The Style section of the Pipeworks manifest declares a CSS style to use on each page. It is also used to provide color scheme information when generating a bootstrap theme or Win8 app.
This section is almost exactly like CSS, except that nesting happens with Hashtables, not whitespace, and =, not : is used to separate values. Here's a simple sample: @{ Style = @{ Body = @{ "font-family" = "Segoe UI" "font-size" = "1.05em" "background-color" = "#FFFFFF" "color" = "#09952E" } 'a' = @{ 'color' = "#09952E" } } } Here is a more comple example: @{ Style = @{ body = @{ "font-family" = "'Segoe UI', 'Segoe UI Symbol', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" 'font-size' = "1.1em" 'color' = '#0248B2' 'background-color' = '#FFFFFF' } 'a' = @{ 'color' = '#012456' } '.MajorMenuItem' = @{ 'font-size' = 'large' } '.MinorMenuItem' = @{ 'font-size' = 'medium' } '.ExplanationParagraph' = @{ 'font-size' = 'medium' 'text-indent' = '-10px' } '.ModuleWalkthruExplanation' = @{ 'font-size' = 'medium' 'margin-right' = '3%' } '.ModuleWalkthruOutput' = @{ 'font-size' = 'medium' } '.PowerShellColorizedScript' = @{ 'font-size' = 'medium' } } } |