string] $Name) { If (!($Name)) { Throw "No light name was specified." } # Change the named light in to the integer used by the bridge. We use this throughout. $HueData = $null Try { $HueData = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/lights" } Catch { $this.ReturnError('GetHueLight([string] $Name): An error occurred while getting light information.'+$_) } $Lights = $HueData.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"} $this.Light = $Lights | Where-Object {$_.Value.Name -match $Name} | Select Name -ExpandProperty Name If ($this.Light) { Return $this.Light } Else { Throw "No light name matching `"$Name`" was found in the Hue Bridge `"$($this.BridgeIP)`".`r`nTry using [HueBridge]::GetLightNames() to get a full list of light names in this Hue Bridge." } } hidden [void] GetStatus() { # Get the current values of the State, Hue, Saturation, Brightness and Colour Temperatures $Status = $null Try { $Status = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/lights/$($this.Light)" } Catch { $this.ReturnError('GetStatus(): An error occurred while getting the status of the light.'+$_) } $this.On = $Status.state.on $this.Brightness = $Status.state.bri $this.Hue = $Status.state.hue $this.Saturation = $Status.state.sat $this.ColourMode = $Status.state.colormode $this.XY.x = $Status.state.xy[0] $this.XY.y = $Status.state.xy[1] If ($Status.state.ct) { <# My Hue Go somehow got itself to a colour temp of "15" which is supposed to be impossible. The [ValidateRange] of Colour Temp meant it wasn't possible to instantiate the [HueLight] class because it was outside the valid range of values accepted by the property. Makes sense but now means I need to handle possible impossible values. Added to the fact that this property might not exist on lights that don't support colour temperature, it's a bit of a pain. #> Switch ($Status.state.ct) { {($Status.state.ct -lt 153)} {$this.ColourTemperature = 153; break} {($Status.state.ct -gt 500)} {$this.ColourTemperature = 500; break} default {$this.ColourTemperature = $Status.state.ct} } } $this.AlertEffect = $Status.state.alert } # A simple toggle. If on, turn off. If off, turn on. [void] SwitchHueLight() { Switch ($this.On) { $false {$this.On = $true} $true {$this.On = $false} } $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("on", $this.On) Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/lights/$($this.Light)/state" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) } Catch { $this.ReturnError('SwitchHueLight(): An error occurred while toggling the light.'+$_) } } # Set the state of the light. Always does what you give it, irrespective of the current setting. [void] SwitchHueLight([LightState] $State) { # An overload for SwitchHueLight Switch ($State) { On {$this.On = $true} Off {$this.On = $false} } $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("on", $this.On) Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/lights/$($this.Light)/state" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) } Catch { $this.ReturnError('SwitchHueLight([LightState] $State): An error occurred while switching the light .'+$_) } } # Set the state of the light (from off) for a transition - like a sunrise. [void] SwitchHueLight([LightState] $State, [bool] $Transition) { # An overload for SwitchHueLight Switch ($State) { On {$this.On = $true} Off {$this.On = $false} } $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("on", $this.On) If ($this.On -and $Transition) { $this.Brightness = 1 $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness) } Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/lights/$($this.Light)/state" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) } Catch { $this.ReturnError('SwitchHueLight([LightState] $State, [bool] $Transition): An error occurred while toggling the light for transition.'+$_) } } ############################################### # Importance of colour settings: XY > CT > HS # ############################################### ### Set an XY value ### # Depends on the Gamut capability of the target Light # See: http://www.developers.meethue.com/documentation/hue-xy-values [string] SetHueLight([int] $Brightness, [float] $X, [float] $Y) { # Set brightness and XY values. If (!($this.On)) { Throw "Light `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" must be on in order to set Brightness and/or Colour Temperature." } $Result = $null $this.Brightness = $Brightness $this.XY.x = $X $this.XY.y = $Y $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("xy", @($this.XY.x, $this.XY.y)) $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness) Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/lights/$($this.Light)/state" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) } Catch { $this.ReturnError('SetHueLight([int] $Brightness, [float] $X, [float] $Y): An error occurred while setting the light for XY.'+$_) } If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) { $this.GetStatus() Return "Success" } ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) { $Output = 'Error: ' Foreach ($e in $Result) { Switch ($e.error.type) { 201 {$Output += $e.error.description} default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"} } } Throw $Output } Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the Brightness or XY colour value."} } ### Set a colour temperature ### [string] SetHueLight([int] $Brightness, [int] $ColourTemperature) { # Set the brightness and colour temperature of the light. If (!($this.On)) { Throw "Light `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" must be on in order to set Brightness and/or Colour Temperature." } If (!($this.ColourTemperature)) { Throw "Light named `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" does not hold the `"ct`" setting or it could not be read properly during`r`nobject instantiation. Does it support Colour Temperature? If so, please report a bug." } $Result = $null $this.Brightness = $Brightness $this.ColourTemperature = $ColourTemperature $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness) $Settings.Add("ct", $this.ColourTemperature) Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/lights/$($this.Light)/state" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) } Catch { $this.ReturnError('SetHueLight([int] $Brightness, [int] $ColourTemperature): An error occurred while setting the light for CT.'+$_) } If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) { $this.GetStatus() Return "Success" } ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) { $Output = 'Error: ' Foreach ($e in $Result) { Switch ($e.error.type) { 201 {$Output += $e.error.description} default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"} } } Throw $Output } Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the Brightness or Colour Temperature."} } ### Set an HSB value ### [string] SetHueLight([int] $Brightness, [int] $Hue, [int] $Saturation) { # Set the brightness, hue and saturation values of the light. If (!($this.On)) { Throw "Light `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" must be on in order to set Hue, Saturation and/or Brightness." } $Result = $null $this.Brightness = $Brightness $this.Hue = $Hue $this.Saturation = $Saturation $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness) $Settings.Add("hue", $this.Hue) $Settings.Add("sat", $this.Saturation) Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/lights/$($this.Light)/state" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) } Catch { $this.ReturnError('SetHueLight([int] $Brightness, [int] $Hue, [int] $Saturation): An error occurred while setting the light for HS.'+$_) } # Handle errors - incomplete in reality but should suffice for now. If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) { $this.GetStatus() Return "Success" } ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) { $Output = 'Error: ' Foreach ($e in $Result) { Switch ($e.error.type) { 201 {$Output += $e.error.description} default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"} } } Throw $Output } Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the Hue, Saturation or Brightness."} } [void] Breathe([AlertType] $AlertEffect) { # Perform a breathe action on the light. Limited input values accepted, "none", "select", "lselect". $this.AlertEffect = $AlertEffect $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("alert", [string] $this.AlertEffect) Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/lights/$($this.Light)/state" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) } Catch { $this.ReturnError('Breathe([AlertType] $AlertEffect): An error occurred while setting the breathe state.'+$_) } } # Set brightness and XY values with transition time. [string] SetHueLightTransition([int] $Brightness, [float] $X, [float] $Y, [uint16] $TransitionTime) { If (!($this.On)) { Throw "Light `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" must be on in order to set Brightness and/or Colour Temperature." } $Result = $null $this.Brightness = $Brightness $this.XY.x = $X $this.XY.y = $Y $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("xy", @($this.XY.x, $this.XY.y)) $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness) $Settings.Add("transitiontime", $TransitionTime) Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/lights/$($this.Light)/state" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) } Catch { $this.ReturnError('SetHueLightTransition([int] $Brightness, [float] $X, [float] $Y, [uint16] $TransitionTime): An error occurred while setting the light for XY transition.'+$_) } If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) { $this.GetStatus() Return "Success" } ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) { $Output = 'Error: ' Foreach ($e in $Result) { Switch ($e.error.type) { 201 {$Output += $e.error.description} default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"} } } Throw $Output } Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the Brightness or XY colour value."} } # Set the brightness and colour temperature of the light with transition time [string] SetHueLightTransition([int] $Brightness, [int] $ColourTemperature, [uint16] $TransitionTime) { If (!($this.On)) { Throw "Light `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" must be on in order to set Brightness and/or Colour Temperature." } If (!($this.ColourTemperature)) { Throw "Light named `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" does not hold the `"ct`" setting or it could not be read properly during`r`nobject instantiation. Does it support Colour Temperature? If so, please report a bug." } $Result = $null $this.Brightness = $Brightness $this.ColourTemperature = $ColourTemperature $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness) $Settings.Add("ct", $this.ColourTemperature) $Settings.Add("transitiontime", $TransitionTime) Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/lights/$($this.Light)/state" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) } Catch { $this.ReturnError('SetHueLightTransition([int] $Brightness, [int] $ColourTemperature, [uint16] $TransitionTime): An error occurred while setting the light for CT transition.'+$_) } If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) { $this.GetStatus() Return "Success" } ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) { $Output = 'Error: ' Foreach ($e in $Result) { Switch ($e.error.type) { 201 {$Output += $e.error.description} default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"} } } Throw $Output } Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the Brightness or Colour Temperature."} } [string] SetHueLightTransition([int] $Brightness, [int] $Hue, [int] $Saturation, [uint16] $TransitionTime) { # Set the brightness, hue and saturation values of the light. If (!($this.On)) { Throw "Light `"$($this.LightFriendlyName)`" must be on in order to set Hue, Saturation and/or Brightness." } $Result = $null $this.Brightness = $Brightness $this.Hue = $Hue $this.Saturation = $Saturation $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness) $Settings.Add("hue", $this.Hue) $Settings.Add("sat", $this.Saturation) $Settings.Add("transitiontime", $TransitionTime) Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/lights/$($this.Light)/state" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) } Catch { $this.ReturnError('SetHueLightTransition([int] $Brightness, [int] $Hue, [int] $Saturation, [uint16] $TransitionTime): An error occurred while setting the light for HS transition.'+$_) } # Handle errors - incomplete in reality but should suffice for now. If (($Result.success -ne $null) -and ($Result.error -eq $null)) { $this.GetStatus() Return "Success" } ElseIf ($Result.error -ne $null) { $Output = 'Error: ' Foreach ($e in $Result) { Switch ($e.error.type) { 201 {$Output += $e.error.description} default {$Output += "Unknown error: $($e.error.description)"} } } Throw $Output } Else {Throw "An error occurred setting the Hue, Saturation or Brightness."} } # Convert an RGB colour to XYZ format <# Don't use this straight conversion XY output to push to the light as it may be outside of the light's capabilities - it won't damage the light, the light will just make a bad guess. Use the output from this method and feed it through .xybForModel([hashtable] $ConvertedXYZ, [hashtable] $GamutTriangle) to get a colour and brightness more appropriate for your model/Gamut of luminaire. Yes, this could be improved by associating the model number with a Gamut triangle but this would require maintaining as often as Philips release new bulbs with different capabilities. For now, use the Gamut name identified from: http://www.developers.meethue.com/documentation/supported-lights (You need to register to see the list unfortunately) If you're asking yourself, what's a Gamut?! It's the ability of a bulb to reproduce a colour within the CIE colour spectrum. Some Gamuts aren't as wide. For example, the hue bulbs (Gamut B) are very good at showing nice whites, while the LivingColors (Gamut A) are generally a bit better at colours, like green and cyan. Newer models like the Hue Go and Hue LightStrips Plus use Gamut C. #> [hashtable] RGBtoXYZ([System.Drawing.Color] $Colour) { # Set up a return value [hashtable] $ret = @{} # Convert the RGB values to 0..1 values [float] $r = $Colour.R/255 [float] $g = $Colour.G/255 [float] $b = $Colour.B/255 # Gamma correction [float] $red = if ($r -gt [float]0.04045) { [Math]::Pow(($r + [float]0.055) / ([float]1.0 + [float]0.055), [float]2.4) } Else { ($r / [float]12.92) } [float] $green = if ($g -gt [float]0.04045) { [Math]::Pow(($g + [float]0.055) / ([float]1.0 + [float]0.055), [float]2.4) } Else { ($g / [float]12.92) } [float] $blue = if ($b -gt [float]0.04045) { [Math]::Pow(($b + [float]0.055) / ([float]1.0 + [float]0.055), [float]2.4) } Else { ($b / [float]12.92) } # Convert the RGB values to XYZ using the Wide RGB D65 conversion formula [float] $x = ($red * [float]0.664511) + ($green * [float]0.154324) + ($blue * [float]0.162028) [float] $y = ($red * [float]0.283881) + ($green * [float]0.668433) + ($blue * [float]0.047685) [float] $z = ($red * [float]0.000088) + ($green * [float]0.072310) + ($blue * [float]0.986039) # Create the return values [float] $ret.x = $x / ($x + $y + $z) [float] $ret.y = $y / ($x + $y + $z) [float] $ret.z = $z / ($x + $y + $z) If ($ret.x.ToString() -eq 'NaN') { $ret.x = [float]0.0 } If ($ret.y.ToString() -eq 'NaN') { $ret.y = [float]0.0 } If ($ret.z.ToString() -eq 'NaN') { $ret.z = [float]0.0 } Return $ret } <# Stores a set of Gamut values depicting the end points of a triangle corresponding to the Gamut of a bulb. The calculated XY values are compared with these points to see if the converted XY values fall within this triangle. If not, they're smoothed out by calculating the closest point. #> [hashtable] GamutTriangles([Gamut] $GamutID) { $GamutTriangles = @{ GamutA = @{ Red = @{ x = 0.704; y = 0.296 } Green = @{ x = 0.2151; y = 0.7106 } Blue = @{ x = 0.138; y = 0.08 } } GamutB = @{ Red = @{ x = 0.675; y = 0.322 } Green = @{ x = 0.409; y = 0.518 } Blue = @{ x = 0.167; y = 0.04 } } GamutC = @{ Red = @{ x = 0.692; y = 0.308 } Green = @{ x = 0.17; y = 0.7 } Blue = @{ x = 0.153; y = 0.048 } } GamutDefault = @{ Red = @{ x = 1.0; y = 0.0 } Green = @{ x = 0.0; y = 1.0 } Blue = @{ x = 0.0; y = 0.0 } } } Return $GamutTriangles."$GamutID" } hidden [float] crossProduct($p1, $p2) { Return [float]($p1.x * $p2.y - $p1.y * $p2.x) } hidden [bool] isPointInTriangle($p, [psobject]$triangle) { $red = $triangle.Red $green = $triangle.Green $blue = $triangle.Blue $v1 = @{ x = $green.x - $red.x y = $green.y - $red.y } $v2 = @{ x = $blue.x - $red.x y = $blue.y - $red.y } $q = @{ x = $p.x - $red.x y = $p.y - $red.y } $s = ($this.crossProduct($q, $v2)) / ($this.crossProduct($v1, $v2)) $t = ($this.crossProduct($v1, $q)) / ($this.crossProduct($v1, $v2)) Return ($s -ge [float]0.0) -and ($t -ge [float]0.0) -and ($s + $t -le [float]1.0) } hidden [hashtable] closestPointOnLine($a, $b, $p) { $ap = @{ x = $p.x - $a.x y = $p.y - $a.y } $ab = @{ x = $b.x - $a.x y = $b.y - $a.y } [float] $ab2 = $ab.x * $ab.x + $ab.y * $ab.y [float] $ap_ab = $ap.x * $ab.x + $ap.y * $ab.y [float] $t = $ap_ab / $ab2 if ($t -lt [float]0.0) { $t = [float]0.0; } elseif ($t -gt [float]1.0) { $t = [float]1.0; } return @{ x = $a.x + $ab.x * $t y = $a.y + $ab.y * $t } } hidden [float] distance($p1, $p2) { [float] $dx = $p1.x - $p2.x [float] $dy = $p1.y - $p2.y [float] $dist = [Math]::Sqrt($dx * $dx + $dy * $dy) return $dist } [hashtable] xyForModel($xy, $Gamut) { $triangle = $this.GamutTriangles($Gamut) If ($this.isPointInTriangle($xy, $triangle)) { Return @{ x = $xy.x y = $xy.y } } $pAB = $this.closestPointOnLine($triangle.Red, $triangle.Green, $xy) $pAC = $this.closestPointOnLine($triangle.Blue, $triangle.Red, $xy) $pBC = $this.closestPointOnLine($triangle.Green ,$triangle.Blue, $xy) [float] $dAB = $this.distance($xy, $pAB) [float] $dAC = $this.distance($xy, $pAC) [float] $dBC = $this.distance($xy, $pBC) [float] $lowest = $dAB $closestPoint = $pAB If($dAC -lt $lowest) { $lowest = $dAC $closestPoint = $pAC } If($dBC -lt $lowest) { $lowest = $dBC $closestPoint = $pBC } Return $closestPoint; } [hashtable] xybForModel($ConvertedXYZ, $TargetGamut ) { $myxy = $this.xyForModel($ConvertedXYZ, $TargetGamut) $xyb = @{ x = $myxy.x y = $myxy.y b = [int]($ConvertedXYZ.z*255) } Return $xyb } } Class HueGroup : ErrorHandler { ############## # PROPERTIES # ############## [ValidateLength(1,2)][string] $Group [ValidateLength(2,80)][string] $GroupFriendlyName [ipaddress] $BridgeIP [ValidateLength(20,50)][string] $APIKey [ValidateLength(1,2000)][string] $JSON [bool] $On [ValidateRange(1,254)][int] $Brightness [ValidateRange(0,65535)][int] $Hue [ValidateRange(0,254)][int] $Saturation [ValidateRange(153,500)][int] $ColourTemperature [hashtable] $XY = @{ x = $null; y = $null } [ColourMode] $ColourMode [AlertType] $AlertEffect ############### # CONSTRUCTOR # ############### HueGroup([ipaddress] $Bridge, [string] $API) { $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge $this.APIKey = $API } HueGroup([string] $Name, [ipaddress] $Bridge, [string] $API) { $this.GroupFriendlyName = $Name $this.BridgeIP = $Bridge $this.APIKey = $API $this.Group = $this.GetLightGroup($Name) $this.GetStatus() } ########### # METHODS # ########### hidden [int] GetLightGroup([string] $Name) { If (!($Name)) { Throw "No group name was specified." } # Change the named group in to the integer used by the bridge. We use this throughout. $Result = $null Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/groups" If ($Result.error) { Throw $Result.error } } Catch { $this.ReturnError('GetLightGroup([string] $Name): An error occurred while getting light information.'+$_) } $Groups = $Result.PSObject.Members | Where-Object {$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"} $this.Group = $Groups | Where-Object {$_.Value.Name -match $Name} | Select Name -ExpandProperty Name If ($this.Group) { Return $this.Group } Else { Throw "No group name matching `"$Name`" was found in the Hue Bridge `"$($this.BridgeIP)`".`r`nTry using [HueBridge]::GetLightGroups() to get a full list of groups in this Hue Bridge." } } [psobject] GetLightGroups() { # Get light groups. Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/groups" If ($Result.error) { Throw $Result.error } Return $Result } Catch { $this.ReturnError('GetLightGroups(): An error occurred while getting the light groups.'+"`n"+$_) Return $null } } [void] CreateLightGroup([string]$GroupName, [string[]] $LightID) { # Create a light group. A light can belong to multiple groups. $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("name", $GroupName) $Settings.Add("type", "LightGroup") $Settings.Add("lights", $LightID) Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/groups" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) If ($Result.error) { Throw $Result.error } } Catch { $this.ReturnError('CreateLightGroup([string]$GroupName, [string[]] $LightID): An error occurred while creating the light group.'+"`n"+$_) } $this.GroupFriendlyName = $GroupName $this.Group = $this.GetLightGroup($this.GroupFriendlyName) $this.GetStatus() } [void] CreateLightGroup([string]$GroupName, [RoomClass]$RoomClass, [string[]] $LightID) { # Create a room type. Lights can only belong to one room. $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("name", $GroupName) $Settings.Add("type", "Room") $Settings.Add("class", [string]$RoomClass) $Settings.Add("lights", $LightID) Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/groups" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) If ($Result.error) { Throw $Result.error } } Catch { $this.ReturnError('CreateLightGroup([string]$GroupName, [RoomClass]$RoomClass, [string[]] $LightID): An error occurred while creating the group.'+"`n"+$_) } $this.GroupFriendlyName = $GroupName $this.Group = $this.GetLightGroup($this.GroupFriendlyName) $this.GetStatus() } [string] DeleteLightGroup([string]$GroupName) { # Delete a light group, whether a Room or LightGroup type. $Result = $null $this.GroupFriendlyName = $GroupName $this.Group = $this.GetLightGroup($GroupName) Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/groups/$($this.Group)" If ($Result.error) { Throw $Result.error } } Catch { $this.ReturnError('DeleteLightGroup([string]$GroupName): An error occurred while deleting the light group.'+"`n"+$_) } Return $Result.success } hidden [void] GetStatus() { # Get the current values of the State, Hue, Saturation, Brightness and Colour Temperatures If (!($this.Group)) { Throw "No group is specified." } $Status = $null Try { $Status = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/groups/$($this.Group)" } Catch { $this.ReturnError('GetStatus(): An error occurred while getting the status of the group.'+$_) } $this.On = $Status.action.on $this.Brightness = $Status.action.bri $this.Hue = $Status.action.hue $this.Saturation = $Status.action.sat $this.ColourMode = $Status.action.colormode $this.XY.x = $Status.action.xy[0] $this.XY.y = $Status.action.xy[1] If ($Status.action.ct) { Switch ($Status.action.ct) { {($Status.action.ct -lt 153)} {$this.ColourTemperature = 153; break} {($Status.action.ct -gt 500)} {$this.ColourTemperature = 500; break} default {$this.ColourTemperature = $Status.action.ct} } } $this.AlertEffect = $Status.action.alert } # A simple toggle. If on, turn off. If off, turn on. [void] SwitchHueGroup() { Switch ($this.On) { $false {$this.On = $true} $true {$this.On = $false} } $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("on", $this.On) Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/groups/$($this.Group)/action" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) If ($Result.error) { Throw $Result.error } } Catch { $this.ReturnError('SwitchHueGroup(): An error occurred while toggling the group.'+$_) } } # Set the state of the light. Always does what you give it, irrespective of the current setting. [void] SwitchHueGroup([LightState] $State) { # An overload for SwitchHueLight Switch ($State) { On {$this.On = $true} Off {$this.On = $false} } $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("on", $this.On) Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/groups/$($this.Group)/action" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) If ($Result.error) { Throw $Result.error } } Catch { $this.ReturnError('SwitchHueGroup([LightState] $State): An error occurred while switching the group .'+$_) } } # Set the state of the light (from off) for a transition - like a sunrise. [void] SwitchHueGroup([LightState] $State, [bool] $Transition) { # An overload for SwitchHueLight Switch ($State) { On {$this.On = $true} Off {$this.On = $false} } $Settings = @{} $Settings.Add("on", $this.On) If ($this.On -and $Transition) { $this.Brightness = 1 $Settings.Add("bri", $this.Brightness) } Try { $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "http://$($this.BridgeIP)/api/$($this.APIKey)/groups/$($this.Group)/action" -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) If ($Result.error) { Throw $Result.error } } Catch { $this.ReturnError('SwitchHueGroup([LightState] $State, [bool] $Transition): An error occurred while toggling the group for transition.'+$_) } } } |