using module ..\private\PnPWsl2Helpers.psm1 using module ..\private\ValidateWslLocalInstance.psm1 using module ..\private\PSColors.psm1 Set-StrictMode -Version 3 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a list of checkpoints of a WSL2 instance. .DESCRIPTION The Get-PnPWsl2CheckPoint function retrieves the checkpoints of a specified WSL2 instance. .PARAMETER Instance Specifies the WSL2 instance to get the checkpoints from. This parameter is mandatory. .EXAMPLE Get-PnPWsl2CheckPoint -Instance "Ubuntu-20.04" This command retrieves a list of checkpoints of the "Ubuntu-20.04" WSL2 instance. #> function Get-PnPWsl2CheckPoint { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [ValidateSet( [ValidateWslLocalInstance] )] [ArgumentCompleter({ param($wordToComplete) [string[]] $validValues = [ValidateWslLocalInstance]::new().GetValidValues() $validValues -like "$wordToComplete*" })] $Instance ) Begin{ #telemetry tracking #cmdletName Send-PnPWsl2TrackEventTelemetry -EventName $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $env:LogScope = "" if (-Not(Test-Wsl2Enabled)) { Write-Log "`bWSL2 is not enabled" return } } Process { $checkPointsObj=[ValidateWslLocalCheckPoint]::new($Instance) $checkPointsObj.GetAllValues() $env:LogScope = "" } } |