## DEVELOPERS NOTES & CONVENTIONS ## ## 1. All text displayed to the user except for Write-Debug (or $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug()) text must be added to the ## string tables in: ## en-US\Plaster.psd1 ## Plaster.psm1 ## 2. If a new manifest element is added, it must be added to the Schema\PlasterManifest-v1.xsd file and then ## processed in the appropriate function in this script. Any changes to <parameter> attributes must be ## processed not only in the ProcessParameter function but also in the dynamicparam function. ## ## 3. Non-exported functions should avoid using the PowerShell standard Verb-Noun naming convention. ## They should use PascalCase instead. ## ## 4. Please follow the scripting style of this file when adding new script. function Invoke-Plaster { [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSAvoidShouldContinueWithoutForce', '', Scope='Function', Target='CopyFileWithConflictDetection')] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText', '', Scope='Function', Target='ProcessParameter')] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSShouldProcess', '', Scope='Function', Target='CopyFileWithConflictDetection')] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSShouldProcess', '', Scope='Function', Target='ProcessFile')] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSShouldProcess', '', Scope='Function', Target='ProcessModifyFile')] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSShouldProcess', '', Scope='Function', Target='ProcessNewModuleManifest')] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSShouldProcess', '', Scope='Function', Target='ProcessRequireModule')] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $TemplatePath, [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $DestinationPath, [Parameter()] [switch] $Force, [Parameter()] [switch] $NoLogo, [Parameter()] [switch] $PassThru ) # Process the template's Plaster manifest file to convert parameters defined there into dynamic parameters. dynamicparam { $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $manifest = $null $manifestPath = $null $templateAbsolutePath = $null # Nothing to do until the TemplatePath parameter has been provided. if ($null -eq $TemplatePath) { return } try { # Let's convert non-terminating errors in this function to terminating so we # catch and format the error message as a warning. $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # The constrained runspace is not available in the dynamicparam block. Shouldn't be needed # since we are only evaluating the parameters in the manifest - no need for EvaluateConditionAttribute as we # are not building up multiple parametersets. And no need for EvaluateAttributeValue since we are only # grabbing the parameter's value which is static. $templateAbsolutePath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($TemplatePath) if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $templateAbsolutePath -PathType Container)) { throw ($LocalizedData.ErrorTemplatePathIsInvalid_F1 -f $templateAbsolutePath) } # Load manifest file using culture lookup $manifestPath = GetPlasterManifestPathForCulture $templateAbsolutePath $PSCulture if (($null -eq $manifestPath) -or (!(Test-Path $manifestPath))) { return } $manifest = Test-PlasterManifest -Path $manifestPath -ErrorAction Stop 3>$null # The user-defined parameters in the Plaster manifest are converted to dynamic parameters # which allows the user to provide the parameters via the command line. # This enables non-interactive use cases. foreach ($node in $manifest.plasterManifest.parameters.ChildNodes) { if ($node -isnot [System.Xml.XmlElement]) { continue } $name = $ $type = $node.type $prompt = if ($node.prompt) { $node.prompt } else { $LocalizedData.MissingParameterPrompt_F1 -f $name } if (!$name -or !$type) { continue } # Configure ParameterAttribute and add to attr collection $attributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $paramAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $paramAttribute.HelpMessage = $prompt $attributeCollection.Add($paramAttribute) switch -regex ($type) { 'text|user-fullname|user-email' { $param = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter ` -ArgumentList ($name, [string], $attributeCollection) break } 'choice|multichoice' { $choiceNodes = $node.ChildNodes $setValues = New-Object string[] $choiceNodes.Count $i = 0 foreach ($choiceNode in $choiceNodes){ $setValues[$i++] = $choiceNode.value } $validateSetAttr = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute $setValues $attributeCollection.Add($validateSetAttr) $type = if ($type -eq 'multichoice') { [string[]] } else { [string] } $param = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter ` -ArgumentList ($name, $type, $attributeCollection) break } default { throw ($LocalizedData.UnrecognizedParameterType_F2 -f $type,$name) } } $paramDictionary.Add($name, $param) } } catch { Write-Warning ($LocalizedData.ErrorProcessingDynamicParams_F1 -f $_) } $paramDictionary } begin { # Write out the Plaster logo if necessary $plasterLogo = @' ____ _ _ | _ \| | __ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ | |_) | |/ _` / __| __/ _ \ '__| | __/| | (_| \__ \ || __/ | |_| |_|\__,_|___/\__\___|_| '@ if (!$NoLogo) { $versionString = "v$PlasterVersion" Write-Host $plasterLogo Write-Host ((" " * (50 - $versionString.Length)) + $versionString) Write-Host ("=" * 50) } $boundParameters = $PSBoundParameters $constrainedRunspace = $null $templateCreatedFiles = @{} $defaultValueStore = @{} $fileConflictConfirmNoToAll = $false $fileConflictConfirmYesToAll = $false $flags = @{ DefaultValueStoreDirty = $false } # Verify TemplatePath parameter value is valid. $templateAbsolutePath = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($TemplatePath) if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $templateAbsolutePath -PathType Container)) { throw ($LocalizedData.ErrorTemplatePathIsInvalid_F1 -f $templateAbsolutePath) } # We will have a null manifest if the dynamicparam scriptblock was unable to load the template manifest # or it wasn't valid. If so, let's try to load it here. If anything, we can provide better errors here. if ($null -eq $manifest) { if ($null -eq $manifestPath) { $manifestPath = GetPlasterManifestPathForCulture $templateAbsolutePath $PSCulture } if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $manifestPath -PathType Leaf) { $manifest = Test-PlasterManifest -Path $manifestPath -ErrorAction Stop 3>$null $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("In begin, loading manifest file '$manifestPath'") } else { throw ($LocalizedData.ManifestFileMissing_F1 -f $manifestPath) } } # If the destination path doesn't exist, create it. $destinationAbsolutePath = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($DestinationPath) if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $destinationAbsolutePath)) { New-Item $destinationAbsolutePath -ItemType Directory > $null } # Prepare output object if user has specified the -PassThru parameter. if ($PassThru) { $InvokePlasterInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ TemplatePath = $templateAbsolutePath DestinationPath = $destinationAbsolutePath Success = $false TemplateType = if ($manifest.plasterManifest.templateType) {$manifest.plasterManifest.templateType} else {'Unspecified'} CreatedFiles = [string[]]@() UpdatedFiles = [string[]]@() MissingModules = [string[]]@() OpenFiles = [string[]]@() } } # Create the pre-defined Plaster variables. InitializePredefinedVariables $templateAbsolutePath $destinationAbsolutePath # Check for any existing default value store file and load default values if file exists. $templateId = $ $templateVersion = $manifest.plasterManifest.metadata.version $templateName = $ $storeFilename = "$templateName-$templateVersion-$templateId.clixml" $defaultValueStorePath = Join-Path $ParameterDefaultValueStoreRootPath $storeFilename if (Test-Path $defaultValueStorePath) { try { $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Loading default value store from '$defaultValueStorePath'.") $defaultValueStore = Import-Clixml $defaultValueStorePath -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Warning ($LocalizedData.ErrorFailedToLoadStoreFile_F1 -f $defaultValueStorePath) } } function NewConstrainedRunspace() { $iss = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::Create() if (!$IsCoreCLR) { $iss.ApartmentState = [System.Threading.ApartmentState]::STA } $iss.LanguageMode = [System.Management.Automation.PSLanguageMode]::ConstrainedLanguage $iss.DisableFormatUpdates = $true $sspe = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateProviderEntry 'Environment',([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.EnvironmentProvider]),$null $iss.Providers.Add($sspe) $sspe = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateProviderEntry 'FileSystem',([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.FileSystemProvider]),$null $iss.Providers.Add($sspe) $ssce = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateCmdletEntry 'Get-Content',([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetContentCommand]),$null $iss.Commands.Add($ssce) $ssce = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateCmdletEntry 'Get-Date',([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetDateCommand]),$null $iss.Commands.Add($ssce) $ssce = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateCmdletEntry 'Get-ChildItem',([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetChildItemCommand]),$null $iss.Commands.Add($ssce) $ssce = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateCmdletEntry 'Get-Item',([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemCommand]),$null $iss.Commands.Add($ssce) $ssce = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateCmdletEntry 'Get-ItemProperty',([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemPropertyCommand]),$null $iss.Commands.Add($ssce) $ssce = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateCmdletEntry 'Get-Module',([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetModuleCommand]),$null $iss.Commands.Add($ssce) $ssce = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateCmdletEntry 'Get-Variable',([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetVariableCommand]),$null $iss.Commands.Add($ssce) $ssce = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateCmdletEntry 'Test-Path',([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.TestPathCommand]),$null $iss.Commands.Add($ssce) $ssce = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateCmdletEntry 'Out-String',([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.OutStringCommand]),$null $iss.Commands.Add($ssce) $ssce = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateCmdletEntry 'Compare-Object',([Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.CompareObjectCommand]),$null $iss.Commands.Add($ssce) $scopedItemOptions = [System.Management.Automation.ScopedItemOptions]::AllScope $plasterVars = Get-Variable -Name PLASTER_*,PSVersionTable if (Test-Path Variable:\IsLinux) { $plasterVars += Get-Variable -Name IsLinux } if (Test-Path Variable:\IsOSX) { $plasterVars += Get-Variable -Name IsOSX } if (Test-Path Variable:\IsMacOS) { $plasterVars += Get-Variable -Name IsMacOS } if (Test-Path Variable:\IsWindows) { $plasterVars += Get-Variable -Name IsWindows } foreach ($var in $plasterVars) { $ssve = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SessionStateVariableEntry ` $var.Name,$var.Value,$var.Description,$scopedItemOptions $iss.Variables.Add($ssve) } # Create new runspace with the above defined entries. Then open and set its working dir to $destinationAbsolutePath # so all condition attribute expressions can use a relative path to refer to file paths e.g. # condition="Test-Path src\${PLASTER_PARAM_ModuleName}.psm1" $runspace = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace($iss) $runspace.Open() if ($destinationAbsolutePath) { $runspace.SessionStateProxy.Path.SetLocation($destinationAbsolutePath) > $null } $runspace } function ExecuteExpressionImpl([string]$Expression) { try { $powershell = [PowerShell]::Create() if ($null -eq $constrainedRunspace) { $constrainedRunspace = NewConstrainedRunspace } $powershell.Runspace = $constrainedRunspace try { $powershell.AddScript($Expression) > $null $res = $powershell.Invoke() $res } catch { throw ($LocalizedData.ExpressionInvalid_F2 -f $Expression,$_) } # Check for non-terminating errors. if ($powershell.Streams.Error.Count -gt 0) { $err = $powershell.Streams.Error[0] throw ($LocalizedData.ExpressionNonTermErrors_F2 -f $Expression,$err) } } finally { if ($powershell) { $powershell.Dispose() } } } function InterpolateAttributeValue([string]$Value, [string]$Location) { if ($null -eq $Value) { return [string]::Empty } elseif ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Value)) { return $Value } try { $res = @(ExecuteExpressionImpl "`"$Value`"") [string]$res[0] } catch { throw ($LocalizedData.InterpolationError_F3 -f $Value.Trim(),$Location,$_) } } function EvaluateConditionAttribute([string]$Expression, [string]$Location) { if ($null -eq $Expression) { return [string]::Empty } elseif ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Expression)) { return $Expression } try { $res = @(ExecuteExpressionImpl $Expression) [bool]$res[0] } catch { throw ($LocalizedData.ExpressionInvalidCondition_F3 -f $Expression,$Location,$_) } } function EvaluateExpression([string]$Expression, [string]$Location) { if ($null -eq $Expression) { return [string]::Empty } elseif ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Expression)) { return $Expression } try { $res = @(ExecuteExpressionImpl $Expression) [string]$res[0] } catch { throw ($LocalizedData.ExpressionExecError_F2 -f $Location,$_) } } function EvaluateScript([string]$Script, [string]$Location) { if ($null -eq $Script) { return @([string]::Empty) } elseif ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Script)) { return $Script } try { $res = @(ExecuteExpressionImpl $Script) [string[]]$res } catch { throw ($LocalizedData.ExpressionExecError_F2 -f $Location,$_) } } function GetErrorLocationFileAttrVal([string]$ElementName, [string]$AttributeName) { $LocalizedData.ExpressionErrorLocationFile_F2 -f $ElementName,$AttributeName } function GetErrorLocationModifyAttrVal([string]$AttributeName) { $LocalizedData.ExpressionErrorLocationModify_F1 -f $AttributeName } function GetErrorLocationNewModManifestAttrVal([string]$AttributeName) { $LocalizedData.ExpressionErrorLocationNewModManifest_F1 -f $AttributeName } function GetErrorLocationParameterAttrVal([string]$ParameterName, [string]$AttributeName) { $LocalizedData.ExpressionErrorLocationParameter_F2 -f $ParameterName,$AttributeName } function GetErrorLocationRequireModuleAttrVal([string]$ModuleName, [string]$AttributeName) { $LocalizedData.ExpressionErrorLocationRequireModule_F2 -f $ModuleName,$AttributeName } function GetPSSnippetFunction([String]$FilePath) { # Test if Path Exists if (!(Test-Path $substitute -PathType Leaf)) { throw ($LocalizedData.ErrorPathDoesNotExist_F1 -f $FilePath) } # Load File return Get-Content -LiteralPath $substitute -Raw } function ConvertToDestinationRelativePath($Path) { $fullDestPath = $DestinationPath if (![System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($fullDestPath)) { $fullDestPath = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($DestinationPath) } $fullPath = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path) if (!$fullPath.StartsWith($fullDestPath, 'OrdinalIgnoreCase')) { throw ($LocalizedData.ErrorPathMustBeUnderDestPath_F2 -f $fullPath, $fullDestPath) } $fullPath.Substring($fullDestPath.Length).TrimStart('\','/') } function VerifyPathIsUnderDestinationPath([ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$FullPath) { if (![System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($FullPath)) { $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("The FullPath parameter '$FullPath' must be an absolute path.") } $fullDestPath = $DestinationPath if (![System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($fullDestPath)) { $fullDestPath = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($DestinationPath) } if (!$FullPath.StartsWith($fullDestPath, [StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { throw ($LocalizedData.ErrorPathMustBeUnderDestPath_F2 -f $FullPath, $fullDestPath) } } function WriteContentWithEncoding([string]$path, [string[]]$content, [string]$encoding) { if ($encoding -match '-nobom') { $encoding,$dummy = $encoding -split '-' $noBomEncoding = $null switch ($encoding) { 'utf8' { $noBomEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($false) } } if ($null -eq $content) { $content = [string]::Empty } [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($path, $content, $noBomEncoding) } else { Set-Content -LiteralPath $path -Value $content -Encoding $encoding } } function ColorForOperation($operation) { switch ($operation) { $LocalizedData.OpConflict { 'Red' } $LocalizedData.OpCreate { 'Green' } $LocalizedData.OpForce { 'Yellow' } $LocalizedData.OpIdentical { 'Cyan' } $LocalizedData.OpModify { 'Magenta' } $LocalizedData.OpUpdate { 'Green' } $LocalizedData.OpMissing { 'Red' } $LocalizedData.OpVerify { 'Green' } default { $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor } } } function GetMaxOperationLabelLength { ($LocalizedData.OpCreate, $LocalizedData.OpIdentical, $LocalizedData.OpConflict, $LocalizedData.OpForce, $LocalizedData.OpMissing, $LocalizedData.OpModify, $LocalizedData.OpUpdate, $LocalizedData.OpVerify | Measure-Object -Property Length -Maximum).Maximum } function WriteOperationStatus($operation, $message) { $maxLen = GetMaxOperationLabelLength Write-Host ("{0,$maxLen} " -f $operation) -ForegroundColor (ColorForOperation $operation) -NoNewline Write-Host $message } function WriteOperationAdditionalStatus([string[]]$Message) { $maxLen = GetMaxOperationLabelLength foreach ($msg in $Message) { $lines = $msg -split "`n" foreach ($line in $lines) { Write-Host ("{0,$maxLen} {1}" -f "",$line) } } } function GetGitConfigValue($name) { # Very simplistic git config lookup # Won't work with namespace, just use final element, e.g. 'name' instead of '' # The $Home dir may not be reachable e.g. if on network share and/or script not running as admin. # See issue if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $Home)) { return } $gitConfigPath = Join-Path $Home '.gitconfig' $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Looking for '$name' value in Git config: $gitConfigPath") if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $gitConfigPath) { $matches = Select-String -LiteralPath $gitConfigPath -Pattern "\s+$name\s+=\s+(.+)$" if (@($matches).Count -gt 0) { $matches.Matches.Groups[1].Value } } } function PromptForInput($prompt, $default) { do { $value = Read-Host -Prompt $prompt if (!$value -and $default) { $value = $default } } while (!$value) $value } function PromptForChoice([string]$ParameterName, [ValidateNotNull()]$ChoiceNodes, [string]$prompt, [int[]]$defaults, [switch]$IsMultiChoice) { $choices = New-Object 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]' $values = New-Object object[] $ChoiceNodes.Count $i = 0 foreach ($choiceNode in $ChoiceNodes) { $label = InterpolateAttributeValue $choiceNode.label (GetErrorLocationParameterAttrVal $ParameterName label) $help = InterpolateAttributeValue $ (GetErrorLocationParameterAttrVal $ParameterName help) $value = InterpolateAttributeValue $choiceNode.value (GetErrorLocationParameterAttrVal $ParameterName value) $choice = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -Arg $label,$help $choices.Add($choice) $values[$i++] = $value } $retval = [PSCustomObject]@{Values=@(); Indices=@()} if ($IsMultiChoice) { $selections = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice('', $prompt, $choices, $defaults) foreach ($selection in $selections) { $retval.Values += $values[$selection] $retval.Indices += $selection } } else { if ($defaults.Count -gt 1) { throw ($LocalizedData.ParameterTypeChoiceMultipleDefault_F1 -f $ } $selection = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice('', $prompt, $choices, $defaults[0]) $retval.Values = $values[$selection] $retval.Indices = $selection } $retval } # All Plaster variables should be set via this method so that the ConstrainedRunspace can be # configured to use the new variable. This method will null out the ConstrainedRunspace so that # later, when we need to evaluate script in that runspace, it will get recreated first with all # the latest Plaster variables. function SetPlasterVariable() { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [AllowNull()] $Value, [Parameter()] [bool] $IsParam = $true ) # Variables created from a <parameter> in the Plaster manifset are prefixed PLASTER_PARAM all others # are just PLASTER_. $variableName = if ($IsParam) { "PLASTER_PARAM_$Name" } else { "PLASTER_$Name" } Set-Variable -Name $variableName -Value $Value -Scope Script -WhatIf:$false # If the constrained runspace has been created, it needs to be disposed so that the next string # expansion (or condition eval) gets an updated runspace that contains this variable or its new value. if ($null -ne $script:ConstrainedRunspace) { $script:ConstrainedRunspace.Dispose() $script:ConstrainedRunspace = $null } } function ProcessParameter([ValidateNotNull()]$Node) { $name = $ $type = $Node.type $store = $ $condition = $Node.condition $default = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.default (GetErrorLocationParameterAttrVal $name default) if ($condition -and !(EvaluateConditionAttribute $condition "'<$($Node.LocalName)>'")) { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($default) -and $type -eq 'text') { SetPlasterVariable -Name $name -Value $default -IsParam $true $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("The condition of the parameter $($name) with the type 'text' evaluated to false. The parameter has a default value which will be used.") } else { # Define the parameter so later conditions can use it but its value will be $null SetPlasterVariable -Name $name -Value $null -IsParam $true $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Skipping parameter $($name), condition evaluated to false.") } return } $prompt = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.prompt (GetErrorLocationParameterAttrVal $name prompt) # Check if parameter was provided via a dynamic parameter. if ($boundParameters.ContainsKey($name)) { $value = $boundParameters[$name] } else { # Not a dynamic parameter so prompt user for the value but first check for a stored default value. if ($store -and ($null -ne $defaultValueStore[$name])) { $default = $defaultValueStore[$name] $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Read default value '$default' for parameter '$name' from default value store.") if (($store -eq 'encrypted') -and ($default -is [System.Security.SecureString])) { try { $cred = New-Object -TypeName PSCredential -ArgumentList 'jsbplh',$default $default = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Unencrypted default value for parameter '$name'.") } catch [System.Exception] { Write-Warning ($LocalizedData.ErrorUnencryptingSecureString_F1 -f $name) } } } # If the prompt message failed to evaluate or was empty, supply a diagnostic prompt message if (!$prompt) { $prompt = $LocalizedData.MissingParameterPrompt_F1 -f $name } # Some default values might not come from the template e.g. some are harvested from .gitconfig if it exists. $defaultNotFromTemplate = $false # Now prompt user for parameter value based on the parameter type. switch -regex ($type) { 'text' { # Display an appropriate "default" value in the prompt string. if ($default) { if ($store -eq 'encrypted') { $obscuredDefault = $default -replace '(....).*', '$1****' $prompt += " ($obscuredDefault)" } else { $prompt += " ($default)" } } # Prompt the user for text input. $value = PromptForInput $prompt $default $valueToStore = $value } 'user-fullname' { # If no default, try to get a name from git config. if (!$default) { $default = GetGitConfigValue('name') $defaultNotFromTemplate = $true } if ($default) { if ($store -eq 'encrypted') { $obscuredDefault = $default -replace '(....).*', '$1****' $prompt += " ($obscuredDefault)" } else { $prompt += " ($default)" } } # Prompt the user for text input. $value = PromptForInput $prompt $default $valueToStore = $value } 'user-email' { # If no default, try to get an email from git config if (-not $default) { $default = GetGitConfigValue('email') $defaultNotFromTemplate = $true } if ($default) { if ($store -eq 'encrypted') { $obscuredDefault = $default -replace '(....).*', '$1****' $prompt += " ($obscuredDefault)" } else { $prompt += " ($default)" } } # Prompt the user for text input. $value = PromptForInput $prompt $default $valueToStore = $value } 'choice|multichoice' { $choices = $Node.ChildNodes $defaults = [int[]]($default -split ',') # Prompt the user for choice or multichoice selection input. $selections = PromptForChoice $name $choices $prompt $defaults -IsMultiChoice:($type -eq 'multichoice') $value = $selections.Values $OFS = "," $valueToStore = "$($selections.Indices)" } default { throw ($LocalizedData.UnrecognizedParameterType_F2 -f $type, $Node.LocalName) } } # If parameter specifies that user's input be stored as the default value, # store it to file if the value has changed. if ($store -and (($default -ne $valueToStore) -or $defaultNotFromTemplate)) { if ($store -eq 'encrypted') { $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Storing new, encrypted default value for parameter '$name' to default value store.") $defaultValueStore[$name] = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $valueToStore -AsPlainText -Force } else { $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Storing new default value '$valueToStore' for parameter '$name' to default value store.") $defaultValueStore[$name] = $valueToStore } $flags.DefaultValueStoreDirty = $true } } # Make template defined parameters available as a PowerShell variable PLASTER_PARAM_<parameterName>. SetPlasterVariable -Name $name -Value $value -IsParam $true } function ProcessMessage([ValidateNotNull()]$Node) { $text = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.InnerText '<message>' $nonewline = $Node.nonewline -eq 'true' # Eliminate whitespace before and after the text that just happens to get inserted because you want # the text on different lines than the start/end element tags. $trimmedText = $text -replace '^[ \t]*\n','' -replace '\n[ \t]*$','' $condition = $Node.condition if ($condition -and !(EvaluateConditionAttribute $condition "'<$($Node.LocalName)>'")) { $debugText = $trimmedText -replace '\r|\n',' ' $maxLength = [Math]::Min(40, $debugText.Length) $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Skipping message '$($debugText.Substring(0, $maxLength))', condition evaluated to false.") return } Write-Host $trimmedText -NoNewline:($nonewline -eq 'true') } function ProcessNewModuleManifest([ValidateNotNull()]$Node) { $moduleVersion = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.moduleVersion (GetErrorLocationNewModManifestAttrVal moduleVersion) $rootModule = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.rootModule (GetErrorLocationNewModManifestAttrVal rootModule) $author = InterpolateAttributeValue $ (GetErrorLocationNewModManifestAttrVal author) $companyName = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.companyName (GetErrorLocationNewModManifestAttrVal companyName) $description = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.description (GetErrorLocationNewModManifestAttrVal description) $dstRelPath = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.destination (GetErrorLocationNewModManifestAttrVal destination) $powerShellVersion = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.powerShellVersion (GetErrorLocationNewModManifestAttrVal powerShellVersion) $nestedModules = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.NestedModules (GetErrorLocationNewModManifestAttrVal NestedModules) $dscResourcesToExport = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.DscResourcesToExport (GetErrorLocationNewModManifestAttrVal DscResourcesToExport) $copyright = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.copyright (GetErrorLocationNewModManifestAttrVal copyright) # We could choose to not check this if the condition eval'd to false # but I think it is better to let the template author know they've broken the # rules for any of the file directives (not just the ones they're testing/enabled). if ([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($dstRelPath)) { throw ($LocalizedData.ErrorPathMustBeRelativePath_F2 -f $dstRelPath,$Node.LocalName) } $dstPath = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath((Join-Path $DestinationPath $dstRelPath)) $condition = $Node.condition if ($condition -and !(EvaluateConditionAttribute $condition "'<$($Node.LocalName)>'")) { $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Skipping module manifest generation for '$dstPath', condition evaluated to false.") return } $encoding = $Node.encoding if (!$encoding) { $encoding = $DefaultEncoding } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($dstPath, $LocalizedData.ShouldProcessNewModuleManifest)) { $manifestDir = Split-Path $dstPath -Parent if (!(Test-Path $manifestDir)) { VerifyPathIsUnderDestinationPath $manifestDir Write-Verbose ($LocalizedData.NewModManifest_CreatingDir_F1 -f $manifestDir) New-Item $manifestDir -ItemType Directory > $null } $newModuleManifestParams = @{} # If there is an existing module manifest, load it so we can reuse old values not specified by # template. if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $dstPath) { $manifestFileName = Split-Path $dstPath -leaf $newModuleManifestParams = Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory $manifestDir -FileName $manifestFileName if ($newModuleManifestParams.PrivateData) { $newModuleManifestParams += $newModuleManifestParams.PrivateData.psdata $newModuleManifestParams.Remove('PrivateData') } } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($moduleVersion)) { $newModuleManifestParams['ModuleVersion'] = $moduleVersion } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($rootModule)) { $newModuleManifestParams['RootModule'] = $rootModule } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($author)) { $newModuleManifestParams['Author'] = $author } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($companyName)) { $newModuleManifestParams['CompanyName'] = $companyName } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($copyright)) { $newModuleManifestParams['Copyright'] = $copyright } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($description)) { $newModuleManifestParams['Description'] = $description } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($powerShellVersion)) { $newModuleManifestParams['PowerShellVersion'] = $powerShellVersion } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($nestedModules)) { $newModuleManifestParams['NestedModules'] = $nestedModules } if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($dscResourcesToExport)) { $newModuleManifestParams['DscResourcesToExport'] = $dscResourcesToExport } $tempFile = $null try { $tempFileBaseName = "moduleManifest-" + [Guid]::NewGuid() $tempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() + "${tempFileBaseName}.psd1" $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Created temp file for new module manifest - $tempFile") $newModuleManifestParams['Path'] = $tempFile # Generate manifest into a temp file. New-ModuleManifest @newModuleManifestParams # Typically the manifest is re-written with a new encoding (UTF8-NoBOM) because Git hates UTF-16. $content = Get-Content -LiteralPath $tempFile -Raw # Replace the temp filename in the generated manifest file's comment header with the actual filename. $dstBaseName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($dstPath) $content = $content -replace "(?<=\s*#.*?)$tempFileBaseName", $dstBaseName WriteContentWithEncoding -Path $tempFile -Content $content -Encoding $encoding CopyFileWithConflictDetection $tempFile $dstPath if ($PassThru -and ($Node.openInEditor -eq 'true')) { $InvokePlasterInfo.OpenFiles += $dstPath } } finally { if ($tempFile -and (Test-Path $tempFile)) { Remove-Item -LiteralPath $tempFile $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Removed temp file for new module manifest - $tempFile") } } } } # # Begin ProcessFile helper methods # function NewBackupFilename([string]$Path) { $dir = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($Path) $filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($Path) $backupPath = Join-Path -Path $dir -ChildPath "${filename}.bak" $i = 1; while (Test-Path -LiteralPath $backupPath) { $backupPath = Join-Path -Path $dir -ChildPath "${filename}.bak$i" $i++ } $backupPath } function AreFilesIdentical($Path1, $Path2) { $file1 = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Path1 -Force $file2 = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Path2 -Force if ($file1.Length -ne $file2.Length) { return $false } $hash1 = (Get-FileHash -LiteralPath $path1 -Algorithm SHA1).Hash $hash2 = (Get-FileHash -LiteralPath $path2 -Algorithm SHA1).Hash $hash1 -eq $hash2 } function NewFileSystemCopyInfo([string]$srcPath, [string]$dstPath) { [PSCustomObject]@{SrcFileName=$srcPath; DstFileName=$dstPath} } function ExpandFileSourceSpec([string]$srcRelPath, [string]$dstRelPath) { $srcPath = Join-Path $templateAbsolutePath $srcRelPath $dstPath = Join-Path $destinationAbsolutePath $dstRelPath if ($srcRelPath.IndexOfAny([char[]]('*','?')) -lt 0) { # No wildcard spec in srcRelPath so return info on single file. # Also, if dstRelPath is empty, then use source rel path. if (!$dstRelPath) { $dstPath = Join-Path $destinationAbsolutePath $srcRelPath } return NewFileSystemCopyInfo $srcPath $dstPath } # Prepare parameter values for call to Get-ChildItem to get list of files based on wildcard spec. $gciParams = @{} $parent = Split-Path $srcPath -Parent $leaf = Split-Path $srcPath -Leaf $gciParams['LiteralPath'] = $parent $gciParams['File'] = $true if ($leaf -eq '**') { $gciParams['Recurse'] = $true } else { if ($leaf.IndexOfAny([char[]]('*','?')) -ge 0) { $gciParams['Filter'] = $leaf } $leaf = Split-Path $parent -Leaf if ($leaf -eq '**') { $parent = Split-Path $parent -Parent $gciParams['LiteralPath'] = $parent $gciParams['Recurse'] = $true } } $srcRelRootPathLength = $gciParams['LiteralPath'].Length # Generate a FileCopyInfo object for every file expanded by the wildcard spec. $files = @(Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-ChildItem @gciParams) foreach ($file in $files) { $fileSrcPath = $file.FullName $relPath = $fileSrcPath.Substring($srcRelRootPathLength) $fileDstPath = Join-Path $dstPath $relPath NewFileSystemCopyInfo $fileSrcPath $fileDstPath } # Copy over empty directories - if any. $gciParams.Remove('File') $gciParams['Directory'] = $true $dirs = @(Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-ChildItem @gciParams | Where-Object {$_.GetFileSystemInfos().Length -eq 0}) foreach ($dir in $dirs) { $dirSrcPath = $dir.FullName $relPath = $dirSrcPath.Substring($srcRelRootPathLength) $dirDstPath = Join-Path $dstPath $relPath NewFileSystemCopyInfo $dirSrcPath $dirDstPath } } # Plaster zen for file handling. All file related operations should use this method # to actually write/overwrite/modify files in the DestinationPath. This method # handles detecting conflicts, gives the user a chance to determine how to handle # conflicts. The user can choose to use the Force parameter to force the overwriting # of existing files at the destination path. # File processing (expanding substitution variable, modifying file contents) should always # be done to a temp file (be sure to always remove temp file when done). That temp file # is what gets passed to this function as the $SrcPath. This allows Plaster to alert the # user when the repeated application of a template will modify any existing file. # NOTE: Plaster keeps track of which files it has "created" (as opposed to overwritten) # so that any later change to that file doesn't trigger conflict handling. function CopyFileWithConflictDetection([string]$SrcPath, [string]$DstPath) { # Just double-checking that DstPath parameter is an absolute path otherwise # it could fail the check that the DstPath is under the overall DestinationPath. if (![System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($DstPath)) { $DstPath = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($DstPath) } # Check if DstPath file conflicts with an existing SrcPath file. $operation = $LocalizedData.OpCreate $opmessage = (ConvertToDestinationRelativePath $DstPath) if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $DstPath) { if (AreFilesIdentical $SrcPath $DstPath) { $operation = $LocalizedData.OpIdentical } elseif ($templateCreatedFiles.ContainsKey($DstPath)) { # Plaster created this file previously during template invocation # therefore, there is no conflict. We're simply updating the file. $operation = $LocalizedData.OpUpdate } elseif ($Force) { $operation = $LocalizedData.OpForce } else { $operation = $LocalizedData.OpConflict } } # Copy the file to the destination if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($DstPath, $operation)) { WriteOperationStatus $operation $opmessage if ($operation -eq $LocalizedData.OpIdentical) { # If the files are identical, no need to do anything return } if (($operation -eq $LocalizedData.OpCreate) -or ($operation -eq $LocalizedData.OpUpdate)) { Copy-Item -LiteralPath $SrcPath -Destination $DstPath if ($PassThru) { $InvokePlasterInfo.CreatedFiles += $DstPath } $templateCreatedFiles[$DstPath] = $null } elseif ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue(($LocalizedData.OverwriteFile_F1 -f $DstPath), $LocalizedData.FileConflict, [ref]$fileConflictConfirmYesToAll, [ref]$fileConflictConfirmNoToAll)) { $backupFilename = NewBackupFilename $DstPath Copy-Item -LiteralPath $DstPath -Destination $backupFilename Copy-Item -LiteralPath $SrcPath -Destination $DstPath if ($PassThru) { $InvokePlasterInfo.UpdatedFiles += $DstPath } $templateCreatedFiles[$DstPath] = $null } } } # # End ProcessFile helper methods # # Processes both the <file> and <templateFile> directives. function ProcessFile([ValidateNotNull()]$Node) { $srcRelPath = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.source (GetErrorLocationFileAttrVal $Node.localName source) $dstRelPath = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.destination (GetErrorLocationFileAttrVal $Node.localName destination) $condition = $Node.condition if ($condition -and !(EvaluateConditionAttribute $condition "'<$($Node.LocalName)>'")) { $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Skipping $($Node.localName) '$srcRelPath' -> '$dstRelPath', condition evaluated to false.") return } # Only validate paths for conditions that evaluate to true. # The path may not be valid if it evaluates to false depending # on whether or not conditional parameters are used in the template. if ([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($srcRelPath)) { throw ($LocalizedData.ErrorPathMustBeRelativePath_F2 -f $srcRelPath,$Node.LocalName) } if ([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($dstRelPath)) { throw ($LocalizedData.ErrorPathMustBeRelativePath_F2 -f $dstRelPath,$Node.LocalName) } # Check if node is the specialized, <templateFile> node. # Only <templateFile> nodes expand templates and use the encoding attribute. $isTemplateFile = $Node.localName -eq 'templateFile' if ($isTemplateFile) { $encoding = $Node.encoding if (!$encoding) { $encoding = $DefaultEncoding } } # Check if source specifies a wildcard and if so, expand the wildcard # and then process each file system object (file or empty directory). $fileSystemCopyInfoObjs = ExpandFileSourceSpec $srcRelPath $dstRelPath foreach ($fileSystemCopyInfo in $fileSystemCopyInfoObjs) { $srcPath = $fileSystemCopyInfo.SrcFileName $dstPath = $fileSystemCopyInfo.DstFileName # The file's destination path must be under the DestinationPath specified by the user. VerifyPathIsUnderDestinationPath $dstPath # Check to see if we're copying an empty dir if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $srcPath -PathType Container) { if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $dstPath)) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($parentDir, $LocalizedData.ShouldProcessCreateDir)) { WriteOperationStatus $LocalizedData.OpCreate ` ($dstRelPath.TrimEnd(([char]'\'),([char]'/')) + [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar) New-Item -Path $dstPath -ItemType Directory > $null } } continue } # If the file's parent dir doesn't exist, create it. $parentDir = Split-Path $dstPath -Parent if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $parentDir)) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($parentDir, $LocalizedData.ShouldProcessCreateDir)) { New-Item -Path $parentDir -ItemType Directory > $null } } $tempFile = $null try { # If processing a <templateFile>, copy to a temp file to expand the template file, # then apply the normal file conflict detection/resolution handling. $target = $LocalizedData.TempFileTarget_F1 -f (ConvertToDestinationRelativePath $dstPath) if ($isTemplateFile -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($target, $LocalizedData.ShouldProcessExpandTemplate)) { $content = Get-Content -LiteralPath $srcPath -Raw # Eval script expression delimiters if ($content -and ($content.Count -gt 0)) { $newContent = [regex]::Replace($content, '(<%=)(.*?)(%>)', { param($match) $expr = $match.groups[2].value $res = EvaluateExpression $expr "templateFile '$srcRelPath'" $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Replacing '$expr' with '$res' in contents of template file '$srcPath'") $res }, @('IgnoreCase')) # Eval script block delimiters $newContent = [regex]::Replace($newContent, '(^<%)(.*?)(^%>)', { param($match) $expr = $match.groups[2].value $res = EvaluateScript $expr "templateFile '$srcRelPath'" $res = $res -join [System.Environment]::NewLine $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Replacing '$expr' with '$res' in contents of template file '$srcPath'") $res }, @('IgnoreCase', 'SingleLine', 'MultiLine')) $srcPath = $tempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Created temp file for expanded templateFile - $tempFile") WriteContentWithEncoding -Path $tempFile -Content $newContent -Encoding $encoding } else { $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Skipping template file expansion for $($Node.localName) '$srcPath', file is empty.") } } CopyFileWithConflictDetection $srcPath $dstPath if ($PassThru -and ($Node.openInEditor -eq 'true')) { $InvokePlasterInfo.OpenFiles += $dstPath } } finally { if ($tempFile -and (Test-Path $tempFile)) { Remove-Item -LiteralPath $tempFile $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Removed temp file for expanded templateFile - $tempFile") } } } } function ProcessModifyFile([ValidateNotNull()]$Node) { $path = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.path (GetErrorLocationModifyAttrVal path) # We could choose to not check this if the condition eval'd to false # but I think it is better to let the template author know they've broken the # rules for any of the file directives (not just the ones they're testing/enabled). if ([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($path)) { throw ($LocalizedData.ErrorPathMustBeRelativePath_F2 -f $path,$Node.LocalName) } $filePath = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath((Join-Path $DestinationPath $path)) # The file's path must be under the DestinationPath specified by the user. VerifyPathIsUnderDestinationPath $filePath $condition = $Node.condition if ($condition -and !(EvaluateConditionAttribute $condition "'<$($Node.LocalName)>'")) { $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Skipping $($Node.LocalName) of '$filePath', condition evaluated to false.") return } $fileContent = [string]::Empty if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $filePath) { $fileContent = Get-Content -LiteralPath $filePath -Raw } # Set a Plaster (non-parameter) variable in this and the constrained runspace. SetPlasterVariable -Name FileContent -Value $fileContent -IsParam $false $encoding = $Node.encoding if (!$encoding) { $encoding = $DefaultEncoding } # If processing a <modify> directive, write the modified contents to a temp file, # then apply the normal file conflict detection/resolution handling. $target = $LocalizedData.TempFileTarget_F1 -f $filePath if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($target, $LocalizedData.OpModify)) { WriteOperationStatus $LocalizedData.OpModify ($LocalizedData.TempFileOperation_F1 -f (ConvertToDestinationRelativePath $filePath)) $modified = $false foreach ($childNode in $Node.ChildNodes) { if ($childNode -isnot [System.Xml.XmlElement]) { continue } switch ($childNode.LocalName) { 'replace' { $condition = $childNode.condition if ($condition -and !(EvaluateConditionAttribute $condition "'<$($Node.LocalName)><$($childNode.LocalName)>'")) { $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Skipping $($Node.LocalName) $($childNode.LocalName) of '$filePath', condition evaluated to false.") continue } if ($childNode.original -is [string]) { $original = $childNode.original } else { $original = $childNode.original.InnerText } if ($childNode.original.expand -eq 'true') { $original = InterpolateAttributeValue $original (GetErrorLocationModifyAttrVal original) } if ($childNode.substitute -is [string]) { $substitute = $childNode.substitute } else { $substitute = $childNode.substitute.InnerText } if ($childNode.substitute.isFile -eq 'true') { $substitute = GetPSSnippetFunction $substitute } elseif ($childNode.substitute.expand -eq 'true') { $substitute = InterpolateAttributeValue $substitute (GetErrorLocationModifyAttrVal substitute) } # Perform Literal Replacement on FileContent (since it will have regex characters) if ($childNode.substitute.isFile) { $fileContent = $fileContent.Replace($original,$substitute) } else { $fileContent = $fileContent -replace $original,$substitute } # Update the Plaster (non-parameter) variable's value in this and the constrained runspace. SetPlasterVariable -Name FileContent -Value $fileContent -IsParam $false $modified = $true } default { throw ($LocalizedData.UnrecognizedContentElement_F1 -f $childNode.LocalName) } } } $tempFile = $null try { # We could use CopyFileWithConflictDetection to handle the "identical" (not modified) case # but if nothing was changed, I'd prefer not to generate a temp file, copy the unmodified contents # into that temp file with hopefully the right encoding and then potentially overwrite the original file # (different encoding will make the files look different) with the same contents but different encoding. # If the intent of the <modify> was simply to change an existing file's encoding then the directive will # need to make a whitespace change to the file. if ($modified) { $tempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Created temp file for modified file - $tempFile") WriteContentWithEncoding -Path $tempFile -Content $PLASTER_FileContent -Encoding $encoding CopyFileWithConflictDetection $tempFile $filePath if ($PassThru -and ($Node.openInEditor -eq 'true')) { $InvokePlasterInfo.OpenFiles += $filePath } } else { WriteOperationStatus $LocalizedData.OpIdentical (ConvertToDestinationRelativePath $filePath) } } finally { if ($tempFile -and (Test-Path $tempFile)) { Remove-Item -LiteralPath $tempFile $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Removed temp file for modified file - $tempFile") } } } } function ProcessRequireModule([ValidateNotNull()]$Node) { $name = $ $condition = $Node.condition if ($condition -and !(EvaluateConditionAttribute $condition "'<$($Node.LocalName)>'")) { $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Skipping $($Node.localName) for module '$name', condition evaluated to false.") return } $message = InterpolateAttributeValue $Node.message (GetErrorLocationRequireModuleAttrVal $name message) $minimumVersion = $Node.minimumVersion $maximumVersion = $Node.maximumVersion $requiredVersion = $Node.requiredVersion $getModuleParams = @{ ListAvailable = $true ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' } # Configure $getModuleParams with correct parameters based on parameterset to be used. # Also construct an array of version strings that can be displayed to the user. $versionInfo = @() if ($requiredVersion) { $getModuleParams["FullyQualifiedName"] = @{ModuleName = $name; RequiredVersion = $requiredVersion} $versionInfo += $LocalizedData.RequireModuleRequiredVersion_F1 -f $requiredVersion } elseif ($minimumVersion -or $maximumVersion) { $getModuleParams["FullyQualifiedName"] = @{ModuleName = $name} if ($minimumVersion) { $getModuleParams.FullyQualifiedName["ModuleVersion"] = $minimumVersion $versionInfo += $LocalizedData.RequireModuleMinVersion_F1 -f $minimumVersion } if ($maximumVersion) { $getModuleParams.FullyQualifiedName["MaximumVersion"] = $maximumVersion $versionInfo += $LocalizedData.RequireModuleMaxVersion_F1 -f $maximumVersion } } else { $getModuleParams["Name"] = $name } # Flatten array of version strings into a single string. $versionRequirements = "" if ($versionInfo.Length -gt 0) { $OFS = ", " $versionRequirements = " ($versionInfo)" } # PowerShell v3 Get-Module command does not have the FullyQualifiedName parameter. if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 4) { $getModuleParams.Remove("FullyQualifiedName") $getModuleParams["Name"] = $name } $module = Get-Module @getModuleParams $moduleDesc = if ($versionRequirements) { "${name}:$versionRequirements" } else { $name } if ($null -eq $module) { WriteOperationStatus $LocalizedData.OpMissing ($LocalizedData.RequireModuleMissing_F2 -f $name,$versionRequirements) if ($message) { WriteOperationAdditionalStatus $message } if ($PassThru) { $InvokePlasterInfo.MissingModules += $moduleDesc } } else { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -gt 3) { WriteOperationStatus $LocalizedData.OpVerify ($LocalizedData.RequireModuleVerified_F2 -f $name,$versionRequirements) } else { # On V3, we have to the version matching with the results that Get-Module return. $installedVersion = $module | Sort-Object Version -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 | Foreach-Object Version if ($installedVersion.Build -eq -1) { $installedVersion = [System.Version]"${installedVersion}.0.0" } elseif ($installedVersion.Revision -eq -1) { $installedVersion = [System.Version]"${installedVersion}.0" } if (($requiredVersion -and ($installedVersion -ne $requiredVersion)) -or ($minimumVersion -and ($installedVersion -lt $minimumVersion)) -or ($maximumVersion -and ($installedVersion -gt $maximumVersion))) { WriteOperationStatus $LocalizedData.OpMissing ($LocalizedData.RequireModuleMissing_F2 -f $name,$versionRequirements) if ($PassThru) { $InvokePlasterInfo.MissingModules += $moduleDesc } } else { WriteOperationStatus $LocalizedData.OpVerify ($LocalizedData.RequireModuleVerified_F2 -f $name,$versionRequirements) } } } } } end { try { # Process parameters foreach ($node in $manifest.plasterManifest.parameters.ChildNodes) { if ($node -isnot [System.Xml.XmlElement]) { continue } switch ($node.LocalName) { 'parameter' { ProcessParameter $node } default { throw ($LocalizedData.UnrecognizedParametersElement_F1 -f $node.LocalName) } } } # Outputs the processed template parameters to the debug stream $parameters = Get-Variable -Name PLASTER_* | Out-String $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Parameter values are:`n$($parameters -split "`n")") # Stores any updated default values back to the store file. if ($flags.DefaultValueStoreDirty) { $directory = Split-Path $defaultValueStorePath -Parent if (!(Test-Path $directory)) { $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("Creating directory for template's DefaultValueStore '$directory'.") New-Item $directory -ItemType Directory > $null } $PSCmdlet.WriteDebug("DefaultValueStore is dirty, saving updated values to '$defaultValueStorePath'.") $defaultValueStore | Export-Clixml -LiteralPath $defaultValueStorePath } # Output the DestinationPath Write-Host ($LocalizedData.DestPath_F1 -f $destinationAbsolutePath) # Process content foreach ($node in $manifest.plasterManifest.content.ChildNodes) { if ($node -isnot [System.Xml.XmlElement]) { continue } switch -Regex ($node.LocalName) { 'file|templateFile' { ProcessFile $node; break } 'message' { ProcessMessage $node; break } 'modify' { ProcessModifyFile $node; break } 'newModuleManifest' { ProcessNewModuleManifest $node; break } 'requireModule' { ProcessRequireModule $node; break } default { throw ($LocalizedData.UnrecognizedContentElement_F1 -f $node.LocalName) } } } if ($PassThru) { $InvokePlasterInfo.Success = $true $InvokePlasterInfo } } finally { # Dispose of the ConstrainedRunspace. if ($constrainedRunspace) { $constrainedRunspace.Dispose() $constrainedRunspace = $null } } } } ############################################################################### # Helper functions ############################################################################### function InitializePredefinedVariables([string]$TemplatePath, [string]$DestPath) { # Always set these variables, even if the command has been run with -WhatIf $WhatIfPreference = $false Set-Variable -Name PLASTER_TemplatePath -Value $TemplatePath.TrimEnd('\','/') -Scope Script $destName = Split-Path -Path $DestPath -Leaf Set-Variable -Name PLASTER_DestinationPath -Value $DestPath.TrimEnd('\','/') -Scope Script Set-Variable -Name PLASTER_DestinationName -Value $destName -Scope Script Set-Variable -Name PLASTER_DirSepChar -Value ([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar) -Scope Script Set-Variable -Name PLASTER_HostName -Value $Host.Name -Scope Script Set-Variable -Name PLASTER_Version -Value $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version -Scope Script Set-Variable -Name PLASTER_Guid1 -Value ([Guid]::NewGuid()) -Scope Script Set-Variable -Name PLASTER_Guid2 -Value ([Guid]::NewGuid()) -Scope Script Set-Variable -Name PLASTER_Guid3 -Value ([Guid]::NewGuid()) -Scope Script Set-Variable -Name PLASTER_Guid4 -Value ([Guid]::NewGuid()) -Scope Script Set-Variable -Name PLASTER_Guid5 -Value ([Guid]::NewGuid()) -Scope Script $now = [DateTime]::Now Set-Variable -Name PLASTER_Date -Value ($now.ToShortDateString()) -Scope Script Set-Variable -Name PLASTER_Time -Value ($now.ToShortTimeString()) -Scope Script Set-Variable -Name PLASTER_Year -Value ($now.Year) -Scope Script } function GetPlasterManifestPathForCulture([string]$TemplatePath, [ValidateNotNull()][CultureInfo]$Culture) { if (![System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($TemplatePath)) { $TemplatePath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($TemplatePath) } # Check for culture-locale first. $plasterManifestBasename = "plasterManifest" $plasterManifestFilename = "${plasterManifestBasename}_$($culture.Name).xml" $plasterManifestPath = Join-Path $TemplatePath $plasterManifestFilename if (Test-Path $plasterManifestPath) { return $plasterManifestPath } # Check for culture next. if ($culture.Parent.Name) { $plasterManifestFilename = "${plasterManifestBasename}_$($culture.Parent.Name).xml" $plasterManifestPath = Join-Path $TemplatePath $plasterManifestFilename if (Test-Path $plasterManifestPath) { return $plasterManifestPath } } # Fallback to invariant culture manifest. $plasterManifestPath = Join-Path $TemplatePath "${plasterManifestBasename}.xml" if (Test-Path $plasterManifestPath) { return $plasterManifestPath } $null } |