using namespace System.Management.Automation.Host if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Core' -or $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 7) { throw "This script requires PowerShell Core version 7 or higher." } Set-PSDebug -Strict $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" <# .SYNOPSIS Translates a prompt into a PowerShell command using OpenAI GPT. .DESCRIPTION The main function, 'Please', takes a PowerShell command as input and prompts the user with a list of actions to perform on that command: abort, copy, explain and invoke. .PARAMETER Prompt Specifies the prompt in natural language that gets translated into a PowerShell command. .PARAMETER Explain If this switch is provided, the script will return a brief explanation of the specified command. .EXAMPLE PS> Please "Get all files in current directory that are larger than 1 MB" PS> Please -Explain "Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\'" #> function Please { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$Prompt, [Alias("e")][switch]$Explain ) Test-ApiKey if ($Explain) { $Explanation = Get-CommandExplanation $Prompt Write-Output "`u{261D} $Explanation" $Command = $Prompt } else { $Command = Get-PwshCommand $Prompt if ($Command.contains("I do not know")) { Write-Output $Command Return } } $Action = Show-Menu $Command Invoke-Action $Action } function Test-ApiKey { if ($null -eq $env:OPENAI_API_KEY) { Write-Output "`u{1F50E} Api key missing. See" $Key = Read-Host "Please provide the api key" if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Key)) { throw "`u{1F937} Api key still missing. Aborting." } $env:OPENAI_API_KEY = $Key } } function Get-PwshCommand([string]$Prompt) { $Role = "You translate the input given into PowerShell command. You may not use natural language, but only a PowerShell commands as answer. Do not use markdown. Do not quote the whole output. If you do not know the answer, answer only with 'I do not know'" $Payload = @{ 'model' = "gpt-3.5-turbo" 'messages' = @( @{ 'role' = 'system'; 'content' = $Role }, @{ 'role' = 'user'; 'content' = $Prompt } ) } Return Invoke-OpenAIRequest $Payload } function Show-Menu($Command) { $Title = "`u{1F523} Command:`n $Command" $Question = "`u{2753} What should I do?" $OptionAbort = [ChoiceDescription]::new('&Abort') $OptionCopy = [ChoiceDescription]::new('&Copy') $OptionInvoke = [ChoiceDescription]::new('&Invoke') $Options = [ChoiceDescription[]]($OptionAbort, $OptionCopy, $OptionInvoke) Return $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($Title, $Question, $Options, 0) } function Invoke-Action ($Action) { switch ($Action) { 0 { Write-Output "`u{274C} Aborting" } 1 { Write-Output "`u{00A9} Copying to clipboard" Set-Clipboard -Value $Command } 2 { Write-Output "`u{25B6} Invoking command" Invoke-Expression $Command } Default { Write-Output "Invalid action" } } } function Get-CommandExplanation([string]$Command) { $Prompt = "Explain what the command $Command does. Don't be too verbose." $Payload = @{ 'max_tokens' = 100 'model' = "gpt-3.5-turbo" 'messages' = @( @{ 'role' = 'user'; 'content' = $Prompt } ) } Return Invoke-OpenAIRequest $Payload } function Invoke-OpenAIRequest($Payload) { $Uri = "" $Headers = @{ 'Content-Type' = 'application/json' 'Authorization' = "Bearer $env:OPENAI_API_KEY" } try { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method Post -Headers $Headers -Body ($Payload | ConvertTo-Json) } catch { Write-Error "Received $($_.Exception.Response.ReasonPhrase): $($_.Exception.Response.Content | ConvertTo-Json)" } Return $Response.choices[0].message.content } Export-ModuleMember -Function "Please" |