Set-StrictMode -Version 3 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" <# .SYNOPSIS This function retrieves the status of the PnP.WSL2 telemetry. .DESCRIPTION The Get-PnPWsl2Telemetry function checks the environment and retrieves the status of the PnP.WSL2 telemetry. .PARAMETER None This function does not take any parameters. .EXAMPLE Get-PnPWsl2Telemetry This command will retrieve the status of the PnP.WSL2 telemetry #> function Get-PnPWsl2Telemetry { begin{ #telemetry tracking #cmdletName Send-PnPWsl2TrackEventTelemetry -EventName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $env:LogScope = "" $Setting = $env:PNPWSL2_DISABLETELEMETRY -eq $true ? "OFF" : "ON" $env:LogScope = "" } Process { Write-Log "`bPnP.WSL2 Telemetry is $($Setting)" } } |