Enum HeatingMode { <# Defines the heating modes that can be set. #> SCHEDULE MANUAL OFF } Enum ActivePlugMode { <# Defines the modes that can be set on an active plug. #> SCHEDULE MANUAL } Enum BoostTime { <# Defines accepted boost durations in hours. #> HALF ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX } Class Hive { ############## # PROPERTIES # ############## [uri]$ApiUrl = "https://beekeeper.hivehome.com/1.0/global/login" # This is the global login URL - changes after login. [ValidateLength(4,100)][string] $Username [ValidateLength(4,100)][string] $Password [string] $ApiSessionId hidden [string] $Agent = 'PoSHive 1.4.0 - github.com/lwsrbrts/PoSHive' [psobject] $User [psobject] $Devices [psobject] $Products hidden [hashtable] $Headers = @{ 'Accept' = '*/*' 'User-Agent' = $this.Agent 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' } ############### # CONSTRUCTOR # ############### Hive([string] $Username, [string] $Password) { $this.Username = $Username $this.Password = $Password } ########### # METHODS # ########### # Convert Unix time in milliseconds to local datetime object. hidden [datetime] ConvertUnixTime([long] $Milliseconds) { Return [System.DateTimeOffset]::FromUnixTimeMilliseconds($Milliseconds).LocalDateTime } # Convert date time to unix time in milliseconds. hidden [long] DateTimeToUnixTimestamp ([datetime] $dateTime) { Return ($dateTime.ToUniversalTime() - [datetime]::new(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, [DateTimeKind]::Utc)).TotalMilliseconds } # Return errors and terminate execution <# hidden [void] ReturnError([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $e) { $sr = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($e.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()) $sr.BaseStream.Position = 0 $r = ConvertFrom-Json ($sr.ReadToEnd()) Write-Error "An error occurred in the execution of the request:`r`nError Code:`t$($r.errors.code)`r`nError Title:`t$($r.errors.title)" -ErrorAction Stop } #> # Return errors and terminate execution hidden [void] ReturnError([string] $e) { Write-Error $e -ErrorAction Stop } # Login - could do this in the constructor but makes sense to have it as a separate method. May only want weather! [void] Login () { If ($this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("You are already logged in.")} $Settings = [psobject]@{ username = $this.Username password = $this.Password devices = $true products = $true } Try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $this.ApiUrl -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings) -Headers $this.Headers -ErrorAction Stop $this.ApiSessionId = $Response.token $this.Headers.Add('Authorization', $this.ApiSessionId) $this.ApiUrl = $Response.platform.endpoint $this.Devices = $Response.devices $this.Products = $Response.products $this.User = $Response.user } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) } } # Log out - essentially deletes the ApiSession from the API and nulls the ApiSessionId [psobject] Logout() { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} Try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri "$($this.ApiUrl)/auth/logout" -Headers $this.Headers # Needs some error checking. $this.ApiSessionId = $null $this.Headers.Remove('Authorization') Return "Logged out successfully." } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) Return $null } } <# Get products data. Still exposed as a usable method in the class but acts primarily as a helper method to keep the $this.Products variable fresh. Is usually called before any setting method that includes logic or is dependent on the state of an attribute. #> [psobject] GetProducts() { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} Try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$($this.ApiUrl)/products?after=" -Headers $this.Headers -ErrorAction Stop Return $Response } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) Return $null } } <# Get devices data. Still exposed as a usable method in the class but acts primarily as a helper method to keep the $this.Devices variable fresh. Is usually called before any setting method that includes logic or is dependent on the state of an attribute. #> [psobject] GetDevices() { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} Try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$($this.ApiUrl)/devices" -Headers $this.Headers -ErrorAction Stop Return $Response } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) Return $null } } <# Does what it says on the tin. Returns the currently reported temperature value from the thermostat. Not likely to work as expected in multi-zone/thermostat Hive systems. Sorry. Provide $true to get a formatted value: eg. 21.1C Provide $false to get a simple decimal: eg. 21.1 #> [psobject] GetTemperature([bool] $FormattedValue) { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} Try { $this.Products = $this.GetProducts() $this.Devices = $this.GetDevices() If (($this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"}).Count -is [int]) { $this.ReturnError('There is more than one product of type "heating". Apologies but this module does not currently support multiple heat zones.') } $HeatingNode = $this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"} $Temperature = [Math]::Round([double]$HeatingNode.props.temperature, 1) If ($FormattedValue) {Return "$($Temperature.ToString())$([char] 176 )C"} Else {Return $Temperature} } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) Return $null } } <# Sets the heating mode to one of the [HeatingMode] enum values. ie. SCHEDULE, MANUAL, OFF. $this.Products and $this Devices is always refreshed prior to execution. This method does not identify the Thermostat on which to set the mode, it only sets it on the first returned thermostat in the system. (Identified by the type of product being "heating" attribute on a device). It therefore DOES NOT support multi-zone/thermostat Hive installations, sorry! #> [psobject] SetHeatingMode([HeatingMode] $Mode) { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} # Update nodes $this.Products = $this.GetProducts() $this.Devices = $this.GetDevices() If (($this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"}).Count -is [int]) { $this.ReturnError('There is more than one product of type "heating". Apologies but this module does not currently support multiple heat zones.') } # Find out the correct node to send the temp to. Only the first Thermostat we find! $Thermostat = $this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"} | Select -First 1 $Settings = [psobject]@{ mode = $Mode.ToString() } If ($Mode -eq 'MANUAL') { $Settings.Add('target',20) } Try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$($this.ApiUrl)/nodes/heating/$($Thermostat.id)" -Headers $this.Headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings -Depth 99 -Compress) Return "Heating mode set to $($Mode.ToString()) successfully." } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) Return $null } } <# Sets the temperature value on the first thermostat device in the system. $this.Products and $this.Devices is always refreshed prior to execution. This method does not identify the thermostat on which to set the temperature. It only sets it on the first returned thermostat in the system. (Identified by the product type being "heating"). It therefore DOES NOT support multi-zone/thermostat Hive installations, sorry! #> [psobject] SetTemperature([double] $targetTemperature) { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} # Get a sensible temp from the input value rounded to nearest half degree $Temp = ([Math]::Round(($targetTemperature * 2), [System.MidpointRounding]::AwayFromZero)/2) # Update nodes $this.Products = $this.GetProducts() $this.Devices = $this.GetDevices() If (($this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"}).Count -is [int]) { $this.ReturnError('There is more than one product of type "heating". Apologies but this module does not currently support multiple heat zones.') } # Find out the correct node to send the temp to. Only the first Thermostat we find! $Thermostat = $this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"} | Select -First 1 # Check the heating is not in OFF state If ($Thermostat.state.mode -eq 'OFF') { $this.ReturnError("Heating mode is currently OFF. Set to MANUAL or SCHEDULE first.") } # This will be converted to JSON. I suppose it could just be JSON but...meh. $Settings = [psobject]@{ target = $Temp } Try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$($this.ApiUrl)/nodes/heating/$($Thermostat.id)" -Headers $this.Headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings -Depth 99 -Compress) Return "Desired temperature ($($targetTemperature.ToString())$([char] 176 )C) set successfully." } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) Return $null } } <# Boosts the heating system for the defined time. The [BoostTime] Enum is used to ensure proper time values are submitted. Always boosts to 22C - this is the same as the Hive site. Send a SetTemperature() afterward to adjust the Boost up or down. You can re-boost at any time but the timer starts again, obviously. #> [psobject] SetBoostMode([BoostTime] $Duration) { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} # Update nodes $this.Products = $this.GetProducts() $this.Devices = $this.GetDevices() If (($this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"}).Count -is [int]) { $this.ReturnError('There is more than one product of type "heating". Apologies but this module does not currently support multiple heat zones.') } # Find out the correct node to send the temp to. Only the first Thermostat we find! $Thermostat = $this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"} | Select -First 1 $ApiDuration = $null # Creating so it's there! $ApiTemperature = 22 # This is the same Boost default temp as the Hive site. Switch ($Duration) { 'HALF' {$ApiDuration = 30} 'ONE' {$ApiDuration = 60} 'TWO' {$ApiDuration = 120} 'THREE' {$ApiDuration = 180} 'FOUR' {$ApiDuration = 240} 'FIVE' {$ApiDuration = 300} 'SIX' {$ApiDuration = 360} } # JSON structure in a PSObject $Settings = [psobject]@{ mode = 'BOOST' boost = $ApiDuration target = $ApiTemperature } Try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$($this.ApiUrl)/nodes/heating/$($Thermostat.id)" -Headers $this.Headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings -Depth 99 -Compress) Return "BOOST mode activated for $ApiDuration minutes at $($ApiTemperature.ToString())$([char] 176 )C" } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) Return $null } } <# If the current heating mode is set to BOOST, turn it off. This reverts the system to its previous configuration using the previous value stored for the Thermostat when BOOST was activated. If BOOST is activated during a schedule that has been overriden, canceling boost mode reverts to the scheduled value, not the overriden value. #> [string] CancelBoostMode() { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} # Update nodes $this.Products = $this.GetProducts() $this.Devices = $this.GetDevices() If (($this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"}).Count -is [int]) { $this.ReturnError('There is more than one product of type "heating". Apologies but this module does not currently support multiple heat zones.') } # Find out the correct node to send the temp to. Only the first Thermostat we find! $Thermostat = $this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"} | Select -First 1 # If the system isn't set to BOOST, return without doing anything. If ($Thermostat.state.mode -ne 'BOOST') { $this.ReturnError("The current heating mode is not BOOST.") } Switch ($Thermostat.props.previous.mode) { SCHEDULE { $this.SetHeatingMode('SCHEDULE') } MANUAL { $this.SetHeatingMode('MANUAL') $this.SetTemperature($Thermostat.props.previous.target) } OFF { $this.SetHeatingMode('OFF') } Default {$this.SetHeatingMode('SCHEDULE')} } Return "Boost mode stopped." } <# Get information about current holiday mode settings. Returns a string value for start and end dates. #> [string] GetHolidayMode() { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} Try { $Holiday = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$($this.ApiUrl)/holiday-mode" -Headers $this.Headers -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) Return $null } # Init variables... $Start = $End = $Temp = $null If ($Holiday.enabled -eq $true) { $Start = [DateTime]::SpecifyKind($this.ConvertUnixTime($Holiday.start), [DateTimeKind]::Local) $End = [DateTime]::SpecifyKind($this.ConvertUnixTime($Holiday.end), [DateTimeKind]::Local) $Temp = [int] $Holiday.temperature } ElseIf ($Holiday.enabled -eq $false) { Return "Holiday mode is not currently enabled." } Else { $this.ReturnError("Unable to determine the current settings of holiday mode.") } Return "Holiday mode is enabled from $($Start.ToLocalTime().ToString()) -> $($End.ToLocalTime().ToString()) @ $Temp$([char]176)C." } <# Enable holiday mode, providing a start date, end date and temperature. Ranges are checked that you don't set anything silly and have your heating on 24/7 while you're away. #> [string] SetHolidayMode([datetime] $StartDateTime, [datetime] $EndDateTime, [int] $Temperature) { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} # Ensure date times are correctly stated. If ($StartDateTime -lt (Get-Date)) {$this.ReturnError("Start date and time is in the past.")} If ($EndDateTime -lt (Get-Date)) {$this.ReturnError("End date and time is in the past.")} If ($EndDateTime -lt $StartDateTime) {$this.ReturnError("End date is before start date.")} # Check the user didn't type the wrong temp value. If ($Temperature -notin 1..32) { $this.ReturnError("Your chosen holiday mode temperature exceeds the acceptable range (1$([char]176)C -> 32$([char]176)C)") } # Check the submitted temp doesn't exceed the permitted values If ($Temperature -ge 15) { Write-Warning -Message "Your chosen holiday temperature ($Temperature$([char]176)C) is quite warm. To change it, send the request again." } # Update nodes data $this.Products = $this.GetProducts() $this.Devices = $this.GetDevices() # The user will only ever define a local time but force it anyway. $StartDateUTC = [DateTime]::SpecifyKind($StartDateTime, [DateTimeKind]::Local) $EndDateUTC = [DateTime]::SpecifyKind($EndDateTime, [DateTimeKind]::Local) $Settings = [psobject]@{ temperature = $Temperature start = $this.DateTimeToUnixTimestamp($StartDateUTC) end = $this.DateTimeToUnixTimestamp($EndDateUTC) } Try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$($this.ApiUrl)/holiday-mode" -Headers $this.Headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings -Depth 99 -Compress) Return "Holiday mode activated from $($StartDateTime.ToString()) -> $($EndDateTime.ToString()) @ $Temperature$([char]176)C." } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) Return $null } } <# Cancels holiday mode. Sends the request whether holiday mode is enabled or not. #> [string] CancelHolidayMode() { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} Try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri "$($this.ApiUrl)/holiday-mode" -Headers $this.Headers Return "Holiday mode cancelled." } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) Return $null } } <# Get the current weather (temp, conditions) for the users' postcode location. #> [psobject] GetWeather() { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} $Postcode = $this.User.postcode $Country = $this.User.countryCode Try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "https://weather-prod.bgchprod.info/weather?postcode=$Postcode&country=$Country" Return $Response.weather | Select description, temperature } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) Return $null } } <# Get the current weather (temp, conditions) for a specific postcode location. Make sure the postcode is accurate or you'll likely get an error. I don't validate it! #> [psobject] GetWeather([string] $Postcode, [string] $CountryCode) { $Postcode = $Postcode.Replace(' ', '').ToUpper() $CountryCode = $CountryCode.Replace(' ', '').ToUpper() Try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "https://weather-prod.bgchprod.info/weather?postcode=$Postcode&country=$CountryCode" Return $Response.weather | Select description, temperature } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) Return $null } } <# Get the outside weather temperature for the users' postcode location in �C Simply uses another method to retrieve the full result and return only the temp. #> [int] GetWeatherTemperature() { Return $this.GetWeather().temperature.value } <# Save your current heating schedule to a JSON formatted file. Save different schedules for different times of the year and upload them as required using SetHeatingScheduleFromFile(). Specify a directory ONLY - the file will be named HiveSchedule-yyyyMMddHHmm.json #> [void] SaveHeatingScheduleToFile([System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $DirectoryPath) { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} If (-not $DirectoryPath.Exists) {$this.ReturnError("The path should already exist.")} # Update nodes data $this.Products = $this.GetProducts() $this.Devices = $this.GetDevices() If (($this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"}).Count -is [int]) { $this.ReturnError('There is more than one product of type "heating". Apologies but this module does not currently support multiple heat zones.') } # Find out the correct node to send the temp to. Only the first Thermostat we find! $Thermostat = $this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"} | Select -First 1 # Create the correct json structure. $Settings = [psobject]@{ schedule = $Thermostat.state.schedule } # Create the file output path and name. $File = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($DirectoryPath, "HiveSchedule-$(Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd-HHmm").json") # Save the file to disk or error if it exists - let the user handle renaming/moving/deleting. Try { ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Settings -Depth 99 | Out-File -FilePath $File -NoClobber } Catch { $this.ReturnError("An error occurred saving the file.`r`n$_") } } <# Reads in a JSON file containing heating schedule data, checks it and uploads to the Hive site. To ensure that the format is correct, it is recommended to save a copy of your current schedule first using SaveHeatingScheduleToFile(). #> [string] SetHeatingScheduleFromFile([System.IO.FileInfo] $FilePath) { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} If (-not (Test-Path -Path $FilePath )) {$this.ReturnError("The file path supplied does not exist.")} # Update nodes data $this.Products = $this.GetProducts() $this.Devices = $this.GetDevices() If (($this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"}).Count -is [int]) { $this.ReturnError('There is more than one product of type "heating". Apologies but this module does not currently support multiple heat zones.') } # Find out the correct node to send the temp to. Only the first Thermostat we find! $Thermostat = $this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"} | Select -First 1 $Settings = $null # Read in the schedule data from the file. Try { $Settings = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content -Path $FilePath -Raw) } Catch { $this.ReturnError("The file specified could not be parsed as valid JSON.`r`n$_") } # Seven days of events in the file? If (((($Settings.schedule).psobject.Members | Where {$_.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty'}).count) -eq 7) { Try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$($this.ApiUrl)/nodes/heating/$($Thermostat.id)" -Headers $this.Headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings -Depth 99 -Compress) Return "Schedule set successfully from $FilePath" } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) Return $null } } Else {Return "The schedule in the file must contain entries for all seven days."} } <# Advance your heating to the next setting based on the current schedule. If no time period exists in the current day's schedule, the first event in the next day's schedule is used. #> [string] SetHeatingAdvance() { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} # Update nodes data $this.Products = $this.GetProducts() $this.Devices = $this.GetDevices() If (($this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"}).Count -is [int]) { $this.ReturnError('There is more than one product of type "heating". Apologies but this module does not currently support multiple heat zones.') } # Find out the correct node to send the temp to. Only the first Thermostat we find! $Thermostat = $this.Products | Where-Object {$_.type -eq "heating"} | Select -First 1 # Check the heating is in SCHEDULE mode. If (-not ($Thermostat.state.mode -eq 'SCHEDULE')) { $this.ReturnError("Heating mode is not currently SCHEDULE. Advancing is not possible.") } # Get the schedule data $Schedule = $Thermostat.state.schedule # Get the current date and time. $Date = Get-Date $MinutesPastMidnight = ($Date - $Date.Date).TotalMinutes # Set up variables. $NextEvent = $null # Get today's schedule $DaySchedule = Select-Object -InputObject $Schedule -ExpandProperty $Date.DayOfWeek.ToString() # Get the next period/schedule from today's events Foreach ($Period in $DaySchedule) { If (($Period.start) -gt $MinutesPastMidnight) { $NextEvent = $Period Break } } # If there is no event from today that's ahead of now, get tomorrow's first event. If (-not $NextEvent) { $DaySchedule = Select-Object -InputObject $Schedule -ExpandProperty $Date.AddDays(1).DayOfWeek.ToString() $NextEvent = $DaySchedule[0] } # Set the temperature to the next event. Return "Advancing to $($NextEvent.value.target)$([char]176)C...`r`n$($this.SetTemperature($NextEvent.value.target))" } <# Get the object data for an Active Plug by its name. #> hidden [psobject] GetActivePlug([string]$Name) { $ActivePlug = $this.Products | Where-Object {($_.type -eq "activeplug") -and ($_.state.name -eq $Name)} If ($ActivePlug) { Return $ActivePlug } Else { Return $false } } <# Set the mode of an active plug to be either MANUAL or SCHEDULE. If you switch to schedule and the plug schedule is to be on, the plug will turn on. If you subsequently switch back to MANUAL, the plug will not switch off again as there is no previous configuration setting on Active Plugs. #> [string] SetActivePlugMode([ActivePlugMode]$Mode, [string]$Name) { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} # Update nodes $this.Products = $this.GetProducts() $this.Devices = $this.GetDevices() # Check that the plug name exists and assign to a var if so. If (-not ($ActivePlug = $this.GetActivePlug($Name))) { $this.ReturnError("The active plug name provided `"$Name`" does not exist.") } $Settings = $null Switch ($ActivePlug.state.mode) { {($_ -eq "MANUAL") -and ($Mode -eq 'MANUAL') } { Return "`"$Name`" is already in MANUAL." } {($_ -eq "SCHEDULE") -and ($Mode -eq 'SCHEDULE') } { Return "`"$Name`" is already in SCHEDULE." } } Switch ($Mode) { 'MANUAL' { $Settings = [psobject]@{mode = "MANUAL"} } 'SCHEDULE' { $Settings = [psobject]@{mode = "SCHEDULE"} } } Try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$($this.ApiUrl)/nodes/activeplug/$($ActivePlug.id)" -Headers $this.Headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings -Depth 99 -Compress) } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) Return $null } Return "Active Plug `"$Name`" set to $($Settings.mode) successfully." } <# Set the state of a named Active Plug to be either on ($true) or off ($false). Uses a boolean as opposed to a text value. #> [string] SetActivePlugState([bool]$State, [string]$Name) { If (-not $this.ApiSessionId) {$this.ReturnError("No ApiSessionId - must log in first.")} # Update nodes $this.Products = $this.GetProducts() $this.Devices = $this.GetDevices() # Check that the plug name exists and assign to a var if so. If (-not ($ActivePlug = $this.GetActivePlug($Name))) { $this.ReturnError("The active plug name provided `"$Name`" does not exist.") } $Settings = $null Switch ($ActivePlug.state.status) { {($_ -eq "ON") -and ($State -eq $true) } { Return "`"$Name`" is already ON." } {($_ -eq "OFF") -and ($State -eq $false) } { Return "`"$Name`" is already OFF." } } Switch ($State) { $true { $Settings = [psobject]@{status = "ON"} } $false { $Settings = [psobject]@{status = "OFF"} } } Try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri "$($this.ApiUrl)/nodes/activeplug/$($ActivePlug.id)" -Headers $this.Headers -Body (ConvertTo-Json $Settings -Depth 99 -Compress) } Catch { $this.ReturnError($_) Return $null } Return "Active Plug `"$Name`" set to $($Settings.status) successfully." } # END HIVE CLASS } |