
# By piping many files into Write-Link, you get a series of links, separated by newlines.
# If no caption was provided, the caption of the link will be the page name (without any extension)
'Home.html', 'About.html', 'Contact.html' | Write-Link
# To make the appear in a list, use -List
'Home.html', 'About.html', 'Contact.html' | Write-Link -List
# To make the appear in a list, use -NumberedList will make each link occur in a numbered list
'Home.html', 'About.html', 'Contact.html' | Write-Link -NumberedList
#-Horizontal will make links appear horizontally.
'Home.html', 'About.html', 'Contact.html' | Write-Link -Horizontal
#-HorizontalSeparator lets you customize the separator
'Home.html', 'About.html', 'Contact.html' | Write-Link -Horizontal -HorizontalSeparator ' - '
# You can also provide a url and a caption, or a CSS Class
Write-Link -Caption "Home Page" -Url "Home.html" -CssClass MinorMenuItem
# If you need to, any object with both a Caption and a Url property will also work
(New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    Caption = "Home Page"
    Url = "Home.html"
}),(New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    Caption ='About Us'
    Url = 'About.html'
}),(New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    Caption ='Contact Us'
    Url = 'Contact.html'
}) | Write-Link -Horizontal
# If you write your links this way, the Sort-Object command can help you sort
(New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    Caption = "Home Page"
    Url = "Home.html"
}),(New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    Caption ='About Us'
    Url = 'About.html'
}),(New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    Caption ='Contact Us'
    Url = 'Contact.html'
}) |
    Sort-Object Caption -Descending |
    Write-Link -Horizontal
# Write-Link can be pretty social as well. For instance, it's simple to add a 'Tweet' Link
Write-Link twitter:tweet
# Or a 'Share on Facebook' Link
Write-Link facebook:share
# Or a Google:+1 Link
Write-Link Google:+1
# You can also link to twitter profiles
Write-Link 'twitter:@jamesbru'
# Or add a follow link
Write-Link 'twitter:follow@jamesbru'
# You can also add disqus comment sections to your site
Write-Link 'disqus:powershellpipeworks'
# Youtube videos are automatically rendered with the YouTubePlayer
Write-Link 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cR2koin9QNA'
# .MP3s are automatically rendered with the 1pixelout player
Write-Link 'http://www.archive.org/download/art_of_war_librivox/art_of_war_11_sun_tzu.mp3' -Caption 'The Art of War: The 9 Situations'