# New-Region can make the classic Eat At Joe's Billboard in a single line:
New-Region -Order e,a,j -Layer @{e='Eat';a='At';j="Joe's"} -asslideshow -HideSlideNameButton -AutoSwitch "0:0:1.5" # If you're using Twitter Bootstrap, you can also use -AsCarousel New-Region -Order e,a,j -Layer @{e='Eat';a='At';j="Joe's"} -AsCarousel # If you're using JQuery or JQueryUI, you can use -AsSlideShow New-Region -Order e,a,j -Layer @{e='Eat';a='At';j="Joe's"} -AsSlideShow # You can also create a slideshow that will run on the home page of any site by using the Slideshow section of the Pipeworks manifest. New-PipeworksManifest -SlideShow '/assets/1.png', '/assets/2.png', '/assets/3.png' -Name ASampleModule |